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WTFR The Pushback

  • WTFR The Pushback 26-06-2024

    27 JUN 2024 · Joss, Colin, Leo & Emma (the star lady) are going at it again with their weekly roundtable discussion round a rectangular table. Colin is in his usual high spirits, & talking about controversial things like doing what is morally right, rather than obeying government edicts & carrying out evil acts against the people, whilst wearing a friendly looking mask. Leo is his usual undead self - against the expectations of "medical professionals" (read bought-&-paid-for BIG PHARMA shills). He imparts his long earned wisdom about the terrible state the world is in - which is becoming more evident for the everyday man & woman with each passing second. Emma plays linguistic billiards with gigantic balls in the sky (rumour has it there are gigantic balls in the sky, with names like Mars & Saturn), & foretells of what we can expect for the coming week. Joss pushes buttons, watches the clock, says hi to the chat, & occasionally hogs the mic, & steers the conversation here & there. All in all, it just another Wednesday Pushback Show. We're here every week. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 26m 29s
  • WTFR The Pushback 19-06-2024

    20 JUN 2024 · Ooh, another Pushback show, where blokes & birds get together to chat about how governments & their billionaire masters are conspiring to cull the human race, & enslave the survivors until the end of time. They call it Agenda 2030 (originally Agenda 21). Of course whether these humanoid vultures get away with it is another matter. All this & other fun conversations round a rectangular table which identifies as round, which we were all sat round. Actually the conversation was more fun than doomy for this show. Today's guests were Colin, Leo, Emma (the star lady) & Chris #2, with occasional interjections from wifey (Joy). The show was of course hosted by Joss, who no longer sounds like Barry White. He sounds more like Joss, but with a bit of a croak. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 40m 11s
  • WTFR The Pushback 12-06-2024

    13 JUN 2024 · Ooh, it's another Pushback show, which means another week has flown by barely noticed, because it's the same old same old in clownworld. I wonder how many people (those who think like us anyway) would even notice if WW3 started? It's all fake, there are no legitimate wars, & no legitimate shortages, or scarcity of any kind - except honest politicians of course; there's a scarcity of those. Anyway, Joss once again hosts a roundtable discussion round a rectangular table, with the knights who say "not on your nellie mate!" Colin was on form being his usual buzzing self (high on nature), Leo was also on form with his dry wit & obvious statements which are extremely obvious to you & to me, & probably to about 90 percent of the world, but for some reason are not obvious to the very people the majority vote for in the hope that they will fix obvious problems. Then there was Chris #2, who was at least as on form as Colin & Leo, who is the go-to guy if you want anything dodgy printing (subversive poster for example), & finally Emma (the star lady), who informed all ears about heavenly bodies & how they will affect us this coming week, no matter how modestly they may be attired. Alas, it was another one of those shows where video streaming software wasn't working, so anyone watching this is watching it for the first time, as there was no live video show. Enjoy ;) If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 53m 28s
  • WTFR The Pushback 05-06-2024

    7 JUN 2024 · This week's offering from the knights of the rectangular table feature Joss, Colin, Leo, Chris #1 AND Chris #2, & Chloe. Oh, & Damon. We can't forget Damon. Colin hit us with the devastating news that the Bank of England owns all out bank notes, thus in turn, own everything we've "bought" with those bank notes. In other words, we already "own nothing," & they own everything. He did talk about other stuff, & it wasn't all doom porn. Anyway, Leo still isn't dead, but he's been dying to get off the diet he's been put on for the last couple of months. At last, he is free from it, so he can join us for a biscuit or a slice of cake. Chloe was, is, & always will be a tree hugger. A tree hugger who loves barefoot grounding (a lot like Joss). She debated with Leo about Saudi Arabia. Chris #2 confirmed that he is very happy with being old, grey & tall. He also has no clue who to vote for in the false "election" that's been forced upon us on July 4th. At which point... Enter Chris #1, who had plenty to say about voting, & still believes there's some point to it. I hope he's right. All of a sudden, enter Damon, who'd made himself scarse for most of the evening. He added to the now very buoyant political discussion. Did I mention we were discussing politics? If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 44m 9s
  • WTFR The Pushback 29-05-2025

    30 MAY 2024 · This week's instalment of the Pushback is hosted by Joss, with guests - Colin, Leo & Emma. We do our usual roundtable discussion around a rectangular table, & discuss all things wicked, & all things good. Colin is becoming more in tune with nature the more time he spends there, whilst honing his skills as a facilitator for others who wish to embrace a more grounded lifestyle. Leo should be dead - according to "medical experts" but in true Leo fashion, he's having none of it! Leo is one of the most undead people I know, which is to say he's full of vigour - especially when it comes to defending what is right, & sticking it to the man, which he & Colin did admirably on this show. Emma covered bright shiny things in the sky, & how they might affect us over the coming week, & we discussed the chosen election date (4th July). Quelle surprise, July 4th is a noteworthy date in the Masonic calendar. Turns out it's what's called the "aphelion" which despite being the middle of summer, is actually when the earth is furthest away from the sun in its orbit. Perhaps this represents the ushering in of a dark era in the minds of the equally dark elites. Whatever... but nothing would surprise me with these psychos in charge. Left wing, right wing, I don't care, they're all a bunch of wronguns! If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 56m 43s
  • WTFR The Pushback 22-05-2024

    23 MAY 2024 · This week's instalment of The Pushback features Joss, Colin, Leo, Emma, Chloe, Chris #2, & Joy who chimed in quite a lot toward the end of the show. Joss & Chris #2 sounded like they were at death's door, meanwhile everyone else was okay. Being sick is beyond tedious now. Fingers crossed by Friday things will have improved. The only thing Joss will miss about being ill is his incredibly husky voice. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 3h 7m 26s
  • WTFR The Pushback 15-05-2024

    16 MAY 2024 · The good old stalwarts Joss, Colin, Leo & Emma (the star lady) are present here for this week's instalment of The Pushback. Exciting news, Colin is about to commence his Sovereign walks, which are all about educating people on survival in the wild (natural medicines, what you can & can't eat etc). Leo brought his usual humour & non-PC chat, which is always amusing. Emma filled us in on the coming week's astrology reading. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 59m 56s
  • WTFR The Pushback 08-05-2024

    11 MAY 2024 · I'm still playing catch-up after uploading Tuesday's show on Thursday... how very slack of me. Oh well, life gets in the way of convenience sometimes, & I've had a good excuse this past week; lots of work on. Earning is what we must do on this plane of existence, where the psychopaths are in control (for now). Hopefully one day we'll be able to live a more chilled existence where there are no "taxes" so to speak, & where everyone will have learned enough life lessons to have come to the realisation that WE are responsible for OUR lives, & that we don't need a "nanny" (government) to dictate our every move in life... That was a long sentence. Anyway, this week's instalment of The Pushback features Joss, Colin, Leo, Chris #1, Chloe & Emma (the star lady), plus an appearance from Joy here & there. Big love & thanks to Joy for doing all the contacting & making the Pushback happen behind the scenes, & for cooking dinner, making cups of tea etc: it wouldn't happen without her. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 54m 6s
  • WTFR The Pushback 01-05-2025

    2 MAY 2024 · Joss, Colin, Leo, Trish, Chris #2 & Emma (the star lady) were all together in a huddle, round a rectangular table, for a roundtable chin-wag. As it goes, Chris #2 didn't chat, he just sat. Actually he wasn't at the table either, he reclined on the sofa instead. I guess maybe he still felt battered by that infernal bug that's been doing the rounds about 100 times per household. You know, the one that's kept Joss sick as a dog since October last year. Anyway, Colin & Leo brought their usual banter, Trish brought her warmth along with her "earth-mother" self, & Emma brought her son, as she does every week, who interacts with Joss's youngest in such a way that it sounds like a herd of elephants practicing Kung-Fu, with zero regard for who they might be trampling on. Anyway, as well as her son, Emma brought us the latest planetary weather forecast. Come to think of it, maybe the elephants were playing billiards with the planets instead. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 2m 40s
  • WTFR The Pushback 24-04-2024

    25 APR 2024 · What a fun conversation this was, with Joss, Colin, Leo, Chloe, Chris #2, Emma (the star lady) & introducing Suzy Cashman. Sat we were, round a not round table for a roundtable discussion about current events, personal stuff, the need for care when there is such lack of it in establishment institutions, along with spiritual woowoo & stuff. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 28m 8s

Join Joss, Joy, Colin, Chris & additional guests for a roundtable chat. The Pushback is about bringing together people who sense that something isn't right with the world. We meet...

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Join Joss, Joy, Colin, Chris & additional guests for a roundtable chat.

The Pushback is about bringing together people who sense that something isn't right with the world. We meet together, we eat together, we share our concerns & experiences. We try to find solutions going forward.
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