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Prizefighters, Circus Freaks & Gangsters

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    On the Trail with Bad Bad Guys - Bass Reeves Ep 4

    28 JUN 2024 · So is Bass Reeves the inspiration for the Lone Ranger - or not?  Or does it not matter that much in the end. For as much as people like to look back on the past, on the 19th century as simpler times with more direct paths and clearer values...  Turns out it was not.  There were fewer distractions sure, but there were still hard decisions that had to be made, becasue people were just as much out for themselves then as they are now, and perfectly willing to justfy it then... just the way they do now. In the midst of that - Bass is trying to sort out - how do I be the Good Guy? As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9db5V5SB0mq2gvPe9bou3g Wednesday AM or Friday PM Schedule Details: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3ItcFF2SGMtaVZaTmdodEFRY194R0l5WDVLUXxBQ3Jtc0tuaWxwY0U2Q3NFUmJtYnAtVm9RaDE5eUJiZjhtcm1Tc2tCSkR0V1QyNUl6LW01N3B4cEZUQ2pLaGtXTTV5d2NrZ1FDcUJ4S2V6S0FfQURFMUJ5cS1yemJZd0lUUFJNQ0FaY1RMSk0ybU92NWdySVhVdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcarvedouttastone%2F & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over)
    Played 57m 50s
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    Say Goodbye to Donald Sutherland & Meet Bass Reeves Eps 1, 2 & 3

    21 JUN 2024 · If you already miss Donald Sutherland, or want to see him in a role where he's doing his best Donald Sutherland, come join us in watching Bass Reeves. David Oyelowo had this story he wanted to make and share... and for some reason Hollywood wasn't ready to do a story that rotated on the axis of a black lead Lawman. But with the success the 19th century stories around Yellowstone  the same money decided this was worth a shot. So WE - with you - get to follow along on the story of the first Black U.S. Deputy Marshal west of the Mississippi.   So come along to this complecated world that is shot so gorgeously in the area where Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma come together.  And see all the new problems and coalitions and choices and ideas that are all happening in this wild and vibrant place and time. Ride smart & shoot straight and come along for the adventure As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9db5V5SB0mq2gvPe9bou3g Wednesday AM or Friday PM Schedule Details: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3ItcFF2SGMtaVZaTmdodEFRY194R0l5WDVLUXxBQ3Jtc0tuaWxwY0U2Q3NFUmJtYnAtVm9RaDE5eUJiZjhtcm1Tc2tCSkR0V1QyNUl6LW01N3B4cEZUQ2pLaGtXTTV5d2NrZ1FDcUJ4S2V6S0FfQURFMUJ5cS1yemJZd0lUUFJNQ0FaY1RMSk0ybU92NWdySVhVdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcarvedouttastone%2F & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over)
    Played 1h 17m 30s
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    Blazing Saddles - Naughtiness Returns to the Movies & We Get the "R"

    14 JUN 2024 · And now for "Something Fun" Technically not in the 19th C last round... too early And now we blow right by the 19th C and end up in the 20th C. What is WRONG with us?  Well, after all the death and blood, it's time to watch no blood and all the jokes.  Mel Brooks takes on the The Western as an institution, as well as the Hollywood Production codes, which had just been axed in the early 60's to be replaced by the voluntary rating system we see today - G, PG, & R (General, Parental Guidence & Restricted) But before those were solidified, Mel Brook went out to the Back 40 and skewered all the tropes, and made decades of people giggle at boundary pushing naughtiness.  And you'll get to see how the "prim and proper" plus cowboy mythology is still painting us today - even if just by giving us stuff to rebel agains or fight over. Saddle Up! As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9db5V5SB0mq2gvPe9bou3g Wednesday AM or Friday PM Schedule Details: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3ItcFF2SGMtaVZaTmdodEFRY194R0l5WDVLUXxBQ3Jtc0tuaWxwY0U2Q3NFUmJtYnAtVm9RaDE5eUJiZjhtcm1Tc2tCSkR0V1QyNUl6LW01N3B4cEZUQ2pLaGtXTTV5d2NrZ1FDcUJ4S2V6S0FfQURFMUJ5cS1yemJZd0lUUFJNQ0FaY1RMSk0ybU92NWdySVhVdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcarvedouttastone%2F & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over)
    Played 1h 32m 51s
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    The End... Or Is It? Is there a Shogun Multiverse Now? - Shogun Ep 10

    7 JUN 2024 · So we've come to the end of Shogun - a story that both haunted and informed us in our younger years.   Racist, Orientalist - as a book, YES!  But this version. as far as I'm concerned redeems the Entire Venture.  And as a 1970's work written by a former prisoner of war during the Japanese Occupation during WW2, writing a book trying to get into the somewhat legendary history of Japan - it did what James Clavell wanted, it introduced Japan as a complex society to America and Britain and it's still sprawling empire at the time.  Writing is hard, editing is much much easier.  Clavell's 1st try - needed some work, but somebody had to bust open the doors.  And Shogun did that. Now - how did the Blackthorne/Anjin-san story actually end?  Unclear.  But that's fine with me. Now let's all cheer for whatever H. Sanada has up his sleeve and hope it comes with All The Costumes. And don't forget to join us next week for something fun! As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9db5V5SB0mq2gvPe9bou3g Wednesday AM or Friday PM Schedule Details: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3ItcFF2SGMtaVZaTmdodEFRY194R0l5WDVLUXxBQ3Jtc0tuaWxwY0U2Q3NFUmJtYnAtVm9RaDE5eUJiZjhtcm1Tc2tCSkR0V1QyNUl6LW01N3B4cEZUQ2pLaGtXTTV5d2NrZ1FDcUJ4S2V6S0FfQURFMUJ5cS1yemJZd0lUUFJNQ0FaY1RMSk0ybU92NWdySVhVdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcarvedouttastone%2F & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over)
    Played 1h 33s
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    Death & Other Heart Breaks - Shogun Ep 9

    31 MAY 2024 · Are Jamie & Greta fighting?  Is Mariko sad about her son no longer being hers - or did she just eat some bad fish, and never really cared?   But at least everyone can agree that Yabushige is the master of the expressive grunt, even if Fuji is the queen of eye-acting.  And we all know what's going to happen to Yabu next ep. Oh yeah... and we will be laughing at Ishido's expense as he steps on all the rakes.  Dames - can't talke to 'em, can't listen to 'em.  Listen and find out all the ways Anjin looks ridiculous (and yet somehow compelling?) this week As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9db5V5SB0mq2gvPe9bou3g Wednesday AM or Friday PM Schedule Details: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3ItcFF2SGMtaVZaTmdodEFRY194R0l5WDVLUXxBQ3Jtc0tuaWxwY0U2Q3NFUmJtYnAtVm9RaDE5eUJiZjhtcm1Tc2tCSkR0V1QyNUl6LW01N3B4cEZUQ2pLaGtXTTV5d2NrZ1FDcUJ4S2V6S0FfQURFMUJ5cS1yemJZd0lUUFJNQ0FaY1RMSk0ybU92NWdySVhVdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcarvedouttastone%2F & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over)
    Played 1h 7m 44s
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    Of Course It's A Trap - Shogun Ep 8

    25 MAY 2024 · I dunno what is up with this episode, but the comparrisons are flying fast and thick.  But what really matters is Greta's synopsis of Romeo & Juliet along with the implication that Toronaga is actually a bit of a Drama Queen and the analysis of Japanese house construction technology. There's the problem with what happens when you do try to go home again, and what happens when going into the trap is actually the best option.  Lots goes down in this Episode of Shogun... and we are here to tell you all about it. As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) and his NEW YouTube Apprearances on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9db5V5SB0mq2gvPe9bou3g Wednesday AM or Friday PM Schedule Details: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3ItcFF2SGMtaVZaTmdodEFRY194R0l5WDVLUXxBQ3Jtc0tuaWxwY0U2Q3NFUmJtYnAtVm9RaDE5eUJiZjhtcm1Tc2tCSkR0V1QyNUl6LW01N3B4cEZUQ2pLaGtXTTV5d2NrZ1FDcUJ4S2V6S0FfQURFMUJ5cS1yemJZd0lUUFJNQ0FaY1RMSk0ybU92NWdySVhVdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcarvedouttastone%2F & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over)
    Played 1h 15m 37s
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    Emo Lyrics & Silly Hats - Shogun Ep 7

    17 MAY 2024 · Curious George should have taught us - be wary of the man in the unusual hat.  But we just won't learn. Good stories, expert neeling and why does everyone feel the need to share their relationship woes in the midst of the most tenuous moments? Kilingon revelations & more Zombie Buntaro for all of us to enjoy, As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) Look for us weekly and on Instagram & Threads: @pcgpodcast
    Played 1h 16m 6s
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    If You Stay War, Don't Gotta Get War - Shogun Ep 6

    10 MAY 2024 · Join us to find out WHO IS CORRECT! Jamie says there's no fighting this episode. Greta says there's lots of fighting - you just have to listen for it. And then there's the whole thing where we discuss just how bad the YA Movies of the 1980's & 1990's screwed up the sexes abilities to ya' know... talk to one another. Join us for this, and some music memories. As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) Look for us weekly and on Instagram & Threads: @pcgpodcast
    Played 1h 14m 6s
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    Truly Earthshaking - Shogun Ep 5

    3 MAY 2024 · What show can bring you managerial manipulation, whispers of medival animal cruelty, zombie family insights and pheasant fetishization? Shogun of course - and as always with phenominal costumes and nice views of some of the behind the scenes that are required to run the world.  As in... have you ever tried to get rabbit blood out of a bamboo cutting board without Dawn Dish Soap? If any of this sounds like fun to you, jump in the palanquin and come along for the adventure. As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) Look for us weekly and on Instagram & Threads: @pcgpodcast
    Played 1h 23m 25s
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    Deception, Housekeeping & a Training Montage - Shogun Ep 4

    26 APR 2024 · This is the one with treachery & an explodey ending. Just watch the show and then enjoy our digging into the “what is going on!” Sorry - I’m moving.  I’m out of time. But look up _The Religion_ by Tim Willocks to understand European Feudal Bushido… and siege warfare You have the Googles.   As always - you can reach us on the internets. Jamie Lewis (https://plagueofstrength.com/& IG @plagueofstrength) & Greta Hardin (The History of American Food podcast & @THoAFood all over) Look for us weekly and on Instagram & Threads: @pcgpodcast
    Played 1h 26m 32s

The 19th Century - the American Spirit really comes from here. Fighting, Food, Fashion & Fraud Plus mayhem, bombast, fornication, mendacity, debauchery, slander, sensationalism and vapid triviality... and swearing. Yet...

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The 19th Century - the American Spirit really comes from here.
Fighting, Food, Fashion & Fraud
Plus mayhem, bombast, fornication, mendacity, debauchery, slander, sensationalism and vapid triviality... and swearing.

Yet it's the least understood American century - far more than the Civil War, the Railroad & Cowboy Movies. Through 20th & 21st century TV & Movies, Jamie Lewis of Plague Of Strength & Greta Hardin of The History of American food will take up on a wild ride through the most exciting parts. These history junkies will talk you through a wild assortment of media as we discuss things like:
  • physical culture & body building
  • medicine shows
  • carnivals & the circus
  • sex work
  • organized crime
  • & ever so many fights
Plus the 19th century is the source of: artificial purple dye, electricity, coast to coast instant communications, gas lighting, photography, the bowie knife, the colt revolver and the gatling gun, cardboard boxes, cigarettes, refrigerated train cars, bodybuilding as entertainment, modern gymnastics, all the current fighting sports, the submarine, and the very first automobiles.
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