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The Opium Bird- A Hoax?

  • The Opium Bird- A Hoax?

    30 OCT 2023 · Yes, that’s right! The opium bird is a hoax. In 2023, a video of a bird that looked like it was smoking a pipe went viral on social media. The bird was dubbed the "Opium Bird" and many people believed that it was a real animal. However, it was later revealed that the video was actually a hoax. The bird in the video was a CGI creation and the pipe was added in post-production. The Opium Bird hoax is a reminder that not everything you see on social media is real. It is important to be critical of the information you consume and to do your own research before believing something. Further Internet surfing has found deep fake videos of this particular hoax featuring Joe Rogan’s podcast have only spread this hoax even further. Here are some tips for spotting fake news and hoaxes on social media: - Be suspicious of headlines that seem too good to be true or that are designed to evoke an emotional response. - Check the source of the information. Is it a reputable news organization or website? - Do a reverse image search to see if the image has been used before. - Look for red flags, such as grammatical errors, poor spelling, and strange formatting. - If you're still unsure, ask a trusted friend or family member for their opinion. It's also important to remember that even if something is technically true, it may still be misleading. For example, a headline that reads "90% of Scientists Agree Climate Change Is Real" may be factually accurate, but it doesn't tell the whole story. It's important to read the entire article to get the full context. By being critical of the information you consume and doing your own research, you can help to stop the spread of fake news and hoaxes. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
    Played 1m 42s
  • Unraveling the Mystery of the Opium Bird - TikTok's Viral AI Phenomenon

    9 DEC 2023 · The Opium Bird, or Erosion Bird, is a fictional entity created through AI art that gained notoriety on TikTok in 2023. It depicts a large, bird-like creature in an Antarctic setting and is tied to the Weirdcore aesthetic trend, which emphasizes odd and eerie visuals. Despite being a digital fabrication, the Opium Bird gained traction for its mysterious allure and connection to the name of a record label, resonating with cultural references to music and fashion. Its viral success has led to a proliferation of related content, including memes and merchandise, showing the internet's capacity to amplify and celebrate creative hoaxes.
    Played 3m 3s
  • Luh-Calm Fit Opium Bird

    25 JAN 2024 · Fashion Gone Fowl: Decoding the "Luh Calm Fit" Meme with Erosion Bird Remember when everyone thought there were giant birds chilling in Antarctica? Turns out, it was just the internet being its gloriously weird self, birthing the fashion meme of the moment: Erosion Bird (aka Opium Bird) rocking the ultimate "Luh calm fit." This AI-generated behemoth, looking like a Rick Owens runway escapee draped in faux fur, has amassed over 200 million views on TikTok alone. But it's not just the bird's majestic swagger that's captured hearts. It's the "Luh calm fit" philosophy it embodies: effortless style with a dash of the absurd. Think waking up, throwing on whatever's within arm's reach, and somehow it ends up looking fire? That's Luh calm fit in a nutshell. It's a celebration of the unplanned, the messy, the oddly-perfect ensembles that just work. And who better to exemplify it than an oversized bird draped in sheets? FashionTok has gone wild, recreating Erosion Bird's look with everything from frost-covered glasses to musty quilts and face-boots (yes, you read that right). Sure, this meme might have a shelf life shorter than a tweet, but the spirit of Luh calm fit? That's forever. It's a reminder to embrace the unconventional, to find style in the unexpected, and to laugh at ourselves along the way. So don't be surprised if you see feathers and sheet-robed creatures strutting down the street on Halloween. After all, in the digital realm of memes, fashion truly takes flight. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
    Played 1m 28s
  • Opium Bird or Erosion Bird we just love this Hoax

    6 FEB 2024 · Opium Bird or Erosion Bird we just love this Hoax
    Played 2m 41s
  • Opium Bird Meme

    7 FEB 2024 · Demystifying TikTok's Latest Viral Obsession: AI-Generated 'Erosion Birds' If you've been off TikTok recently, you may have missed the platform's newest cryptid sensation dubbed "Erosion Birds" spawning viral memes and sparking pop culture curiosity. What began as a set of eerie AI-generated images has blossomed into an entire folkloric mythology around the fictional avian species, akin to past digital phenomena like Slender Man or Siren Head. So what exactly are Erosion Birds, why have they captured attention, and what is their significance? Let's break things down. Erosion Birds are a series of creepy CGI photos and videos purporting to show a breed of tall, faceless bird creatures residing in snowy, remote mountain regions. They were created by TikTok user @Drevfx, who debuted the artificial lifeforms on September 12th, 2023. Clearly inspired by internet urban legends, @Drevfx expertly tapped into the rising "weirdcore" trend gaining traction across social media through unsettling surreal aesthetics. By generating an original monster lore foundation and then expanding Erosion Birds’ backstory through additional video clips and composited landscape imagery as if documenting rare species behavior, @Drevfx successfully captivated the imaginations of thousands initially. However, meme popularity truly took flight once the eerie avians got co-opted as humor fodder across TikTok’s ecosystem. The most viral meme formula utilizes Erosion Birds as the punchline for ubiquitous “my plug is weird but reliable” jokes about purchasing illicit substances from eccentric dealers. Content creators riff on that concept depicting the imposing CGI figments as quirky underground connections furnishing products or services, often paired with captions like "my drug dealer got new birds, I ain't even mad though.” This comedic parody ultimately boosted Erosion Birds into the mainstream pop culture lexicon beyond niche circles. So in summary, Erosion Birds represent TikTok’s latest success story demonstrating how collaborative digital mythmaking between crowds and concept creators can rapidly manifest entertaining micro-phenomena with real cultural traction. They also showcase AI art‘s potential for easily fabricating bespoke cryptids when technologically augmented storytelling taps the Zeitgeist just right. While merely the latest artificial folly in a long lineage spanning creepypastas and augmented fakes, Erosion Birds’ unexpected ascent signals that room remains opening pop culture’s Overton window ever wider for uncanny experimental visions when rendered compellingly. And @Drevfx's viral fabricated avians surely won't be the last creatures conjured from code fusing interactive entertainment with artful world-building far from reality’s bounds. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts. And Hey! History buffs, buckle up! Talking Time Machine isn't your dusty textbook lecture. It's where cutting-edge AI throws wild interview parties with history's iconic figures. In the Talking Time Machine podcast: History Gets a High-Tech Twist, Imagine: Napoleon Bonaparte talking French Politics with Louis the 14th! This podcast is futuristically insightful. Our AI host grills historical legends with questions based on real historical context, leading to surprising, thought-provoking, and often mind-blowing answers. Whether you're a history geek, a tech junkie, or just love a good interview, Talking Time Machine has something for you. Talking Time Machine: search, subscribe and (Listen Now!)
    Played 3m 35s
  • Opium Bird - Why We Care

    14 FEB 2024 · Opium Bird: Unraveling the Viral Intrigue of TikTok’s Mystery Avian In late 2022, a truly bizarre animal took social media's collective breath away. Wearing a steampunk goggle harness while flapping in captivity, this grey parrot's dilated pupils and awkward gyrations sparked feverish intrigue becoming TikTok's most hypnotizing creature overnight. Millions looped the disorienting clip searching perplexed eyes fixated upwards, awaiting clues explaining such unnatural bird behavior wondering...who is this Opium Bird and why can't we turn away? The answer delved far deeper into humanity's subconscious revealing far more about human psychology than mere animal gimmicks clicking app algorithms exploding unexpectedly into global memetic icon cemented permanently cultural consciousness henceforth. Origins of the Opium Bird Video Phenom The 15-second viral sensation first appeared on Thanksgiving 2022 depicting a mysterious parrot referred "Opium Bird” by accompanying text without elaboration. Filmed indoors against a nondescript background, the clip showed a medium grey feathered avian wearing an odd steampunk-style brass/leather harness. While the breed remained unconfirmed most viewers presumed the species South American Green Amazon due to distinct red forehead speckling. Harness attachment explained allowing tethered flight confinement purposes. But beyond identifying the base physical bird...the bizarre dilated pupils, discombobulated movements and upward gaze sparked more haunting intrigue emotionally. Reactions ranged from disturbed pity towards the clearly impaired creature...fascinated horror unable to avert attention like some David Cronenberg film...even profound spiritual symbolism was projected upon this messenger emitting otherworldly auras. Speculation swirled fiercely over root conditions explaining such radical disposition changes. Theorists argued probable causes like neurological damage from past trauma or birth defects, toxicity from heavy metal cage paints, exposure to hallucinogens, and even far-fetched government LSD experiments! Absent any tangible background details from the anonymous original poster @ClownCoreMemespongeboob ...The Opium Bird's mystique exploded to over 8 million views near-instantaneously as internet investigators swarmed piecing possibilities explaining such fantastically strange displays never witnessed before. Yet rather than firm conclusions calming furor...the ongoing guessing game sustained the hypnotic grip intensifying mass infatuation exponentially into an extraordinary pop culture moment. The Allure of Unanswered Intrigue While novelty animal clips frequent TikTok feeds daily, only a special few resonate penetrating collective public consciousness and winning hearts/minds universally. So what fueled “Opium Bird” notably breaking through beyond fleeting amusement into lasting impact? Why did THAT bird seize such a monumental reaction above thousands of similar others shuffled daily? The clues lie in understanding deeper human psychology. The foundational allure luring viewers into Opium Bird’s void traced basic organic intrigue response mechanism evolutionarily honed detecting abnormalities spurring cautious inspection predicting threats are opportunities worth recognizing survival importance. Our earliest Homo sapiens ancestors scanned environments closely gauging everything perceived as ordinary or odd critically assessing significance and reacting accordingly so species endured ongoing. This instinctive inquisitiveness remains encoded in assessing stimuli without question. The Opium Bird visual shorthand tapped primal subroutines demanding resolution explaining the irregularity witnessed. We HAD to solve this organic puzzle piece to restore the orderliness expected natural creatures’ appearances and behaviors fundamentally. Absent of concrete facts from the video or original poster satisfying informational gaps explaining anomalous qualities...viewers subconsciously fixated endlessly streaming clips seeking clues themselves anywhere detect. Facilitated by video loop format inherently allowing endless reexamination frame-by-frame, these clues perpetually dangled just out of our grasp. So the mystery sustained itself. This tantalizing tension awakened dormant sleuthing compulsions enthralling intuitively. Now overt conscious obsessing unlocked determining truth made the phenomena interactive. In comment sections enormous speculative energy was spent piecing explanatory clues like virtual detectives crowdsourcing what covert government psychedelic test, injury, poisoning, or birth defect created such a radical presentation. The intellectual challenge of reconciling irrational imagery and reasonable deductions occupied cognitive reasoning hungry to solve a satisfactory narrative. The impossible-to-verify hypotheses and competing subjective interpretations kept communal investigative thrill ride churning feeding content algorithms promoting video continuously feeds across FYPs. The Opium Bird represented physiological input our pattern-seeking brains couldn't reconcile logically then subconsciously persisted anyway trying until satisfactorily “figured out”. But definitive answers never materialized from the original leaker or otherwise...so millions remained pinned down that dopamine drip seeking closure. Memetic Icon - Why This Resonated Unforgettably While such a mystery bait recipe isn't an entirely new concept promoting intrigue, several key factors around "Opium Bird" elevated unique formula specifically detonating immense memetic explosion into icon forever engraved internet zeitgeist and collective pop consciousness henceforth through profoundly deeper subconscious sociological reasons beyond peculiar novelty itself. Firstly current times prime breeding superviral swarm dynamics ripe environment. Pandemic-exhausted audiences chronically screen-tethered welcomed dopamine brain distraction anything temporarily hijacking spiraling attention inward. Humans crave cerebral challenges when existences grow uncertain or bleak offering mental stimulation and perceived regain control over things seemingly meaningless, chaotic outside fingertips. Opium Bird’s puzzle-fed escapism fantasy at the premium moment. Unraveling the zoological mystery within impromptu web forums or comment threads sparked that precious joyful rush pride somewhat organizing messy thoughts logically again after years of pandemic emotional whiplash many oscillated hopelessly. The therapeutic mental engagement escaped fears or depression for moments assembling sensible explanations why creatures appeared utterly inexplicable any textbook knowledge comprehended reconciling ordinary reasons things typically are what expected. Defeat the unknown with rational problem-solving savagery! Each replay renewed that cathartic high. Secondly, the video's 15-second brevity lend perfectly rapid meme propagation when attention spans shrunk nanoseconds and flood content infinity scroll competed nonstop. Its simplicity allowed shotgun sharing mass quantities easily through minimal effort and mobile downloads. Then seeded everywhere almost hypnotically replayed trance-like states a million times more. There existed effortless digestibility almost demanding repetition obsessively when opened. Was THIS watching finally reveal a greater clue noticeable prior? Just one more hit I swear... Lastly, the Opium Bird's ambiguity projected human self-introspection almost Rorschach test proportions. Viewers derived peculiar emotional responses teased childhood nightmares, spirit quest visions, technological dystopias or schadenfreude awaiting backstories validating their interpretations uniquely. Yet safely escapist since projecting imagination quarantined fantasy harmless screen not threatening while curiously awakening deep reflections through surreal art confronting society's discomforts obliquely. We filled the unknowns ourselves almost shamanistically. So organically millions crowdsourced mythology behind these goggles...because mystery compelled creating meanings renewing feels skirting life’s various bleaknesses and cyclical pains plaguing days and nights too long. The Opium Bird distraction nourished minds and souls equally if only flickering digital dreams preserved eternal cultural afterlife serving more solemn purposes disguising whimsical surface absurdity alone. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts. And Hey! History buffs, buckle up! Talking Time Machine isn't your dusty textbook lecture. It's where cutting-edge AI throws wild interview parties with history's iconic figures. In the Talking Time Machine podcast: History Gets a High-Tech Twist, Imagine: Napoleon Bonaparte talking French Politics with Louis the 14th! This podcast is futuristically insightful. Our AI host grills historical legends with questions based on real historical context, leading to surprising, thought-provoking, and often mind-blowing answers. Whether you're a history geek, a tech junkie, or just love a good interview, Talking Time Machine has something for you. Talking Time Machine: search, subscribe and (Listen Now!)
    Played 9m 18s

Yes, that’s right! The opium bird is a hoax. In 2023, a video of a bird that looked like it was smoking a pipe went viral on social media. The...

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Yes, that’s right! The opium bird is a hoax. In 2023, a video of a bird that looked like it was smoking a pipe went viral on social media. The bird was dubbed the "Opium Bird" and many people believed that it was a real animal. However, it was later revealed that the video was actually a hoax. The bird in the video was a CGI creation and the pipe was added in post-production. The Opium Bird hoax is a reminder that not everything you see on social media is real. It is important to be critical of the information you consume and to do your own research before believing something. Further Internet surfing has found deep fake videos of this particular hoax featuring Joe Rogan’s podcast have only spread this hoax even further. Here are some tips for spotting fake news and hoaxes on social media:
  • Be suspicious of headlines that seem too good to be true or that are designed to evoke an emotional response.
  • Check the source of the information. Is it a reputable news organization or website?
  • Do a reverse image search to see if the image has been used before.
  • Look for red flags, such as grammatical errors, poor spelling, and strange formatting.
  • If you're still unsure, ask a trusted friend or family member for their opinion.
It's also important to remember that even if something is technically true, it may still be misleading. For example, a headline that reads "90% of Scientists Agree Climate Change Is Real" may be factually accurate, but it doesn't tell the whole story. It's important to read the entire article to get the full context. By being critical of the information you consume and doing your own research, you can help to stop the spread of fake news and hoaxes. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
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