Podcast Cover

Pneuma Life Church

  • "Trust or Bust" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    5 JUL 2024 · At some point, we all face crises in our lives. Sometimes it is self-inflicted, and other times it come as a total surprise. So, how do we handle it in a way that honors God? Pastor Jason preaches from Isaiah 7 and shares practical ways to handle crises. Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida: Together we pursue God's presence and purpose. Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary), Saint Johns, FL 32259 Visit us online at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGk4eDlqQkVsU05qME5iamNsckZWMWVKTExpQXxBQ3Jtc0tuVS1sNEo2MDU5S2dkbWZmSzl6ekZORkcyaEZCVHk4MFRhLVZEdFQteHI5dm5qMWt2R3M3amZmVk00eU42aUZFeGxtem5vcjUwYVN0UHh2OVh1NXFwSVpRUzV5NWNFS240bTZCai1VWFBRNlNEbk5ITQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2F&v=yx85XKeGi0o Email: hello@pneuma.life Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife  Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHBjQ1Zlb2lGbGY2eVVqSE9KTGM3VHNhaF9QQXxBQ3Jtc0ttX04zQWI1Z245S0pGQ0xpRnd1bTBGX0htRU5oOHlyZjQwYURzQkhkbDU5ZHNKNVVtZ08wWi1jSVhXTlctdW01R0pEN0pUVnB0cTBvWWhRTi1jMDNsd2hvSm5ncEItTnBQMk9ienkzNTZkNWhNYmFvMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fgive%2F&v=yx85XKeGi0o Plan your visit at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1I1bVZPNjZJUEhacUd0Um9SOUJaU3B6STRJd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVFltVTJuNWpUZkJ4dGNFdjR5bFdSdHNpMzU1LXZ2eUxyUl9iUVlNUEhZTU5pc1dIcmtXZzlBYll2UVltRDUtTjdHZ0htZWs4T0N5UnlsdkpQV29VWTlKUm0yX3B2bHRzOFdmX2NLeUF5U3pwcUpoQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fplan-your-visit%2F&v=yx85XKeGi0o Get involved at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1BkakQtZmtSbzhOeF9OUHE5THVNWlIwV25HZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsZ043RlA1UHNFaTR3czhKQ2NoNmFFZ2NmVWxpTGJOU2lqVGk3cXhCeE1iTXptWDBoWEJqbFJzbTBwSFZGUEdWcXYzUzg0RnEybGh0by1haWF2RlpITjVlVWVPX3AwdUNGZUJmZzdlemJDLTltenZFbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fget-involved%2F&v=yx85XKeGi0o See what's happening at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnZMOVloN1FLS1Q0WmNRWVNtc0l5U3lHSGJWZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsdlJhNUtPSDU2RXZXRXAtWkJrQXlCXzdKaTJLQkNkWEJ2eVNyWnJBajg4Q3R2ZzM2NGFfRXdKVkdnaTFiS21HUEstRTJybmRDM3d3SlZDM21XTFdZS0NUTTVOOEMzMXBmVmFlU3JaTE5ERnRqekI0Yw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fevent-calendar%2F&v=yx85XKeGi0o
    Played 49m 1s
  • "The Abiding Life" with Pastor Jessica Huffman

    5 JUL 2024 · In John 15, Jesus shares a story about the vine, branches, and the vinedresser, emphasizing the importance of abiding in Him (Jesus). This powerful illustration speaks to the abundant LIFE that is NECESSARY for every believer. Pastor Jessica shares five points about the Abiding Life that we must ALL walk in. Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida: Together we pursue God's presence and purpose.  Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) Saint Johns, FL 32259  Visit us online at: https://pneumalife.church/ Email: hello@pneuma.life  Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://pneumalife.church/give/ Plan your visit at https://pneumalife.church/plan-your-visit/  Get involved at https://pneumalife.church/get-involved/ See what's happening at https://pneumalife.church/event-calendar/
    Played 41m 36s
  • "Dad Gold" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    18 JUN 2024 · What does it mean to "be a man"? While culture pressures us to look and act a certain way, God's word tells us what it means to be a godly man according to his actions! Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida. "Together we pursue God's presence and purpose." Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) , Saint Johns, FL 32259 Visit us online at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEhXSDJ5RGF5V280U3hqZ3B1aUE5MHZ0WnpRd3xBQ3Jtc0tta1lZYl9nN2FrR2x5NkhZQ3VXNTkxMTZ0UHBYeW82RTM2WmpmX1k3dkFKaFVBOFpkcE5fN0FJR3E0NXFINjdubHBXTERJdW1HTUdTcXplSzNjMFNoVm9wQkVGU182bGVkMDZzR0p5Uk41T3V0SXNBZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2F&v=txPmXl1gLW4 Email: hello@pneuma.life Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW9MVjNhSm53akx6cTRuN0VPdnJocXpsZ1NlQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQ2J4b2RuWUJKX3VDN3M3MWcwM3JHSGFJcTFmVnFwYmhTNlFBX25PR25MY1A4dkFZdDhHQTBMcVdhckFHd1VyYTYtRk1FWURyNGtNX205eVJoSG9BS1Q5TER5LXBJME5HNVU2cklWLVZTQ1hWak9NUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fgive%2F&v=txPmXl1gLW4 Plan your visit at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXRVc3ZiMmRIcUI4cHdTMWN1NS1hZGFjRDVud3xBQ3Jtc0tuM1A4LWg4eVRqU1BlU0lnQk9uR3JwclU3ZWh6SGRyYkNVQnAxUHYyWEJHSWhMejFqZlRSUk11bVpkSzRySjF3U1pXS1UxMTZlczZjYlZOUVV4d1pITTdSOVltaFRyRnctcTlxMmxLVjRRazlvaDU3cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fplan-your-visit%2F&v=txPmXl1gLW4 Get involved at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVNVWllCd3A1QXVCbnluME5vZEpoajREdnhwQXxBQ3Jtc0tubkFiUER2Wjg5UG1lblZTYk53WUJOVmx3WlpsMkFTb2gyQTdPVEktcEpDNy1lNjJWRUEzWmFNbjRydjJYU3JiVThKUVlfZFN3LVZQc2lpV2NtU0RkNHRKbmxOY2pzVEZFcnh3eUVKVElrTjJMMUVKOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fget-involved%2F&v=txPmXl1gLW4 See what's happening at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFc0dTVuQlBabDZKWXljbUZQdEQzeTNNZjdHd3xBQ3Jtc0ttQk5jVnBmZmQtN09tUXpmS2toazB3QTZJNjJBcExnU1NGaWl0bG9xc2EtMlFGNjE5TzFYTHROYWNoVmZmMjdpWEFFN290cUMtWVBnM3FvX3ZfaG9ma2syZFZjZktFUEpWcExYQWVwTUNyXzZrLTNPdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fevent-calendar%2F&v=txPmXl1gLW4
    Played 37m 49s
  • "You Are Called" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    12 JUN 2024 · You Are Called" with Pastor Jason Huffman Did you know you're called by God? Sometimes, we can make God's calling on our lives more complicated than it needs to be. Pastor Jason shares from Isaiah what God's calling looks like and how it acts in our lives! Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida. Together we pursue God's presence and purpose. Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM. 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) Saint Johns, FL 32259  Visit us online at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEprTWdic0VHSkh4a212ck9FZ1Z5MmFLdHpwd3xBQ3Jtc0tuNDA5LW55Z0o0cVJNYy1GUDNjTzc4UklFM2JKXzFPUkpJM1NvUjVqRV9QM25IZHB6ZWx5ZmlLTVFrclE5YllsWHFTel84X2JranhHblM5bjBwaXBxQzgxWDZoN0FjdXNnT1JrclAyVHFtdFFDVy0yTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2F&v=LmSZz5k_1Ig Email: hello@pneuma.life Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2xmV1FpRGpBc0lkUXlISGhVUXNRMm9xMHhRZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttR0o4NjV3a0NIcXk1d3RLM1pfSFdocFh1SlhyLUtaQkc5a0RjaU5yNzR0LV9rVEgtM09FYnJxVG9WSDhYeVMyVVl0NTRWeERiSDVWb2haY2JJcVVDeGJFelc5elZYdW9pT2M4X0UxREFFeVBOWTFuWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fgive%2F&v=LmSZz5k_1Ig Plan your visit at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjVkNEZkdmRqWjhxalZOTC1mYjY5aFA4djVzUXxBQ3Jtc0trVVEwSS1oMG1xckY2VFJGd2pMdUFxZHEyWWZYSkNOWFBuSW5RdDd5VFFJbFdIelZvSndFMWk1WmIwZzY1TFNWai1xdjd5SzJXTE9EVUlJSzhWbnlIVGw5Y1J1LXBCaWQtOEZ2Q0NQTnhub1BFTmVXbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fplan-your-visit%2F&v=LmSZz5k_1Ig Get involved at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEdMTFZGa3BiSTBNY1hMXzZ6cV9sT2VqUTR3d3xBQ3Jtc0ttRFdjbDFobm12Mi11eEkyVXc5WERrb3dIMW96Tl9HMUxSR0NTX1lCb2RmRkFfaXJ5dnhWVEU4NTROenF0d1NwaWJZanc1UnF4SnpVcWItM05mR2pISmJkTGE4Z1Q1RlZfWDNpTGxnaExjR2FuOVBHQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fget-involved%2F&v=LmSZz5k_1Ig See what's happening at https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE1RTE1ZQTExT0YyVnZhRk5XMHUyOHZKQmFPQXxBQ3Jtc0tuV0FfWmhCM2dTRWplRDZwMDh3dU9ock5DRFZrZHYtbHZHR3k5X2FkbWdTdFRBWF9fMWdWVV92YmwxazFfVENfLUJ6dzFBbDRxTVp3cGQyWFZhY0ZJajVKTkRqRUJkVVZLVEpveGgtUUdzZEhzb2R2Zw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpneumalife.church%2Fevent-calendar%2F&v=LmSZz5k_1Ig
    Played 38m 10s
  • "Who's On First" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    4 JUN 2024 · Pastor Jason starts his new series on the book of Isaiah, breaking down the four steps of the progression of idolization of anything other than God in our hearts. Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida. "Together we pursue God's presence and purpose!" Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) Saint Johns, FL 32259 Visit us online at: https://pneumalife.church Email: hello@pneuma.life  Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife  Instagram: @pneumalife  You can give at https://pneumalife.church/give/  Plan your visit at https://pneumalife.church/plan-your-visit/ Get involved at https://pneumalife.church/get-involved/ See what's happening at https://pneumalife.church/event-calendar/ 
    Played 43m 32s
  • "I Will Remember" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    28 MAY 2024 · Did you know that God has YOUR name written on His palm? He REMEMBERS YOU! In this powerful message, Pastor Jason reminds us of the power of REMEMBERING 4 things regarding God and His plan for our life. This message was also in honor of Memorial Day and remember all those who have given their life for our freedom! Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida. Together we pursue God's presence and purpose.  Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) Saint Johns, FL 32259  Visit us online at: https://pneumalife.church/ Email: hello@pneuma.life  Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://pneumalife.church/give/ Plan your visit at https://pneumalife.church/plan-your-visit/  Get involved at https://pneumalife.church/get-involved/ See what's happening at https://pneumalife.church/event-calendar/ 
    Played 33m 23s
  • "To Err Is Human" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    21 MAY 2024 · How do we follow Jesus and also wrestle with our weaknesses and imperfections along the way? Pastor Jason teaches us what it means for our lives when the word says "Your grace is sufficient for me and your power is made perfect in our weakness." Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida. Together we pursue God's presence and purpose.  Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) Saint Johns, FL 32259  Visit us online at: https://pneumalife.church/ Email: hello@pneuma.life  Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://pneumalife.church/give/ Plan your visit at https://pneumalife.church/plan-your-visit/  Get involved at https://pneumalife.church/get-involved/ See what's happening at https://pneumalife.church/event-calendar/ CCLI Streaming License: 20285040
    Played 41m 20s
  • "A Woman For All Seasons" with Jessica Huffman (Mother's Day)

    13 MAY 2024 · Pastor Jessica speaks on Deborah, from the Bible, who was more than just a prophetess and a warrior; she was a woman that we can draw encouragement from for all SEASONS! Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida.  "Together we pursue God's presence and purpose." Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) Saint Johns, FL 32259  Visit us online at: https://pneumalife.church/ Email: hello@pneuma.life  Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://pneumalife.church/give/ Plan your visit at https://pneumalife.church/plan-your-visit/  Get involved at https://pneumalife.church/get-involved/ See what's happening at https://pneumalife.church/event-calendar/ 
    Played 40m 43s
  • "The I Needs To Die!" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    8 MAY 2024 · What does it mean to "be crucified with Christ."? Pastor Jason breaks that scripture down and how our ultimate goal is to BECOME MORE LIKE CHRIST! Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in Saint Johns, Florida. Together we pursue God's presence and purpose.  Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary) Saint Johns, FL 32259  Visit us online at: https://pneumalife.church/ Email: hello@pneuma.life  Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://pneumalife.church/give/ Plan your visit at https://pneumalife.church/plan-your-visit/  Get involved at https://pneumalife.church/get-involved/ See what's happening at https://pneumalife.church/event-calendar/
    Played 48m 59s
  • "Let it Be (Water Baptisms)!" with Pastor Jason Huffman

    1 MAY 2024 · Pastor Jason preaches on what the Bible says about water baptism and then the team baptizes 17 people! To watch all the baptisms, please visit ourhttps://www.youtube.com/live/BtCpQ-glg6M?si=GXGsG8MGllfFRQ5K Pneuma Life Church with Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman in St. Johns, Florida.  Together we pursue God's presence and purpose. Join us live for services each Sunday at 10AM 4100 Race Track Rd. (Durbin Creek Elementary), St. Johns, FL 32259 Visit us online at: https://pneumalife.church/ Email: hello@pneuma.life  Facebook: @HelloPneumaLife Instagram: @pneumalife You can give at https://pneumalife.church/give/ Plan your visit at https://pneumalife.church/plan-your-visit/  Get involved at https://pneumalife.church/get-involved/ See what's happening at https://pneumalife.church/event-calendar/
    Played 22m 17s

Messages, teaching and encouragement from Pneuma Life Church pastors and leaders! Pneuma Life Church is a spirit-filled and bible-based church located in Saint Johns, Florida. It's lead by Pastors Jason...

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Messages, teaching and encouragement from Pneuma Life Church pastors and leaders!

Pneuma Life Church is a spirit-filled and bible-based church located in Saint Johns, Florida. It's lead by Pastors Jason & Jessica Huffman.

"Together we pursue God's presence and purpose!"
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