Podcast Cover

The Savvy Safety Sisters

  • Summertime Safety 2024

    1 MAY 2024 · Welcome to the Savvy Safety Sisters Podcast! Let's Talk Safety. We are all looking forward to a great summer. We can make it even more memorable and fun by learning a few strategies to enhance our safety and security, making for a fantastic summer! We aim to teach you skills to avoid wasting time, money, and energy so you can kick back, enjoy, relax, and reconnect with family and friends. Today, we will cover the following: Summer Water Safety, Travel Tips, Cybersecurity, and Petty Crime & Scams. CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, can help save a life during cardiac arrest, when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs. However, even after training, remembering the CPR steps and administering them correctly can be a challenge. To be prepared when moments matter, please click the link below. https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/cpr/performing-cpr/cpr-steps#:~:text=CPR%2C%20or%20cardiopulmonary%20resuscitation%20can,correctly%20can%20be%20a%20challenge. Resources: POWERFUL TECHNOLOGY DESIGNED TO PROTECT YOU AND THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE: https://invisawear.com/ THE ANTI-THEFT, ANTI-FATIGUE, ANTI-CHAOS TRAVEL BAG https://conmigobags.com/ Medjet: Global Secure Resources Discount link: http://www.medjet.com/globalsecure Travel Tips: https://conmigobags.com/travel-safety/a-parents-guide-to-student-travel-safety-tips/ Tips For International Travelers: https://www.globalsecurestudent.com/blog/tips-for-first-time-international-travelers Cybersecurity Awareness Homeland Security – _Stop. Think. Connect. https://www.stopthinkconnect.org/ Travel Tips for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month https://medium.com/@glosecresources/travel-tips-for-national-cybersecurity-awareness-month-e285bc09bb2c Petty Crime and Scams International Travel Trends: Scams and Crime https://globalsecureresources.com/posts/scams-and-crimes.html We encourage everyone to keep water safety in mind and reduce child drowning. We want everyone to follow five simple steps to stay safer this summer • Designate a water watcher every single time children in my care are in or near the water. • Make sure kids know how to swim. • Learn CPR. • If there is a pool, always remove portable pool ladders when they are not in use. • Ensure all permanent pools have a proper fence and gate and safer drain covers. Learn more about rip currents. Rip currents are particularly dangerous because they are difficult to identify, and the worst events can occur during otherwise good weather when your guard might be let down. They also tend to be strongest during low tide. Don't underestimate the power of water; even rivers and lakes can have undertows. Significant rip currents are more likely to occur with a strong onshore wind. Learn how to break the grip of the rip. Keep children safe around water. https://www.cdc.gov/drowning/prevention/index.html 25 July is World Drowning Prevention Day World Drowning Prevention Day, declared through the April 2021 UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/75/273 “Global drowning prevention”, is held annually on 25 July. This global advocacy event serves as an opportunity to highlight the tragic and profound impact of drowning on families and communities and offer life-saving solutions to prevent it. An estimated 236,000 people drown every year, and drowning is among the ten leading causes of death for children aged 5-14 years. More than 90% of drowning deaths occur in rivers, lakes, wells, domestic water storage vessels, and swimming pools in low- and middle-income countries, with children and adolescents in rural areas disproportionately affected. Strategize your safety today! Be proactive, prepared, and protected! See you at the next Savvy Safety Sisters Podcast. Please like and share!
    Played 31m 29s
  • The Fentanyl Epidemic: A mother's story

    3 APR 2024 · Welcome to the savvy safety sisters PARTNERS IN PREVENTION podcast. Sandra Bagwell, Ryan's mom, shares her story to shine a light on the fentanyl epidemic. Today, we're talking about a chemical drug that is 50 times more potent than heroin. It is similar to morphine but about 100 times more potent. The drug traffickers are putting fentanyl in all kinds of products. They're putting it in cocaine, they're putting it in marijuana, and fentanyl is being pressed into counterfeit pills. We must start conversations with loved ones to share awareness to prevent poisoning and harm. Start the conversation today, you might save a life. Learn more at DEA - https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTlublBHbTVxVG91eGdNN3VycWF3WTJmMlEtQXxBQ3Jtc0tuWElhblNPZ1BhT193eW50UDdOcUVHNTRBNjllNC1IVzktUURHb2hfUWRIalNVQnRnU0tMT1Y5TTI2TWZLLWlkYmgzYjZ5T0ZNNGVIeDZnWFNPSWFfZTZDUHdpWHEwRldfdXJwWWdvMlQwWTNva2w2VQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dea.gov%2Fresources%2Ffentanyl-supply-chain&v=CkjLxnRFQvQ “Fentanyl is the single deadliest drug threat our nation has ever encountered. Fentanyl is everywhere. From large metropolitan areas to rural America, no community is safe from this poison. We must take every opportunity to spread the word to prevent fentanyl-related overdose death and poisonings from claiming scores of American lives every day.” - DEA Administrator Anne Milgram Resources and more information: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2E1SjIwVTF2eWFBT2tKbXJ5MTlpQVNvUHJkZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsV1BWd21jb1huTXA5SWkzXzBiVDlWMUFjTVBTX050b1RnMnZiN2Utam9pX0I1M01jSTFGSzlYVWxXbndPQ3pvOTZpUzhLdlBCZ2lLRnBJckxFeXljY3VUcjYtT1lxeTV5WG5JZE5qUmZaMjFpZ1F2NA&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftxaf.org%2F&v=CkjLxnRFQvQ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFhFQW5FTEhWMEcweGtncTlwQlcyYVNHeHZ5QXxBQ3Jtc0tuTC1LTkhLZWY5WEVuZmlqdnhNRm9ITV9wVERXYjhiYkxUdTFDTnVxMkdfODNkSjE0ajNKSWdGTjNEX0p3YUxQVWNmcXVlbHdZSnAxbVRKVEhwQUpGRk9RSktEaERYOW14bnlISW5zTlRhdE9OckVENA&q=https%3A%2F%2Flvof.org%2F&v=CkjLxnRFQvQ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTZUS1YzRGlhbGk5QWxVRW03OVRvLXNSZk92Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuOFlGT19jR3RTSnd1RkZZV0ZZTEFHZkhSYkdGQ3Zfdkp5R3pQOXJNRXFwOW1hcmEwS3NtT2ZvNF9sVVlna1FKTEdEMGFUR0UwTlhhNy1feDFfS0hmLVl5bklyU2ZqclV6bEpHNktOOXlDVC1ra2tSRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dea.gov%2Ffentanylawareness&v=CkjLxnRFQvQ
    Played 28m 32s
  • CADASIL Awareness

    6 MAR 2024 · CADASIL Awareness: Why should you know more about this disease? #Stroke #MS #Dementia #Alzheimer’s Welcome to the savvy safety sisters PARTNERS IN PREVENTION podcast. Our guest today is Michael Kennedy. We will be discussing a disease called CADASIL -.Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy. What are some common symptoms and challenges that individuals with CADASIL and caregivers face? We want to empower our listeners with education and advocacy from experts, and today, we will cover this important topic, which affects families worldwide and is often misdiagnosed. For more information: https://rarediseases.org/ https://rarediseases.org/ Medline plus https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/cerebral-autosomal-dominant-arteriopathy-with-subcortical-infarcts-and-leukoencephalopathy/#resources Michael’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Tuckers-Surprise-Michael-Kennedy/dp/1614685401 https://www.amazon.com/Billies-Vacation-Michael-Kennedy/dp/1614684847 https://www.playhollow.com/products/gracees-gang?_pos=1&_sid=66cce3ae4&_ss=r
    Played 22m 16s
  • International Women's Week with Rachael’s First Week

    5 MAR 2024 · International Women's Day 2024 Hello and welcome to the Savvy Safety Sisters partner and prevention podcast. I'm your host, Carrie pasquarello of Global Secure Resources, and this month, we want to celebrate International Women's Day and Women's History Month by spotlighting amazing women changing the course of the world with their actions, their thoughts, and their hopes for a better and safer future so today, I am thrilled to introduce DR. ANGI FIEGE of Rachael's First Week. ABOUT RACHAEL'S FIRST WEEKRachael's First Week LIVE! is a program dedicated to protecting the lives of high school seniors and college freshmen as they transition into young adult women and men. These can be tumultuous years when peers often look to each other for guidance as they encounter novel and potentially dangerous situations rather than engaging experienced mentors to provide solutions. The mission of Rachael's First Week is to develop the decision-making skills of teens as they enter this time of monumental change in their lives. Please visit: Rachael's First Week at https://rachaelsfirstweek.org and share with students and parents. Breathe, Nolan, Breathe https://youtu.be/WZrqrzG3UA8?si=1dAJfRQ8e5ocGh7B Study Abroad Safety: www.globalsecurestudent.com/book
    Played 21m 56s
  • CADASIL - What is CADASIL, and why should you know more about this disease?

    13 NOV 2023 · Welcome to the savvy safety sisters PARTNERS IN PREVENTION podcast. Our guest today is Sheila Connor. We will be discussing a disease called CADASIL. Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy We want to empower our listeners with education and advocacy by experts, and today, we will cover this important topic as it affects families worldwide and is often misdiagnosed. - https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/cadasil#toc-what-is-cadasil- - https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/cadasil#toc-how-can-i-or-my-loved-one-help-improve-care-for-people-with-cadasil- - https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/cadasil#toc-where-can-i-find-more-information-about-cadasil- - https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/cadasil#toc-learn-about-related-topics. - For more information, please visit- - https://curecadasil.org/ - https://www.elahilab.com - https://rarediseases.org/ - https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/cadasil https://www.globalsecurestudent.com/
    Played 21m 2s
  • Praline's Backyard Foundation - National Domestic Hotline

    10 MAR 2023 · We want to celebrate. International Women's Day and Women's History Month! My goal is to spotlight amazing women changing the course of the world with their actions, thoughts, and hopes for a better and safer future. So today, I'm thrilled to introduce Orazie Cook. She is the Owner of Praline's Backyard Dog Services and Praline’s Backyard Foundation, She is stepping up to help Survivors of Domestic violence, Which is a ‘public health epidemic.' In fact, National statistics show that one in four women in the U.S. will experience domestic violence at some point during their lives. There are so many challenges to supporting survivors of domestic violence, and one of the biggest challenges in safety planning, is lodging! And Orazie, with her amazing program, is advocating and helping. To find out more information about Orazie, please reach out to her: Praline's Backyard Dog Services Orazie Cook, MIAD, MPH, DrPH Owner of Praline's Backyard Dog Services CEO of Praline's Backyard Foundation Website www.pralinesbackyard.com www.pralinesbackyardfoundation.org If you or a friend is in need of help, please reach out to the following resources. Because Help is available. You can Speak with someone now. National Domestic Violence Hotline Hours: 24/7 800-799-7233 The Rainn hotline https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDZ6QmNDTnlYYzlFRUJkUFB6Ti1MU2owNEdyUXxBQ3Jtc0ttdnpreDlyTzdFVzJFUEM5R010eXQxczVqNk10bHdBTHFGTlk0VTJub28xSUVWekl6alFoNEh1R1pFTW5xMFlTUjZ2aURCLWFKdlZLWFM0VjJFU0J2TzZZT2lxWlh2SDdYaU54ZFp4NFFUYXl0cmJJMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rainn.org%2F&v=f-cdJY0Jau0 Pathways to safety https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFVrdk5POFVrVEpVOXVEbExLWXlycmJ1QThGQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUUN5SFhGUHZ6cmZkUXg2M2J4U2ZyNjllUlJ4T2FxQlZQUGpFLUVSRHVnM0NYY3ZaQURMTVpBbjRMZkItY0lkZWp1SHVhaURvanlmeW5lMk4wTXBxa29CblhPU3RkMHFoTUE4aXh3MXc3dWRYR1p3SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpathwaystosafety.org%2F&v=f-cdJY0Jau0 Love is Respect https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJzZDZqNldWRHZtUHpoZW5yTjlOMkxsWTM0UXxBQ3Jtc0tsMjNZbVZDNUM2dXdxLWc2R3pkc0MtTURkbklNZFhBNER5d29fbTg3UDZIZW0zRmFqZ0Z2SXYzUEJGYkQ0OE9NUFMwNVlWdlhrNGVOTmpJcXBGQzhKZHdxal9qYkdoeUhLOVlNNWdxRFE1ZHNwS3gxNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.loveisrespect.org%2F&v=f-cdJY0Jau0 no more https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE8zdEJqanlFd0hTTlgyQlhaMGxhNUtDV3NtQXxBQ3Jtc0ttcVpPLWJYc1FrNFpoRGFlQnA1NkdsYWVZQVRrdlJaZExzd3hkWmkwaXY5YUJ1amZOREotV3l4cmZSaG9uM3dnM2ItQjF6NE9oaXNDUHB1ZEV5NkxrOVp5ZEtUQ211NHViYmJ4YS1rZWJTM29UcU5UYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fnomoredirectory.org%2F&v=f-cdJY0Jau0 The rad system defense self-defense program https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEJiZDhCbURTZjhfcXIxTUlLbTRvUFd5ZWpPUXxBQ3Jtc0trM2trdWpyVlgybW9ZdE9mT2NuRndWMFNqM1pNNlZDRHJLSXpiMm1GWEVIWDVuWE1ickFsQW1vRlZKOWV1UXZRMFYxUHI3WUFra1FqNWFuNXMwejNkdEx0SnhTNGxMcFI1elF2S1hNczVRaDNlWk5mdw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rad-systems.com%2F&v=f-cdJY0Jau0 Gavin De Becker https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFpMRl9wM1JQM0RzN1JTWnd4TG5hY1J3YVJhUXxBQ3Jtc0trenMxRlNaWFF2MmxfSzZ5eXRUYVVzX2REUkFtcEYzSXFOUnVSdVlmRXFRa1lKZU1JZ0ZUbVJDMXQxLXhRRUJMYlA0YlBCTFVDYUxPeDhfZlQ3M29VVDNLYlh2Qy1GNG8yOTlBcXQxczM3Sm5uaXBUOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mosaicmethod.com%2F&v=f-cdJY0Jau0 My favorite book: The Gift of Fear
    Played 20m 4s
  • Women's History Month 2023 the Aplomb Project

    2 MAR 2023 · This month we want to celebrate. International Women's Day and Women's History Month. My goal is to spotlight amazing women, changing the course of the world with their actions, thoughts, and hopes for a better and safer future. So today, I'm thrilled to introduce Danielle Festa https://theaplombproject.org/. She founded The Aplomb Project, Which pays tribute to those who have experienced a life-altering trauma. As an artist, she captures the resilience of trauma survivors, then gifts the portrait to the participants to celebrate their courage and strength. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dfesta https://www.instagram.com/paintingsbydfesta/ Please Help support the project https://theaplombproject.org/ Resources: Growing through Trauma https://www.brainline.org/article/growing-through-trauma Phases or trauma recovery https://trauma-recovery.ca/recovery/phases-of-trauma-recovery/ The Rainn hotline https://www.rainn.org/ Pathways to safety https://pathwaystosafety.org/ Love is Respect https://www.loveisrespect.org/ no more https://nomoredirectory.org/ The rad system defense self-defense program http://www.rad-systems.com/
    Played 29m 31s
  • Missing in Massachusetts

    24 JAN 2023 · Missing in Massachusetts Welcome to the Savvy Safety Sisters - Let's Talk Safety with Ingrid and Carrie. Today we are highlighting missing women in Massachusetts. Our goal is to increase public awareness to reduce the dangers citizens face in their daily lives, whether around the corner or around the world. Let's help find these women and bring them home to their families. Brookfield - Brittany Tee - Any tips, call Brookfield police at 508-867-5570 East Boston - Reyna Morales Rojas Any tips, 617-343-4328 Boston - Lori Baxter - Any tips, 617-343-5619 Cohasset - Ana Walshe - Any tips, 781-830-4990
    Played 22m 3s
  • Let's Talk Safety - New details surrounding the death of Eliza Fletcher

    6 SEP 2022 · There are new details that were released surrounding the abduction and murder of Eliza Fletcher. Suspect Cleotha Abston now faces additional charges of first-degree murder and first-degree murder in perpetration of kidnapping
    Played 17m
  • Let's Talk Safety - The kidnapping of Eliza Fletcher

    5 SEP 2022 · Around 4 am on Friday, Eliza Fletcher, a deeply committed runner who earned a spot in the Boston Marathon, went for a run. Authorities claimed that she traveled along her usual route close to the University of Memphis. Around 4:20 in the morning, she was "abducted and forced into a mid-sized, dark-colored SUV" while running near Central Avenue. Police made an arrest and charged a man for Kidnapping Eliza and the search continues to find her. Where is Eliza Fletcher? Help if you have any information please call Crime Stoppers at 901-528-CASH.
    Played 17m 20s

NEW PODCAST! We have a new podcast that just premiered. It's called Savvy Safety Sisters. If you've ever thought about ways to improve the safety of your family, friends, and...

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NEW PODCAST! We have a new podcast that just premiered. It's called Savvy Safety Sisters. If you've ever thought about ways to improve the safety of your family, friends, and employees, then this is the podcast for you. Every episode, we'll take a true-life current event and share strategies that could be used to improve safety and security.
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Author Carrie Pasquarello I Centurion
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