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WTFR Weekly News & Current Events Roundup

  • WTFR Weekend Globalist Cabal Propaganda & Doom Porn Roundup with Joss 28-06-2024

    29 JUN 2024 · Joss doing his usual ramblings about the state of the bloody world, which would actually be pretty much perfect if not for the robber barons & the billionaire criminal class with their "isms" & armies, their climate scam, their sides & their wrongfully erected fences which need to be knocked down. Politicians are evil. Period. I don't care which party they belong to, ALL are bought, paid for & owned to their very core by the same old billionaires who are the enemies of life itself. There is barely a political party worth voting for now - certainly not one which will see any success because the City of London WILL NOT PERMIT IT. How do we get rid of the slave masters who occupy the seats of power no matter who we-the-people vote for? If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 8m 32s
  • WTFR Assange Release Wasn't Justice, It Was A Convenient Distraction 25-06-2024

    26 JUN 2024 · Marty & I meandering around the subject of Assange's release, which in my opinion has zero to do with justice being served. A more likely scenario is that Mr Assange has been kept incarcerated until such time as his release benefits the criminal billionaire class by way of distraction from what the bastards are up to next. WE MUST KEEP OUR EYES PEELED FOR SEEMINGLY IRRELEVANT LITTLE LEGAL CHANGES HERE & THERE. If there was ever a perfect way for the elites to slip an evil, freedom destroying stroke of a pen under our radar, it would be through a distraction like Assange being released. The so called "troofers" will be cheering with glee as our children's rights are destroyed forever, because of "policy change." I know I come across as a cynical bastard, I prefer to see myself as a realist. The only way someone can become as powerful as one of this world's billionaires, is by being a ruthless & cut-throat businessman/woman, who is prepared to destroy/kill someone else without batting an eyelid, in order to prosper. You then use your ill gotten gains to buy politicians of all stripes, to guarantee that no matter who your victims vote for, you always win, & get to destroy more lives. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 54m 36s
  • WTFR Weekend Billionaire Malevolence Roundup with Joss 21-06-2024

    22 JUN 2024 · So... We now have the looming threat of "if you don't want to die in a war created by billionaires, we'll revoke your driving licences & your ability to spend money." Looking on the bright side, we now have vegetarian piranhas... I know, my wife thought it was BS too (the veggie piranha story), but nope, apparently it's a thing. Frankly at this stage of the game I think I'd rather be dumped in a tank full of piranhas than a tank full of politicians, I think I'd stand a better chance of survival! In other news, sloths are spreading Zika virus to humans, Labour wants to steal your money, stupid people are painting stuff orange, & a dirty senior cop lied his way into power. Oh, & Gen-Z voters get a crash course in stupidity when it comes to voting. Have a great weekend everyone, & don't forget to give us a like. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 9m 40s
  • WTFR Midweek Government And Elite Thug Roundup with Joss & Marty 18-06-2024

    19 JUN 2024 · It's nice to have Marty join me for this show. He's had a lot on lately, hence his absence. He hopes to be able to join me again in July, & may join with more regularity going forward. Anyway, we barely touched "the news" as such, we just discussed current events & likely outcomes, & interacted with the chat. Also a huge thank you to Rea, who very kindly patched us into the network later than usual: I ran into a road closure on the way home, & there's no way I was going to get home in time to start the show at 9pm. Having messaged Rea about it, she went out of her way to see to it that we got on the network regardless. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFRYou can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net/ ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 52m 2s
  • WTFR Weekend Turd Rolled In Glitter Roundup with Joss 14-06-2024

    15 JUN 2024 · It's Friday, yes it's Friday - well it was, but not now because it's Saturday, & Saturday is upload day - at least this week. Anyway, Joss has almost lost the will to regurgitate mainstream garbage - especially given how close we are to the General Selection, where we all get to choose which lying arsehole(s) will drag this region of the west into perpetual communitarian Hell. At least until someone finds a chink in the near indestructible armour, then goes for broke trying to overthrow the most pernicious & malevolent dictatorship the world has ever seen. That's where we are folks, but then I suspect I am preaching to the converted. As per a conversation I had with someone yesterday, I doubt anyone will really do anything about this malevolent takeover & extinguishing of all purpose for being, until the hunter-killer drones are smashing through your windows & gunning down your children for the newly invented crime of not wanting to don a uniform & sacrifice oneself to the billionaire class who orchestrated this fake & utterly needless war in the first place. WW3 is coming, except it's not a war, it's just another stepping stone for the elites to exploit in order to exert TOTAL CONTROL OF EVERYTHING & EVERYONE, rendering life without meaning or purpose. I guess we'll have to wait & see whether I'm right or wrong, & I hope in all sincerity that I've got this wrong. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 11m 54s
  • WTFR Midweek International Scams Dressed Up As News Roundup - With Joss 11-06-2024

    12 JUN 2024 · Joss is covering a load of tripe that constitutes news. Typically one of Joss's computer monitors wasn't working today, which complicated things a bit, not that you'd notice particularly, but it would've been nice to go full screen with half of the rubbish Joss was talking about. Anyway, please give the video a like if indeed you liked it, it helps to make other people aware of the existence of absolute nobodies like Joss. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 54m
  • WTFR Interviews Nicola from My Medical Choice - Part One

    11 JUN 2024 · Part one of this fantastic conversation is a two hour discussion about the need to safeguard ourselves against presumption when it comes to emergency medical treatment. Imagine a scenario where you're involved in an accident & are unconscious. Along comes the first responder, then the paramedics, & they perform what THEY consider to be appropriate treatment, which may involve blood transfusion. You awaken in a hospital bed to discover you've received blood from someone who may have "compromised health," which may lead to complications in your own health going forward. This is not fair, & surely you should have a say in how you are treated - even though you were unable to communicate at the time of the accident; this is where My Medical Choice comes in. Nicola & I discuss exactly what MMC entails, & why it might be an essential choice to make in a world run by psychopaths who put profit over wellbeing. https://my-medical-choice.org/ If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 54m 41s
  • WTFR Midweek We're All Being Carried To The Moon In A Chinese Handcart Roundup with Joss 04-06-2024

    5 JUN 2024 · Joss is on a health kick. Well at least he is for the first half hour of the show, then he dives into a vat load of tripe & tries to decipher hidden messages the MSM are feeding us. It's funny how it's only taken the MSM three years to catch up with the rest of us in calling out AstraZeneca. It's also funny how China have landed something on the dark side of the moon, taken samples, then taken off, but there was someone filming from the surface of the moon - oh, & then Dr WHO came to the rescue. Don't believe me? You'll just have to watch & see for yourselves. All that plus other crazy news headlines for your entertainment pleasure/and/or/despair. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 4m 52s
  • WTFR Midweek "We're All Being Herded Into A Future We Don't Want" Roundup with Joss 28-05-2024

    29 MAY 2024 · Another day in Paradise, or another day in Hell. I guess it depends how you view things. The pigpen our evil overlords are ushering us into, by means of fear & intimidation, could actually be used as an opportunity to BTFO the elites even further into a corner than before. It's a matter of moving the right chess-piece at the right time, & now is the time to hammer home what we want, which is OUT FROM UNDER THEIR CONTROL FOR GOOD! If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 54m 52s
  • WTFR Weekend War, Fearporn & Deadly Pestilance Round-up with Joss 24-05-2024

    25 MAY 2024 · I sound like I'm 95 years old today (gravelly voice). That makes me at least 5 years older than my own mother. How does that work? Anyway, it's the usual tripe served up by our MSM, except it's all about reading between the lines - or at least trying to. Is Britain at war with Russia as some would suggest? That message has been delivered loud & clear, & there's no way MI5 would've allowed such a broadcast to go out if it wasn't approved. We must take note of that. There's a bunch of other stuff covered too, but I'm not about to type it up because it's 2am here & I need my beauty sleep. If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://linktr.ee/wbn324 https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 2h 3m 24s
Join Joss & co-hosts for totally unacceptable perspectives on breaking news & current events. Live Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9pm GMT - 10pm CET - 4pm EST

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