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The Human Risk Podcast

  • Paul Orlando on 'Why Now?' - how good timing makes great products

    23 JUN 2024 · Why do some great ideas succeed while others fail despite having everything else in place? On this episode, we welcome back Paul Orlando, an expert on unintended consequences and systems thinking. Paul introduces his new book, "Why Now: How Good Timing Makes Great Products," and discusses the pivotal role timing plays in the success of startups and innovation. Through historical examples and modern-day insights, Paul explains how to identify the right moment for launching new ventures and the frameworks he developed for timing analysis. Bio Paul is a seasoned entrepreneur, advisor, and author, known for his expertise in unintended consequences and systems thinking. 'Why Now' explores the crucial aspect of timing in innovation. Summary of Key Points: - 00:00: Introduction and welcome back to Paul Orlando. - 01:00: Paul's shift from unintended consequences to the topic of timing. - 02:00: The significance of timing in startup success. - 05:00: Historical examples of timing, including AT&T and mobile telephony. - 10:00: Frameworks and methodologies for analyzing timing. - 14:00: Case study of YouTube and earlier attempts at video streaming. - 20:00: The role of social and behavioral changes in timing. - 30:00: How businesses can apply timing analysis in decision-making. - 35:00: Personal reflections on the impact of timing on life and work. Links Paul's book: 'Why Now: How Good Timing Makes Great Products' - https://www.amazon.com/Why-Now-Timing-Makes-Products/dp/B0CYXSNMT3 Paul's website: https://startupsunplugged.com/ Paul's previous appearance on the show on Unintended Consequences: https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/paul-orlando-on-unintended-consequences/
    Played 1h 3m 14s
  • Dr Ludmila Praslova on The Canary Code

    14 JUN 2024 · What can canaries in coalmines teach us about diversity and inclusion? In this episode, I’m speaking to an academic who has some fascinating ideas and insights into how we can create more inclusive work environments and cultures — in other words, how to get the best out of all employees. Guest Bio My guest, Dr. Ludmila Praslova, is a Professor and the Founding Director of Graduate Programs in Organizational Psychology at Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, California. She is an industrial organizational psychologist with a background in global diversity, intercultural relations, and, more recently, neurodiversity in the workplace. She’s also the author of a new book called 'The Canary Code: A Guide to Neurodiversity, Dignity, and Intersectional Belonging at Work’ which takes a concept you’ve heard of — the canary in the coal mine — and applies it to the world of inclusion.   Her simple yet fascinating idea is that if we can focus on meeting the needs of those who are most sensitive to negative workplace dynamics and then create an environment that allows them to flourish, we can create an environment where everyone can flourish. Episode Description: In our discussion, we explore the importance of removing barriers in the workplace, the pitfalls of traditional hiring practices, and how the Canary Code works in practice. You'll hear  insights on creating inclusive environments, addressing workplace biases, and why something I've often done, viewing neurodivergent traits as 'superpowers', is actually unhelpful. AI-generated timestamp summary [00:00:00] - Introduction - Christian Hunt introduces Dr. Ludmila Praslova, discussing her book "The Canary Code" and its focus on inclusive work environments. [00:01:00] - Ludmila's Background - Ludmila, an industrial-organizational psychologist, specializes in global diversity, intercultural relations, and neurodiversity. [00:03:00] - Interest in Diversity - Ludmila's journey into diversity began with global diversity and now focuses on intersectional inclusivity and neurodiversity. [00:07:00] - The Canary Code Concept - The concept suggests that addressing the needs of the most vulnerable employees can improve conditions for all. [00:11:00] - Flexibility in the Workplace - Emphasizes creating flexible work environments to reduce workplace toxicity and improve productivity. [00:18:00] - Neurodiversity Explained - Neurodiversity includes ADHD, dyslexia, autism, and other neurological differences that impact workplace experiences. [00:22:00] - Managerial Concerns - Managers don't need to specialize in every condition but should create generally inclusive and flexible environments. [00:25:00] - Job Matching and Crafting - Focus on matching jobs to individual strengths and job crafting to optimize roles. [00:28:00] - The Limits of Flexibility - Some roles require specific skills and cannot be flexible, but many roles can adapt to a diverse workforce. [00:31:00] - Validity in Hiring Practices - Emphasizes the need for valid, job-relevant assessments in hiring to ensure fairness and effectiveness. [00:39:00] - Resistance to Change - Some organizations resist flexible work practices, but modern, flexible practices can help attract and retain talent. [00:46:00] - Book Structure - "The Canary Code" is structured to be accessible to CEOs, diversity professionals, and neurodivergent individuals, with stories, research, and practical advice. [00:58:00] - The Superpower Myth - While neurodivergent individuals may see their traits as superpowers, using this as a hiring argument is problematic. [01:02:00] - Conclusion - Advocates for creating environments where everyone can thrive without needing extraordinary measures. Encourages more inclusive and flexible workplace practices. Links Ludmila's Faculty Page - https://www.vanguard.edu/about/history The Canary Code - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/742858/the-canary-code-by-ludmila-n-praslova-phd/ Ludmila on Social Media LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ludmila-praslova/ Twitter/X - https://x.com/ludmilapraslova A piece explaining the point we discussed on the show about why neurodiversity isn't a 'superpower' - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/positively-different/202405/healing-the-invalidation-the-complex-truth-of-autism
    Played 1h 4m 14s
  • Geoff White on Rinsed - Money Laundering in a Digital World

    8 JUN 2024 · How is technology impacting money laundering? On this episode, I'm welcoming investigative journalist Geoff White back onto the show. In 2022, Geoff joined me to talk about his book and podcast The Lazarus Heist, the story of how North Korean hackers launched an attack on Sony Pictures in 2014. This time, he's back to talk about his brand new book 'Rinsed' which looks at money laundering in a digital world.  In it, Geoff explores how thieves who steal digital money that’s highly traceable, launder it so that they can make use of it?  In a wide-ranging disucssion, we also talk about Geoff’s work as an investigative reporter — how does he get his information, what are the risks in doing what he does and you’ll hear the astonishing reasons why people you might not expect would want to talk to him, actually do. Links Hear Geoff's previous appearance on the show talking aboiut The Lazarus Heist:  https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/geoff-white-on-the-lazarus-heist/ His BBC World podcast of the same name - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xtvg9/episodes/downloads Learn more about his new book 'Rinsed' - https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/455031/rinsed-by-white-geoff/9780241624838 Geoff's website - https://geoffwhite.tech/ Timestamped Notes (generateed by AI) [00:00:00] - Introduction - Christian welcomes Geoff White back to the podcast. - Geoff's new book "Rinsed" and updates since his last appearance. [00:01:00] - North Korea's Cyber Activities - Discussion on North Korea's cyber operations and the Axie Infinity hack. - The scale and speed of the $625 million cryptocurrency theft. [00:02:00] - Money Laundering Techniques - The importance of money laundering in cybercrime. - How hackers collaborate with financial experts to launder money. [00:03:00] - Evolution of Money Laundering - The shift from traditional cash-based laundering to digital methods. - Examples of how different criminal groups use technology to launder money. [00:04:00] - Money Laundering as a Service - The concept of "Money Laundering as a Service." - Comparison with "Hacking as a Service." [00:05:00] - Classic Money Laundering Stages - Explanation of the three stages: placement, layering, and integration. - Historical context with examples from the 1980s. [00:09:00] - Digital Era of Money Laundering - Challenges of tracing digital money. - The global nature of digital money laundering and its implications. [00:10:00] - International and Technological Aspects - How criminals use technology to launder money across borders. - The role of cryptocurrency in modern money laundering. [00:13:00] - Role of Financial Institutions - The involvement of traditional financial institutions in money laundering. - How compliance teams can combat these activities. [00:14:00] - Investigating Money Laundering - Geoff's research methods and challenges in uncovering these stories. - The importance of firsthand accounts and digital breadcrumbs. [00:17:00] - Notable Cases - Key cases from Geoff's book, including the Axie Infinity hack and others. - The significance of technology in these crimes. [00:20:00] - Interaction with Law Enforcement - Experiences with law enforcement agencies during investigations. - The case of the Instagram influencer Hushpuppi. [00:23:00] - Personal Safety and Cyber Risk - Geoff's approach to managing personal cyber risk. - The importance of separating public and private online personas. [00:26:00] - The WannaCry Ransomware Attack - Challenges in tracing ransomware payments. - A specific investigation into the WannaCry attack. [00:28:00] - Future of Cyber Risk - Geoff's views on the future of cyber risk and AI. - The potential for AI to assist both criminals and investigators. [00:34:00] - Regulation and Technology - The need for proactive regulation in tech and finance. - Challenges faced by regulators in keeping up with rapid technological advancements. [00:40:00] - Title and Cover of the Book - The process behind choosing the book's title, "Rinsed." - Importance of a compelling cover and subtitle. [00:42:00] - Continuous Learning in Cybercrime - The evolving nature of cybercrime stories. - The impact of new developments on the book's content. [00:46:00] - Tech Enablers and Libertarian Views - Common traits among tech enablers in money laundering. - The vision of a new world driven by innovative financial technologies. [00:51:00] - Advice for Regulators - Geoff's perspective on how regulators can keep pace with technological change. - The balance between enabling innovation and preventing crime. [00:55:00] - Conclusion - Geoff's final thoughts and a reminder about his book "Rinsed." - Encouragement to support local bookstores through Bookshop.org.
    Played 56m 51s
  • Sarah Abramson on Speaking To The Human

    3 JUN 2024 · How can organisations get the best out of the humans they employ and empower them to help deliver desired outcomes? The answer is by focusing on the decisions taken that are critical in determining whether or not the right outcome is achieved.   On this episode, I speak to Sarah Abramson, Head of Marketing at Acteon, a communication and learning agency in Cambridge, UK.    I came across Acteon last year after they approached me to be the keynote speaker at their annual event called, appropriately enough, Speak To The Human.       I had such a brilliant time and met so many amazing people — some of whom have been guests on the show, links below —  that not only did I do what keynote speakers hardly ever do and stick around for the rest of the day after I’d done my presentation, but I’m also going back to this year’s event as an attendee.   It’s taking place this week, and since Speak To The Human is a very small invite-only event, you can’t buy tickets, and it isn’t recorded or streamed, I thought I’d ask Sarah, as event organizer, to join me on a special episode of this show to share some of the magic that grabbed my attention.   In our discussion, we talk about the event, how Sarah goes about curating it and some of the unusual elements she incorporates to make it less a conference and more of a gathering of itnersting people.   What she has to say is a fascinating blueprint for thinking about live events in a post-pandemic world.   Before we get to that, Sarah talks about Acteon's work — you’ll hear some fascinating case studies of human risk-related problems being solved creatively.   She tells me about the importance of understanding human behaviour — not the theory of what people should do, but the realities of what they actually do — how storytelling can help effective communication and how to create belonging and connection within organisations.    And we hear about Sarah’s passion for marathon running and coaching, exploring the parallels between athletic training that seeks to get teh best out of individual runners and getting the best of of employees at work Key Topics: - Introduction to Sarah Abramson and Acteon [00:00:00] - Sarah’s role at Acteon and her background in marketing communications. - Overview of Acteon’s work in communication and learning. - Translating Strategy into Actions [00:02:00] - The challenge of making boardroom strategies actionable for employees. - Examples of how Acteon supports clients in implementing strategies. - Moments that Matter [00:04:00] - Identifying critical actions that significantly impact strategic success. - Case study on health and safety compliance in care homes. - Building a Positive Remote Work Culture [00:05:00] - Strategies for maintaining company culture in a hybrid work environment. - The importance of inclusive and high-quality hybrid meetings. - Behavioural Science Framework: COM-B [00:07:00] - Explanation of the COM-B model: Capability, Motivation, and Opportunity. - How Acteon uses this model to influence employee behaviour. - Storytelling in Communication [00:26:00] - The power of storytelling to engage and influence employees. - Examples of effective storytelling in corporate settings. - Sarah’s Experience in Marathon Running and Coaching [00:45:00] - Insights from Sarah’s dual role as a marathon runner and coach. - Parallels between athletic training and corporate behaviour. - Parental Insights into Human Behaviour [00:34:00] - How parenting skills translate into professional skills. - The value of understanding human behaviour through parenting experiences. - Speak to the Human Event [01:00:00] - Overview of Acteon’s annual event focusing on human connection. - Themes and unique elements of the event include music and magic. Links to Relevant Resources: - https://www.acteoncommunication.com/ - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-abramson/ - https://thedecisionlab.com/reference-guide/organizational-behavior/the-com-b-model-for-behavior-change - https://chimpmanagement.com/books-by-professor-steve-peters/the-chimp-paradox/ - https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/56314/thinking-fast-and-slow-by-kahneman-daniel/9780141033570 - https://www.acteoncommunication.com/landing-pages/speak-to-the-human-2024-belonging-and-connection/ - https://www.acteoncommunication.com/podcast/ featuring https://www.acteoncommunication.com/podcast/episode-2/. Previous episodes of this show featuring people I met at last year's Speak To The Human: Hannah Williams on The Art of Live Scribing: https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/hannah-williams-on-the-art-of-live-scribing/  Heather Urquhart on Improvisation two-part special: https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/heather-urquhart-on-improvisation-part-one/
    Played 1h 12m 42s
  • Manda Scott on Human Power

    1 JUN 2024 · What might the future of society look like & how can we get there? On this episode, I’m speaking to a best-selling author who has written an extraordinary book about her vision for the future.   Unusually, the book is a work of fiction for the show, but the issues it addresses are very relevant to Human Risk.   My guest is Manda Scott, who began her career as a veterinary surgeon and is now an award-winning writer and podcaster.   Her new book, Any Human Power, has the subtext Dream deeply. Rise up strong. Change is coming and is centred around a protagonist named Lan, a woman on her deathbed who makes a promise to her grandson, Finn. Realising he is struggling with the idea of living in a world without her, she vows to be there for him even after her death. As she passes away, she steps into a shamanic realm known as the void, where she learns to navigate and influence the timelines of the future.   Lan's journey is marked by her attempts to keep her promise to Finn, acting from beyond the grave to guide and protect him. The narrative explores the complex interplay between life and death, human connection, and the power of shamanic practices. Lan discovers that she can impact the physical world through the digital realm, using online gaming to connect with Finn and help him in his moments of need. During our discussion; we explore Manda’s career, what drives her writing and the topics she explores in Any Human Power.   Links to relevant topics Manda’s author’s website: https://mandascott.co.uk/ Her podcast ‘Accidental Gods’: https://accidentalgods.life/ Bayo Akomolafe - The Time's Are Urgent — Let's Slow Down: https://www.bayoakomolafe.net/post/the-times-are-urgent-lets-slow-down Francis Weller on the Trauma Culture vs Initiation Culture: https://medium.com/best-of-kosmos-journal/deschooling-dialogues-on-initiation-trauma-and-ritual-with-francis-weller-3f360fe26563   The evolution of Audrey Tang https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/27/taiwan-civic-hackers-polis-consensus-social-media-platform   How Audrey’s Tang crowdsourced government  https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/the-wisdom-of-crowds-an-interview-with-taiwans-unorthodox-digital-minister/ Wealth Supremacy by Marjorie Kelly https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/wealth-supremacy-how-the-extractive-economy-and-the-biased-rules-of-capitalism-drive-today-s-crises-marjorie-kelly/7452410?ean=9781523004775   The ‘Bankless’ podcast with Eliezer Yudkowsky  http://podcast.banklesshq.com/159-were-all-gonna-die-with-eliezer-yudkowsky   Riversimple Future Guardian Governance model  https://www.riversimple.com/governance/   Timestamp Highlights (AI generated) [00:00:00] - Introduction - Christian Hunt introduces Manda Scott and her background. [00:01:00] - Manda's Journey - Manda talks about her background in Scotland, starting as a veterinary surgeon, and transitioning to a novelist and podcaster. - She highlights her work in intensive care for neonatal horses and her academic journey. [00:02:00] - Transition to Writing and Podcasting - Manda discusses her decision to leave academia and pursue writing. - She explains the impact of her master's in regenerative economics on her career shift. [00:03:00] - Regenerative Economics and Shamanic Dreaming - Manda explains how her studies and shamanic dreaming influence her work and perspectives. - Introduction to the concept of "Accidental Gods" podcast and its goals. [00:04:00] - The Need for Systemic Change - Discussion on the necessity for total systemic change and evolving human consciousness. - Manda emphasizes changing our value set to create a thriving world. [00:06:00] - Shamanic Practice and Creative Process - Manda elaborates on shamanic dreaming and its role in her creative process. - She shares how visions and instructions guide her writing. [00:14:00] - Writing Inspiration and Process - Manda describes the inspiration behind her latest book and her unique writing process. - She explains the metaphor of splitting timelines and the challenges of writing about the future. [00:19:00] - Online Gaming and Human Connection - Discussion on the role of online gaming in building human connections. - Manda shares personal experiences and the positive aspects of gaming communities. [00:26:00] - Technology as a Tool for Change - Manda highlights Audrey Tang's work in Taiwan and the potential of technology for positive societal change. - The importance of using technology to build bridges and foster consensus. [00:34:00] - Capitalism and Value Systems - Discussion on the destructive nature of capitalism and the need for new value systems. - Manda explains the concept of "Wealth Supremacy" and systemic change. [00:41:00] - Writing Through Topia - Manda talks about the difficulty of writing a realistic path to a better future. - The importance of creating stories that resonate with people's current experiences and aspirations. [00:49:00] - Human Connection and Creativity - Manda discusses the power of human connection and creativity in building a sustainable future. - Emphasis on embracing technology while evolving beyond Palaeolithic emotions and medieval institutions. [00:53:00] - Call to Action - Manda's call to action for systemic change and building a future for future generations. - Importance of storytelling and creative imagination in driving change. [00:59:00] - Closing Thoughts - Christian and Manda discuss the impact of her book and provide practical information for listeners. - Final remarks on the importance of community, technology, and systemic change.
    Played 1h 2m 43s
  • Professor Alex Edmans on Misinformation

    27 MAY 2024 · Why is misinformation so prevalent, and what can we do about it? On this episode, I’m speaking with Alex Edmans, a London Business School Finance Professor who has written a book called  ‘May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases and What We Can Do About It’. Alex’s areas of focus are purposeful business, sustainable investing, corporate governance, and behavioural finance. He’s also very prepared to use his platform to challenge people who propagate inaccuracies or misleading information.   In our discussion, we explore why he wrote his book,  the impact of cognitive biases on decision-making, and practical solutions to navigate a world rife with misinformation.  You’ll hear about the pitfalls of relying on research produced with an agenda in mind and why we need to be wary when we’re told that a particular academic establishment has published a piece of research.  Alex also explains why the popular belief that if you spend 10,000 hours on a particular activity, you’ll have to be skilled at it might not be all it seems and why popular management mantras like ‘start with why’ aren’t as effective as those who propose them might like us to believe.     He talks about his own experiences and why his judgement has been just as vulnerable to biases as ours. Find out why cognitive diversity matters and why we shouldn’t listen to everyone’s views. Timestamp Highlights: (Produced by AI) - [00:00:00] Introduction - Christian introduces Professor Alex Edmans and discusses his impact on social media and public discourse. - [00:01:00] Motivation for Writing "May Contain Lies" - Alex explains his transition from academic research to writing about misinformation and the importance of discerning data accuracy over personal biases. - [00:02:00] Cognitive Biases and Their Impact - Discussion on confirmation bias and black-and-white thinking and how they affect our perception of data and evidence. - [00:04:00] Personal Experiences with Bias - Alex shares personal anecdotes illustrating how even experts can fall prey to biases and misinformation. - [00:08:00] The 10,000 Hours Rule - A critical look at Malcolm Gladwell's popular concept and its misinterpretations. - [00:13:00] Research and Decision-Making - The importance of scrutinising academic research and the pitfalls of relying solely on endorsements and institutional affiliations. - [00:21:00] Statistical Literacy - Alex emphasises the need for statistical literacy from an early age and practical ways to teach it. - [00:23:00] Balancing Data and Anecdotes - How to effectively use stories and data to make informed decisions. - [00:25:00] Encouraging Cognitive Diversity - The value of different perspectives in decision-making processes and organisational settings. - [00:29:00] Flaws in Consultant Research - Critique of research produced by consultancies like McKinsey and the difference between advocacy and genuine scientific inquiry. - [00:36:00] Limits of Cognitive Diversity - Discussing when it might be necessary to draw the line in accepting diverse viewpoints, especially in the context of misinformation. - [00:41:00] Societal Solutions to Misinformation - Proposals for improving transparency in endorsements and the peer review process to combat misinformation. - [00:46:00] Role of Gatekeepers - The diminishing role of traditional gatekeepers in the age of social media and the importance of self-regulation and critical thinking. - [00:55:00] Ethical Presentation of Data - Encouraging ethical behaviour in the presentation of data and the potential for individuals to influence organisational culture positively. - [00:59:00] Closing Remarks - Christian wraps up the conversation, highlighting the key takeaways from the discussion and thanking Alex for his insights. Key Quotes: - "Misinformation has always been around, but the ease with which it spreads today is unprecedented." - "The goal is not to enslave the reader to think like a statistician but to allow them to live more freely by being discerning with information." Resources Mentioned: - Book: "May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases and What We Can Do About It" by Alex Edmans - Website: http://maycontainlies.com Follow Alex Edmans: - https://twitter.com/aedmans - https://www.linkedin.com/in/aedmans/ Subscribe & Follow: - To discover episodes of the show you might have missed, visit the show's website - Follow Christian on https://twitter.com/humanrisk and https://www.linkedin.com/in/humanrisk/.
    Played 1h 3m 9s
  • Dr Layla McCay on The Rainbow Ceiling

    20 MAY 2024 · What is the Rainbow Ceiling, and why does it matter?   On this episode, I’m speaking to the author of a new book that explains the significance and the ways we can help to remove it.   A rainbow ceiling is similar to a glass ceiling, a metaphor for the various structural barriers that hold down women or minority groups as they try to climb the career ladder and prevent them from reaching top jobs—but applied to LGBTQ+ people. It’s a rainbow partly because it symbolises LGBTQ+ people but also because the concept of the arc of a rainbow suggests that different people are affected in different ways.   If, like me, you’re straight, you might not ever have given much thought to what it’s like to be LGBTQ+ and why those who are can find life more difficult. My guest, Dr Layla McCay, is the author of a brand new book called ‘Breaking the Rainbow Ceiling: How LGBTQ+ people can thrive and succeed at work’   As you’ll hear, although this is ostensibly a book to help LGBTQ+ people, it’s also incredibly insightful for everyone else.   That is why I wanted to get Layla onto the show. In reading it, I had some revelations: I recognised that I didn’t really understand some of the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ people.    I figured that if that applied to me, it might apply to others as well. But my revelations went further than a lack of understanding.   I also came to realise that I had often inadvertently either helped to foster a work environment that wasn’t as inclusive as it could have been or not done simple things that I could have done to make it.   I think inclusion is important, not just because it’s the right thing to do but also because by excluding people, we’re not getting the best out of everyone or the cognitive diversity we really need. Topics On the show, we explore: - What the Rainbow Ceiling is and how it manifests itself; - How everyday business practices, such as business travel, pose unique challenges and discomfort for LGBTQ+ professionals; - Why many LGBTQ+ people are forced to go ‘back into the closet’ at work, and what impact that has; - The challenges of ‘coming out’ at work; - How policies can unintentionally exclude LGBTQ+ people, and what we can do to make them more inclusive; - The importance of visible symbols of support; the transformative power of LGBTQ+ visibility in leadership;  And much, much more. Resources Layla’s book “Breaking The Rainbow Ceiling’: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/breaking-the-rainbow-ceiling-9781399410762/   Layla on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/LaylaMcCay   Her NHS profile: https://www.nhsconfed.org/people/dr-layla-mccay   For more on what LGBTQ+ means:  https://www.verywellmind.com/what-does-lgbtq-mean-5069804 A crash course on LGBTQ+: https://www.cps.edu/globalassets/cps-pages/services-and-supports/health-and-wellness/healthy-cps/healthy-environment/lgbtq-supportive-environments/key-terms-for-understanding-lgbtq-identities.pdf
    Played 57m 14s
  • Elspeth Kirkman on Decisionscape

    12 MAY 2024 · What can we learn from artists about decision-making?  More than you might think. We often see decision-making in binary terms and whether decisions are good or bad.  But what if they’re more subjective and akin to the way an artist looks at the world?  That’s what my guest explores in her new book.   That guest is Elspeth Kirkman, Chief Programme Officer at the innovation agency Nesta and a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at King's College London's Policy School and Exeter University's Business School.  She works at the intersection of design, data, and experimentation to solve societal problems.   Elspeth’s book ‘Decisionscape’ explores how the decisions we make are influenced by a variety of factors, many of which are personal to each of us.   In our discussion, we explore: - Elspeth’s career and work; - What Decisionscapes are and how using an artistic lens can help us to understand how and why we make decisions; - How factors like social capital can lead people to make seemingly counter-intuitive decisions; - Parallels between the creative process in writing and decision-making; - the impact of everyday choices on life's narrative and long-term happiness; - the significance of small, habitual decisions in shaping our lives; - the concept of counterfactual thinking and finding contentment in reality; - the enjoyment of making decisions, even without complete information; - why embracing imperfection in decision-making can help us live more satisfied lives and much, much more.   Links to topics we discuss during the show The Green Day concert where the audience sings Bohemian Rhapsody - https://youtu.be/cZnBNuqqz5g?si=SSkpKTIZ1OVv4qfn   Oliver Burkeman’s Book ‘Four Thousand Weeks’ -  https://www.oliverburkeman.com/books   Pablo Picasso’s Picture of a Bull - https://drawpaintacademy.com/the-bull/   Links to Elspeth and her work Decisionscape - https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262048941/decisionscape/   Behavioural Insights, the book she co-authored with Michael Hallsworth - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/647522/behavioral-insights-by-michael-hallsworth-and-elspeth-kirkman/   Elspeth’s work at Nesta - https://www.nesta.org.uk/team/elspeth-kirkman/   Her profile on LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/elspethkirkman   Twitter/X - https://twitter.com/Karminker   Previous episodes of the show I have featured topics related to decision-making in many episodes of the show, which are available at http://www.humanriskpodcast.com.   Two recent episodes of particular relevance are my discussions with:   Dr Melina Moleskis -  https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/dr-melina-moleskis-on-decision-making-part-one/   and   Ben Cattaneo - https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/ben-cattaneo-on-decision-making-part-two/
    Played 58m 59s
  • Professor Benjamin Van Rooij on Questioning Compliance

    5 MAY 2024 · What makes us more or less likely to comply with rules or laws? My guest, Benjamin Van Rooij, knows all about this subject.  He is a Professor of Law and Society at the University of Amsterdam who  researches and writes about behavioural law; in other words, the impact laws have on human behaviour and the behavioural science behind law. This is Benjamin’s fifth appearance on the show, which tells you that he’s incredibly engaging and insightful.  I invited Benjamin to come back onto the show to discuss his latest research project on the  ‘Obligation to Obey’; the question of whether we feel obliged to comply with Rules or the Law, simply because they are Rules or the Law.  We did talk about that and some of his other research.  But we also got into a much wider conversation about Compliance — what it’s there to do and the behavioural drivers behind it — and fascinatingly, some insights into Benjamin’s own propensity to comply, what drives his intellectual curiosity and his observations about Compliance In The Wild. In our discussion, we explored: - The Roots and Evolution of Compliance; - Why it can be hard to prove the effectiveness of Compliance programs; - The difference between Reactive vs. Preventive Compliance; - How Compliance Functions are evolving; - Why Behavioural Science, Testing and Experimentation are important in meeting Compliance objectives; - How and Why Social Norms can drive Compliance: - How curiosity and challenge can benefit Compliance; And much, much more. Resources To find out more about Benjamin and his research, visit https://www.uva.nl/en/profile/r/o/b.vanrooij/b.vanrooij.html.   You can listen to the previous episodes of the show in which we discussed: To hear his four previous appearances on the show: https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/professor-benjamin-van-rooij-on-1/  https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/professor-benjamin-van-rooij-on/ which explores https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/676270/the-behavioral-code-by-benjamin-van-rooij/, which he co-authored with Dr Adam Fine.    https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/professors-benjamin-van-rooij/   https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/professors-melissa-rorie-benjamin-van-rooij-on-measuring-compliance/, where we discussed https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/measuring-compliance/5C1378AB4F9814D0C41198AEF9A5B6D2 that he co-authored with Professor Melissa Rorie. 
    Played 1h 38s
  • Ben Cattaneo on Decision-Making (Part Two)

    27 APR 2024 · What goes into human decision-making? If you listened to the previous episode of the show with Dr Melina Moleskis on decision-making, then you’ll know what’s coming next.   If you didn’t, then don’t worry; you can listen to that after this. My guest on this episode is Ben Cattaneo, a friend of the show and the founder of The Decision-Making Studio, a startup that helps clients to make better decisions.  In our discussion, we pick up some of the themes I discussed with Melina and explore others. Since Ben’s background is in risk — he hosts the All Things Risk podcast — we explore how, in an uncertain world, making good decisions is critical.  On the episode, you'll hear about:  - Ben's experiences of founding The Decision Making Studio; - the importance of integrating human elements into decision-making processes; - the FOCUS framework for improving decision quality; - the need to blend art and science in making decisions; - the flaws in classic MBA case studies for teaching decision-making and the benefits of looking at less-known examples for deeper insights; - the need to shift towards embracing uncertainty as a natural part of decision-making; - the complexity and importance of decision-making in both personal and organizational contexts. and much more. Resources Part One of this series with Dr Melina Moleskis on Decision-Making: https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/dr-melina-moleskis-on-decision-making-part-one/  Blockbuster Netflix story: https://finshots.in/archive/the-incredible-netflix-story-you-didnt-know/ Comedian Des Bishop on Mindfulness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU_wLC0NlgU James Clear on Tattoos, Haircuts & Hats: https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/february-1-2024 You can find Ben via his Decision Making Studio website: https://thedecisionmaking.studio/ Ben’s All Things Risk podcast is available on all platforms and here:  https://www.allthingsrisk.co.uk/ The episode of his show featuring Paula Reid who cycled across Ukraine: https://www.allthingsrisk.co.uk/2024/04/02/ep-215-paula-reid-on-cycling-across-ukraine/  The Decision-Making Studio https://thedecisionmaking.studio/ Ben’s Decision Reaction Videos are available via his account on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-cattaneo/ The specific episodes he refers to on the show:  Mark Gilmour’s race in Morocco: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ben-cattaneo_decisionmaking-decisionreactions-activity-7183537246388518912-jBQR?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop The movie ‘Gung Ho’: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ben-cattaneo_decisionmaking-activity-7155084173228077056-iX2H?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Relevant episodes of the Human Risk podcast: Ben on ‘All Things Risk': https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/all-things-human-risk-crosscast/ Alison Taylor on 'Doing The Right Thing': https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/alison-taylor-on-doing-the-right-thing/ Professor Bent Flyvbjerg on 'How Big Things Get Done': https://www.humanriskpodcast.com/professor-bent-flyvbjerg-on-how-big-things-get-done/
    Played 1h 3m 45s

People are often described as the largest asset in most organisations. They are also the biggest single cause of risk. This podcast explores the topic of 'human risk', or "the...

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People are often described as the largest asset in most organisations. They are also the biggest single cause of risk. This podcast explores the topic of 'human risk', or "the risk of people doing things they shouldn't or not doing things they should", and examines how behavioural science can help us mitigate it. It also looks at 'human reward', or "how to get the most out of people". When we manage human risk, we often stifle human reward. Equally, when we unleash human reward, we often inadvertently increase human risk.
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