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Universal Secrets

  • USP 80: 'Spilling the Secrets' w/ Nathaniel Gillis

    30 JUN 2024 · Universal Secrets #80 - show date 6.25.2024 This is the debut of 'Spilling the Secrets' - our version of AMA (Ask Me Anything). We welcome our friend, Nathaniel Gillis, to answer all of your question or respond to comments. This is meant to be fun and entertaining. Please be respectful to Nathaniel. With that said, Nathaniel will 'spill his secrets'. About Nathaniel: After living in a haunted house, Nathaniel spent 20 years researching what it was he encountered. Nathaniel has sought to redefine the nature of haunting phenomena, ghosts and high strangeness. As one of the thought leaders in his field, Nathaniel’s hypothesis is not that aliens are demons but that a singular intelligence has worn both as masks in which to hide. In fact, he is often quoted for his concept of the phenomenon…. "The reason they are playing by different rules is because they are playing a different game.”  https://www.facebook.com/TheNathanielJGillis https://www.instagram.com/thenathanielgillis https://www.youtube.com/@nathanielj.gillis5466 Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/universalsecrets @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423  #universalsecrets #paranormal #demons #ghosts #hauntings #aliens #spillthesecrets #infotainment #demonologist 
    Played 1h 36m 30s
  • USP 79: Rev. Michael Carter | ETs in the Bible, Human Consciousness, Abduction Phenomenon

    22 JUN 2024 · Universal Secrets #79 - show date 6.18.24 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' on ETs in the Bible, Human Consciousness, Alien Abduction Phenomenon, and more with Rev. Michael Carter. Rev. Michael JS. Carter is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. He moved to New York City in 1980 and lived there for 27 years, working as a professional actor before moving to Asheville. Michael is an ordained Interfaith Minister and received his BA Degree in Letters from the College of New Rochelle where he graduated cum laude. He received his Masters In Divinity Degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City (class of 2000). He has served as a staff chaplain (Board Certified) at various hospitals in NY and in North Carolina. While serving various Unitarian Universalist Congregations in New York, Michael was trained as an anti-racism trainer and has been recognized by President Clinton for his efforts. A long time UFO Contactee, his Book Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials In The Holy Bible, was( in March of 2014) number one on Amazon list of UFO related books. Michael has also appeared on George Noory’s Coast To Coast radio show, and on George Noory’s TV show, “Beyond Belief” on Gaia Television. Other TV appearances include being a regular consultant on The History Channel’s, Ancient Aliens Series, as well as being featured in the UFO TV Documentary, The Real 4400, and UFOs the Hidden Evidence on the Travel Channel. Rev. Carter was also featured in Steven Spielberg's TV documentary, Abduction Diaries for the Sci-Fi Channel. “Diaries” was the precursor to the Spielberg’s HBO series, “Taken.” Author Whitley Strieber calls Rev. Carter’s first book, Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials in The Holy Bible, “the best book ever written on the topic.” His three other books are, A New World If You Can Take It: God, Extraterrestrials, and The Evolution of Human Consciousness. God Consciousness: A 30 Day Meditation Manual for God Conscious Thinking, The Metaphysics of Spiritual Healing and the Power of Affirmative Prayer. "Initiation: The Spiritual Transformation of the Experiencer." Rev. Carter’s most recent book is called, “Enlightenment.” It’s a collection of sermons covering the topics of justice, religion, race, spirituality, and religion. All of his books may be purchased at Amazon and Barnes & Nobles. His most recent appearance is on The History Channel’s America’s Greatest Mysteries, hosted by Lawrence Fishburne. The episode was on The Phoenix Lights. Michael serves as the minister for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley, located in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. Rev Michael Carter links: https://www.chinasona.org/michaeljscarter/ https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B01M15QA9K https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5117599/ Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/universalsecrets @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423 #universalsecrets #paranormal #ETs #aliens #HumanConsciousness #author #AlienScriptures #ExtraterrestrialsInTheBible #UFOcontactee #HistoryChannel #GodConsciousness #Reverend #Minister #MichaelCarter #TiffanyMac #TiffanyTuesday #KevinHale #ShadesOfK #Infotainment
    Played 1h 39m 59s
  • USP 78: Kosta Makreas | ET Let's Talk, People's Disclosure Movement, CE-5 Contact

    15 JUN 2024 · Universal Secrets #78 - show date 6.11.2024 Tiffany & Brent (guest cohost) "spill the secrets" on Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE-5), People's Disclosure Movement, ET Let's Talk & more with Kosta Makreas. As a young man, Kosta became fascinated with the mysteries of the Universe – teaching himself astrology, meditation, astronomy, and reading widely about extraterrestrial UFOs, comparative religion, spirituality, Atlantis, and many other metaphysical topics. ET Let's Talk is a collective of more than 11,000 peaceful groups and individuals from 100+ countries who join once a month to make coordinated, interactive and united contact with numerous loving and peaceful ET civilizations. https://etletstalk.com/ Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/universalsecrets @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423 #universalsecrets #paranormal #ETs #aliens #UFOs #UAPs #ETLetsTalk #CE5 #KostaMakreas #TiffanyMac #TiffanyTuesday #KevinHale #ShadesOfK #SipleyIrresistible #Infotainment 
    Played 1h 5m 59s
  • USP 77: Sophia Temperilli | Paranormal Radio Host and Investigator

    8 JUN 2024 · Universal Secrets #77 - show date 6.4.2024 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' with Sophia Temperilli - Paranormal Radio Host (The Ghost Host) and Investigator. Sophia Temperilli is a 25-year-old paranormal investigator and radio host. She started investigating the unknown at the age of eight. After attending a ghost-tour aboard the infamously haunted R.M.S. Queen Mary, Sophia quickly fell in love with the paranormal field. Along with her interests in all things supernatural, she lived in an actively haunted house; those personal experiences changed her life forever. By twelve-years of age, Sophia started her own podcast, ‘The Ghost Host’ show on LiveParanormal.com in 2011; where currently, she continues to interview renowned figures within the field. This year, Sophia Temperilli’s personal home haunting accounts were published in the book, “Women on the Fringe: Groundbreaking Women in the Paranormal’”, and she has a special article feature ‘Spotlight’ in the Spring 2024 issue #3 of “Ghosted Magazine”. With over half of her life in the world of the paranormal, Sophia cannot imagine her passion for the unknown ever going away. Sophia's info: https://linktr.ee/sophiatemperilli1 Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/universalsecrets @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423  #universalsecrets #paranormal #ghosts #hauntings #ghostinvestigations #TheGhostHost #SophiaTemperilli #TiffanyMac #KevinHale #TiffanyTuesday #ShadesOfK #infotainment 
    Played 1h 42m 57s
  • USP 76: Entity Voices Paranormal Evidence | Ghosts, Hauntings, Investigations

    1 JUN 2024 · Universal Secrets #76 - show date 5.28.2024 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' on ghosts, hauntings, paranormal investigations, hotspots, and more w/ Tony, Cherie, Chris, Audra, Ron & Lourdes - Entity Voices Paranormal Evidence. Guest links: https://entityvoices.com/ https://www.instagram.com/entityvoices https://www.unxnetwork.com/entityvoices Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/universalsecrets @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423 #universalsecrets #paranormal #ghosts #hauntings #ghostinvestigations #EVPI #TonyRathman #CherieRathman #ChrisAllgood #AudraKeeler #RonYacovetti #LourdesGonzalez #TiffanyMac #KevinHale #infotainment
    Played 2h 12m 54s
  • USP 75: Karin Wilkinson | UFOs and Alien Abductions

    25 MAY 2024 · Universal Secrets #75 - show date 5.21.2024 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' on UFOs, Alien Abductions, and the Evil Agenda with Karin Wilkinson. Prepare for an extraordinary odyssey as Karin Wilkinson not only unveils the gripping chronicle of her life experiences but also delves deep into the enigmatic activities and motives of extraterrestrial beings. Get ready for an insider's perspective as she unravels the mysteries behind their actions, explores the challenges they face, and exposes the intricate web of deceit woven in their interactions with humanity. Karin is the author of Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest. She is a regular writer/contributor to L.A. Marzulli’s monthly newsletter, Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural. Karin's links: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2NTVG5NWVJHeVBSMmVTVHRMUGUzMlRSclJ1QXxBQ3Jtc0tsd0xOa1FrbnlhQ0NiR0JINm1xSll3Q1h6eTNWbUZ2OFVvVkk3bS1VWV9JdkNmQWlPemI1RmxRM0Jma1RQOUZYVEx5TlQ5bjQzWXZPNnJ5T1M5WW1OUlk4NFAtYzAwOEY4WDE4Mks5MDY4MXE1VGJuQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fkarinwilkinsonauthor.com%2F&v=R2QNTyaUSXU https://lamarzulli.net/product/stolen-seed-evil-harvest/ Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEplNjduV1VEMVZBSy0welRzUkdwdlk4b1lIQXxBQ3Jtc0trclVtNjF4ZlNyelJTQjE5REF4bnpVWGdhUlNhbzZLWnlQSGk4dTJEQnFobkNNVEE0SUZhRGE3T19ORUUtbElTWlo4M1lNOUJyajNXZG1HbG5iZjBDcGxiNnJpcFoyaVViUVRYNEdlbVdlUE1mZ1hadw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Funiversalsecrets&v=R2QNTyaUSXU @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423 https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/universalsecrets https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ufos https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/uaps https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/abduction https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/alienabduction https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/experiencer https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/author https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/stolenseed https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/evilharvest https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ufophenomenon https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/karinwilkinson https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/tiffanymac https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/kevinhale https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/infotainment
    Played 55m 19s
  • USP 74: Monica De La Torre & Angelia Extine | Meditation, Mediumship, Tarot, Numerology

    18 MAY 2024 · Universal Secrets #74 - show date 5.14.2024 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' on Meditation, Mediumship, Tarot, Numerology, the meaning of 5D, and more w/ Monica De La Torre & Angelia Extine. Guest links: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjFySENFZlJSSTR2NWp3Yjd1YmFINi1KTUVlZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttZ0hQY245RnViREg4b2dlb3NhbkxhdEQtZ3BmOUJIUVZia1hoY0NQLU14bmUtSFdRU3RYcm5nNW04YnZkclZhUU5tRlBORmxaaEJsczJjcXpGWTZiMk5JWDFOOV84R2FtNDBGdVRmdU9NdndCZ0loYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thebodhitreeky.com%2F&v=icrG-umnjME https://www.instagram.com/monica_in_5d/ https://www.instagram.com/lotusinbloom.healing/ Follow/Like/Subscribe:  https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0I1MVFJNmFrN1JBTU9hbUoyU1hOTGV4eWlVd3xBQ3Jtc0tuYjNVd2QzeWdMWkltU3JvWkNMci1RS05xMjI5TEZDajhFVnNVNTVjaHNFX2FQR2lVei1pVDB3V3huVjVGeEZOZ2hYV05JV0hhM2lRXzAzX1g5RXBEaTBMTnJzLV85dHQ2VUpPMzZXdWNueTMxcTRuNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Funiversalsecrets&v=icrG-umnjME @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423 https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/universalsecrets https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/monicadelatorre https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/angeliaextine https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/mediation https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/mediumship https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/tarot https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/tarotcards https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/highpriestess https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/thebodhitree https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/numberology https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/intuitive https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/reikimaster https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/wombpriestess https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cardreadings https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/energeticintuitive https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/souls https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/meetmein5d https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/letsgetmystical https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/tiffanymac https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/kevinhale
    Played 1h 35m 58s
  • USP 73: Sarah Lauren | Alchemizing Exploitation, Sex Trafficking

    11 MAY 2024 · Universal Secrets #73 - show date 5.7.2024 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' on healing trauma and empowering people to build harmony in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Sarah Lauren. In a world where the undercurrent of sexual exploitation runs deeper than you may know, "Alchemizing Exploitation" takes you on the courageous journey of a survivor. About Sarah: Sarah Lauren is an author who seeks freedom from the systemic slavery present in modern culture. Her debut, Alchemizing Exploitation, details her survival from human trafficking, struggles with mainstream treatment options, and eventual remembrance that brought her relief. After spending over 12 years evading herself and hiding from the world, Sarah now embraces radical responsibility and amplifies her voice. In these pivotal times, she engages in discussions about accessible pathways to profound healing. Sarah firmly believes that anyone can awaken to a reality where they reclaim their sovereignty, regardless of past experiences, as the human spirit possesses a remarkable capacity for transformation. She eagerly anticipates sharing her story and empowering message with audiences who resonate with her journey. https://iamsarahlauren.com/ https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?lUFQmk5Qo1pdWCUdKQeBskizvyZMl1ddC7qp3yhmpSW  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNSB2YB2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/universalsecrets @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423  #universalsecrets #sarahlauren #alchemizingexploitation #sextrafficking #spirituality #trauma #traumahealing #exploitation #alchemy #higherconsciousness #understanding #compassion #enlightenment #awareness #tiffanymac #kevinhale 
    Played 1h 32m 34s
  • USP 72: Contact at the Compound II (rebroadcast)

    11 MAY 2024 · Universal Secrets 4/30/2024 - we're rebroadcasting "Contact at the Compound II" - show date 10.9.2021 Tiffany and Kevin take #CATC2 to another level by having friends Micah Hanks, Terry Lovelace, Sierra Neblina, Rebecca Geracitano, and Jamin Olivencia talk Ghosts, Alien experiences, Present/Past Life Regression, UAPs & more. Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://linktr.ee/universalsecrets @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423 Guest links: https://www.micahhanks.com/ https://thedebrief.org/ https://www.terrylovelace.com/ https://integrativemind.net/ https://www.jaminolivencia.com/  #UniversalSecrets #ContactAtTheCompound #paranormal #ufology #ghosts #Infotainment 
    Played 1h 42m 14s
  • USP 71: Machiel Klerk | #DreamGuidance: Connecting to the Soul through Incubation

    27 APR 2024 · Universal Secrets #71 - show date 4.23.2024 Tiffany and Kevin 'spill the secrets' on Dreams w/ Machiel Klerk, Author/Speaker/Therapist. Machiel discusses how you can harness the power of your unconscious through dream incubation: an age-old technique that teaches you to access hidden wisdom that can be used for personal development. About Machiel: Machiel is a social entrepreneur, licensed mental health therapist, international speaker, dream worker, and published author. He has been a mental health therapist since 2006, and currently has an online private practice. Machiel is fascinated by healing traditions. He earned a master’s degree in counseling psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Machiel has traveled all over the world and studied many cultures and their healing and dream traditions, and in specific the African traditions as South Africa is the country of his birth. Machiel has published a book ‘Dream Guidance’ with the respected Hay House publishing company. The book is currently available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles. He has written several articles on dreams and released a course on Jung Platform. Machiel has vocationally been guided by dreams when he founded the Jung Society of Utah and the online organization Jung Platform as a result of a night time dream. In appreciation for these contributions, he has received several awards from the local community.  He moved in his early youth from South Africa to the Netherlands, and lived a year in France during his teenage years. He backpacked a year through Asia and then moved in 2004 to the USA where he still lives and dreams. Links: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0RIa19adnpqQnJYd1VSbXR6ajlTQUZFQnRXQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQWgyWFA3MTRnWXpjVmxlM3VhdS1VZ3NsbFNXTk1RNXoza2t1V1p2dEtYeWlKckRneF9Sb2xhUGNjN3lvZldQZGJLZ3dIVGpiLTFBN2lNRm1vYUlHVjNYY3BxRk1xay1mRmVuam1qc1ZZZGF5RF9NRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjungplatform.com%2F&v=pwHqnAzkyuc https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbElqbGtiaUFCY1B0c3l4TmNPdmtwYVdMMk5hQXxBQ3Jtc0ttcUQybzRzdFZHd2xJUHBPekJzVDEzTksyd1pzR0FxWHBualVpaUJKYkhvMUhjY2Y4Y3NCWHNhRnZOclJwN05ZRVd5eHk5XzV4VGdJZHNsUnJHYXJjSmh4WGI4a3ZuTlNOS05RQlFxWGdKQ0R0Q0dibw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmachielklerk.com%2F&v=pwHqnAzkyuc https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmpBTkRNSEZwYlhLLWtWR0E1ZGd1cHFndFU3QXxBQ3Jtc0tsTTdvVlVqWDFIcjFhOUhGclo2aWQtNmJMMTc3ZHRpNFdZUXZkTzdnaXdsdC1DYTFkQ0dOS05HVGVNT1Q4TDloMzRPM2RwbktiZE1LWFg2NF9oME92TmVkbzlpZC13Z2FtNUFKMVZvc2tiWjlWcEFwcw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fmachielklerk&v=pwHqnAzkyuc Follow/Like/Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFdvQ0piR3NEeU1ycVk2MEZHQXBFU2s5cEt4QXxBQ3Jtc0tuYlJOSmViT3JkWkVGbjBWeTJmY1VINjBCeXVsTURwc25EcDJabHBUZ1VSQmVFQkM5U1RfTXpWblA5UWNhYmFIbUNieU5RbVFNb3RtYS1mc3A3TF9sLWs2SlBZNU9oMGJIeENBZkdTS0JERkROcGxnRQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Funiversalsecrets&v=pwHqnAzkyuc @TiffanyMacET @kevinhale423  https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/universalsecrets https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/paranormal https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/dreams https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/machielklerk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/dreamguidance https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/psychotherapist https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/creativewisdom https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/mentalhealth https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/anxiety https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/trauma https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/relationships https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/soul https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/author https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/publicspeaker https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/dreamworker https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/infotainment
    Played 51m 37s
Tiffany Mac & Kevin Hale ‘spill the secrets’ on the unknown, unexplained & fantastic with experts/experiencers.



#paranormal #ufology #ufotwitter #infotainment

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