A Shopping Trip That Changed Lives: How Help and Kindness Win
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A Shopping Trip That Changed Lives: How Help and Kindness Win
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Shopping Trip That Changed Lives: How Help and Kindness Win Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/a-shopping-trip-that-changed-lives-how-help-and-kindness-win/ Story Transcript: Sk: Keď slnko...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Keď slnko pozvoľna klesalo za horizont a letný deň sa blížil ku koncu, Milan stál pred veľkým obchodným centrom v modernej štvrti.
En: As the sun gradually set behind the horizon and the summer day was coming to an end, Milan stood in front of a large shopping center in a modern district.
Sk: Vedľa neho stála jeho desaťročná dcéra Jana.
En: Next to him stood his ten-year-old daughter Jana.
Sk: Mali jasný cieľ - kúpiť všetky potrebné veci na nový školský rok.
En: They had a clear goal - to buy all the necessary items for the new school year.
Sk: “Potrebujeme zoznam,” povedal Milan, vytiahol zo zadnej kapsy nohavíc papier a začal čítať.
En: “We need a list,” said Milan, pulling a piece of paper from the back pocket of his pants and beginning to read.
Sk: “Zošity, peračník, ceruzky, pastelky, pravítko...”
En: “Notebooks, pencil case, pencils, crayons, a ruler...”
Sk: Vošli do obchodu, kde ich uvítal živý ruch.
En: They entered the store, where lively commotion greeted them.
Sk: V každom rohu sa rodičia a deti napĺňali regále a košíky školskými pomôckami.
En: In every corner, parents and children were filling shelves and baskets with school supplies.
Sk: Milan sa rozhlížal, hľadajúc najlepšie ponuky.
En: Milan looked around, searching for the best deals.
Sk: Vedel, že musí byť opatrný s peniazmi.
En: He knew he had to be careful with money.
Sk: Bol sám, zodpovedný za Janu, a musel dohliadať na výdavky.
En: He was alone, responsible for Jana, and had to keep an eye on spending.
Sk: Pri jednom z pultov stála Zuzana, mladá predavačka.
En: At one of the counters stood Zuzana, a young saleswoman.
Sk: Sledovala, ako Milan a Jana hľadajú zošity.
En: She watched as Milan and Jana looked for notebooks.
Sk: Bolo vidieť, že Milan skúma každú cenu a váha, ktorý výrobok vybrať.
En: It was clear that Milan was scrutinizing every price and hesitating over which product to choose.
Sk: “Potrebujete pomoc?” spýtala sa Zuzana a priblížila sa.
En: “Do you need help?” Zuzana asked, approaching them.
Sk: Milan sa pozrel na preplnený košík v rukách iného zákazníka a potom späť na Zuzanu.
En: Milan glanced at the crowded shopping cart in another customer's hands and then back at Zuzana.
Sk: “Áno,” odpovedal váhavo.
En: “Yes,” he answered hesitantly.
Sk: “Máte niečo kvalitné, ale za rozumnú cenu?”
En: “Do you have something of good quality but reasonably priced?”
Sk: Zuzana mu ukázala rôzne možnosti, ale Milan si stále nebol istý.
En: Zuzana showed him various options, but Milan was still uncertain.
Sk: “Je to ťažké,” priznal.
En: “It’s tough,” he admitted.
Sk: “Chcem pre Janu len to najlepšie, ale nemôžem si dovoliť míňať veľa.”
En: “I want only the best for Jana, but I can’t afford to spend a lot.”
Sk: Zuzana cítila tlak na splnenie svojich denných cieľov.
En: Zuzana felt the pressure to meet her daily targets.
Sk: Vedela však, že nie je správne využiť situáciu.
En: However, she knew it wasn’t right to exploit the situation.
Sk: Rozmýšľala, či by mu mohla ponúknuť nejaké zľavy, aj keď to mohlo znamenať menej provízií pre ňu.
En: She wondered if she could offer him some discounts, even though it might mean fewer commissions for her.
Sk: “Niekedy ponúkame špeciálne zľavy,” povedala potichu.
En: “Sometimes we offer special discounts,” she said quietly.
Sk: “Môžem vám pomôcť nájsť niečo, čo je dobré a v rámci vašich možností.”
En: “I can help you find something good within your budget.”
Sk: Milan sa na ňu pozrel s úľavou.
En: Milan looked at her with relief.
Sk: Začala mu ukazovať veci, ktoré boli v akcii, a dlhšie spolu prechádzali regálmi.
En: She began showing him items on sale, and they spent more time together walking down the aisles.
Sk: “Ďakujem vám,” povedal Milan, keď nakoniec všetko mali.
En: “Thank you,” said Milan when they finally had everything they needed.
Sk: “Pomohli ste mi viac, než viete.”
En: “You helped me more than you know.”
Sk: Zuzana sa usmiala a cítila, že urobila správnu vec.
En: Zuzana smiled and felt she had done the right thing.
Sk: Keď Milan odchádzal k pokladni, vedúci obchodu sa priblížil.
En: As Milan walked towards the checkout, the store manager approached.
Sk: “Vidím, že si pomohla zákazníkovi nájsť presne to, čo potreboval,” povedal s uznaním.
En: “I see you helped a customer find exactly what he needed,” he said appreciatively.
Sk: “Mám pre teba dobré správy.
En: “I have good news for you.
Sk: Dostaneš povýšenie.”
En: You’re getting a promotion.”
Sk: Milan a Zuzana, každý s vlastnými problémami, našli riešenie vďaka vzájomnej pomoci a pochopeniu.
En: Milan and Zuzana, each with their own problems, found solutions through mutual assistance and understanding.
Sk: Milan pochopil, že niekedy je dobré prijať pomoc a Zuzana získala sebaistotu v tom, žeby sa mala držať správnych hodnôt aj v práci.
En: Milan realized that sometimes it’s good to accept help, and Zuzana gained confidence in holding onto the right values at work.
Sk: Keď spolu v závere hodili posledný úsmev, vedeli, že tento deň im dal viac ako len školské potreby.
En: As they shared a final smile, they knew that this day gave them more than just school supplies.
Vocabulary Words:
- gradually: pozvoľna
- horizon: horizont
- commotion: ruch
- hesitating: váha
- promotion: povýšenie
- necessary: potrebné
- modern: moderné
- clear goal: jasný cieľ
- back pocket: zadná kapsa
- relief: úľava
- mutual assistance: vzájomná pomoc
- quality: kvalitné
- reasonably priced: rozumná cena
- saleswoman: predavačka
- targets: cieľe
- discounts: zľavy
- scrutinizing: skúma
- special: špeciálne
- acknowledgment: uznanie
- confidence: sebaistota
- shelves: regále
- comprehension: pochopenie
- paper: papier
- notebooks: zošity
- pencil case: peračník
- crayons: pastelky
- ruler: pravítko
- exploited: využiť
- baskets: košíky
- checkout: pokladňa
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.org |
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