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Schiffbauer Over Rocks

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    Leader By Accident (Jim Rafferty)

    3 JUL 2024 · In this episode of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, host Paul Schiffbauer Jr. welcomes Jim Rafferty, Principal of JMRketing, LLC and the author of the inspiring book "Leader by Accident." Jim shares his compelling journey into leadership, as detailed in his book. He and Paul discuss the essential qualities of effective leadership, the role of the INSIGHT Community in fostering relationships, and the importance of a personal touch in business. They also highlight the significance of gratitude in both life and work. And when you get two marketing guys together, they of course are going to talk about all the relevant topics of today. Throughout the episode, Jim's enthusiasm for leadership and marketing is evident as he and Paul enjoy a glass of Balvenie on air. Connect with Jim Rafferty and discover more about his work at the following links: "Leader by Accident": leaderbyaccident.com JMRketing, LLC: jmrketing.com INSIGHT Community: insightconnex.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jimrafferty1 Special thanks to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 35m 12s
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    Living Life Well (Chuck & Janet Sierk, Lancaster Estate Solutions)

    19 JUN 2024 · In this episode of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, host Paul Schiffbauer Jr. welcomes Chuck and Janet Sierk, the dynamic husband-and-wife duo and owners of Lancaster Estate Solutions and branch owners of EXP Realty Lancaster. Chuck and Janet dive into the heart of networking and building business relationships, shedding light on how creating meaningful connections within the community is vital for success. They and Paul discuss actionable strategies business professionals can employ to strengthen their networks. The Sierks also share the unique model of Lancaster Estate Solutions and their inspiring journey into the real estate industry, highlighting their dynamic working relationship as a couple. Throughout the episode, Chuck and Janet's passion for real estate and community development shines through the drinks Paul and they share on air. Connect with Lancaster Estate Solutions and Chuck & Janet further online at the following links: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDdHQjRuODl6MDFwRlNXOVN6VzREakR3U19zd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVG9NeTQzTEhDVjR2bGhOOGlHWlZscVVyOV9QakJRZUpVdmNqSnBMN1Eyb1ZTRlNTb0RrVWlLcmVTSVVGeEhUdlp6VkpHYlVnYmw5dnhZZ2NqeTg3V3VWeVVxcTRWbl9sZ0VrLW9sZVJzRlVhRU13cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flancasterestatesolutions.com%2F&v=xmORGJfDDXI https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGZraG51M09jc1hlUDZMTTQ2NHJJYWZuYml0d3xBQ3Jtc0trSEJ3SzlOaUlKWTZXQ3pkeng3dGZtWGtLNGNBa2Y0QlJRYTBPblFFWGNLM2wwOEFSU1ZZeVN3QVduVEJtTzk1RHFzeVRuLUl5M1lMOTh5OVJIdFlja0xKWUZ0YWplR1JoZUVMNUwycktGYmVVYTB1Zw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Flancasterestatesolutions%2F&v=xmORGJfDDXI https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3Q1Q3hMelNfc3pvRW1UMlV0cmhhSVBHaXN6QXxBQ3Jtc0trMjJrUzZTYzQ0MDZqck9LVWpaeWdtMWdYT21JdGRkTE5IWXc2aWFycG0tOTFnVF9zUXFTbWE5dVB6c2FRSVY0emhMVFhPSGxBU2NBcFAwOXV6bDZZVE9BZXRUdHpDalpkNmUxS0RiaWFEbGhkZEdLTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Flancasterestatesolutions%2F&v=xmORGJfDDXI https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUVBMDZUdnB3S2syazhXdWdzU3h5a2I4TEh4UXxBQ3Jtc0tsN21wTHhETWZvTGhnbUN6bUVsR3htUS1FR2hXWU9HRThWT1FHR0RHclJqMjg5ZVhHdnAzaUhPQi1XX2N2Q1R5NllvTTJGTkdlRFFsalV4eU9hNjBNWUhLcGNrUGVDRXdiVGtNVVdjWFBEUkNKMlZMMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fyourlancasterrealtor%2F&v=xmORGJfDDXI https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblNLVlk4UEd4b1dIZ3NReUFELUVWLTF6YTN2Z3xBQ3Jtc0tsOUxPYndKaHBDSXQ4SHhRZkt6VVZXSmVodUVHYUtsemxScHVBc29xdWN1TE5IUERHRDIwQXV6NzgtYVpZYTI1LVJMZ3dHeDNCSndleW8zR0tCV0M2M2g4czhLT0lmMmFfZVc0TUFxcnJIYXQ0QUJPTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40yourlancasterrealtor&v=xmORGJfDDXI https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHdCanZZUFJTX0N6Yl8wM3I1T2M2NXZGZ3dQd3xBQ3Jtc0trek5YYVVwT1NPOF9tS3hRbHhJVUJ0S1dVaE95ZVNNMVJqUnMzWTN6WExiSTJrekVHZDJXTUg2bGxGeEZSemFieEZjYzhzUWQzdldmeGtNN1VRUC1wTE5FcEFJSDNTZk5haEhaYms4dXdnbTNMV2pXdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Frockstarconnect.com%2Flancaster%2F&v=xmORGJfDDXI (One of their networking platforms that is free to attend) Special thank you to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 1h 10m 10s
  • Explicit

    Sell As You Are (Chris Caldwell)

    19 JUN 2024 · This episode is a wake up call for anyone who might be running their business in a certain way for too long. As a former trainer for one of the most successful sales training companies in the world, and leader and developer of countless sales professionals and teams, Chris Caldwell is the founder of Sell As You Are. Sell As You Are helps salespeople, entrepreneurs, and sales leaders champion their teams and themselves to leverage their unique strengths in the sales process. Chris's methodology cuts through the dissatisfaction of traditional sales scripts and the pressure for salespeople to put on a “show” and empowers sales professionals to feel impassioned by their work because it is true to who they are. Paul and Chris have a Joe Rogan-esque dialogue about unlocking your authentic self when it comes to selling, building trust with your prospects, overcoming self-limiting beliefs, and embracing who you are. You can follow Chris and begin the commitment to becoming a better salesperson by checking out the following links: https://www.sellasyouare.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-caldwell/ Special thank you to our host location, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 40m 38s
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    Marketing Heavyweights (Ross Stockdale, Thunder Stock Marketing)

    6 JUN 2024 · In this punch-packed episode of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, host Paul Schiffbauer Jr. welcomes Ross Stockdale, Fractional CMO and owner of Thunder Stock Marketing. Ross brings his wealth of knowledge and dynamic energy to the podcast, delving into various intriguing topics. He and Paul discuss the essence of entrepreneurship, the power of personal branding using Conor McGregor as a prime example, and the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. They also touch on lighter topics like the thrilling world of MMA and the benefits of taking ZYN. Ross shares insights into the role of a fractional CMO and how businesses can benefit from this unique approach to marketing leadership. Throughout the episode, Ross's passion for marketing and his strategic expertise shine through the conversation, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in marketing and business development. Connect with Ross Stockdale and Thunder Stock Marketing online at the following links: Thunder Stock Marketing: https://thunderstockmarketing.com/ Ross's Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa25zTkFra05RSEpvZm1PZy1xenRPdlJEYTVzZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttVGRNZ0lILVRSdW9YU2hUWEttX0dSZFJBWkFOOXczenFrd0dMQVFFMkFwRlMwTm0xdE5hVUF6TmhQTnlpSUo2Qlc3dDBnenVzaXFSMlpDNlREU1Z1UEdxb0NucDJLZzQ5b2FuaWFLUnFOSjg4RmxhZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Frss.com%2Fpodcasts%2Fthethunderstockshow%2F&v=NmA5LTANBKI LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/jrossstockdale/ Special thank you to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 48m 54s
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    Marketing Is Community (Katie Mahoney, YCEA)

    29 MAY 2024 · In this riveting episode of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, host Paul Schiffbauer Jr. welcomes Katie Mahoney, the fun & dog-loving, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer with the York County Economic Alliance (YCEA) and Downtown Inc. Katie dives into the heart of marketing the stories of Downtown York, shedding light on the pivotal role the YCEA plays in fostering economic growth and community development. She and Paul discuss actionable strategies businesses can employ to strengthen their marketing efforts and leverage the unique qualities that make York a special place to live and work. Throughout the episode, Katie's passion for community and development shines through the tequila Paul and her share on air. Connect with Downtown York and YCEA online at the following links: Downtown York: downtownyorkpa.com YCEA: yceapa.org Instagram: @downtownyorkpa | @yceapa Facebook: downtownyorkpa | yceapa TikTok: @downtownyorkpa Special thank you to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 35m 36s
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    Aged In Tradition (Wayne Burg, Casta Cigars Co.)

    22 MAY 2024 · This episode of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, is short and insightful with partner of Casta Cigars, Wayne Burg, appearing on air to talk about the rich history of cigar manufacturing in York County, Pennsylvania, what makes Casta Cigars unique in the tobacco marketplace, and him and Paul have some fun talking about uncommonly great sports figures in America today. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 17m 40s
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    The Bird Dog Episode (Rick Bentley, Junk Monkeys)

    15 MAY 2024 · In this exciting episode of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, host Paul Schiffbauer Jr. welcomes Rick Bentley, the fun force behind Junk Monkeys, a leading junk removal, demolition, and dumpster company serving York County, Northern Maryland, and surrounding areas. Rick dives into the nuts and bolts of running a full-service junk removal operation where no job is too big or too small for his dedicated team. Him and Paul get into how the politics of networking have played a crucial role in growing their respective businesses and why supporting local businesses is more important than ever. The conversation takes a fascinating turn as Rick recounts some of the wildest items his team has uncovered during junk removals. From grenades to sex toys, these stories are sure to entertain. Additionally, they discuss the practicality and enduring appeal of Dad Shoes all over a bottle of Bird Dog Peach Whiskey. Rick's mantra of "keeping it pushing" in both personal and professional life shines through, providing listeners with motivational insights and actionable advice for staying resilient and driven. Connect with Junk Monkeys online at the following links: https://junkmonkeysllcpa.com/ https://www.facebook.com/junkmonkeys2018 Special thank you to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 37m 2s
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    Flipping the Table (Brian Almoney, Yorktowne Industrial Solutions LLC.)

    9 MAY 2024 · On this installment of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, host Paul Schiffbauer Jr. has a candid conversation with Brian Almoney, Founder of Yorktowne Industrial Solutions LLC. Brian reveals the pivotal moments that led him to break free from the constraints of Corporate America and embark on the path of entrepreneurship. You'll learn how thinking and operating outside of the conventional "box" became Brian's mantra for innovation and success, leading to the establishment of Yorktowne Industrial Solutions LLC. But it's not just business talk on this episode – Brian and Paul delve into the importance of authenticity in content creation and networking, proving that being true to yourself can be a powerful catalyst for growth and connection in today's business world. Connect with Brian Almoney and Yorktowne Industrial Solutions LLC: Yorktowne Industrial Solutions LLC's Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbllxcDZfVHA5T3F1VlFpNUkzTHpVUENjdmpCd3xBQ3Jtc0treU8wNFdfWWc0RWtKVnpfbHliQWhxS253VENyaUt2NU40TVdqZXBHdlExMmUzdHVDcUZYQzJsVG91Q3BzSVQ5d3NEelNfNTB6Y09SN0p3c1lkRTNyUEUyTFlWMFJjRHlGdjdleGFVZm5STTlYclg2Zw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FYorktowneIndustrial&v=n9T_b_YeB9Y Brian's Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFExOVNES0x2MW9ZQ3g3U0ZkYVhnSlRxSlhjd3xBQ3Jtc0tuQW42QU0wZWpYR1o1dGdIUFZGa2VCWXpUMjluNWxQaUF4SFVMbVZLMGFPTDVoendIMUgyVC02SGNYcGduZHh1VlBuYjNUVE5IV3MtdVZkVUxGc1hZSXRWM2NhemlPRmFha3V5cWdWVWZMc1RFX1JQOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fbrian.almoney&v=n9T_b_YeB9Y Yorktowne Industrial Solutions LLC's solve more problems, for more people, everyday by being your locally trusted home services solutions provider with their vertically integrated facilities, electrical, mechanical and construction divisions. Special thank you to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 39m 23s
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    You Miss 9,000 Shots, You Keep Shooting (Judd Gemmill, Realtor)

    1 MAY 2024 · On this episode of Schiffbauer Over Rocks, host Paul Schiffbauer Jr. uncovers the journey that led Judd Gemmill from growing up in Dallastown, PA to his current role as a prominent realtor in York County. Judd shares insights into the challenges he faced on his path to becoming a full-time real estate professional, highlighting the resilience and determination that propelled him forward. Discover what sets Judd apart as a realtor, from his personalized client approach to his deep community connections. Drawing inspiration from Michael Jordan's iconic 9,000 shots quote, Judd reflects on the failures that ultimately paved the way for his success that is relatable in more than just the game of real estate. And of course, we explore today's real estate market in South Central PA, examining trends, challenges, and opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Connect with Judd Gemmill and The Judd Gemmill Group further at the following links: Website: https://www.juddgemmill.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juddgemmillgroup Special thank you to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at www.castacigars.com and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 37m 11s
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    The Who's Who (David Bruno, Media Account Executive)

    17 APR 2024 · Join us on this episode of media insights, where we dive into the world of sales, marketing, and media with David Bruno, a seasoned Media Account Executive in Central Pennsylvania. In this episode, we explore David's extensive background in sales and marketing, uncovering valuable insights and perspectives he's gained throughout his career. As we dive further into 2024, David gives us an exclusive glimpse into his current role at abc27 WHTM Harrisburg, discussing the exciting projects on the horizon and his vision for the future and how he plans to collaborate with more business owners locally. Don't miss out on this engaging conversation with David Bruno! Connect with David: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrbruno/ abc27 Good Day PA!: https://www.abc27.com/good-day-pa/ WHO'S WHO with DAVID BRUNO Business Professional Spotlight Series: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090093685094 Join the conversation: Connect with other business professionals in Harrisburg & Central PA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1713385335565430 Special thank you to our host location & sponsor, Casta Cigars Co. for having us. Casta Cigars aims to offer the embodiment of luxury when it comes to cigar smoking. Handcrafted using rare and aged tobacco, every puff is a journey through time and tradition. Visit them online at http://www.castacigars.com/ and at their shop in York, PA.
    Played 48m 54s
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