Podcast Cover

The Alabaster Jar

  • The Women In Ministry Series: Part 6 - Miriam: Prophetess, Drummer & Unsung Hero Of The Exodus | With Dr. Carmen Imes

    1 JUL 2024 · In this episode of the Alabaster Jar, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Dr. Carmen Imes discuss Miriam's role as a worship leader, drummer, and moral guide in the Exodus story. They highlight her agency and affirmation of God's actions while acknowledging the cultural context of women's drumming and dancing in ancient times. They also offer a nuanced understanding of Miriam's leadership and moral responsibility in the Hebrew Bible.  Key Takeaways:  - Miriam was a drummer, not a tambourine player, as often depicted in art. - Miriam played a crucial prophetic role, leading the Israelites in worship after crossing the Red Sea. - There are parallel rescue stories in Exodus - Moses' rescue as a baby and the Israelites' rescue from Egypt - with Miriam playing a vital role in both. - Miriam is recognized alongside Moses and Aaron as a leader of Israel during the Exodus, as mentioned in Micah 6:4. - God treats Miriam as a moral agent with responsibility, as seen in her punishment for challenging Moses' authority. - Studying lesser-known biblical figures like Miriam can provide deeper insights into Scripture and Israel's history.  Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Exodus-Westminster-Companion-Gerald-Janzen/dp/0664252559?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rA1bZpnAeEVxiuVxKB-f2Mj59x3paueq9YvvqXaLTTV5nry20baaibj5gx8sHMZiDjdEj5yw9JzTZjAE57AchMek_HPmKqKl-1tciBkATRQ.AQA6J_5aq9jPEfbR4hWDZyI1LSzE_fT4U8MFuSiuixI&dib_tag=AUTHOR   https://www.amazon.com/Bearing-Gods-Name-Sinai-Matters-ebook/dp/B07V6ZW9C1/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uRgzvSU-fGh7kS354Umks5ei2qmC0OtqFIqMLjrRH7D3PyIPiv1XaAF3BnbL4_NOFiintcdCioUJFFpcowcDIR3agX9Wlh9HfDL0Nf2kgNmeQF0SoZBuf4abn6yZQQxrMDACc4-PA9hTHyU8Lqmeas0BBQ2VzS-qr1kMCECWrwsuQ1P8v8A03KVb2eCr2bmXiT7sSuE_iLca4GKv0hKYZuu0UFKjTtf4RBm7Onwt2tE.bRI9lmC7Nc18MynzOTUwvGFpAIOrv4xAGnDJUYXK9VA&dib_tag=se&keywords=carmen+imes&qid=1719804528&s=books&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1   https://www.amazon.com/Being-Gods-Image-Creation-Matters/dp/1514000202/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uRgzvSU-fGh7kS354Umks5ei2qmC0OtqFIqMLjrRH7D3PyIPiv1XaAF3BnbL4_NOFiintcdCioUJFFpcowcDIR3agX9Wlh9HfDL0Nf2kgNmeQF0SoZBuf4abn6yZQQxrMDACc4-PA9hTHyU8Lqmeas0BBQ2VzS-qr1kMCECWrwsuQ1P8v8A03KVb2eCr2bmXiT7sSuE_iLca4GKv0hKYZuu0UFKjTtf4RBm7Onwt2tE.bRI9lmC7Nc18MynzOTUwvGFpAIOrv4xAGnDJUYXK9VA&dib_tag=se&keywords=carmen+imes&qid=1719804561&s=books&sr=1-2   https://www.youtube.com/@CarmenJoyImesPhD/featured   https://www.amazon.com/Exodus-New-Cambridge-Bible-Commentary-ebook/dp/B00QIT2YAQ?ref_=ast_author_mpb   https://www.amazon.com/Exodus-Teach-Commentary-Desmond-Alexander/dp/0801092140/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3300SXEL5DVNZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cAoyUChf-PObRFsPH7RieLVzcAKHlrmuLJPLX-fg-fc5xNK0CERlkbN-9Y__kfz7MFU5LpwyiIepQMLZm2zdeU8Vyc6k0VMiP0RWcUOrfXf8zJAojhf2TiLTsYT7X5EvJCEkVpEoxX9kZyWZcG186DA_zenmaIqYfAd4z1t72MVDkkiuKY4Gro0HlFJLcyXeQRlhWry4TUe83au6Rw53ET2wuEbUgS9O5JCHqPyE6EA.v81vuU_PdZhsVi4PtOiBozwIka9wtb-oLQlU5JRtFaU&dib_tag=se&keywords=alexander+exodus&qid=1719803922&s=books&sprefix=alexander+exodus%2Cstripbooks%2C1503&sr=1-2   https://www.visualmuseum.gallery/   Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 22m 45s
  • The Women In Ministry Series: Part 5 - Debunking Gender Hierarchy In 1 Timothy 2

    24 JUN 2024 · In this episode of the Alabaster Jar, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kelly Dippolito discuss the importance of historical context when interpreting scripture, specifically focusing on 1 Timothy 2. They emphasize that understanding Ephesus's cultural and religious context in the first century is crucial to understanding Paul's message. They debunk the idea that Paul is establishing a gender hierarchy or limiting women's roles in the church. Instead, they argue that Paul addresses heretical teachings and false piety in Ephesus, urging both men and women to be educated in the truth and focus on Jesus as the Savior. They also explore the possible influence of the Artemis myth and Gnostic heresies on interpreting certain passages in 1 Timothy. Key Takeaways:  - Understanding the historical context of scripture is essential for accurate interpretation. - Paul's message in 1 Timothy 2 is not about establishing a gender hierarchy or limiting women's roles in the church. - Paul addresses heretical teachings and false piety in Ephesus and urges both men and women to be educated in the truth. - The influence of the Artemis myth and Gnostic heresies may have shaped the interpretation of certain passages in 1 Timothy. - The focus should be on Jesus as the Savior and striving towards a godly life.  Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Nobodys-Mother-Ephesians-Antiquity-Testament/dp/1514005921/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hkhF23LCy4VVJcWvjs0sdkMO5sO9H2aiY_KLi-cVnUQn7m5BIBBhrMvHatCSRUCSLjnTBRR-66esAGGobkDneNxySPxZoqx-8UTNqyjXBOoZwcz1kygt-zvI1IKQ-EWg9FuGUzPWdOABsg1Y7dCyJCVduzXs9f2zQmeorRWrhZ8.gfQoNR-KbDuqMDTJ5Upzm-AQhy5SofX-aMv3DJpXDwQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=dr+sandra+glahn&qid=1719180323&s=books&sr=1-1   https://www.visualmuseum.gallery/   Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 40m 16s
  • The Women In Ministry Series: Part 4 - A Deeper Look At 1 Corinthians 11

    17 JUN 2024 · In this episode of the Alabaster Jar, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kelly Dippolito discuss the interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:3 and the role of women in the church. They explore the Wesleyan quadrilateral as a tool for studying scripture and the importance of tradition and theology. They also examine the passage's meaning of the term 'head' and its implications for hierarchical relationships. Dr. Cohick and Kelly highlight the complexity of the verse and the various interpretations, including the possibility that Paul is countering bad teaching by the Corinthians. They emphasize the need to understand the cultural and historical context of the passage and the importance of affirming the equal value and gifting of men and women in the church. Key Takeaways:  - The Wesleyan quadrilateral, which includes scripture, tradition, experience, and reason, can be a helpful tool for studying scripture and interpreting its meaning. - Creeds, such as the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds, provide theological guidance and help us understand scripture. - The term 'head' in 1 Corinthians 11:3 does not necessarily imply hierarchy but can have various meanings, such as source, preeminence, or representation. - The interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:3 is complex, with different perspectives on its meaning. It is important to consider the passage's cultural and historical context.  - Women are made in the image and likeness of God and have equal value and gifting in the church. It is important to affirm and support women in their roles and contributions. - Understanding the complexity of scripture and engaging in thoughtful interpretation can lead to a deeper understanding of God's word and a more inclusive and equitable church.  Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Women-Worship-Corinth-Rhetorical-Corinthians-ebook/dp/B00WAL6YPM?ref_=ast_author_dp https://www.visualmuseum.gallery/   Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 37m 6s
  • The Women In Ministry Series: Part 3 – Regent College Panel Discussion with Dr. Lynn Cohick, Dr. Beth Allison Barr, and Dr. Lissa Wray Beal

    10 JUN 2024 · In this special episode of the Alabaster Jar, the podcast features a recent panel discussion hosted at Regent College during their summer series featuring Dr. Lynn Cohick, Dr. Beth Allison Barr, and Dr. Lissa Wray Beal with the conversation hosted by Dr. Brittan Melton. This discussion explores the roles of women in ancient and recent Christian history. The panelists also share their personal journeys and research findings on the important topic of women in ministry. They also cover biblical texts that have been misused against women, experiences of gender discrimination, and glimpses of hope in areas like increased education and leadership opportunities for women in the church.  Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Women-World-Earliest-Christians-Illuminating/dp/0801031729/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rnfpJPuaxcF8hyKaFEdWrx5ILZAPlrtJ_3rxEGqUCnlWPzJixNwa59uOlANgRyuK4T1tgu-6dFG610OhL_gRAFjFp-F4gCx8Z2qujlvauTBXGA7dj6e4H-aDkZoyge7Hul66ghCDRJcjOFGopv1qiLB45qjgxum0JDUZKghOVE6T00_sv6yKxzjvfV_-qVi9BDgrTwvBESh9jQxBSxTNNQI0gHdMrZthcJmq3K3wZOw.h1oHJEg8Pa3kThX0qCXbQN0VARweGggl_OFfmFHYTg8&dib_tag=se&keywords=Lynn+Cohick&qid=1717992533&s=books&sr=1-3 https://www.amazon.com/Making-Biblical-Womanhood-Subjugation-Became/dp/1587434709/ref=sr_1_1?crid=8VD416FEVMUT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SIR7PGsSUzXjPxvTnadBK8O_PhsaWj4jioEUwiRSltyrIfyVSFiwag-tQWHLc1H0AsUZPBjV0hOF-j8p2bO3y8egWQ_1SklRkFaQxyLGXCIQFhOwIo8e1twjyitxgW5HTXF4ex2rllHV-tDuGasvrcZCupRoE1oQA8uYrtxGGOrg94FZgteAr9iLoGf2zUEKWHBGyeMUBszdhw-z5f8FoxOFutgJ08ifgpXESM6ZjcE.8tv_M2l2XW41Gen8H_FD8NIQwcnd76QqJZ5yOLPzbc8&dib_tag=se&keywords=beth+allison+barr&qid=1717992587&s=books&sprefix=beth+allison+bar%2Cstripbooks%2C125&sr=1-1 https://www.youtube.com/@regentcollege https://www.amazon.com/Voices-Long-Silenced-Interpreters-Centuries/dp/066426512X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=BBE2N0AXO9R9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Z1MfuJJnDmG-VT6Z7IjDVd_qTe77p7xxQjx00RxZX-smpIb3EtudjDySnEaBU24f1bxYfwioi0eC3PvJcP3h_uXRNRPk3UPCZEzv-l6Y3CYV5HHpTgZeSSTbfSP_AxEg0x_UCYUwHy_ZyvQeN8byYUBYXCoYHv7PJqLlknPkTL5mSkXc_qlBvCBguw5UupMCscmjTFZdzSKj6c7Vlzzynta4q6KsiYwwwL-EZkC1XPw.mAsPoK_YEjK5UHtyEjTylrQ5M5nrJRNEQewghLXPGfs&dib_tag=se&keywords=marion+taylor&qid=1717993025&s=books&sprefix=marion+taylor%2Cstripbooks%2C218&sr=1-1 Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 49m 6s
  • The Women In Ministry Series: Part 2 – What Creation Reveals About Women | With Kat Armstrong

    3 JUN 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kelly Dippolito discuss the creation story in Genesis 1 and 2 and explore the hermeneutical approach of speech act theory. They highlight the importance of understanding and interpreting scripture well, especially in relation to women and women in leadership. They delve into the concept of being made in God's image and how it is significant in the Old and New Testaments. They also examine the woman's role as a helper and the mutual relationship between men and women. The conversation concludes with an introduction to the next topic of discussion, the fall in Genesis 3. Later in the episode, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kat Armstrong discuss the creation narrative and the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. They explore the themes of sin, brokenness, and the impact of the fall on men and women. They also delve into the significance of gardens in Scripture and the parallel between Eve and Mary Magdalene. The conversation highlights the importance of women in the biblical narrative and challenges the notion that women are more gullible than men.  Key Takeaways:  - Understanding scripture requires interpreting it well and considering the hermeneutical approach. - Being made in God's image is a significant concept in both the Old and New Testaments. - The woman's role as a helper does not imply subordination but rather a mutual relationship. · - The creation story in Genesis 1 and 2 provides a beautiful picture of God's image and likeness expressed through both males and females. - The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 highlights the impact of sin and brokenness on men and women. - Gardens in Scripture serve as significant settings for important decisions and moments in the biblical narrative. - The parallel between Eve and Mary Magdalene highlights the redemption and restoration found in Jesus. - The notion that women are more gullible than men is a false and harmful interpretation of Scripture. - Women play important roles in the biblical narrative and are called to be active participants in discipleship and ministry.  Episode Breakdown: 00:00 - Exploring the Story of Creation in Genesis 1 and 2 01:37 - Understanding Scripture through Speech Act Theory 15:32 - The Role of the Woman as a Helper 22:31 - Introduction and Overview of the Creation Narrative 25:29 - The Significance of Gardens in Scripture 33:06 - The Parallel Between Eve and Mary Magdalene 42:00 - The Role of Women in the Biblical Narrative  Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Vindicating-Vixens-Revisiting-Sexualized-Marginalized/dp/0825444136/ref=sr_1_1?crid=H4OBL3ZEQVUV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Kdhsd8hjzKKuTiaoAjSidCR8clnC6NVfNYOqnpivnsGub6xWa6NksegNXzAsMRjPDz1qcv-Sg6scw-KF-YDeedwxKDv-NUgJI2AxaRXv-LjVMXUYQQX8psSGGb_ndnomK6_pY6UNmhPF0lntCHmZZtm1CYMt_8xSLKcv6pOpsr2xRHe_JBgvKoxOidwLwhFSszzvH0brCV34tqW8iW2zkkGVa8_q8fKz-jA7CiRwULX4xX0sLoqMb1cwnmLRZUy9DkFH4NJc98iufDAN_IdFZBRLVioMVG5sFhfUuub5VHc.jpGyX-ZWrjL4kqYRpTnQlSkD5JRLdBJYxH7YusUrico&dib_tag=se&keywords=Vindicating+the+vixens+sandra+glahn&qid=1717372819&s=books&sprefix=vindicating+the+vixens+sandra+glahn%2Cstripbooks%2C131&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.com/Women-Penetrating-Sensible-Essays-Society/dp/0802829961/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2WQYP8DQC8QRG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TO92i8WkdQzt_ib0pO8vjCiY8HsXDeMjRL_fnhl3zgx3Y0BaiPW8TnlO6CJes5lkE2hMQqKWG7Uzg50sq4OYSteIetU3J2UXXmfzMKD_aMnuwfdlWCh2uvfqe4EDakm1Bdyn6HWJ2XbQl5Mb3ppuE0kIlJW8hWWMVwVOt7PL9dKJ45EAYNhbvUX3eprEPfOtW7TcRoytsGciax8-6Hh_l-iidP0YKkCyOUnL-VoRwib0xK7H-K-4XTRy9C0sexiscBI_3Nj0fcc0l37-By4LrA.uvldwdmw4mTISaX_j8NEQ1Q7jc6qHLVtYIi5d2JqYUw&dib_tag=se&keywords=dorothy+sayers+are+women+human&qid=1717373006&s=books&sprefix=dorothy+sayers+are+women+huma%2Cstripbooks%2C174&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5GLJ4L9?binding=paperback&searchxofy=true&ref_=dbs_s_bs_series_rwt_tpbk&qid=1716791062&sr=1-6 https://www.amazon.com/Scripture-Communication-Introducing-Biblical-Hermeneutics-ebook/dp/B08MXZYY6T/ref=sr_1_2?crid=WBZXIFN3TDXP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._6gpDgH8iR_1AftJMCH9tzuSvphZTPxGYsIVekTmvXqO5QSMCZxGeRlB39YyTPMdwbpOTZcdTz8ANtO9wMTkjvHsx4xW1_VPvWpSpceGJUKDJW3Kx8aG20zn2Ao-hu6Wur68IM2yWjWRiYGMBOaDM8N_nkZtwgMLhhj_qfQgbDt61ee6EwZ4Joj5ZxROXxTFZssdJ_2s_Y2KS8ukABLenmqQzLCc7D8hvncoy0pqsxA.SD1vJVfKOhOajM987GnUNmR4F_PfT3zPDBiMY3ksAbk&dib_tag=se&keywords=jeanine+brown&qid=1716791159&s=digital-text&sprefix=jeannine+brown%2Cdigital-text%2C99&sr=1-2 Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at: https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 46m 51s
  • The Women In Ministry Series: Part 1 - The Power Of Scripture As Story | With Kat Armstrong

    27 MAY 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kelly Dippolito discuss the topic of hermeneutics, which is the study of interpreting and understanding the Bible. They explore the challenges of interpreting scripture and the importance of considering the lens through which we read it. They also discuss various approaches to hermeneutics, such as the Wesleyan quadrilateral and historical criticism. Dr. Cohick emphasizes the value of reading the Bible as a story and understanding its metanarrative of redemption. They also touch on the concept of leadership and how it should be defined in light of Jesus' example. Later in the episode, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kat Armstrong discuss the importance of approaching scripture as a story. They highlight the cohesion and unity of the Bible, which features God's storytelling genius. They also explore the significance of women in the biblical text and how their stories can inspire and empower women today. Kat shares her experience of facing obstacles to learning about Jesus as a woman and how it led her to study the role of women in scripture.  Key Takeaways:  - Hermeneutics is the study of interpreting and understanding the Bible. - It is important to consider the lens through which we read scripture. - Approaches to hermeneutics include the Wesleyan quadrilateral and historical criticism. - Reading the Bible as a story helps us understand its metanarrative of redemption. - Leadership should be defined in terms of service, following Jesus' example.        - Approaching scripture as a story helps us understand the cohesion and unity of the Bible.    - Women play significant roles in biblical texts, and their stories can inspire and empower women today. - The accessibility of scripture allows people of all ages and levels of study to engage with its message. - Obstacles to women learning about Jesus should be challenged and overcome, as God takes women seriously and entrusts them with important roles in the kingdom. - Studying the stories of women in scripture can provide new possibilities and insights for women in their own lives and ministries.  Episode Breakdown: 00:00 - Introduction to Hermeneutics 03:14 - The Tension Between What It Says and What It Means 06:20 - Approaches to Hermeneutics 12:23 - Reading the Bible as a Story 21:37 - Defining Leadership in Light of Jesus' Example 22:43 - Approaching Scripture as Story 29:46 - Obstacles to Women's Learning 34:57 - Discovering Women's Roles in Scripture 44:44 - Empowering Women through Biblical Examples 46:40 - The Power of Scripture as Story  Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/More-Holding-Back-Emboldening-Everywhere-ebook/dp/B07KDZ22D5/ref=sr_1_2?crid=4Y1F2LB1ILFF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.1PihxlOnBxKUg705m4koFAwJ56kmx1qxq7SaQ-IR1w2oWv2VZ5HE3-JgpHujEWYBW9KApJSvgBKQoS62a_UWolIvae12z2fHWDc5dow9TZXAktjvApuJxhuu5SDErM6NoX2GcnAukdvGprNqiOYERe2-RRt3IC8ORX9HKCNWyDuRpEjNhNPgVLfqBcqtFLspgHslGB9GBTAh4xdcqJ6Fh0r7y3ye0PCJwbesUvF0t_k.NhBtoeKdEzLeoIUI481V1BMXl-6ByhoD-Y7db1LZpZ0&dib_tag=se&keywords=kat+armstrong&qid=1716791106&s=digital-text&sprefix=kat+armstron%2Cdigital-text%2C96&sr=1-2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5GLJ4L9?binding=paperback&searchxofy=true&ref_=dbs_s_bs_series_rwt_tpbk&qid=1716791062&sr=1-6 https://www.amazon.com/Scripture-Communication-Introducing-Biblical-Hermeneutics-ebook/dp/B08MXZYY6T/ref=sr_1_2?crid=WBZXIFN3TDXP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._6gpDgH8iR_1AftJMCH9tzuSvphZTPxGYsIVekTmvXqO5QSMCZxGeRlB39YyTPMdwbpOTZcdTz8ANtO9wMTkjvHsx4xW1_VPvWpSpceGJUKDJW3Kx8aG20zn2Ao-hu6Wur68IM2yWjWRiYGMBOaDM8N_nkZtwgMLhhj_qfQgbDt61ee6EwZ4Joj5ZxROXxTFZssdJ_2s_Y2KS8ukABLenmqQzLCc7D8hvncoy0pqsxA.SD1vJVfKOhOajM987GnUNmR4F_PfT3zPDBiMY3ksAbk&dib_tag=se&keywords=jeanine+brown&qid=1716791159&s=digital-text&sprefix=jeannine+brown%2Cdigital-text%2C99&sr=1-2 https://www.amazon.com/Concept-Woman-Synthesis-One/dp/0802883885/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ITHYQCBB6CXH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TbCbWNiRpNMDPkaPAVeWoknUBFw8ibDXlHdxdYIcyQXVjfcjNY83gu6zsaYTQRtiQD-4mKX7_pV_tIh4pgQcdaezRSJMfLplv93xh7l9vrw94cGLTXTYVLZ8VuGhuaz7ObxTDW3ZjQJasdgnQVKph9V0MIp6IgmCHzf4I7fgdbdNyB3zSx0cJMj7-aSnBdK_sl3fP0uU7e8O3r_HK-WbDM5HpJKteqVPEVA4bN7EDJw.1arfGqradwVCKCq1BIicT6q15MeANSlZXRnRWA39bp8&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+concept+of+woman&qid=1716790991&s=books&sprefix=the+concept+of+woman%2Cstripbooks%2C224&sr=1-1   Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 48m 44s
  • Understanding Childhood In The Early Church

    20 MAY 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kelly Dippolito discuss the view of childhood in the ancient world and how the gospel message shaped the idea of children and childhood. They explore the challenges of understanding children in the first century, including the lack of information and the differences in cultural assumptions. They highlight the importance of education in the early church and how it challenged the Roman status quo. The conversation also emphasizes the value of children and the need for their education and spiritual growth within the church. Key Takeaways:  - The ancient world had a different view of childhood compared to modern Western society. - Children in the ancient world were expected to work and develop self-control from a young age. - Education was important in the early church and challenged the Roman status quo. - The church saw children as individuals with inherent value and offered them an eternal inheritance. - Children's ministry in the church is a form of theological education and should be valued and prioritized.  Episode Breakdown: 00:00 - Introduction and Focus of the Conversation 05:25 - Understanding Childhood in the Ancient World 15:51 - The Importance of Education in the Early Church 36:15 - Children as Individuals with Inherent Value 46:12 - The Significance of Children's Ministry Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Passion-Perpetua-Felicity-Thomas-Heffernan/dp/0199777578/ref=sr_1_1?crid=13JJQ03BAU76A&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lkNO48_JY3EMSFaJ2oXyECDHUDvTWAspjEnMYJRb6bUsnQf_B6ww4CoZu2qEq4zqnV2WXlvVChrqS1LASq7pfhYIaYJe5Jm1N9PfdnXOUSSDatgR88uj6SZBxFsC2PY26E9BY_4a645q6Xix4-Waqz_6bQDa24-Q57OlacVIpl9vBvfysg1wwS6me55keR20b6jRQlswPbPfAI32xFe60dipCpKh1Ht5S-V9hfLFySY.tD7sPXqsrOpVlhFSdjsUpNRWQ0w6sCcgxzxOk_7Yq9o&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+passion+of+perpetua+and+felicity+heffernan&qid=1716178753&s=books&sprefix=the+passion+of+perp%2Cstripbooks%2C217&sr=1-1   Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at: https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 41m 57s
  • Rethinking God's Hardening Of Pharaoh's Heart | With Dr. Carmen Imes

    13 MAY 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Carmen Imes joins Dr. Lynn Cohick to discuss the hardening of Pharaoh's heart in the book of Exodus, exploring the different Hebrew words used and their nuanced meanings. They highlight the idea that God is not overriding Pharaoh's free will, but rather strengthening his resolve to carry out his own desires. They also discuss the cultural context of ancient Egypt and the significance of the signs and wonders in the narrative. Key Takeaways:  - The hardening of Pharaoh's heart in Exodus is not a violation of his free will, but rather a strengthening of his resolve to carry out his own desires. - The signs and wonders in Exodus gradually increase in intensity, giving Pharaoh numerous opportunities to repent and recognize Yahweh's superiority. - Pharaoh's obstinacy and refusal to listen to God ultimately lead to his own downfall and the suffering of his people.  Episode Breakdown: 4:13 - The Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart 11:26 - The Gradual Intensification of Signs and Wonders 20:05 - Pharaoh's Obstinate Refusal Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Being-Gods-Image-Creation-Matters/dp/1514000202/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uRgzvSU-fGh7kS354Umks5ei2qmC0OtqFIqMLjrRH7D3PyIPiv1XaAF3BnbL4_NOFiintcdCioUJFFpcowcDIfb1V7OtMPhfmVKX0OojE2YkgJdrtOhojLE0dF8pr9xdBDhKGLU-gv6oxC4qyOe5lkvrngyAoqWRESdoEmK_-mjyVBiMKc0eg3Pr4XaJ01WGQIPj7dnJJkBeYw6ZFK0Zyq8DV4_hs_NVdP6RUuEJJVM.tO5fl5oFI2_GlbQNHgkVwlpTH_ItsKtSsf28AAxI0WM&dib_tag=se&keywords=carmen+imes&qid=1714966344&s=books&sr=1-1   https://www.amazon.com/Bearing-Gods-Name-Sinai-Matters/dp/0830852697/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uRgzvSU-fGh7kS354Umks5ei2qmC0OtqFIqMLjrRH7D3PyIPiv1XaAF3BnbL4_NOFiintcdCioUJFFpcowcDIfb1V7OtMPhfmVKX0OojE2YkgJdrtOhojLE0dF8pr9xdBDhKGLU-gv6oxC4qyOe5lkvrngyAoqWRESdoEmK_-mjyVBiMKc0eg3Pr4XaJ01WGQIPj7dnJJkBeYw6ZFK0Zyq8DV4_hs_NVdP6RUuEJJVM.tO5fl5oFI2_GlbQNHgkVwlpTH_ItsKtSsf28AAxI0WM&dib_tag=se&keywords=carmen+imes&qid=1714966391&s=books&sr=1-2   https://www.tyndale.com/p/nlt-every-woman-s-bible/9781496452993   https://www.youtube.com/@CarmenJoyImesPhD/featured https://evangelicalarminians.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Coover-Cox.-Hardening-of-Pharaohs-Heart.pdf Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 26m 44s
  • Uncovering Women's Voices In Scripture: A Discussion On The Every Woman's Bible | With Dr. Carmen Imes

    6 MAY 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Carmen Imes joins Dr. Lynn Cohick to discuss their involvement in creating a study Bible for women, addressing problematic passages, and answering objections to the Bible and Christianity. They explore the misconceptions surrounding the Proverbs 31 woman and the purity laws in Leviticus, providing insights into the cultural and historical context. They emphasize the importance of including women's voices and perspectives in teaching and preaching and the need for resources like the Every Woman's Bible to address women's questions and concerns. In this part of the conversation, Carmen Imes and Lynn discuss the concept of impurity in the Old Testament and how it relates to the bleeding woman in the New Testament. They also talk about the Every Woman's Bible and its accompanying app, Filament, which provides additional resources for studying the Bible. Key Takeaways:  - Creating study Bibles specifically for women allows for exploring passages that are problematic or misunderstood from a female perspective. - The Proverbs 31 woman should not be seen as a checklist for women to aspire to but as a personification of wisdom in various domestic spheres. - The purity laws in Leviticus were not meant to be oppressive or judgmental towards women but rather had to do with their role in childbirth and the potential for life. - Including women's voices and perspectives in teaching and preaching is important for addressing women's questions and concerns. - Jesus' ministry challenged and transcended the purity laws, offering a new understanding of purity and healing. The Old Testament addresses issues of impurity beyond menstruation, including long-term discharges and abnormal discharges in both men and women. - The Every Woman's Bible is a study Bible that focuses on women's issues and questions. Its accompanying app provides additional resources.  Episode Breakdown: 00:00 - Introduction and Setting 01:27 - Creating a Study Bible for Women 06:02 - Understanding the Purity Laws in Leviticus 10:25 - Including Women's Voices in Teaching and Preaching 29:46 - Impurity in the Old Testament 33:23 - The Every Woman's Bible  Episode Resources:  https://www.amazon.com/Being-Gods-Image-Creation-Matters/dp/1514000202/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uRgzvSU-fGh7kS354Umks5ei2qmC0OtqFIqMLjrRH7D3PyIPiv1XaAF3BnbL4_NOFiintcdCioUJFFpcowcDIfb1V7OtMPhfmVKX0OojE2YkgJdrtOhojLE0dF8pr9xdBDhKGLU-gv6oxC4qyOe5lkvrngyAoqWRESdoEmK_-mjyVBiMKc0eg3Pr4XaJ01WGQIPj7dnJJkBeYw6ZFK0Zyq8DV4_hs_NVdP6RUuEJJVM.tO5fl5oFI2_GlbQNHgkVwlpTH_ItsKtSsf28AAxI0WM&dib_tag=se&keywords=carmen+imes&qid=1714966344&s=books&sr=1-1   https://www.amazon.com/Bearing-Gods-Name-Sinai-Matters/dp/0830852697/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.uRgzvSU-fGh7kS354Umks5ei2qmC0OtqFIqMLjrRH7D3PyIPiv1XaAF3BnbL4_NOFiintcdCioUJFFpcowcDIfb1V7OtMPhfmVKX0OojE2YkgJdrtOhojLE0dF8pr9xdBDhKGLU-gv6oxC4qyOe5lkvrngyAoqWRESdoEmK_-mjyVBiMKc0eg3Pr4XaJ01WGQIPj7dnJJkBeYw6ZFK0Zyq8DV4_hs_NVdP6RUuEJJVM.tO5fl5oFI2_GlbQNHgkVwlpTH_ItsKtSsf28AAxI0WM&dib_tag=se&keywords=carmen+imes&qid=1714966391&s=books&sr=1-2   https://www.tyndale.com/p/nlt-every-woman-s-bible/9781496452993   https://www.youtube.com/@CarmenJoyImesPhD/featured   https://www.tyndale.com/sites/filamentbibleexperience/the-filament-app/   https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Forces-Death-Matthew-Thiessen/dp/1540964876/ref=sr_1_1?crid=M072W30OX9RV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Fh2JNnzlS_aNLeIvUhEkKDUg7UBkIztutcsjXuiWhyQdljJN6wSeg8y1LBcbF-YMIuMqGhNrkopHytS_B_pyfXsbPMUekbCDBwB7GNkeBG9AEqhmyuDcqQwKakJeQCr1AtvHPc_07fAfhpsQrBz7h0gg_NQqEwmXnzvRgAkWqqiX1l6hLYtlUrDYhIqEkd1Him-AYwyj3fgY1V5nAlU13cXeuPTvWXVWtJsiLls6Uwo.Xor7tEcnQaVjWjF8ba8IUfOQ8EAigqKEohXA1QiCWLg&dib_tag=se&keywords=jesus+and+the+forces+of+death&qid=1714967199&s=books&sprefix=jesus+and+the+forces+of+death%2Cstripbooks%2C194&sr=1-1   Episode Sponsor:   The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at: https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 35m 45s
  • The Visual Museum Series: Mary Magdalene - A Model of Devotion and Discipleship

    2 MAY 2024 · In this conversation, Dr. Lynn Cohick and Kelly Dippolito discuss the Visual Museum of Women in Christianity, an online database showcasing women in church leadership roles through curated images. Dr. Cohick discusses the portrayal of Mary Magdalene in Italian art, her significance in Christian history, and interpretations of her character. They delve into her presence during Jesus' ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection, exploring artistic depictions and biblical narratives. The conversation examines societal interpretations of Mary Magdalene, her portrayal in art, and the challenges of negative stereotypes. Key Takeaways:  - It is crucial to have a solid understanding of the New Testament background to avoid misinterpreting biblical women. Mary Magdalene is described as an apostle, meaning she was sent by Jesus. - The idea of perpetual penance for sexual sin is an unfortunate and inaccurate portrayal of Mary Magdalene. - The representation of Mary Magdalene and the traditions related to her vary across different periods of church history. Mary Magdalene is highly respected in the Church and seen as a model of devotion and discipleship. - Misinterpretation and mislabeling of biblical characters can inadvertently silence their voices and agency.  https://www.visualmuseum.gallery/ The purpose of this collaborative project is to create a curated, permanent visual exhibit of women in the history, ministry, and piety of early, Byzantine, and medieval Christianity that will be available online for researchers, educators, and interested laypersons. This multi-year project aims to make the visual record of women in ministry and leadership available free of charge and without permission requirements. It will also include short teaching elements to guide the audience through the constitutive and pivotal role of women throughout Christian history. Together with the visual story, the accompanying narrative will allow patrons to learn about women throughout history and across the globe and their unique contributions to the life and faith of the church… A history that remains mostly untold. Follow the Visual Museum on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visualmuseum.gallery/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visualmuseum.gallery/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/visual_museum TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@visualmuseum.gallery YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@VisualMuseum Episode Sponsor: The Alabaster Jar is brought to you by The Center for Women in Leadership, a newly formed 501©3 nonprofit organization whose purpose is to equip women in a context that is biblically rooted, theologically robust, and ethnically diverse to thrive as leaders in the academy and the Church. Follow them on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leadershipwithoutapology/. Learn more about The Center for Women in Leadership at: https://www.leadershipwithoutapology.org/.
    Played 36m 8s

The Alabaster Jar Podcast is a weekly conversation that takes on current issues impacting women at the intersection of faith, theology, and ministry. Dr. Lynn Cohick, Kelly Dippolito, and Sareen...

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The Alabaster Jar Podcast is a weekly conversation that takes on current issues impacting women at the intersection of faith, theology, and ministry. Dr. Lynn Cohick, Kelly Dippolito, and Sareen Musselman pour out their wisdom from years in ministry and academia to inspire women to continue advancing God’s mission in the world.
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