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Where Did The Road Go?

  • Steve Mera on Hauntings and the Paranormal - June 22, 2024

    3 JUL 2024 · Seriah is joined by author and researcher Steve Mera. Topics include strange EVPs, Instrumental Trans Communication, entities reacting to electronic equipment, Steve’s absolutely bizarre personal experiences, disinformation and fakery, evaluating paranormal evidence, some of Seriah’s personal experiences, Project Doorway, the time of 3:00 AM, one-off monsters and perception, a banshee encounter, cognitive limitation, Timothy Renner and a bridge experience, a weird incident while investigating, anomalous manipulation of recording devices, humans as conduits, entities and deception, mediumship and its difficulties, scientific investigation vs proving a belief, paranormal mechanics, apports, parasitic poltergeist activity, atomic microscopy, plant biological traumatology test on the site of an apparent UFO landing, “Behind the Bastards” podcast, the book “Illuminations: The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event” by Eric Ouellet, Dogman and a multi-witness encounter therewith, difficulties with Bigfoot as a physical animal, compartmentalization in paranormal research, multiple explanations/types of poltergeists, UFOs as non-physical objects, a bizarre physical experiment, differences in human perception, theatre mental state, technologies approaching paranormal phenomena effects, gravity and magnetism affecting light, unknown physics, “Phenomena” Magazine, and much more! This a riveting discussion with a ton of information! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is https://www.facebook.com/arebours.music/ with "The Wicked One" https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-06-22SteveMera.mp3
    Played 1h 35m 59s
  • All Things UFO with Peter Robbins - June 15, 2024

    28 JUN 2024 · The correct website to get Peter's new DVD is https://onwingesproductions.com/ Seriah is joined by author and researcher Peter Robbins. Topics include an upcoming film, the “post-ridicule” era in ufology, photographs by NASA and the JPL, pareidolia, apparent ruins on the Moon and Mars, the bizarre lack of an origin explanation for the Moon, Richard Hoagland, Cydonia and the alleged face on Mars and NASA’s withholding of original photos, a weird replication of a section of England, an obelisk on the Martian moon Phobos, prominent U.N. officials interested in UFOs, documents between the FBI and the U.S. Army concerning “crashed discs”, the pluses and flaws of reality TV, political division and disorder in the approaching election, media efforts to create chaos for profit, Luis Elizondo and other disclosure “whistle-blowers”, the purported makers of crop circles, government manipulation of information, the reality of actual conspiracies, bogus conspiracy theories intended to be debunked, the MJ-12 documents, William L. Moore, Richard Nixon’s campaign’s use of symbols, bipartisan deception and UFO secrecy, former president Jimmy Carter, ridicule and funding, the meaning of “research”, anomalous UFO metals, Nick Redfern, Imperial Japanese Unit 731, alternate explanations for the Roswell incident, direct witnesses of that incident, an anecdote of a regretful MIB, the book “The Children of Roswell: A Seven-Decade Legacy of Fear, Intimidation, and Cover-Ups” by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, the Rendlesham incident, a deceptive fraudulent witness (Larry Warren), an unfortunately-timed personal UFO experience, ignored warning signs of a con-game, allegations of a cloud buster and an intense storm, Wilhelm Reich, the role of Larry’s roommate, Bud Hopkins, a comical incident during a hypnotic regression, a bizarre experience of Seriah, the podcast “Slumberland”, Peter’s new DVD “The Extraordinary Life and Strange Death of James Forrestal”, bizarre details of Forrestal’s death, onwingesproductions.com and Jennifer Stein, and much more! This is a truly fascinating discussion, not to be missed! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is Hellbound by https://vrangvendt.com/ https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-06-15PeterRobbins.mp3
    Played 1h 40m 9s
  • Primer 2: UFO's, Magick, and The Electric Universe - June 8, 2024

    19 JUN 2024 · In part 2 of the Primer episode, Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst to answer frequently asked questions about the show, its guests, and his life. Topics include WDTRG’s positions on the paranormal, artificial separations between strange phenomena, Aldus Huxley, universal truths, William James, experiences across cultures and over time, Seriah’s experience with AI predicting his career, government disclosure, disenchantment vs re-enchantment, reasonable skepticism, John Mack, Bud Hopkins, Mark Jacobs, Emma Woods, Jeff Ritzman and Jeremy Vaeni, Peter Robbins, Rendlesham Forest incident, Larry Warren, the problems with hypnotic regression, Paul Kimball, Red Pill Junkie, Mike Clelland, Jenny Randles, hypnosis and memory recovery, a video game analogy, past lives in Atlantis, Richard Doty and the gullibility of current “disclosure”, Paratopia podcast, the 2013 film “Mirage Men”, the book “Project Beta” by Greg Bishop, “Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks” by Adam Gorightly, Steve Berg, “Messengers of Deception” by Jacques Vallee, politics and its avoidance on WDTRG, free speech, Timothy Renner, Amber, religious perspectives, an analogy by Aleister Crowley, reality TV and demons, daemons vs demons, European cat murder, esoteric Nazism, better questions in the paranormal, the difficulty of establishing facts, evidence vs proof, data vs interpretation, studying the phenomena through art vs science, Steve Jobs, the “Behind the Bastards” podcast, the Seth material, the occult and magical practice, Seriah’s entry into magick, Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley, the esoteric and the UFO phenomenon, memories and false memories, the film “Witness to Another World”, shamanic journeys, The Electric Universe, Terrence Howard’s embrace of alternative science and attempt to start a new form of math, Joe Rogan, Walt Thornhill, the book “The God Star”, the idea of Bigfoot and the wilderness poltergeist, Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner, “Strange Familiars” podcast, Micha Hanks and Paul Kimball, Chris’s documentary on WDTRG “Magicians Long to See”, previous frequent guests Taylor And Wren, paranormal experiences and the need (or lack of need for) validation, Natalie Grewe WDTRG sometime audio editor, the animated series “Scavengers Reign”, Seriah’s autobiography, early and more recent roundtable guests, Barbara Fisher, Mike Festa, Adam Sayne and Serfiel Stevenson, Marty Garza, Katie of the Night, Octavian and the “Strange Dominions” podcast, Vincent Treewell and “The Weird Part” podcast, Cherylee Black, Aaron Gulyas and “The Saucer Life” podcast, UFO history episodes, artists involved in the intro and outro music, Jeff Ritzmann, people who have contributed to the show, difficulties of scheduling, extensive book recommendations, and much, much more! This episode is a priceless resource for things to look into! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is Hellbound by https://vrangvendt.com/ https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-06-08Primer2.mp3
    Played 1h 35m 5s
  • Primer 1: High Strangeness, Kundalini, and Show History - June 1, 2024

    12 JUN 2024 · In a unique episode, Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst to answer frequently asked questions about the show, its guests, and his life. Topics include “The Last Exit for the Lost” music radio show, zines, Coast-to-Coast AM, Jesse Ventura, WVBR from Ithica New York, Walter Cruttenden and “Lost Star of Myth and Time”, kundalini energy and its effects, Jim Elvidge and “The Universe- Solved”, chakras, Vedic and Sufi beliefs, Wilhelm Reich and orgone energy, chi energy, fringe science, Peter Robbins, Seriah’s kundalini experiences, Fate Magazine, John White’s “Kundalini and Enlightenment”, Phil Hine British magickal practitioner, acupuncture, reiki, the origin of the name “Seriah Azkath”, Mike Clelland, one-off experiences, a bizarre sound in the night and weird lights, a strange experience in a potter’s field for a closed psychiatric facility, invisible Bigfoot, simulation theory, the book “The Invisible Gorilla”, human perception, paranormal vs rare experiences, the constellation of subjects discussed on WDTRG, Charles Fort and “damned” topics, Jack Hunter, UFO sightings, a very difficult kundalini experience at a liminal time, the origin of the title “Where Did The Road Go?”, other “Seriahs”, Wren Collier, astrology, the importance of recording events, trauma and the paranormal, Dr. Kenneth Ring and “The Omega Project”, UFO and NDE experiences, Cherylee Black, professional wrestling, ECW, the “Derelict” and “Fathom” podcast, the universality of “paranormal” experience, the Sphinx and its origins, an encounter where a family experiences both a UFO and a dead loved one, Whitley and Ann Strieber, John Keel, “The Eighth Tower” and “The Mothman Prophecies”, the light spectrum, Jacques Vallee, Fairies and UFOs, Diana Pasulka and “American Cosmic”, Patrick Harper and “Daimonic Reality”, George P. Hansen and “The Trickster and the Paranormal”, the Enfield poltergeist phenomenon, the Warrens, Jeff Ritzman, the self-negating nature of the paranormal, John Anthony West, Laird Scranton, Robert Schoch and much more! This is a fascinating, unique episode! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is Whirring World from http://www.psychecorporation.com https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-06-01PrimerPt1.mp3
    Played 1h 29m 39s
  • Crashed Saucers and Malevolent Aliens with Charles Lear - May 18, 2024

    30 MAY 2024 · Seriah is joined by the fascinating carpenter/welder, Shakespearian actor, and Fortean author and researcher Charles Lear. Topics include Charles’ new book “Crashed Saucers and Malevolent Aliens: The Emergence of the Popular Modern UFO Mythos in the Late 20th Century “, a documentary on the band Killing Joke “The Death and Resurrection Show”, classic bad movies, 1980’s Ufology, “UFO Cover-up? Live!” TV show, alleged government insiders, 80’s disclosure, Richard Doty, Paul Bennewitz, Bill Moore, MJ-12 documents, the Aviary, Antonio Vilas-Boas, Betty and Barney Hill, Zeta-Reticuli, a star map, Marjorie Fish, hypnotic regression, NICAP, Bud Hopkins, Betty Andreasson, the evolution of the grey alien archetype, Whitley Strieber and “Communion”, the alien autopsy video, Bill Cooper, professional wrestling, special effects, Jim Mosley and a witness to a recovered alien craft, the power of public speaking, academic credentials, the Aztec crash hoax, the evolution from flying saucer investigation to UFO investigation, Leonard Stringfield, unnamed sources, Roswell, Jesse Marcel, Charles Berlitz, the Bermuda Triangle, the Philadelphia experiment, Carlos Allende/Carl Allen, William L. Moore, Stanton Friedman, John Keel exposes the falsehoods in the Philadelphia experiment stories, the problems with hypnosis and false memories, remote viewing, National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), Robert Bigelow, “The Outer Range” TV series, Bon Lazar, Philip Klass, Richard Doty’s subsequent military and police careers, the disclosure and disinformation feedback loop, Red Pill Junkie’s artwork, Nick Redfern, the creation of the alien autopsy video, three women in a car dragged by a craft and left with missing time and strange burns, MUFON vs APRO, the para-net bulletin board, and much more! This is a cavalcade of information with a truly knowledgeable historian of ufology! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is The Hydra from https://www.amyhendricksonmusic.com/ https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-05-18CharlesLear.mp3  
    Played 1h 23m 5s
  • A Strange Little Place Part 2 - May 11, 2024

    23 MAY 2024 · Seriah is re-joined by Brennan Storr, researcher, podcaster, and author of “A Strange Little Place: The Hauntings & Unexplained Events of One Small Town”, a collection of very weird stories involving Revelstoke Canada. Topics include an encounter in a haunted house, Seriah’s fortunate experience with a cliff in the dark, Brennan’s experience near the Best Friends’ Animal Shelter by the Grand Canyon, skinwalker sightings and a bizarrely malfunctioning vehicle, ghostly pets, the Revelstoke graveyard and homes next door, an encounter in Waikiki Hawaii at night, the instinct to leave a location suddenly, a strange encounter alone in a house, an interaction with an unknown force, shadow people, individuals influenced emotionally by unknown entities, weird experiences with green lights, an x-ray technician and a light and a mysterious woman, a bizarrely self-starting record player, Harry Potter fiction, a weird collective dream, Mafia-related murder, the Hell’s Angels MC, a youthful police experience, underground streams, running water and the paranormal, anomalous audio while podcasting late at night, misunderstood EVPs, the film “Under the Silver Lake”, life changes after getting a book published, timing of paranormal phenomena, an encounter with a belligerent gas station patron, Mike Festa’s experience wearing a cape in public, incidents of dealing with enraged strangers, a misadventure in business investment, shadow people, gremlins, small darting shadow beings, the Uzbekian cultural concept of the Divine Dark, dark vs evil, introspection, and much more! This is a truly enjoyable, wide-ranging conversation! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is Leviathan by https://haishen.bandcamp.com/album/awaken-the-endless-deep https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-05-11StrangePlace2.mp3
    Played 1h 28m 29s
  • AMA Show - May 4, 2024

    15 MAY 2024 · Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon/Super_Inframan to discuss questions sent in by patreons. Topics include the role of geographical place in paranormal phenomena, a subtle/energetic world as a counterpoint to the physical world, the Myrtle Plantation and Chloe- a ghost of a non-existent person, ley lines and hot spots, ritual as an activator of the paranormal, the Islamic hajj to the Kaaba in Mecca, portals, Seriah’s and a listener’s experiences with deceased loved ones, existence after death, dream encounters, a video game analogy, reincarnation, Meher Baba, Filis Fredrick, immediate experiences after death, the bardo in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Seth material, blue light experiences, the Yogic blue pearl, chakras and kundalini, modern-day new age scammers, Chris’s crystal healing experiences, Jeff Ritzmann’s crystal experiences, the ancient origins of Shamanism, full Indian Yoga tradition vs Americanized commercial yoga, all-time best episodes, Patrick Harper, Jeff Ritzmann, Brothers of the Serpent, Aaron Gulyas, Mike Clelland, Timothy Renner, Josh Cutchin, James Elvidge, “The Universe Solved”, Robert Shoch, Steve Mera, Steph Young, the difficulties of travel, world-wide fascinating sites, the Ellora Caves, the alleged Bosnian pyramid, the “Trap Street” podcast, cave paintings in France, the “dragon man” skull found in China, Andrew Collins, Denisovans and autism, ancient types of humans and interbreeding, Gunung Padang, the band “Fields of the Nephilim”, Jeremy Vaeni, a weird perception of light in a dark room, future experiences, Seriah’s UFO encounters, difficulties of recording the paranormal, purposes of mystical experiences, thirty years of “Last Exit for the Lost”, forgotten life experiences, Seriah’s autobiography, and much more! This is a truly enjoyable wide-ranging conversation! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is Sick Fantasy by https://vrangvendt.com/ http://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-05-04AMA.mp3
    Played 1h 30m 58s
  • A Strange Little Place: Part 1 - April 27, 2024

    10 MAY 2024 · Seriah is joined by author, researcher, and podcaster Brennan Storr to discuss the weird events in his hometown in Canada. Topics include continuing stigma around witnessing the paranormal, a strange fireball, geographical hot spots, the human need for narrative, Brennan’s podcasts, film and society, solar activity and psychic phenomena, scientific skepticism vs materialist debunking, the cross-cultural and historical endurance of the paranormal, different types of NDEs, the subtle world, the Kevin Bacon film “Stir of Echoes”, an overnight stay in the Lizzie Bordan house, graveyard issues, the TV show “The Good Place” and a real afterlife, an encounter with an apparition, a haunted courthouse, a strange dream that seemed like time travel, Fae legend, a possible trip to the land of the dead, shared dream geography, the varied nature of dreams, a bizarre dream involving aliens in disguise, encounters with mysterious workers who have no discernible project, a Russian urban legend of a missing passenger train, a Spanish family’s encounter with very strange people, Ouija boards in the Lizzie Bordan house, John Keel and mysterious camera flashes, both Seriah’s and Brennan’s weird light flash experiences, liminality and the paranormal, Brennan’s bizarre youthful experience in a hospital, the strange nature and history of the color blue, a group of sailors and a mysterious shadow, military experiments with hypnotic healing, “Among the Stars and Bones” podcast, the placebo effect, hypnotic regression, a trance experience with the higher self, missing persons, a strange connection with Pennsylvania and an old school house, a dream and the song “Solsbury Hill”, haunted Route 100, the Revolutionary War battle of Brandywine, past life memories/déjà vu, “Sobering Coincidence” book by David Paulides, the smiley face killers, retired NYPD detectives Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte, a flash-frozen victim, a fascinating encounter with a remote viewer and the circumstances of an unsolved murder, and much more! This is a riveting conversation on numerous very interesting topics! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is by https://www.discogs.com/master/1706740-Pandoras-Lunchbox-Kitchen-Beyond with John Henry has a Hammer, and the White Man is a Mountain. https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-04-27StrangePlace.mp3
    Played 1h 26m 26s
  • Gef the Mongoose! - April 20, 2024

    4 MAY 2024 · Seriah is joined by Mat Festa and Roejen in a deep dive into the bizarre events surrounding Gef, a self-described talking mongoose in an isolated region of the UK in the 1930’s. Topics include the “Project Archivist” podcast, “Paratopia” with Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni, the book “Gef! The Strange Tale of an Extra-Special Talking Mongoose”. by Christopher Josiffe, the Isle of Man, poltergeist activity, trickster behavior, “woo” Bigfoot encounters, family stresses and paranormal phenomena, investigators and their interactions with the family, outside witnesses of a mysterious small animal, rock throwing, urination by Gef, tulpas/thought forms, Gef’s various explanations for his identity, hoax allegations, Fae activity, the Malk- a Faerie cat, Roejen’s childhood experiences with a bizarre black dog, the movie “Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose” and its serious flaws, the difficulties with photographic proof of the paranormal, self-negating evidence, investigators Harry Price, Hereward Carrington, and Nandor Fodor, the personal nature of paranormal experiences, “The Dreams in the Witch House” short story by H.P. Lovecraft, Gef’s apparent psychic abilities, attempts to make plaster casts of his footprints, the film “Late Night with the Devil”, Gef as a cryptid, Joshua Cutchins, Fae as an explanatory concept, similarities with Mothman, forensic testing in that era, alleged photographs of Gef, present day fakery on video, “The Excluded Middle”, and much more! This is riveting conversation on a fascinating series of incidents! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is by https://www.discogs.com/master/1706740-Pandoras-Lunchbox-Kitchen-Beyond with John Henry has a Hammer, and the White Man is a Mountain. https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-04-20Gef.mp3
    Played 1h 27m 52s
  • Listener Stories: Bigfoot, Lights, Dreams, and more - April 13, 2024

    25 APR 2024 · Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst, Saxon/Super_Inframan, and author, visual artist, editor, podcaster, magical practitioner, and experiencer Barbara Fisher for a roundtable focusing on listener stories and vintage news reports. Topics include anomalous lights, the energetic body, Wilhelm Reich, Peter Robbins, Rendlesham, a deer hunter’s encounter with Bigfoot in upstate New York, the practical difficulties of Sasquatch as a purely natural animal, an experience with Big Foot in Ohio and making a report to the BFRO, an encounter with sounds in a cemetery, the difficulties of recording the paranormal, a listener story of unexplained intense light in the bedroom, Seriah and Jeremy Vaeni’s experiences with weird nighttime lights, the falling back to sleep phenomena, John Keel being mistaken for the Devil in rural West Virginia, sleep paralysis, Seriah’s instant sleep paralysis experiences, the “Gateway Tapes”, a CIA report on using weaponized astral travel, recurring locations in dreams, a bizarre dream experience involving Saxon and Barbara, Saxon’s dream meetings with his late father, reincarnation/multi-incarnation, Saxon’s experience with the spirit of an ex-girlfriend’s father, Jeff Ritzmann and his family, an act of kindness by Jeremy Vaeni, a pre-mortem dream encounter with an elderly relative, a veteran’s unknowing conversation with a deceased neighbor, categories of dreams and sleep phenomena, a bizarre attack by birds as an omen, “The Bright Sessions” podcast, a weird violent dream set in a real-life location that leads to emotional progress, dream egos and DMT entities, right vs left brain experiences with the paranormal, a 1906 observation of a winged flying woman, an old newspaper report of fireballs during a storm, a vintage Australian report of “shadowy light”, a huge fireball witnessed by many for an extended period of time (and its ludicrous debunking explanation), thousands of buzzsaw-like spinning wheels of fire in the sky, and much more! This is some fascinating, free-flowing conversation! - Recap by Vincent Treewell of https://jeffercooperaolcom.podbean.com/ Outro Music is Pretty Little Head from https://www.elizarickman.com/ https://wheredidtheroadgo.com/2024/2024-13-24ListenerStories.mp3  
    Played 1h 31m 43s
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