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Paranormal UK Radio Network offers a variety of paranormal talk radio shows that cover all aspects of the strange and paranormal in the United Kingdom and beyond!
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4 JAN 2025 · The gang starts the New Year by discussing the events of September 11, 2001, and whether the U.S. Government knew ahead of time what was going to happen. Also, the end of the Top Ten lists, the British view of World War II and the best way to feed a rat to your snake. Special Guest: Cassie Wolf. (Warning: not for the squeamish).
30 DEC 2024 · Halloween originated in Ireland where it was known as the Festival of Samhain. Today the Festival is celebrated in spectacular fashion in the seaside resort town of Youghal County Cork, Ireland. Mark is joined by real life Witch Yvonne Lawton who not only shares Youghal’s rich history and traditions but also explains all things witchcraft. Yvonne is part of a 22 strong group of witches with many global connections. It’s a fascinating chat and worth a listen. Also, County Galway is explored for all things historical and paranormal with the help of Paranormal Awakenings Ireland’s (PAI) Philip Costello.
From the story of the mayor who hung his own son to a late-night graveside investigation of the notorious nazi propaganda broadcaster Lord Haw Haw. The little people, mayor rugged area known as The Burren and crumbling stately homes with sinister and debauched pasts are also in the mix.
24 DEC 2024 · From host Barbara
I’ve been wanting to do an episode comparing and contrasting ecastatic spirit initiation (commonly called shamanic initiation) and alien abduction experiences for a while now, but my personal squeamishness around abduction narratives held me back.
However, in doing research on anomalous light phenomena, which has a significant overlap with alien abduction narratives, I have broadened my reading on the topic and have made my peace with it. I might talk about my familial and personal abductionesque narratives in a subsequent episode but not for a while.
But here it is, and I couldn’t have asked for a better guest for this topic than Alexandra. She’s deeply knowledgeable on both academic anthropology, and ecstatic spirit practices, and she did some of her doctoral research on the subject of mirrors and light in the context of shamanic practice, and we had a great time going back and forth and around and through the subjects listed in the title.
I don’t want to give too much away, so I’ll leave my description of the episode at that. If you like what you hear in this episode, Alexandra is fine with listeners getting in touch with her to discuss these sorts of topics. She can be reached at . She’s also teaching a beginners shamanic journeying workshop here in the Athens area November 4th and 5th. She’s open to allowing students to use Zoom to virtually attend the class as well. Class size is limited to 8 students, so if you’re interested, contact Alexandra using the email above. We both hope you enjoy this episode and find listening to it an enlightening experience. But, I’m not done, because I have to list books and papers that are mentioned in the podcast.
Mircea Eliade: Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstacy
Micheal Harner: The Way of the Shaman
Karla Turner: Masquerade of Angels
Whitley Streiber: Communion
Thomas Bullard UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery Papers
Nicholas J Saunders: “Stealers of Light, Traders of Brilliance: Amerindan Metaphysics In The Mirror of Conquest.”
Siv Kristoffersen: “Half Beast—Half Man: Hybrid Figures in Animal Art”
24 DEC 2024 · Join Kerry and Natalie for Seventh Sanctum Christmas Special, as they speak with Simon Entwistle. Simon is an author and tour guide. Sharing historical accounts of Villians and hero's, of ghosts and witches through out UK and beyond.
21 DEC 2024 · The gang once again gathers at the Starboard Galley to discuss paranormal issues of the day including a spike in mysterious drone sightings over the eastern U.S. Also, the latest in the government’s cover up of recent UFO activity, plus more bizarre animal facts. Special guest: Trevor Z.
19 DEC 2024 · In our extra long Christmas episode we catch up with Ben Emlyn-Jones and Gary Robinson, as well as chat with twins Philip and Ronnie Kinsella, former hosts of Twin Souls, to see how their year has been going for them. Philip went on a UFO trek to Finland where he spoke at a conference there, and Ronnie updates with his books and artwork. We also meet up with Kristian Lander who tells us about his investigations in the so called Night Crawler videos that appeared on the web a few years ago. He also tells us about his investigations into the so called Nottinghamshire Roswell.
With your hosts: Neil Ward and Andy Chaplin. Nearly three hours of paranormal topics to keep your hungering minds fed! Happy Holidays from us on the show and thanks for listening!
16 DEC 2024 · Mark’s guest is Jenny Sullivan of Drogheda's Emerald Isle Paranormal group.We hear the tale of the tragic Lucinda Sly the last woman to be hanged in county Carlow. What was half man and half pig? find out about The Dolachar.A ghostly tale from a Glaswegian home and Giant Rats in Booterstown county Dublin. With Thanks to Jenny Sullivan,Nick Clark,The Squire aka David McGlynn and Billy Kirkwood and airline captain Niall Manning (retd).
#paranormal,#ireland,#scary,#spirits,#banshee #haunted #supernatural,#ghosts,#leapcastle,#unexplained,#dolachar,#hauntedireland,#lucindasly,#emeraldisleparanormal,#poltergeists,#banashee,#apparitions,#pucaparanormal,#spectres,#irishcastles,#greylady,#spooked,#dublinghosts,#carlowghosts,#scaryeire,#historicireland,#eire,#scaryglasgow,#paranormaslscotland,#uap,#ufo,#mufon,#irishufo,#giantrats,#booterstown,#billykirkwood,#sarahcampbell,#nickclarkauthor
2 DEC 2024 · Today Mark chats with author Kieran Fanning, a children’s author who will also fascinate adults with his latest book HAUNTED IRELAND -An Atlas of Ghost Stories from every county in Ireland. The Banshee, lake monsters and ghostly tales from Ireland’s stately homes ,castles and sacred places are all in the mix where you’ll find a tale for every Irish county. Later Mark talks to Belgian Film-maker Lucas Bols. He shares the name of the famous global cocktail brand for a very good reason. But today he recalls the ghostly goings on in the once notorious house at Sas van Ghent on the Dutch-Belgian border.Lucas conceived a clever experiment involving three mediums.At one point a chandelier fell from the ceiling causing much alarm, gradually a crashed world war II fighter plane emerges not only from the ether but in reality.Lucas also discusses his latest film project ANNWYN.
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26 NOV 2024 · Join us as we speak to Sherri Brake, a paranormal researcher, dowser & paranormal class instructor.
She has led ghost tours (to mention a few) in Scotland, Ireland & Point Pleasant, West Virginia. She has been featured on many shows, including Destination Fear & Ghost Lab.
Her best-selling books include The Haunted History of the Ohio State Reformatory, The Ghost Hunters Guide to the West Virginia Penitentiary and The Haunted History of the Trans-Alleghany Lunatic Asylum.
24 NOV 2024 · The KTPF Reload show – Surviving the Bermuda Triangle with Cary Trantham
The KTPF Reload Show is the best bit from the old Keep the Paranormal Friendly Live show that ran weekly from 2012 to 2016. The show was hosted by Steve and Sue Taggart and by Andy Mercer in the final two years of the show's life.
The shows ran for 2 to 3 hours a week, during which we discussed all the latest paranormal news and stories. We also interviewed someone from the ‘world of the weird.’ The KTPF Reload Show are those interviews.
In this edition Cary Trantham. Cary had a terrifying experience whilst flying through the Bermuda Triangle. An experience that totally changed her conception of the mysteries of our planet. Hear of DCary's personal expereince of flying through one of the most mysterious places on Earth.
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Paranormal UK Radio Network offers a variety of paranormal talk radio shows that cover all aspects of the strange and paranormal in the United Kingdom and beyond!
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Organization | Paranormal UK Radio Network |
Categories | Society & Culture , Spirituality , Social Sciences |
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