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What’s Treading with Tire Review

  • Will AI-powered virtual sensors transform tire maintenance?

    2 JUL 2024 · Take a look at the next vehicle that rolls into one of your bays. If it was manufactured in the past 5-10 years, I'm willing to bet you'll be able to pick out a sensor or two staring back at you rather quickly. However, there's a significant gap in this technology when it comes to the tires. Sure, TPMS certainly prevalent and helpful, but it fails to alert the driver to attributes like tread depth, stiffness, and balance. To address this issue, Yagil Tzur, vice president of products at Tactile Mobility, says his company is pairing the use of advanced sensors and artificial intelligence with tires to enhance the safety and efficiency of driving experiences. "Car manufacturers rely on drivers to go and look at the tires to check that they are healthy and in good condition. But we can't fool ourselves – no one is doing that. Most of the people even don't know what to check in a tire, and this has become a major issue," Tzur says. "We must be able to monitor the tires automatically, just as we get an alert from the car if we have an issue with the engine, with the oil, with the exhaust or with the water level. We need to know what is happening with the tires."  On this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Tzur explains how virtual sensors—software programs that analyze existing vehicle data to generate new insights – can combine data from various vehicle systems, such as wheel speed, steering angle, and engine torque, to monitor tire conditions and other safety-related parameters.  Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 23m 56s
  • Kumho Tire's latest EV-specific tire lines aim to exceed expectations

    18 JUN 2024 · The EV tire sector is red-hot – and for good reason. https://mediaroom.kbb.com/2024-01-16-Americans-Buy-Nearly-1-2-Million-Electric-Vehicles-to-Hit-Record-in-2023,-According-to-Latest-Kelley-Blue-Book-Data added to the car parc in the U.S. in 2023, bringing the market share of these vehicles to 7.6%. https://www.spglobal.com/mobility/en/research-analysis/automotive-marketing-electric-vehicles.html, with over half of them electrified. Tire manufacturers aren't taking their collective eyes off of this data, with some putting a lot of effort and R&D into finding ways to stay ahead of the market and hone in on the needs of EV customers. Sharing his thoughts on a recent episode of What's Treading, Shawn Denlein, president of sales and marketing at Kumho Tire USA, discussed the company's two latest EV-specific tire lines – https://www.tirereview.com/kumho-tire-two-ev-tire/ – and how these lines fit into the EV tire marketplace. "Our goal is not only to meet but exceed the expectations of EV drivers," Denlein says. "Kumho wants to be the new benchmark for performance efficiency and reliability in the EV market." On this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Denlein dives into Kumho Tire's strategy behind designing tire lines exclusive to EV drivers, how important the EV marketplace is to Kumho Tire, and some of the standout technology found in the company's latest EV tire lines. Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 16m 34s
  • Sonic Tools USA offers tools to beat back the technician shortage

    12 JUN 2024 · How long have we been https://www.tirereview.com/are-the-technician-shortage-tides-turning/ now? Too long. It's been an issue for nearly every shop owner I've ever spoken to and seems to have taken hold of the industry around the time Moses was handed the 10 Commandments. We know better by now that there's no magic bullet out there to stop this boss monster, but there must be better ways to chip away at its life bar. Andrew Coccari, VP of Sales and Marketing at Sonic Tools USA, says his company has a solution that has proven to be a great tool to battle this beast. “When you provide the tools and give them a pathway to earn those tools as their own ... it leads to a much happier, more rewarding life at the shop if you're a technician,” says Coccari. "And, we have the data to prove that it actually makes it more productive as well."  In this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Coccari delves into the causes of the technician shortage and offers some novel solutions to address the need for help around the country, such as modernizing the work environment to attract younger technicians.  Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 19m 58s
  • How organizers of the first T.I.R.E. Summit plan to bridge technology with tire industry needs

    21 MAY 2024 · I don't care if you've been in the tire industry for 40 years or 40 days – a lot has changed since you got started. Recently, some of the biggest changes are happening on the technology side: AI, smartphones and sophisticated software have never had such a presence on the shop floor. There's too much to wrap your head around to successfully keep the evolutions in the industry straight. To help address this, Anyline is this year announcing the first-ever https://tire-summit.com/, emphasizing its focus on Technology, Insights, Regulations, and Engagement, taking place this year on June 13 in Vienna, Austria. During a recent conversation with Chris Plaichner, chief product officer at https://www.tirereview.com/anyline-funding-ai/, he highlighted the need for industry players to share knowledge and explore new technological applications. "There's a real demand in this industry because so many things are changing," he says. "We want to understand what's possible, how others do it, and how they apply the technology." In this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Plaichner shares his thoughts on how shifting from traditional methods of tire shop management to real-time, mobile-based solutions can enhance efficiency and accuracy, how artificial intelligence is becoming a game-changer for the industry, and what can be expected from the upcoming event – even hinting at a U.S.-based version in the near future. Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 20m 6s
  • How Cosmo Tires fuels growth through authentic connections

    7 MAY 2024 · Ask anyone in business long enough to find success and they'll likely tell you that relationships got them there. https://www.tirereview.com/cosmo-tires-mileage-warranty-plt/, operated by https://www.tirereview.com/tire-group-international-hurricane-victims/, is no different and is continuing to lean on its uncanny ability to cultivate strong, family-first partnerships as a cornerstone for growth. "With everything that we do as a brand, if it's not all authentic and we're not able to reach the consumers where they interact with brands in the marketplace, then we lose some of that connectivity. It can get filtered, and we want to make sure that we capture everything from the street, take it all the way into the organization, and feed it directly into product development," says Dominick Montouri, the chief strategy officer for Tire Group International. "We want to make sure we keep that chain very, very short, but also keep it authentic and you don't lose any of those key attributes about what really matters to consumers in our space." In this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Montouri shares insights into how Cosmo Tires plans to expand its footprint and its engagement with consumers and partners, ensuring that the brand's evolution is just as much about meaningful connections and solutions in the tire industry as it is growth. https://www.tirereview.com/category/video/whats-treading-video/ Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 12m 46s
  • MatraX Tyres on navigating the diverse needs of the U.S. marketplace

    16 APR 2024 · Launching a brand in a new market is never easy... even if that brand has nearly 60 years of established history behind it. This is the case with MatraX Tyres, which has roots stemming back to 1965 in Portugal. Now, the company is expanding into the U.S. with passenger car tires, with plans to add more tire lines soon. "The U.S. market is big – it's the biggest market in the world. It's challenging because, apart from the size of the market, we are talking about different weather conditions and different road conditions between many states. We are talking about [which regions need] winter tires, all-season tires, summer tires. It's a very diverse market," Says Andre Bandeira, managing director for MatraX Tyres. "So, we need to adapt our products to these different markets. That's not so in many other markets, where we have a product that will already fit 80% of the market. In the U.S., it doesn't work this way." In this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Bandeira discusses how MatraX Tyres was introduced to the North American market, how the company is adapting its products to diverse U.S. conditions, the challenges and solutions associated with distribution logistics, and the importance of dealer support and relationships. Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 19m 38s
  • Continental Tire's biggest lessons from over 120 years of retreading

    2 APR 2024 ·  They say that 10,000 hours of practice will make you an expert at whatever task you've set your mind to. If that's the case, what does 120 years of practice make you? (That's 1,051,000 hours, for the record). In 2023, Continental marked its 120th year of retreading truck and bus tires. Today, the tire manufacturer retreads more than one million truck and bus tires worldwide every year – conserving resources and reducing costs all along the way. In fact, according to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (UMSICHT), retreaded tires reduce CO2 emissions by up to 50% compared to new tires. The amount of recycled and renewable materials in retreaded tires can be up to 85%. While the benefits of retread tires haven't waned, modern retreading facilities are very different from those designed a century ago. For example, today these factories use barcode tracking to monitor tires throughout the retreading process, which has significantly improved efficiency and data collection, allowing for better analysis and decision-making. Plus, today's factories have inspection equipment to ensure the tires leaving the factory are of the highest quality possible.  "[Continental's] inspection process allows us to know what's happened in a casing and make some good predictive models of whether that casing will be retreadable. From a continental point of view, we also have a high-pressure test at the end of our process so that we can ensure that anything that gets through the process is going to be a safe and reliable retread when it gets mounted on and aired up and goes onto the tire," says John Cox, head of retread truck tires Americas. "The overall inspection is going to keep the retread better as well." In this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Cox discusses the advancements and changes in the tire retreading industry, retread market trends in 2024, and the importance of tire dealers advising their fleet customers on the benefits of retreading. Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 23m 7s
  • Omni United CEO: How tire manufacturers can drive dealer profits in diverse markets

    20 MAR 2024 · Succeeding as an independent tire dealer isn't ever a "copy and paste" operation. What works for the dealer down the street isn't necessarily going to work for you, and what works for you may not work for a dealer selling the same tires halfway across the world. Yet, it's the same thread that lead to success for each one. "They all want to make money," says G.S. Sareen, president and CEO of Omni United, the manufacturer of Radar Tires. "They're all looking for a product on which they can maximize their profit margins – and what are the things that will help them maximize their profits? Is it quality? Is your quality at par with the premiums? Are you punching above your weight in terms of performance? Are your designs better than the rest? Are you a one-stop shop for them? Can you give them the whole spectrum of products? "It's quality design, range and availability. Surely price competitiveness plays a role, but not as much as people think it does. I think the other aspects play a much wider role because if you don't have those, you can give any price, it's not going to work." In this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Sareen discusses what it takes to meet the varied needs of tire dealers around the globe, noting that despite each market requiring individualized strategies, quality, design, range and availability must be consistent no matter where they do business. He also emphasizes Omni United's commitment to sustainability and carbon neutrality, and what it means to "do the right thing" as a tire manufacturer. Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 34m 15s
  • How commercial tire dealers have adapted to the needs of the market in 2024

    5 MAR 2024 · Commercial tire dealers had their hands full in 2023, dealing with supply chain disruptions, fluctuating raw material costs and oversupply leading to less-than-stellar sales numbers around the country. The good news is that things are already looking up this year, but it's not simply by accident. Instead, commercial tire dealers are finding opportunities to improve their fleet relationships and are discovering new ways to adapt to the needs of the market. "Some of the very successful dealers are being more aggressive. They're going out to their fleets and the industry and are providing more services, like fleet checks, air pressures, consulting on new tires," says Brian Sheehey, senior vice president of https://www.tirereview.com/ralson-tire-new-president/. "The tire industry is a dynamic industry just as the vehicle industry is. Fleets' eyes have to be open and the dealers have to be partners in that, and the manufacturers have to supply that information to the dealers." In this episode of What's Treading with Tire Review, Sheehey discusses strategies for dealers to better manage their inventory, and how manufacturers like Ralson Tires are working closely with their customers and fleets to adapt to new demands, such as the needs of electric vehicles, sustainability efforts and other innovations. Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 15m 54s
  • K&M Tire's president discusses her vision for progressive tire dealers in 2024

    20 FEB 2024 · What does "leveling up" your tire business in 2024 mean? It's an easy question to write off while your bays are filling up, or when your phones are ringing off the hook, or when a shipping delay stops an important order from arriving on time, or when a customer is complaining, or when your shop equipment fails... The list of trials and tribulations taking place daily in the life of your friendly neighborhood tire dealer goes on and on, and it's hard sometimes to take a step back to examine what incremental changes can be made to take a business to the next level. During this year's annual K&M Tire Conference and Trade Show, Cheryl Gossard, president of K&M Tire, had high hopes that the company's dealer base would walk away inspired to do just that. "We feel like if everybody just focuses on getting 1% better every day – whether that's in their business, whether that's with working with their employees or in a department or whether that's in their personal lives – we just always want to continue to get better and we want to help," she said. In this episode of What's Treading, we dig into K&M Tire's 2024 goals, expansion expectations and the details of the company's latest partnerships that have been engineered to help dealers take their businesses to the next level. Tire Review: www.tirereview.com AAPEX: www.aapexshow.com
    Played 6m 54s
What’s Treading with Tire Review brings you features the latest tire industry trends, issues, technology and shop management practices among dealers in the industry today.
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