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Trending with Timmerie

  • Should a woman take the pill for acne? Dr. Duane responds

    3 JUL 2024 · Should a woman take the pill for acne?  Dr. Marguerite Duane from Facts About Fertility joins Trending with Timmerie (2:12) How do we find access to real reproductive healthcare for women? (22:16) How to be a pro-life advocate for women. (37:12)  How do you encourage your daughter to be modest at Church? (43:08) Plan a getaway this summer – how to plan a staycation (46:13) Resources mentioned :  FACTS About Fertility https://www.factsaboutfertility.org/   Find a cycle tracking coach  https://www.factsaboutfertility.org/facts-physician-clinician-educator-directory/   Learn more about the pill and the impact of contraception  https://relevantradio.com/2024/03/loud-budgeting-ditching-the-pill/     https://relevantradio.com/2024/05/medical-data-on-birth-control-chemical-abortion/   Period Repair Manual  https://amzn.to/4eMi6jG 
    Played 51m 21s
  • Dr. Ingrid Skop Cares for Women When an Abortion Goes Wrong (Special Podcast Highlight)

    2 JUL 2024 · Dr. Ingrid Skop, a seasoned obstetrician and pro-life advocate, shared her experiences with the heartbreaking aftermath of abortions. Dr. Skop, who has delivered over 5,000 babies, offers a unique and compassionate perspective on the real-life consequences faced by women when abortions go wrong.   The Heartbreaking Aftermath of Abortion With a heavy heart, Dr. Skop reveals the severe complications women endure after abortions, especially with the rise of chemical abortions. She describes how women come to her in desperate need, suffering from heavy bleeding, infections, and requiring emergency surgery. It's not just statistics for her; it's about real women in pain, women who are often left alone to deal with the physical and emotional wreckage.   The Dark Side of Underreporting Dr. Skop uncovers a shocking truth: the FDA admits that 1 in 25 women will need emergency care after taking abortion drugs. But many of these cases are misdiagnosed as miscarriages due to the shame surrounding abortion. Dr. Skop speaks about the women who suffer in silence, feeling abandoned and betrayed by a system that promised them "safe and easy" solutions.   The Dangers of Mail-Order Abortions With genuine concern, Dr. Skop tells you about the alarming trend of mail-order abortion drugs. These medications, sent across state lines leave women to fend for themselves. She shares heartbreaking stories of women making multiple emergency room visits, bleeding and in pain, before they receive the care they need. This lack of oversight is truly a profound human tragedy.   The Truth Behind the Numbers Dr. Skop criticizes the abortion industry's manipulation of data. She talks about how pro-abortion studies often fail to track complications accurately, leaving many women's suffering unrecorded. The pro-life research she and her colleagues conduct is frequently censored, stifling the truth about the real dangers of abortion. It's a battle for transparency and honesty that she is determined to fight.   A Call for Real Compassion Reflecting on her decades in the field, Dr. Skop makes it clear that that abortion has been a devastating failure for women's health. She talks about the long-term consequences: the medical complications, the mental health issues, and the societal problems like fatherless children. With deep compassion, she calls for a reevaluation of this "failed experiment" and advocates for comprehensive support for women facing unplanned pregnancies. She believes in a world where both the mother and the child are cherished and supported.   Abortion is a path that leads to profound suffering and regret. Dr. Skop's heartfelt plea is to protect and cherish both the mother and the child, providing real support and hope for those facing unexpected pregnancies.
    Played 16m 16s
  • Why we need a vacation so badly

    2 JUL 2024 · Summer travel boom! 1 in 4 Americans are going into debt for a Summer vacation.   Going into debt or meaningful alternatives with financial coaches Jonathan and Amanda Texierra from Wallet Win. (0:25) How do you vacation on a budget? (21:36)  1 reason why we need a vacation so badly. (36:24) Resources mentioned :  https://walletwin.com/   Episode on how to live off 1 income and be a stay at home mom  https://relevantradio.com/2024/04/parents-on-a-budget/
    Played 44m 10s
  • Presidential Debate & ‘‘Emergency Abortion"

    29 JUN 2024 · SCOTUS decision on emergency medical care and abortion.  What happened and what’s at stake?  (0:48) Presidential debate on abortion. (25:16) Raising pro-life kids. (32:15) Too busy?  Why do parents ignore the experts telling them screen time is harmful for children?  Simple ways to cutback screen time (38:35) Resources mentioned :  “I’ve never needed to perform an abortion to save a woman’s life”  https://relevantradio.com/2024/05/do-doctors-need-abortion-to-save-a-womans-life/   7 in 10 abortions are coerced or unwanted  https://lozierinstitute.org/hidden-epidemic-nearly-70-of-abortions-are-coerced-unwanted-or-inconsistent-with-womens-preferences/   Do women die from abortion? https://relevantradio.com/2023/12/do-women-die-from-abortion/   Window to the womb https://www.windowtothewomb.app/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ezn-9q2SYM&t=30s   Supreme Court ‘punts’ Idaho emergency room abortion case back to lower court https://www.liveaction.org/news/supreme-court-punts-emergency-room-abortion-case/    Studies on Multitasking & Screen Use https://westerntoday.wwu.edu/features/would-talking-on-your-cell-phone-cause-you-to-have-missed-this-clown-one-professor-thinks   https://www.cbs58.com/news/late-night-screen-time-puts-teens-sleep-and-mental-health-at-risk    https://www.kidsnews.com.au/health/two-hours-of-screen-time-hurts-kids-health/news-story/2bb82c6ee646af88a91ac426dd615727    Protect your family from the overuse of technology  https://screenstrong.org/   Episodes with Melanie Hempe from ScreenStrong.com on Trending  https://relevantradio.com/?cat=23210&s=melanie+hempe    Gabb Phone and Watch – limited talk and text for teens.  Smartphone solutions.  https://gabb.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc_shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw8-OhBhB5EiwADyoY1Qa_9v0UMYJH1nCDjEfoci2G1Uc-zfoqmZ1GMzW6os9ygYRfyDDFuRoC3UcQAvD_BwE
    Played 50m 52s
  • Fear of Commitment

    28 JUN 2024 · Fear of commitment  – therapist Joe Sikorroa LMFT explains how the past leads to difficulty to commit.  (1:43) A therapist responds to questions:  How do you find common ground in parenting when you “know best”? I’m recently married and can’t get over my past boyfriend.  How do you distance yourself from unhealthy in-laws?  (25:11) What do you do when your wife wants a divorce and you don't?  (41:37)  How to read your Bible and pray with it. (45:58) Resources mentioned :  https://joesikorra.com/   Spiritual Communion Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori    My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen
    Played 51m 21s
  • Self-Care Phenomenon (Special Podcast Highlight)

    27 JUN 2024 · Ever felt like you just need some "me time? What do you usually do?    Here's a question - has "me time" gone too far?   The Self-Care Hype: A Personal Take Timmerie recounts a conversation with a longtime friend who worked in pregnancy resource centers. This friend shared stories of a mom juggling full-time parenting, PTA duties, and church volunteering, all while desperately seeking "me time." On the flip side, another friend, a mother of four, laughed at the idea of "me time," reminiscing about simply taking a deep breath amidst the chaos.   Jim’s Perspective: From Common Sense to Crazy https://integrityrestored.com/ joins the conversation with a candid take on how self-care has morphed into a narcissistic craze. He shares a frustrating story of an older woman caught up in the self-care movement, spending money she didn't have on extravagant retreats. Jim emphasizes that true self-care should be about maintaining balance through simple, everyday actions—like a peaceful walk or a good night's sleep—not expensive getaways.   The Personal Toll of Extreme Self-Care There can be dangers of over-prioritizing self-care. This obsession can lead to family breakdowns, with some women going from being supermoms to walking away from their families. Jim calls for a return to the kind of common-sense care our grandmothers knew: small acts that nourish without isolating.   Healthy Marriages Need Healthy Individuals Jim shares his experience working with couples. He stresses the importance of both partners getting healthy individually for their relationship to thrive. He advises against trying to fix each other, suggesting instead to focus on self-improvement and personal growth. His personal phrase? "You fix you, he fixes him."   The Value of Trusted Friends Both Timmerie and Jim stress the importance of having a support system. Jim shares how he turns to trusted friends when he's struggling, making sure to focus on his own feelings rather than criticizing his spouse. This approach fosters healthier processing of marital challenges and keeps the focus on personal growth.   Balancing Self-Care with Common Sense Balance and moderation are key. Timmerie and Jim encourage you to find joy in simple pleasures and maintain healthy routines without giving in to the pressures of social media's extravagant standards.
    Played 14m 42s
  • When an abortion goes wrong – what happens?

    27 JUN 2024 · Dr. Ingrid Skop is a pro-life obstetrician who cares for women when an abortion goes wrong. She explains the lack of medical standards in abortion businesses. (1:30) 7 in 10 abortions – women did not want and were coerced into. (25:40)  How fear has been weaponized to promote abortion.  (36:38) Gen Z and millennials would rather be jobless than unhappy at work.  What do they really want and need?  (42:10) Resources mentioned :  More episodes with Dr. Ingrid Skop https://relevantradio.com/?cat=23210&s=skop   “I’ve never needed to perform an abortion to save a woman’s life”  https://relevantradio.com/2024/05/do-doctors-need-abortion-to-save-a-womans-life/   Do women die from abortion? https://relevantradio.com/2023/12/do-women-die-from-abortion/   Induced Abortion and the Increased Risk of Maternal Mortality - Dr. Skop Published by the National Library of Medicine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7350112/    Dr. Ingrid Skop’s research at the Lozier Institute https://lozierinstitute.org/team-member/ingrid-skop-m-d-facog/     Support After Abortion  https://supportafterabortion.com/   7 in 10 abortions are coerced or unwanted  https://lozierinstitute.org/hidden-epidemic-nearly-70-of-abortions-are-coerced-unwanted-or-inconsistent-with-womens-preferences/
    Played 51m 19s
  • Women Might Be Able to Sell Their Babies (Special Podcast Highlight)

    26 JUN 2024 · You need to hear this eye-opening episode of Trending with Timmerie where she talked to Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse from the Ruth Institute. The topic? A new bill in Massachusetts that could allow women to sell their babies before they're even born. Let's dive into the details together.   Parental "Equality" or Ethical Nightmare?   Dr. Morse explained that this bill, under the guise of promoting parental equality, would let women make contracts to sell their unborn children. If the contract is signed while the woman is still pregnant, it’s considered a surrogacy arrangement. But if done after birth, it's classified as illegal baby selling. This loophole is deeply troubling.   Surrogacy: The Slippery Slope   We already know surrogacy in the U.S. is lightly regulated, especially in places like Southern California. This bill would take things further, turning pregnancy into a potential commercial transaction. Imagine unborn children being treated as commodities—this goes against everything we believe about the sanctity of life.   The Ethical Quagmire   Dr. Morse highlighted the disturbing contradiction in the fertility industry: on one hand, people desperately want a baby and see embryos as precious; on the other, any "excess" embryos are often discarded as medical waste. This bill only intensifies the commodification of children, making them mere objects to be bought and sold.   The Rise of Infertility and Its Implications   With infertility rates climbing, it’s predicted that by 2050, most people will need medical help to conceive. This has made surrogacy and IVF more common, often glamorized on social media. But behind the scenes, this trend reduces children to status symbols, akin to luxury items like designer handbags or cars.   Redefining Parenthood: A Dangerous Precedent   This bill also changes what it means to be a parent. Instead of recognizing the natural, biological bond, it shifts parenthood to something defined by the state through contracts. This could lead to more government control over family life, moving us away from recognizing the natural, God-given relationships between parents and children.   Call to Action   We need to stand up against this bill and protect the sanctity of life. Every child is a unique and unrepeatable gift from God, not a commodity to be bought and sold. If you live in Massachusetts or know someone who does, spread the word and urge your policymakers to reject this dangerous legislation.     Remember: Every child is a unique and unrepeatable gift from God. Let's protect that sacred gift. 
    Played 17m 45s
  • What virtues should I have for a family?

    26 JUN 2024 · Therapist Michael Gasparro on, what Catholic virtues are important for parents and adults in family life. (5:00) Do you struggle with same sex attraction? A Catholic devotion that helps. (26:00) Can a gay person really be chaste? (40:00) Why Gen Z & Millennials would rather be unemployed than unhappy at work. (43:30) Resources mentioned:  Michael’s Website  https://www.catholictherapists.com/michael-gasparro-ma-lmft-lpcc
    Played 50m 51s
  • 2 Babies Lives Saved & Birth Control at Ralphs

    25 JUN 2024 · Birth control at Ralphs? (1:09) 2 years after Roe v Wade was overturned – lives that have been saved.  (19:32) Miracles! (37:07) Is your phone your bedtime friend? (43:04)      Resources mentioned :  Birth control over the counter https://relevantradio.com/2024/03/loud-budgeting-ditching-the-pill/   Birth control studies:  Opill product label warnings https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2017/017031s035s036lbl.pdf    2023 UK Study: Fitzpatrick D, Pirie K, Reeves G, Green J, Beral V (2023) Combined and progestogen-only hormonal contraceptives and breast cancer risk: A UK nested case–control study and meta-analysis. https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1004188    Study Linking Birth Control to Depression and anxiety  research, published in JAMA Psychiatry: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2552796    2015 study Hormonal contraceptive use and risk of glioma https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4386952/#:~:text=WHAT%20THIS%20STUDY%20ADDS,term%20users%20of%20hormonal%20contraceptives    2016 study The Influence of Hormonal Factors on the Risk of Developing Cervical Cancer and Pre-Cancer https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26808155/   Study 10% of women who conceive in Opill/ progesterone only pill have Ectopic Pregnancies  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539860/     Layla Khlan had a blood clot in her brain from birth control and died https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/girl-16-dies-after-taking-birth-control-pill-ease-painful-periods   Birth control makes women sad JAMA study  https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2552796   Tik Tok Stories about coming off the pill  https://www.tiktok.com/@katesnooks/video/7274529764055010593?embed_source=71929435%2C121374463%2C121404359%2C121351166%2C121331973%2C120811592%2C120810756%3Bnull%3Bembed_blank&refer=embed&referer_url=www.eviemagazine.com%2Fpost%2Fyoung-women-are-turning-against-the-pill-here-is-why&referer_video_id=7274529764055010593   Hair loss: https://www.tiktok.com/@chan.sessions?referer_url=www.eviemagazine.com%2Fpost%2Fyoung-women-are-turning-against-the-pill-here-is-why&refer=embed&embed_source=71929435%2C121374463%2C121404359%2C121351166%2C121331973%2C120811592%2C120810756%3Bnull%3Bembed_name&referer_video_id=7093254780230962478   Birth control makes women sad JAMA study  https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2552796   Hailey Bieber had a stroke from birth control https://relevantradio.com/2022/05/why-did-hailey-bieber-have-a-stroke/   Vox Vitae’s website https://www.voxvitae.org/   Dr. Caldwell’s episodes about IVF and fertility help  https://relevantradio.com/?cat=23210&s=susan+caldwell
    Played 51m 21s

Trending with Timmerie is a nationally syndicated radio show and international podcast bringing timeless principles of Catholicism to trending thought and experience. Are you looking for relevant ways to bring...

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Trending with Timmerie is a nationally syndicated radio show and international podcast bringing timeless principles of Catholicism to trending thought and experience. Are you looking for relevant ways to bring together trending conversations and timeless principles? Here’s your opportunity to engage the culture head on with truth and Catholic faith.

www.RadioTrending.com | www.Timmerie.com
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