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The Official MUFON Podcast

  • Bob Spearing - Recent Cases of Interest

    22 APR 2024 · A discussion with Bob Spearing, MUFON's Director of Investigations, one of our featured speakers at the MUFON Symposium this July 12-14 in Dallas. Bob graduated from Fordham University with a B.A. in Communications with Journalism and Film Production as major concentrations. Bob recently retired from the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey after 34 years. His many duties included being an FRA licensed Rail Traffic Controller and Locomotive Engineer. While in management he was a Safety Investigator, Contract Administrator, prepared multi-million-dollar budgets, managed public relations and curated historical railroad exhibitions at a major regional transportation hub. Bob joined MUFON in 2014 as a Field Investigator and has previously been National Director of both Spain and India and led MUFON’s Special Assignment Team. Bob has long been involved with our various special projects including MARRS, the Pine Bush, N.Y. UFO Museum, the MUFON member social network called the Observer Network and the MUFON UFO Map App. He has had numerous articles published in various UFO related magazines around the world including four MUFON Journal cover stories and he has appeared in several television series as a photo analyst including UFOs: The Lost Evidence and Ancient Aliens. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXpZaTdaVGJxdFc1TUZyZUNIcnhDNS0xYTZLZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttSjVIalpWb3h2OExQMU1LdU1xRmMxTVg1aEpjSVRzZHMxS3RJZUQ3UFBLQUtzQVpHRWFJZVBvbTY4NTJaaTNPZkJ1N0ZnNnljTDVCdlZkeU9lVWNVR192VDh4b3ZSNHVISHJ3WmNmOS1pWnZMcUoxRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmufonsymposium.com%2F&v=83BEqxfIyY4 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbElzVXBWZ0NuSVFTUUY3UmtYcFV2WDNFb2N4Z3xBQ3Jtc0trYVhXd2d6SDBCYS1pRUVtODRyaDJuVEc5TkpWbHltaHdZM1pUU1ZhUzJESVUtVW5lanktbFVjazZiVUJNbkFVNDNfU0VmZFRKUHdnQnRnT2Q0WEVfM21fRHFvUjhFdUZpNmw4ckRaN0NtUUpsWWh4RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmufonsymposium.com%2Fcases-of-interest%2F&v=83BEqxfIyY4
    Played 48m 2s
  • Terry Tibando - A Citizen's Disclosure on UFOs and ETIs

    15 APR 2024 · A discussion with Terry Tibando, one of the featured speakers at the MUFON Symposium in Dallas, Texas in July. Terry has had nearly 70 years of UFO sightings and ET encounters including childhood encounters. He attended the University of Victoria majoring in astronomy, physics, and mathematics, and he has used his background in science and math to try to understand the UFO and ET phenomenon. He hosted the first Witness Disclosure conference in Canada on UFOs and ETI on September 9, 2001, with guest speakers Dr Steven Greer, Dr Carol Rosin, and Dr Alfred L. Webre with full news media coverage in attendance. He appeared in Dr. Grteer’s documentaries “Sirius” and "Unacknowledged.” He has written an impressive, encyclopedic six-volume textbook series entitled: “A CITIZEN’S DISCLOSURE ON UFOS and ETI,” available online in the U.S. at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Bookworld, Booktopia, and Hudson, and in Canada at Indigo and Chapters, plus 40,000 other bookstores and distributors around the world.
    Played 1h 9m 3s
  • Episode 36 - Captain Robert Salas

    8 APR 2024 · On the night of March 24, 1967, UFOs appeared over the Malmstrom AFB missile field, with one, large, glowing red object hovering right outside and above the front gate. Within seconds, the missiles began to shut down, going into a so-called “No-go” state. In the event we were to have had a nuclear conflict, the missiles could not be launched. In the launch capsule that night was Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander Captain Robert Salas. Captain Salas graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy and spent seven years in active duty from 1964 to 1971. He also held positions at Martin Marietta and Rockwell and spent 21 years at the FAA. In the Air Force, he was an air traffic controller and a missile launch officer as well as an engineer on the Titan 3 missiles. He also holds a Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology and a Master of Education from the University of Washington. Since that time he has worked as a safety and reliability engineer for Martin-Marietta Aerospace and Rockwell International on Space Shuttle design proposals. He worked for the Federal Aviation Administration as an aircraft structures certification engineer, an FAA attaché to the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia, and as a mathematics teacher and tutor. In 2005 he published https://www.amazon.com/Faded-Giant-Robert-Salas/dp/1419603418/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1CT33FL7ND8J6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.z7Eo8ygbRcG-1fhQqZXfWZ392CdtMRjugBHUWD0st6Ber5MNmn0O7chlyjo-ppdk26Tpqo8c0Fav0R38TW2FgcLL6_PKj_uKgDepFMT4QF1-vXQJJOcjZ0hZa708e8nNC64JAZ1HAkTt1i7UpGQUWvC1FtFqc79mi-tcz31sJlOaUrzQDgCVoEmVG0aHI1_EHfHvx6q9xbDHhvTirAzS2zQQDf4cDL8N7WraxzQMil0.87IJyc_hDFqHbnjM4JY6G3hC54g_1JXaU9Z31kzMtIk&dib_tag=se&keywords=robert%2Bsalas&qid=1708976436&sprefix=robert%2Bsalas%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-3 which details his UFO incident while stationed at Malmstrom AFB, Montana in 1967. In 2013, he published https://www.amazon.com/Unidentified-Phenomenon-Governments-Conspired-Humanitys/dp/1601633424/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CT33FL7ND8J6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.z7Eo8ygbRcG-1fhQqZXfWZ392CdtMRjugBHUWD0st6Ber5MNmn0O7chlyjo-ppdk26Tpqo8c0Fav0R38TW2FgcLL6_PKj_uKgDepFMT4QF1-vXQJJOcjZ0hZa708e8nNC64JAZ1HAkTt1i7UpGQUWvC1FtFqc79mi-tcz31sJlOaUrzQDgCVoEmVG0aHI1_EHfHvx6q9xbDHhvTirAzS2zQQDf4cDL8N7WraxzQMil0.87IJyc_hDFqHbnjM4JY6G3hC54g_1JXaU9Z31kzMtIk&dib_tag=se&keywords=robert%2Bsalas&qid=1708976436&sprefix=robert%2Bsalas%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-1, providing new details on various aspects of the phenomenon. He co-sponsored a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC where he and six other ex-military witnesses testified to the reality of the UFO incidents at U.S. nuclear weapons bases. In May 2013, he participated in the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club, Washington DC. On October 19, 2021, he organized a press conference at the National Press Club and spoke along with three other witnesses on UFO incursions at nuclear weapons facilities. Captain Salas has spoken at international UFO conferences in over fifteen countries, including Norway, France, UK, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, South Africa, Costa Rica, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. He has been publicly speaking about his incident at UFO conferences, radio and television since 1996.
    Played 56m 4s
  • MUFON Podcast Episode 35 - Marianne Robb and Dave Rich

    1 APR 2024 · A discussion with two highly seasoned law enforcement officers about their investigative work as MUFON Field Investigators, and their organization, UAPPD. Marianne Robb is retired after 34 years as a police officer in Arizona. Marianne gained her experience as a patrol officer, detective in arson, property crimes, narcotics, and as a crime prevention officer. Marianne joined Mufon in 2015 and became a field investigator. She is an instructor for the Mufon Boot Camp and Symposium, teaching Advanced Interview Techniques and Evidence Collection. What she learned from doing investigations and attending the Mufon meeting, inspired her to commit to helping find the truth behind the mysterious UFO phenomenon. Marianne believes that the government and others who are researching this phenomenon are all looking for the same thing – THE TRUTH. She hopes one day all of these research groups will work together toward the common goal of uncovering what is going on in our skies. Retired with 25 years as a Police officer in Arizona.  Dave Rich started his career in patrol, then worked in the investigations unit as a gang detective, homicide, sex crimes and narcotics detective. Dave joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and worked as a field investigator. He is an instructor for the MUFON Boot Camp and Symposium teaching Advanced Interview Techniques and Evidence Collection. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1U3ZXVZdlh0ZWpMc1V2b2RZOGNZWFpZVnhlZ3xBQ3Jtc0trdVVvcEZtZ2UzQkVuV21lOE5Hc0g0VUpteUdXeWdzT25wMk1OVmJMWGR4TXRpaHFoZ2JzUUtNelZLNWZxaDd2QkMyZWhnRHFpd1E3VmJiWUdyQ25tUUtlV201RkN1Y3hGMHZtTkxCcDBhZFBxRUVlQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmufonsymposium.com%2F&v=IcTrrnaLgvk
    Played 54m 3s
  • Episode 34 - Brad Olsen

    25 MAR 2024 · A Discussion with Author and Explorer Brad Olsen. Brad Olsen is the author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric Series: “Modern Esoteric” “Future Esoteric.” and the newly-released “Beyond Esoteric.” An award-winning author, book publisher and event producer, his keynote presentations and interviews have enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, UFO Mega Conference, the 5D events and dozens of radio (including Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, and the Patriot Underground) and television shows (including Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, Beyond Belief, Book of Secrets, The Truth is Out There and Mysteries of the Outdoors). He has traveled to all seven continents, including Antarctica by sailboat, seeking adventure and the answers to the mysteries of humankind’s past. Brad is a founder and co-producer of the How Weird Street Faire in the SOMA neighborhood of San Francisco. The Chicago native’s esoteric writing continues to reach a wide audience while he continues to break ground in alternative journalism, public speaking, illustration, and photography.
    Played 1h 4m 24s
  • Episode 33 - Ryan Wood: MJ-12, Crashed UFOs and Government Secrecy

    18 MAR 2024 · Ryan Wood grew up in southern California where he first became exposed to UFOs when his father, Dr. Robert M. Wood was engaged in deciphering the physics of UFOs while managing a research project on anti-gravity for McDonnell Douglas. In 1978, he graduated from CalPoly San Luis Obispo with degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science and has had a long career in marketing, sales, engineering, and corporate management, across many fields: semiconductor, computer systems, medical imaging, energy conservation, aerospace and now in fusion as the CEO of Electric Fusion Systems, Inc. Ryan is regarded as a leading authority on the Top Secret classified Majestic-12 intelligence documents and the 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO Crash. A frequent lecturer on the UFO subject, Ryan has taught college courses and made numerous presentations about UFOs to civic organizations and at ufology conferences across the world. He has organized seven worldwide UFO crash retrieval symposia (2003-2009), each with conference proceedings and presentations from UFO crash investigators along with keynote banquet speakers. He once presented a UFO lecture to an international class of military officers for a National Security Affairs class at the Naval Postgraduate School that formed the basis of the final exam. He manages the content of www.majesticdocuments.com and along with his father was the executive producer of a television documentary that aired on the Sci-Fi channel detailing the authenticity of the Majestic-12 documents called The Secret. He has been interviewed on numerous television shows such as the History channel, ABC news and numerous local Bay Area, Denver, and Las Vegas TV channels. He has been a radio guest with Art Bell, Jeff Rense, and George Noory 
    Played 58m 29s
  • MUFON Podcast Episode 27 - New DOD Report, Black Vault FOIA Denied, MUFON works with the Government

    27 FEB 2023 · The MUFON Podcast reports on the new DOD Report, Black Vault's recently-denied FOIA request for all videos like FLIR 1 and GoFast, the MUFON Board's trip to Washington, DC, and recent cases of interest from the files of NUFORC and MUFON.
    Played 21m 41s
  • MUFON Podcast Episode 26 - John Lear, DIA Document Dump, Solar Communications, and David Toon_01

    23 FEB 2023 · MUFON Podcast Host Richard Beckwith pays homage to John Lear; Lou Elizondo, and Nick Pope talk about the shocking revelations contained in the latest DIA UFO Document Dump; and, MUFON Chief Field Investigator in Florida David Toon talks about his deep research into anomalous objects near the sun.
    Played 36m 3s
  • MUFON Podcast Episode 25 - Avi Loeb, John Schussler, Lu Elizondo, First ODNI UAP Report

    23 FEB 2023 · Tonight on the MUFON Podcast: Researchers artificially create an RNA molecule that replicates; Why an alien civilization would send out Von Neuman probes; what Lue Elizondo said when asked whether UAPs are piloted by extraterrestrials; John Greenwald from the Black Vault on the partial release of the June 2021 Classified version of the UAP/UFO Report; and John Schussler talks about handling alien material. All that, along with the latest, strangest cases from the files of MUFON, including completed unknowns directly from the MUFON Field Investigators who investigated the cases. All that coming up right now on the Official MUFON Podcast!
    Played 30m 43s
  • MUFON Podcast Episode 24 - NEW FORMAT

    21 MAR 2022 · Tonight, the MUFON Podcast begins an entirely NEW FORMAT with an emphasis on current events and current cases. Host Richard Beckwith will be giving the straight story on what is happening right now. He will be talking about the latest information related to the search for extraterrestrial life and the UFO/UAP Phenomenon and discussing recently filed cases, and recently completed cases from the files of MUFON and the National UFO Reporting Center. We will also talk about what is happening inside MUFON and the world of ufology. Tonight we hear reports from MUFON Investigators Sabrina Robb and Becky Cantu, and we talk about life as we don't know it, Chris Mellon's article in The Hill on Government Secrecy, and Avi Loeb's efforts to talk to aliens. Episode Links: https://scitechdaily.com/new-astrobio... https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073... https://phys.org/news/2022-03-extrate... https://youtu.be/G5gJBZ-3OlY https://thehill.com/opinion/white-hou... https://nuforc.org/
    Played 33m 14s

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The Official Podcast of MUFON - The Mutual UFO Network - a global, scientific organization dedicated to the study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity. Guests and commentary on...

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The Official Podcast of MUFON - The Mutual UFO Network - a global, scientific organization dedicated to the study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity. Guests and commentary on all facets of the UFO phenomenon and other related topics from leading researchers.
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