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The Real News Podcast

  • Baltimore St. Agnes nurses demand safe staffing from billion-dollar employers | Working People

    2 JUL 2024 · On the morning of Thursday, June 20, unionized nurses at Ascension St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore held a rally outside the hospital to raise awareness of their efforts to secure a first contract and to show management that they’re not backing down from their core demands for safe staffing and an operational model that puts patients and patient care first. "St. Agnes nurses are calling on Ascension to accept their proposals to improve safe staffing and, subsequently, nurse retention," a press release from National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) stated. "Nearly 20 percent of nurses at St. Agnes began employment at the hospital after January 1 of this year. Meanwhile, just over a third of nurses have more than four years of experience at the hospital... The Catholic hospital system is one of the largest in the country with 140 hospitals in 19 states and also one of the wealthiest, with cash reserves, an investment company, and a private equity operation worth billions of dollars—and, because of its nonprofit status, is exempt from paying federal taxes." In this on-the-ground episode, we take you to the NNOC/NNU picket line and speak with Nicki Horvat, an RN in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit at Ascension St. Agnes and member of the bargaining team, about what she and her coworkers are fighting for. Studio Production: Maximillian Alvarez Post-Production: Alina Nehlich Additional links/info below… - National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/nnoc, https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/nnoc page, https://twitter.com/nationalnurses?lang=en page, and https://www.instagram.com/nationalnurses/ - NNOC/NNU Press Release: "https://apigateway.agilitypr.com/distributions/history/7ab3407c-9e41-4f27-b1ee-e8fc726f8792" - Angela Roberts, The Baltimore Sun, "https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/06/20/saint-agnes-nurses-baltimore-ascension-union/" - Gino Canella, The Real News Network, "https://therealnews.com/an-oral-history-of-the-10-month-st-vincent-hospital-strike" - Gino Canella, The Real News Network, "https://therealnews.com/striking-nurses-hold-the-line-against-investor-owned-healthcare-giant" - Robert Glatter, Peter Papadakos, & Yash Shah, Time Magazine, "https://time.com/6291392/american-health-care-staffing-crisis/" - Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "https://therealnews.com/kaiser-workers-win-big-after-largest-healthcare-strike-in-us-history" Permanent links below... - https://www.speakpipe.com/workingpeople and we might play it on the show! - Labor Radio / Podcast Network https://www.laborradionetwork.org/, https://www.facebook.com/LaborRadioNet/ page, and https://twitter.com/laborradionet page - In These Times https://inthesetimes.com/, https://www.facebook.com/inthesetimesmag/ page, and https://twitter.com/inthesetimesmag page - The Real News Network https://therealnews.com/, https://www.youtube.com/c/therealnews channel, https://therealnews.com/our-shows-podcasts feeds, https://www.facebook.com/therealnews page, and https://twitter.com/TheRealNews page Featured Music... - Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme Song
    Played 23m 39s
  • Arik Ascherman: A West Bank rabbi defending Palestinians from settlers | The Marc Steiner Show

    2 JUL 2024 · In the West Bank, the Palestinian struggle to defend land from the clutches of settlers is a daily battle. Rabbi Arik Ascherman is one of the few Israeli Jews who has dedicated his life to assisting Palestinians in defending their land. Ascherman https://therealnews.com/israels-protest-movement-cant-succeed-without-embracing-palestinian-liberationhttps://therealnews.com/israels-protest-movement-cant-succeed-without-embracing-palestinian-liberation to discuss the work of his organization, Torat Tzedek, and the increasing political isolation of Israeli Jews who oppose the occupation. https://twitter.com/ravarik?lang=en is a Reform rabbi and executive director of the Israeli human rights organization https://www.torat-tzedek.org/. He is a recipient of the Gandhi Peace Prize and the Rabbi David J. Forman Memorial Committee’s Human Rights Award. Studio Production: Cameron Granadino Post-Production: Alina Nehlich https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-marc-steiner-show--4661751/support https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe https://facebook.com/therealnews https://twitter.com/therealnews https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-marc-steiner-show--4661751/support
    Played 57m 5s
  • Nora Loreto's news headlines for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

    2 JUL 2024 · Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Tuesday, July 2, 2024. TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide. Find more headlines from https://sandyandnora.com/daily-news/. https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe https://facebook.com/therealnews https://twitter.com/therealnews https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support Referenced articles: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-rally-provincial-nominee-spots-1.7251342  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/westjet-strike-over-canada-day-weekend-cancellations-1.7251357   https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-news-07-01-2024-453808f05ef8b98eb1a6b9814441224a   https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/01/french-left-centrists-scramble-unite-against-far-right-election-runoff https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/7/1/ex-pakistan-pm-imran-khan-arbitrarily-detained-says-un-working-group
    Played 7m 44s
  • The Biden-Trump presidential debate train wreck w/Adam H. Johnson

    28 JUN 2024 · There's no mincing words—the first presidential debate was a travesty of the highest order. The leading story is President Biden's horrendous performance and the political crisis it's sparked among the Democrats. But the failure of the media, not to mention former President Trump's antics, should also be called out. TRNN contributor Adam H. Johnson joins Mel Buer and Marc Steiner for a post-mortem on the debate, and, from the way it's looking, American democracy itself. Studio Production: David Hebden Post-Production: David Hebden https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/rattling-the-bars--4799829/support https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe https://facebook.com/therealnews https://twitter.com/therealnews https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/rattling-the-bars--4799829/support
    Played 54m 11s
  • Nora Loreto's news headlines for Friday, June 28, 2024

    28 JUN 2024 · Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Friday, June 28, 2024. TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide. Find more headlines from https://sandyandnora.com/daily-news/. https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe https://facebook.com/therealnews https://twitter.com/therealnews https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support Referenced articles: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-an-indigenous-man-shot-dead-by-opp-in-kenora-has-community-demanding/  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/timmins-safe-health-site-opioid-crisis-1.7247663 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/inuit-fraud-karima-manji-three-years-1.7248264?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar   https://thenarwhal.ca/tc-energy-leak-attorney-general-reacts/ https://www.journaldequebec.com/2024/06/27/trois-deces-demployes-dune-usine-northvolt-une-enquete-ouverte-sur-un-possible-lien https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/27/contenders-quit-race-ahead-of-irans-presidential-poll-as-campaigning-ends
    Played 10m 51s
  • Nora Loreto's news headlines for Thursday, June 27, 2024

    27 JUN 2024 · Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Thursday, June 27, 2024. TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide. Find more headlines from https://sandyandnora.com/daily-news/. https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe https://facebook.com/therealnews https://twitter.com/therealnews https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support Referenced articles: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-mountie-back-on-duty-despite-criminal-charges-misconduct-probe-1.6932200   https://leaderpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/canada-news-pmn/no-charges-to-be-laid-in-manitoba-bus-crash-that-killed-17-seniors-heading-to-casino/wcm/6317409d-acc4-4874-bef2-c15c6c395467   https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/canadian-businessman-frank-stronach-facing-new-charges-in-connection-with-historical-sexual-assault-investigation-1.6942081   https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/mountain-asset-sales-loom-after-oil-megamerger-era-2024-06-26/   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/26/fears-of-coup-attempt-in-bolivia-as-soldiers-storm-presidential-palace
    Played 8m 57s
  • Tahaka Gaither: The Black Panther imprisoned by Maryland for 54 years | Rattling the Bars

    26 JUN 2024 · For the past 54 years, Thomas 'Tahaka' Gaither has lived behind bars as a political prisoner. A former member of the Black Panther Party Baltimore Chapter, Gaither was a close associate of 'Marshall' Eddie Conway Jr., who spent his last years as host of Rattling the Bars. Although Gaither was released on parole decades ago, he was https://therealnews.com/marylands-parole-system-conditions-people-for-despair when Gov. Glendening revoked parole for anyone who had received a life sentence. Tahaka Gaither and his daughter, Tara, return to Rattling the Bars to discuss his life, their family's shared struggle to release Tahaka and live on in spite of the prison system, and what Tahaka's incarceration has meant for generations of his family. Studio Production: David Hebden, Cameron Granadino Post-Production: Cameron Granadino https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/rattling-the-bars--4799829/support https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe https://facebook.com/therealnews https://twitter.com/therealnews https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/rattling-the-bars--4799829/support
    Played 36m 37s
  • In Brazil, the climate crisis is already turning working people into climate refugees

    26 JUN 2024 · “Southern Brazil is facing its worst climate tragedy ever," Latin-America-based journalist Mike Fox wrote from Brazil for the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) in early May. "Unprecedented floods have impacted 1.4 million people and forced more than 160,000 people from their homes... The images are shocking. Downtown Porto Alegre, the capital of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, is underwater... On May 2, a dam collapsed, unleashing an over 6-foot-high wave and worsening flooding in the area... Although the tragedy is a natural disaster, experts have pointed out that the lack of preparedness on the part of state and local officials may have contributed to the devastation. According to one report, Porto Alegre slashed funds for flooding prevention over the last three years and didn’t spend a cent on it in 2023.”  In this episode, we talk with Mike about his reporting trip to Southern Brazil, the devastation he witnessed firsthand, and the conversations he had with poor and working-class people who have borne the worst impacts of the floods and who continue to bear the greatest costs of man-made climate chaos. Additional links/info below… - Michael Fox, The Real News Network/NACLA, https://therealnews.com/under-the-shadow - Michael Fox https://www.patreon.com/mfox page - Michael Fox, NACLA, "https://nacla.org/brazil-floods-rio-grande-sul" - Michael Fox, Al Jazeera, "https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/longform/2024/6/11/the-future-is-dark-inside-the-brazilian-businesses-shattered-by-floods" - Michael Fox, Truthout, "https://truthout.org/articles/climate-refugees-are-occupying-abandoned-buildings-in-southern-brazil/" - Bianca Graulau, The Real News Network, "https://therealnews.com/the-puerto-ricans-illegally-occupying-land-to-resist-displacement" - Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "https://therealnews.com/csx-has-got-to-go-industrially-polluted-south-baltimore-residents-want-rail-giant-out-of-their-community" - Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "https://therealnews.com/south-baltimore-residents-on-the-toxic-reality-of-living-in-a-sacrifice-zone" Permanent links below... - https://www.speakpipe.com/workingpeople and we might play it on the show! - Labor Radio / Podcast Network https://www.laborradionetwork.org/, https://www.facebook.com/LaborRadioNet/ page, and https://twitter.com/laborradionet page - In These Times https://inthesetimes.com/, https://www.facebook.com/inthesetimesmag/ page, and https://twitter.com/inthesetimesmag page - The Real News Network https://therealnews.com/, https://www.youtube.com/c/therealnews channel, https://therealnews.com/our-shows-podcasts feeds, https://www.facebook.com/therealnews page, and https://twitter.com/TheRealNews page Featured Music... - Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme Song
    Played 54m 28s
  • Nora Loreto's news headlines for Wednesday, June 26, 2024

    26 JUN 2024 · Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Wednesday, June 26, 2024. TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and worldwide. Find more headlines from https://sandyandnora.com/daily-news/. https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe https://facebook.com/therealnews https://twitter.com/therealnews https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-news-podcast--2952221/support Referenced articles: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/jaswal-charged-1.7245898   https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/university-waterloo-encampment-injunction-legal-process-1.7245751   https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3gg0d122qvo   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/25/wikileaks-julian-assange-lands-in-saipan-for-us-plea-deal-court-hearing   https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/25/haitians-wary-as-kenyan-police-arrive-on-latest-us-backed-mission  
    Played 8m 2s
  • Bonus Episode 2 | Chomsky on U.S. Intervention in Central America

    25 JUN 2024 · Noam Chomsky needs no introduction. He’s a celebrated linguist, who has long denounced U.S. empire at home and abroad. And he has a long relationship with Latin America. Chomsky’s 1985 book, https://www.amazon.com/Turning-Tide-Intervention-Central-Struggle/dp/1608464059, was formative for many academics and activists analyzing the U.S. role in the region. In 2012, https://nacla.org/news/2013/6/3/naclas-45th-anniversary-gala-noam-chomsky the Latin America Peace and Justice Award for his ongoing commitment to social justice in the Americas. Chomsky’s wife, Valeria Wasserman, is from Brazil. That’s where he is now. Chomsky suffered a stroke last year and was recently in a hospital in São Paulo, though he has since been released.  You can think of this as our small tribute to the great Noam Chomsky.   In this second bonus episode of http://nacla.org/under-shadow, host Michael Fox takes us to a October 26, 1983 lecture by Noam Chomsky, at the University of Colorado, on the impact of U.S. military intervention in Central America. It’s fascinating to look into what we knew then, even as the events were still unfolding, and hear the historical context from someone like Chomsky. https://therealnews.com/under-the-shadow is an investigative narrative podcast series that walks back in time, telling the story of the past by visiting momentous places in the present. In each episode, host Michael Fox takes us to a location where something historic happened—a landmark of revolutionary struggle or foreign intervention. Today, it might look like a random street corner, a church, a mall, a monument, or a museum. But every place he takes us was once the site of history-making events that shook countries, impacted lives, and left deep marks on the world.  Hosted by Latin America-based journalist Michael Fox.   This podcast is produced in partnership between https://therealnews.com/under-the-shadow and https://nacla.org/under-shadow. Additional info/links: - You can listen to the first episode of Michael Fox’s new podcast, Panamerican Dispatch, https://www.patreon.com/posts/brazilian-floods-105766796. - Follow and support him and Under the Shadow at https://www.patreon.com/mfox - Theme music by https://open.spotify.com/artist/0nexDyQCZI89JH8zsYu5wa. - Monte Perdido’s new album Ofrenda is out now. You can listen to the full album on https://open.spotify.com/album/1THq4wHHqkY8yydUMJRmWj, https://www.deezer.com/pt/album/587476202, https://music.apple.com/za/album/ofrenda/1746696244, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_n1lCcdFJEQczm-VSiraOuUpGcbzLxnRXs, or wherever you listen to music. - Other music from Blue Dot Sessions. - Many thanks to http://www.pmpress.org/ for their permission to showcase the clip from Noam Chomsky’s 1983 talk in today’s bonus episode. - You can find Noam Chomsky’s lectures, talks, and writings, through PM Press https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=product_list&c=98 and https://tinyurl.com/5erk3yx5. - Michael Fox’s documentary films and book collaborations with PM Press are https://pmpress.org/index.php?l=search_list&s%5Btitle%5D=Y&s%5Bshort_desc%5D=Y&s%5Bfull_desc%5D=Y&s%5Bsku%5D=Y&s%5Bmatch%5D=all&s%5Bsearch%5D=michael+fox. The Real News Network Donate: https://support.therealnews.com/-/XGHNRVVY Sign up for our newsletter: https://therealnews.com/eos-pod-subscribe Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/therealnews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealnews
    Played 13m 44s

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