Podcast Cover

The Wellness Rock

  • The Art of Balancing Faith, Family, & Business

    3 JUL 2024 · I feel like a lot of people struggle with the balance of life, you’re not alone. I feel like this is a big reason why people don’t start in the first place or why they get when things get too hard.  In Mark 12:29-31, “Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” - This tells us exactly what should be first and what should be second, everything else comes after.  Balancing your life involves putting time aside for each area of your life. This includes scheduling time with God, making time for your friends, family, significant other, business, business relationships, networking events, etc.  Main Highlights:  - Balance your life (3:00)  - Bible verse (4:35)  - Putting God first (10:00)  - Scheduling time for everything else (14:00)   - Sabbath (18:33)  - Knowing things will be there tomorrow (22:30)  Bible verse highlighted: Ecclesiastes 3:1 “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/OFF CHRISTIAN BRAND EFFORTLESS ESSENTIALS https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 26m 41s
  • The ONE Thing I Started Doing That Changed Everything

    26 JUN 2024 · I realized there are a lot of things in life that I do not enjoy doing.  So, when I decided to start running I did it because if I can get through that hard thing, I can get through anything. Running has honestly slowed things down for me and it allows me to look at life from a different perspective.  Running has not only had an impact on my mental health but also my physical health of course! It has made me so much more confident. I feel like within this season, I have watched my life transform and watched my character grow even though the things around me may not have grown.  Main Highlights:  - Always learning something when I am running (5:58)  - I did not enjoying running (7:08)  - We can do hard things (10:20)  - Bible verse (13:50)  Bible verse highlighted: ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭24‬-‭27‬ ‭“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadow boxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.”  Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/OFF CHRISTIAN BRAND EFFORTLESS ESSENTIALS https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 17m 43s
  • God is Calling YOU

    19 JUN 2024 · When going to record this episode, I had a whole different topic in mind but before recording I felt like God was speaking to me and I felt I had to share this message instead.   Looking back at old videos, I know how I used to feel during those times, but I am not the same person that I used to be because I allowed God to do a work in me.   God is calling you to have the fruits of the spirit in your life. God is calling you to lean on him so that you can have peace beyond your understanding.  Main Highlights:  - God is calling specifically you (3:00)  - We are not as good as we think we are (8:50)  - Fruits of the spirit (13:00)  - Is God calling you to surrender your life (16:20)   - Bible verse (19:50) Bible verse highlighted: Isaiah 41:10: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/OFF CHRISTIAN BRAND EFFORTLESS ESSENTIALS https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 22m 59s
  • Lifestyle Change with Olivia Cataldo

    12 JUN 2024 · This week we welcome my dear friend, Liv to the podcast! I have watched this girl transform her life completely and it is amazing to watch her grow every single day!  Within this episode we discuss a lot regarding mindset and doing little things daily vs. going all or nothing. Hard things are going to happen regardless so we have to figure out how to get through those things, no matter what.  Liv shared that her community within social media really holds her accountable!   I love that Liv shared her favorite parts of her transformation & just how her confidence has grown over time.  It was truly such a good time recording this episode with an old friend where we have truly seen each other grow and develop into the women that we are today! Main Highlights:  - Mindset is everything (6:35)  - Importance of accountability (11:15)  - Favorite part of her transformation (12:40)  - For people just starting their journey (15:58)  - Habit stacking (17:30)  - We throwing it back (20:00)  Bible verse highlighted: Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today & forever.”   We live in a world that is constantly changing, yet Jesus never changes. He is the same FOREVER!  Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://www.instagram.com/livslifestylechange/ https://effortlessessentialsco.com/
    Played 32m 18s
  • The Inner Work That Led Me To Be a Successful 23 Year-Old Business Owner

    5 JUN 2024 · I’m taking it back with you guys to the person I used to be before becoming successful. Originally I went to school to be a nurse and then along that journey I realized I really did not want to work for someone anymore. In order to help others the way that I want to, I had to start taking my inner work seriously. In order to do something for someone else, you have to do it for you first.  Main Highlights:  - Taking it back (3:00)  - Started hanging around people who were where I wanted to be (10:10)  - Being whole in order to help others (12:41)  - Bible verse (18:00)  Bible verse highlighted: Isaiah 26:12 “Lord, you will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from you.”   Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/OFF CHRISTIAN BRAND EFFORTLESS ESSENTIALS https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 20m 41s
  • Defining Success & What That Means For YOU

    29 MAY 2024 · Success looks different for everyone & I think it is really important for everyone to take note of that. Personally, I always thought that your bank account determined your amount of success in your life.  Comparing yourself to someone who makes more money than you, is not fair to yourself because God has a different plan and path for your life.  It is the amount of impact you have on people that really leaves a lasting impression on people’s lives.  The sooner we understand that nothing fulfills us like Jesus, the better we will be! Your idea of success will change as you get older and change. The only person you can compare yourself to is YOU!  Main Highlights:  - Success is not based off your bank account (5:00)  - Social media affecting our perception of success (7:00)  - Nothing will fulfill you like Jesus (9:31)  - Your idea of success will change (9:50)  Bible verse highlighted: Joshua 1:8: "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." If we know scripture and can apply it to our lives. God want us to obey the word of God by our actions. THEN we will be successful but first we must obey.  Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/OFF CHRISTIAN BRAND EFFORTLESS ESSENTIALS https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 17m 6s
  • Importance of Routine to Attract Success

    22 MAY 2024 · Today we are jumping into routines and how they can set you up for success! Consistency is the absolute biggest thing when making a routine in your life. Having a clear vision for your life will help you make your routine, allow you to stick to that routine, & help you accomplish all of your goals.  The more routines you have, the less decisions you have to make. The less decisions you have to make the more energy you’re going to have to give to something else.  Just remember that life is going to life. Life is going to happen and it is okay to jump off that routine for a day. Having a routine is going to help build self-confidence, it sets everything up powerfully for the day.  What are you sacrificing when you choose to sleep instead of waking up and doing your morning routine?  Main Highlights:  - Gratitude (1:11)   - Consistency is key (5:55)  - The less decisions you have to make the more energy you will have (9:45)  - Life happens (10:15)  - Practice self-discipline (11:20)  - Morning routine (15:00)  - Bible verse (20:45)  Bible verse highlighted: James 1:2-4 “ “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” I love this verse because it reminds us that we are going to be tested in this life but it gives us an opportunity to grow every single time. No matter what you’re going through God will be will you through it all. Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/OFF CHRISTIAN BRAND EFFORTLESS ESSENTIALS https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 22m 50s
  • The Power of Serving and Generosity - Fulfilling Your Divine Purpose

    15 MAY 2024 · I truly feel like this is a very powerful topic in deeper discovering your purpose. When you’re serving others, it should give you energy, which shows you what your gifts are from God. I really feel like this is one of the foundational pieces to discovering your divine purpose.  Serving builds character. It allows you to see that there is much more to this world than just yourself. There is so much negativity within the world and this can bring positivity to those around you.  Serving also allows you to build meaningful connections and a community.  Being generous does not just mean to other people, it means being generous to you as well.  Main Highlights:  - Jesus came to serve not to be served (6:00) - Not being around negativity (9:10)  - Giving your time (11:11)  - Serving has allowed me to step into further who God is calling me to be (15:00)  - Bible verse (16:30)  Bible verse highlighted: Psalms 39:5 “I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.” Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/OFF CHRISTIAN BRAND EFFORTLESS ESSENTIALS  https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 17m 56s

    8 MAY 2024 · IT HAS BEEN A WHOLE YEAR OF RELEASING CONTENT FOR YOU GUYS! First & foremost, I just want to express gratitude for what this journey has done for me.  Oftentimes I find myself being really grateful for the “small” things, but I don’t express gratitude for the little things in my life. God has always provided me exactly what I needed in every single season and situation.  Everything was a learning curve for me. I did not know anything when I first started but that has been the best thing about this whole journey.   Helping people discover their divine purpose is such a huge passion of mine because I have stepped into my divine purpose and it just fires me up!  What I am really looking forward to within the next year is just the continued growth and the evolution of The Wellness Rock!  HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that continues to support me within this journey.  I’ve taken a lot of risks within this journey because I knew that is what God was calling me to do.  Where is God calling you to go and what is he calling you to do? Take joy in doing his will.   Main Highlights:  - Therapy is not a bad thing (3:57)  - Being grateful for what I already have (6:25)  - Success is not based on the amount of money you have in your bank account (8:20)  - Be open to God changing you (14:11)   - What I am looking forward to within the next year (18:38)  - Bible verse (22:34)  Bible verse highlighted: Psalms 39:5 “I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.” Amidst life's twists and turns, I find my truest joy in walking the path of His will. Each step is a testament to His guidance, deep within my heart. His words resonate, lighting the way through every next step.  Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/  https://frusirnag.com/?ref=xdvfrydf
    Played 26m 2s
  • How Do I Know If My Idea is a God Idea?

    1 MAY 2024 · When deciding if our idea is a God idea, we first and foremost want to pray. Simply ask God if this is an idea from him.  I’ve had seasons where I look back and I know I was not following God’s path for my life. But the amazing thing about God is that he will always use our pain for purpose.  We are not meant to do life on our own!! God puts people in our lives so that we have people in our corner to walk through life with.  I share a very vulnerable moment I had with God this week and how I really just leaned on him for his strength. God will be the lamp under our feet as we take steps closer to where he is calling us to go.  Main Highlights:  - What to do when you have an idea (3:00) - Do you have peace? (5:10)  - God gives us our power (6:40)  - I’m in the gap right now (12:00)  - WHen I first started this podcast (13:50)  - Discuss your idea with other believers (15:23)  - You cannot live a double life (18:50)  - Bible verse (29:36)  Bible verse highlighted: Proverbs 13:11 “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time.”  Grab your herbal tea, hot lemon water, or mushroom coffee and enjoy the listen!  Don’t forget to take care of yourself because when you’re not your best self, you can’t help others be their best self as well. https://www.instagram.com/steph_diehl/ https://linktr.ee/stephdiehl https://www.tiktok.com/@thewellnessrock https://effortlessessentialsco.com/
    Played 24m 7s

Welcome to The Wellness Rock show with your host, Stephanie Diehl! Here our vision is to be a beacon of transformative health guidance, guiding our global community towards a state...

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Welcome to The Wellness Rock show with your host, Stephanie Diehl! Here our vision is to be a beacon of transformative health guidance, guiding our global community towards a state of holistic well-being. We aspire to be the trusted source that empowers individuals to reclaim their health, reawaken their spirit, and rediscover their divine potential from God. Our primary aim is to provide you with practical tools and profound insights of health that empower you to lead a purposeful and Godly life.

The episodes include hitting on the 5 pillars of creating optimal wealth. These pillars include: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial.

Stay tuned for a new episode every Wednesday at 6:00am EST!
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