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FluentFiction - Slovak

  • Love, Friendship, and Choices: A Summer at Spiš Castle

    4 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love, Friendship, and Choices: A Summer at Spiš Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/love-friendship-and-choices-a-summer-at-spis-castle/ Story Transcript: Sk: Spišský hrad stojí vznešene proti letnej oblohe. En: Spiš Castle stands majestic against the summer sky. Sk: Jeho staré kamene šepkajú príbehy histórie a romantiky. En: Its old stones whisper tales of history and romance. Sk: Okolo hradu sa rozprestierajú zelené kopce a kľukaté chodníky. En: Around the castle, green hills and winding paths stretch out. Sk: Tatiana a Marek chodia po úzkych cestičkách. Sú zahĺbení do plánovania. En: Tatiana and Marek walk along the narrow trails, engrossed in their planning. Sk: Tatiana je odhodlaná a srdce jej bije láskou. En: Tatiana is determined, her heart beating with love. Sk: Chce utiecť s Marekom a začať nový život. En: She wants to run away with Marek and start a new life. Sk: Marek je sebavedomý, no obáva sa neznáma. En: Marek is confident, but fears the unknown. Sk: Zrazu zbadali Zuzanu. En: Suddenly, they see Zuzana. Sk: Zuzana je Tatianina najlepšia priateľka. En: Zuzana is Tatiana's best friend. Sk: Miluje Tatianu a chce ju chrániť. En: She loves Tatiana and wants to protect her. Sk: „Tatiana, čo robíš?“ pýta sa Zuzana. En: "Tatiana, what are you doing?" Zuzana asks. Sk: „Chcem utiecť s Marekom,“ odpovedá Tatiana. En: "I want to run away with Marek," Tatiana replies. Sk: „To je nebezpečné a unáhlené,“ hovorí Zuzana. En: "That is dangerous and rash," Zuzana says. Sk: „Láska nie je vždy ľahká.“ En: "Love is not always easy." Sk: Tatiana cíti vnútorný boj. En: Tatiana feels an internal struggle. Sk: Miluje Mareka, ale chápe aj Zuzaninu obavu. En: She loves Marek, but understands Zuzana's concern. Sk: Marek sa tiež zamyslí nad budúcnosťou. En: Marek also reflects on the future. Sk: Majú pochybnosti a cítia neistotu. En: They are filled with doubts and uncertainty. Sk: Na krásnom mieste, kde hrad vrhá dlhý tieň, sa traja priatelia stretnú na vyhranenom mieste. En: At a beautiful place where the castle casts a long shadow, the three friends meet at a decisive spot. Sk: „Prosím, pochopte,“ hovorí Zuzana. En: "Please, understand," Zuzana says. Sk: „Nemyslím si, že ste pripravení. Láska potrebuje čas a porozumenie.“ En: "I don't think you are ready. Love requires time and understanding." Sk: Tatiana sa pozrie na Mareka. En: Tatiana looks at Marek. Sk: On jej pevne stisne ruku. En: He firmly squeezes her hand. Sk: „Zuzana má pravdu,“ povie Marek. En: "Zuzana is right," Marek says. Sk: „Možno by sme mali počkať.“ En: "Maybe we should wait." Sk: Tatiana cíti zmiešané emócie. En: Tatiana feels mixed emotions. Sk: Vie, že rozhodnutie utiecť bolo rýchle. En: She knows the decision to run away was hasty. Sk: Chce byť s Marekom, ale nechce stratiť Zuzanu. En: She wants to be with Marek but doesn't want to lose Zuzana. Sk: „Dobre,“ povie Tatiana. En: "Okay," Tatiana says. Sk: „Počkáme. Chceme byť spolu, ale teraz si dáme čas.“ En: "We'll wait. We want to be together, but for now, we'll take our time." Sk: Zuzana sa usmeje. En: Zuzana smiles. Sk: „Ďakujem, Tatiana. Verím, že budeš šťastná.“ En: "Thank you, Tatiana. I believe you'll be happy." Sk: Tatiana, Marek a Zuzana sa obijmú pri Spišskom hrade. En: Tatiana, Marek, and Zuzana embrace by Spiš Castle. Sk: Rozumejú si a vážia si jeden druhého. En: They understand and value each other. Sk: Tatiana teraz rozumie Zuzaninej perspektíve. En: Tatiana now sees Zuzana's perspective. Sk: Vie, že láska je o trpezlivosti a záväzku. En: She knows that love is about patience and commitment. Sk: Leto pokračuje, slnko svieti nad hradom a priateľstvo kvitne. En: Summer continues, the sun shines above the castle, and friendship flourishes. Sk: Tatiana, Marek a Zuzana kráčajú spolu, pripravení čeliť budúcnosti. En: Tatiana, Marek, and Zuzana walk together, ready to face the future. Sk: Láska a priateľstvo sú pre nich to najcennejšie. En: Love and friendship are the most precious things to them. Vocabulary Words: - majestic: vznešené - whisper: šepkajú - winding: kľukaté - trails: cestičkách - engrossed: zahĺbení - determined: odhodlaná - confident: sebavedomý - unknown: neznáma - rash: unáhlené - internal: vnútorný - reflection: zamyslí - beautiful: krásnom - shadow: tieň - decisive: vyhranenom - struggle: boju - perspective: perspektíve - patience: trpezlivosti - commitment: záväzku - summer: leto - flourishes: kvitne - unknown: neznáma - mix emotions: zmiešané emócie - hasty: rýchle - protect: chrániť - conflict: boj - obligation: záväzok - understanding: rozumenie - precious: cenné - plan: plánovanie - embrace: objímať
    Played 14m 55s
  • Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle

    3 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heroic Rescue Amid Ruins: Courage in the Heart of Devín Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/heroic-rescue-amid-ruins-courage-in-the-heart-of-devin-castle/ Story Transcript: Sk: Lukáš, Petra a Jozef stáli na kamennom nádvoria Devínskeho hradu. En: Lukáš, Petra, and Jozef stood in the stone courtyard of Devín Castle. Sk: Bola horúca letná sobota. En: It was a hot summer Saturday. Sk: Slnko sa vysoko blýskalo a ich tiene boli krátke a tmavé. En: The sun was shining brightly, casting short and dark shadows. Sk: Ruiny hradu boli majestátne. En: The castle ruins were majestic. Sk: Staré hradby poskytovali nádherný výhľad na sútok riek Dunaj a Morava. En: The old walls offered a stunning view of the confluence of the Danube and Morava rivers. Sk: Lukáš miloval takéto miesta. En: Lukáš loved places like this. Sk: Dnes chcel ukázať svoje vedomosti a zanechať dojem. En: Today, he wanted to show off his knowledge and make an impression. Sk: "Kedysi tu stál mocný hrad," začal Lukáš, "a postavili ho v deviatom storočí. En: "Once, there stood a mighty castle here," Lukáš began, "and it was built in the ninth century." Sk: " Petra s nadšením počúvala a Jozef prikyvoval, no ich pohľady rýchlo upierali na sokola, ktorý lietal nad hradbami. En: Petra listened with enthusiasm, and Jozef nodded, but their gazes quickly turned to a hawk flying over the walls. Sk: Zrazu Petra padla na kolená a začala sa škrtiť. En: Suddenly, Petra fell to her knees and began to choke. Sk: Oči mala červené a opuchnuté. En: Her eyes were red and swollen. Sk: Lukáš okamžite vedel, že to je vážne. En: Lukáš immediately knew it was serious. Sk: "Allergická reakcia," zavrčal Jozef a kľakol si k Petre. En: "Allergic reaction," Jozef growled and knelt beside Petra. Sk: Petra sa chvela a prudko dýchala. En: Petra was shaking and breathing heavily. Sk: Bohužiaľ, mobilný signál v ruinách bol nestály. En: Unfortunately, the mobile signal in the ruins was unstable. Sk: Lukáš cítil paniku. En: Lukáš felt panic rising. Sk: Musel rýchlo rozhodnúť. En: He had to decide quickly. Sk: Ísť po pomoc alebo zostať s Petrou a Jozefom? En: Go for help or stay with Petra and Jozef? Sk: Čas bežal. En: Time was running out. Sk: "Musím nám nájsť pomoc," povedal rozhodne Lukáš. En: "I have to find us help," Lukáš said decisively. Sk: "Jozef, drž ju stabilnú! En: "Jozef, keep her stable!" Sk: "Lukáš sa rozbehol cez rozpadnuté nádvoria a tmavé chodby hradu. En: Lukáš sprinted through the crumbling courtyard and dark corridors of the castle. Sk: Srdce mu búchalo ako nikdy predtým. En: His heart pounded like never before. Sk: Stále bežal rýchlejšie. En: He ran faster and faster. Sk: Narazil na schody vedúce von a dúfal, že nájde niekoho, kto by mohol pomôcť. En: He came upon stairs leading outside and hoped to find someone who could help. Sk: Ale nikde nikoho. En: But there was no one. Sk: Ruiny boli skoro prázdne. En: The ruins were almost empty. Sk: Lukáš sa nevzdal. En: Lukáš did not give up. Sk: Mal strach, no ten strach teraz použil ako palivo. En: He was scared, but he used that fear as fuel. Sk: V spomienkach myslel na Petru. En: In his thoughts, he focused on Petra. Sk: Vedel, že musí byť statočný a rýchly. En: He knew he had to be brave and quick. Sk: Našťastie, po niekoľkých minútach bežal na turistov na nižšej terase. En: Luckily, after a few minutes, he came upon some tourists on a lower terrace. Sk: "Prosím vás," kričal zadýchane, "moja priateľka potrebuje pomoc! En: "Please," he shouted breathlessly, "my friend needs help! Sk: Má vážnu alergickú reakciu! En: She’s having a severe allergic reaction!" Sk: "Jedna z turistiek, mladá žena, vytiahla z batohu Adrenalinový perok. En: One of the tourists, a young woman, pulled an epinephrine pen out of her backpack. Sk: "Mám ju! En: "I've got it!" Sk: " zvolala. En: she exclaimed. Sk: Spolu bežali späť za Petrou. En: Together, they ran back to Petra. Sk: Keď sa dostali na miesto, Petra už bola veľmi slabá. En: When they arrived, Petra was very weak. Sk: Turistka bez váhania aplikovala Adrenalin. En: Without hesitation, the tourist administered the epinephrine. Sk: Petra začala pomaly ožívať. En: Petra began to gradually revive. Sk: Lukáš si kľakol vedľa nej a Jozefa. En: Lukáš knelt beside her and Jozef. Sk: Bol vyčerpaný, ale šťastný. En: He was exhausted but relieved. Sk: Petra sa začala normálne dýchať. En: Petra started breathing normally. Sk: Všetci si hlboko vydýchli. En: Everyone let out a deep sigh of relief. Sk: Petra sa jemne usmiala na Lukáša. En: Petra gently smiled at Lukáš. Sk: "Ďakujem ti," zašepkala. En: "Thank you," she whispered. Sk: Lukáš ju vzal za ruku. En: Lukáš took her hand. Sk: Vedel, že urobil správne rozhodnutie. En: He knew he had made the right decision. Sk: Cestou späť premýšľal o tom, čo sa stalo. En: On the way back, he thought about what had happened. Sk: Jeho vedomosti o histórii boli síce dôležité, ale dnes sa naučil niečo nové. En: His knowledge of history was certainly important, but today he learned something new. Sk: Jeho skutočná sila sa ukázala v odvahu a starostlivosť o druhých. En: His true strength lay in his courage and care for others. Sk: V ten deň sa Lukáš zmenil. En: That day, Lukáš changed. Sk: Už sa nebál svojej nedostatočnosti. En: He no longer feared his inadequacies. Sk: Veril si viac. En: He had more confidence. Sk: Naučil sa, že skutočný hrdina nie je ten, kto vie všetko, ale ten, kto koná vtedy, keď je to najviac potrebné. En: He learned that a true hero is not the one who knows everything, but the one who acts when it is most needed. Sk: Jozef mu podal ruku a pevne sa zasmial. En: Jozef shook his hand and laughed heartily. Sk: "Dobrý práca, kamoš," povedal obdivne. En: "Good job, buddy," he said admiringly. Sk: Spoločne sa vydali späť, vedia, že aj zasnežený hrad má svoje skryté poklady. En: Together, they set off back, knowing that even a ruined castle had its hidden treasures. Sk: Ale najväčší poklad boli ich priateľské vzťahy a odvaha, ktorú v ten deň ukázali. En: But the greatest treasure was their friendship and the courage they had shown that day. Vocabulary Words: - courtyard: nádvorie - confluence: sútok - shadow: tieň - majestic: majestátne - ruins: ruiny - enthusiasm: nadšenie - hawk: sokol - choke: škrtiť - swollen: opuchnuté - growl: zavrčať - unstable: nestabilný - decisively: rozhodne - crumbling: rozpadnuté - exclaim: zvolať - administer: aplikovať - revive: ožívať - courage: odvaha - inadequacy: nedostatočnosť - confidence: sebavedomie - hero: hrdina - admire: obdivovať - treasure: poklad - sigh: výdych - signal: signál - hope: dúfať - exhausted: vyčerpaný - backpack: batoh - severe: vážny - brave: statočný
    Played 19m 8s
  • Finding Peace on the Moonlit Beach: Marek's Serene Epiphany

    2 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Peace on the Moonlit Beach: Marek's Serene Epiphany Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/finding-peace-on-the-moonlit-beach-mareks-serene-epiphany/ Story Transcript: Sk: Bola teplá letná noc. En: It was a warm summer night. Sk: Pláž bola zahalená jemným, zlatistým svetlom zapadajúceho slnka. En: The beach was bathed in the gentle, golden light of the setting sun. Sk: Marek kráčal po piesku. En: Marek walked on the sand. Sk: Vlny jemne šumeli a vo vzduchu bol cítiť slaný morský vzduch. En: The waves softly murmured, and the salty ocean air was palpable. Sk: Pred ním sa rozprestierali stánky plné farebných suvenírov. En: Stalls full of colorful souvenirs spread out before him. Sk: Marek sa zastavil pri stánku, kde predávali ručne maľované mušle. En: Marek stopped at a stall selling hand-painted shells. Sk: Vždy miloval zbierať unikátne predmety, ktoré mu pripomínali špeciálne momenty. En: He always loved collecting unique items that reminded him of special moments. Sk: Skončil dlhodobý vzťah a teraz hľadal nový začiatok. En: He had just ended a long-term relationship and was now looking for a fresh start. Sk: Pozrel sa na množstvo krásnych mušlí, ale žiadna mu neprišla dokonalá. En: He looked at the many beautiful shells, but none seemed perfect to him. Sk: Ľudia okolo neho šumeli a tlačili sa. En: People around him were buzzing and crowding. Sk: Cítil sa nervózny, nevedel sa rozhodnúť. En: He felt nervous and couldn't make a decision. Sk: Vtedy si povedal, že počká, kým sa dav rozišli. En: Then he decided to wait until the crowd dispersed. Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchol a začal sa sústrediť na svoje pocity, nie len na vzhľad mušlí. En: He took a deep breath and began to focus on his feelings, not just the appearance of the shells. Sk: Éterickej modrej mušle s drobnými zlatými bodkami si všimol až po chvíli. En: He noticed an ethereal blue shell with tiny golden dots after a while. Sk: Tá ho upútala. En: It caught his attention. Sk: V tej istej chvíli k mušle pribehol malý chlapec. En: At that same moment, a small boy ran up to the shell. Sk: Marek zaváhal. En: Marek hesitated. Sk: Myslel si, či by mal mušlu vziať pre seba, alebo ju nechať chlapcovi. En: He wondered if he should take the shell for himself or let the boy have it. Sk: Nakoniec sa usmial a podal mušlu chlapcovi. En: In the end, he smiled and handed the shell to the boy. Sk: V tom momente pocítil pokoj a pokojný úsmev sa rozžiaril na jeho tvári. En: In that moment, he felt at peace, and a serene smile spread across his face. Sk: Potom našiel jednoduchšiu mušlu, ktorá ho tiež oslovila, ale na hlbšej úrovni. En: He then found a simpler shell that also spoke to him, but on a deeper level. Sk: Marek sa naučil uvoľniť svoju túžbu po dokonalosti. En: Marek learned to let go of his desire for perfection. Sk: Uvedomil si, že skutočná hodnota môže prísť z nečakaných miest a momentov štedrosti. En: He realized that true value could come from unexpected places and moments of generosity. Sk: Vo svetle mesiacom osvetlenej pláže našiel svoj nový začiatok s jednoduchosťou a pokojom v srdci. En: In the moonlit beach, he found his new beginning with simplicity and peace in his heart. Vocabulary Words: - bathed: zahalil - gentle: jemný - golden: zlatistý - murmured: šumeli - palpable: cítiť - stalls: stánky - spread out: rozprestierali - hand-painted: ručne maľované - shells: mušle - collecting: zbierať - unique: unikátne - reminded: pripomínali - special moments: špeciálne momenty - relationship: vzťah - beautiful: krásnych - buzzing: šumeli - crowding: tlačili sa - nervous: nervózny - dispersed: rozišli - ethereal: éterickej - tiny: drobnými - golden dots: zlatými bodkami - hesitated: zaváhal - let go: uvoľniť - desire: túžbu - perfection: dokonalosť - realized: uvedomil si - unexpected: nečakaných - generosity: štedrosti - moonlit: mesiacom osvetlenej
    Played 12m 23s
  • Ancient Secrets: A Teen's Journey to Architectural Discovery

    1 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Ancient Secrets: A Teen's Journey to Architectural Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/ancient-secrets-a-teens-journey-to-architectural-discovery/ Story Transcript: Sk: V slnkom zaliatom letnom dni, skupina šestnásťročných študentov z Banskej Štiavnice sa zhromaždila pred starodávnym zámkom. En: On a sunlit summer day, a group of sixteen-year-old students from Banská Štiavnica gathered in front of an ancient castle. Sk: Medzi nimi bola aj Janka, tichá a nenápadná dievčina, ktorá mala veľkú vášeň pre historickú architektúru. En: Among them was Janka, a quiet and unassuming girl with a great passion for historical architecture. Sk: Hoci bola plachá a často prehliadaná svojimi spolužiakmi, mala v sebe hlboké nadšenie pre históriu a architektúru. En: Though she was shy and often overlooked by her classmates, she harbored a deep enthusiasm for history and architecture. Sk: Janka vedela, že tento výlet môže byť pre ňu veľmi dôležitý. En: Janka knew that this trip could be very important for her. Sk: Starodávny zámok mal tajomstvá, ktoré túžila odhaliť. En: The ancient castle held secrets she yearned to uncover. Sk: Chcela nájsť skrytý architektonický prvok, ktorý by jej mohol poskytnúť cenné nápady pre jej budúce návrhy. En: She wanted to find a hidden architectural element that could provide her with valuable ideas for her future designs. Sk: Ale jej spolužiaci mali iné plány. En: However, her classmates had different plans. Sk: "Pozri, Janka, poď sa s nami hrať," volal na ňu Tomáš, ale Janka už mala svoj plán. En: "Look, Janka, come play with us," called out Tomáš, but Janka already had her own plan. Sk: Medzi priateľmi nebola moc obľúbená, pretože sa často sústredila na svoje študijné záujmy. En: She wasn't very popular among her friends because she often focused on her academic interests. Sk: Keď ich učiteľ povedal, aby sa všetci držali spolu, Janka cítila, že musí využiť túto šancu. En: When their teacher instructed everyone to stay together, Janka felt she had to seize this opportunity. Sk: Cesta bola dlhá a zámok ponúkal mnoho zákutí a koridorov. En: The journey was long, and the castle offered many nooks and corridors. Sk: Keď sa skupina pohybovala po zámku, Janka sa potichu odtrhla a vydala sa do zakázaného priestoru. En: As the group moved through the castle, Janka quietly slipped away into a forbidden area. Sk: Jej srdce bilo, ale vedela, že si nesmie nechať ujsť túto príležitosť. En: Her heart was pounding, but she knew she couldn't let this chance pass her by. Sk: Kráčala starým kamenným chodbami a hľadala niečo výnimočné. En: She walked through the old stone hallways, searching for something special. Sk: Zrazu zbadala malý otvor v stene, ktorý vyzeral inak ako ostatné. En: Suddenly, she noticed a small opening in the wall that looked different from the others. Sk: Bez váhania vklzla dovnútra a ocitla sa v tajomnej chodbe, bohaté zdobené starými ornamentmi. En: Without hesitation, she slipped inside and found herself in a secret corridor richly adorned with old ornaments. Sk: Janka si vytiahla notebook a začala robiť poznámky a kresby. En: Janka took out her notebook and began making notes and sketches. Sk: Bola uprostred svojej práce, keď počula kroky. En: She was in the midst of her work when she heard footsteps. Sk: "Bola som chytená," pomyslela si. En: "I've been caught," she thought. Sk: Pred ňou stál strážnik s prísnym výrazom. En: Standing before her was a guard with a stern expression. Sk: "Čo tu robíš? En: "What are you doing here? Sk: Vieš, že toto miesto je zakázané? En: You know this place is off-limits?" Sk: "Janka cítila, že nemá na výber. En: Janka felt she had no choice. Sk: "Som študentka a zaujímam sa o architektúru. En: "I'm a student, and I'm interested in architecture. Sk: Toto miesto ma fascinuje. En: This place fascinates me. Sk: Prosím, dovoľte mi dokončiť moje poznámky. En: Please, let me finish my notes." Sk: " Skôr než mohol strážnik odpovedať, objavil sa ich učiteľ. En: Before the guard could respond, their teacher appeared. Sk: "Čo sa deje? En: "What's going on?" Sk: " opýtal sa napäto. En: he asked tensely. Sk: Janka vysvetlila svoju vášeň a túžbu po vedomostiach. En: Janka explained her passion and desire for knowledge. Sk: Učiteľ pohovoril so strážnikom a ten, po chvíli váhania, pohodil hlavou. En: The teacher spoke with the guard, who, after a moment of hesitation, nodded. Sk: "Nech si teda ponechá svoje poznámky, ale musíš sľúbiť, že sa už nebudeš túlať sama. En: "Let her keep her notes, but you must promise not to wander off alone again." Sk: "Janka súhlasila a od radosti jej srdce plesalo. En: Janka agreed, and her heart leaped with joy. Sk: Spolužiaci sa jej začali venovať s väčším záujmom. En: Her classmates began to treat her with more interest. Sk: Uvedomili si, že Janka má naozaj talent a odhodlanie, ktoré si zaslúži ich rešpekt. En: They realized that Janka indeed possessed talent and determination worthy of their respect. Sk: Keď sa vracala domov, cítila sa silnejšia a sebavedomejšia. En: As she returned home, she felt stronger and more confident. Sk: Jej vášeň jej priniesla nové priateľstvá a uznanie. En: Her passion had brought her new friendships and recognition. Sk: Vedela, že jej sen stať sa architektkou nie je márny a že ju čaká svetlá budúcnosť. En: She knew her dream of becoming an architect was not in vain and that a bright future awaited her. Vocabulary Words: - sunlit: slnkom zaliatom - ancient: starodávnym - unassuming: nenápadná - harbored: mala - enthusiasm: nadšenie - uncover: odhaliť - hidden: skrytý - forbidden: zakázaného - slipped: vklzla - pounding: bilo - opportunity: príležitosť - ornaments: ornamentmi - notes: poznámky - sketches: kresby - guard: strážnik - stern: prísnym - expression: výrazom - response: odpovedať - desire: túžbu - hesitation: váhania - nodded: pohodil hlavou - wander: túlať - determination: odhodlanie - recognition: uznanie - confident: sebavedomejšia - fascinates: fascinuje - slip away: odtrhla - adorned: zdobené - promises: sľúbiť
    Played 17m 1s
  • Seeds of Change: Summer Dreams on the Slovak Farm

    30 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Seeds of Change: Summer Dreams on the Slovak Farm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/seeds-of-change-summer-dreams-on-the-slovak-farm/ Story Transcript: Sk: Na farme na slovenskom vidieku bol nádherný letný deň. En: On a farm in the Slovak countryside, it was a beautiful summer day. Sk: Slnečné lúče zalievali polia, ktoré siahali až k obzoru. En: Sun rays bathed the fields that stretched to the horizon. Sk: Farma bola plná života. En: The farm was full of life. Sk: Kvety slnečníc sa hrdili vo vetre a v záhradách rástli rôzne zeleniny. En: Sunflowers proudly swayed in the wind, and various vegetables grew in the gardens. Sk: Jana, Marek a Zuzana pracovali usilovne, zbierali čerstvú úrodu pre miestny farmársky trh. En: Jana, Marek, and Zuzana worked diligently, gathering fresh produce for the local farmer's market. Sk: Jana bola šikovná a starostlivá mladá žena. Vždy myslela na budúcnosť. En: Jana was a skilled and caring young woman, always thinking about the future. Sk: V duchu túžila opustiť farmu a presťahovať sa do mesta. En: She secretly longed to leave the farm and move to the city. Sk: Marek, jej starší brat, bol pevne zakorenený v tradíciách farmy. En: Marek, her older brother, was deeply rooted in the farm’s traditions. Sk: Nechcel zmenu, aj keď to nikdy nepriznal. En: He didn't want change, though he never admitted it. Sk: Zuzana, ich detská priateľka, prišla na návštevu na leto. En: Zuzana, their childhood friend, had come to visit for the summer. Sk: Snívala o tom, že si založí malý podnik s mestskou záhradkou. En: She dreamed of starting a small urban gardening business. Sk: Jana sa rozhodla, že dnes, počas zbierania úrody, musí Marekovi povedať o svojich snoch. En: Jana decided that today, while harvesting, she must tell Marek about her dreams. Sk: Mala z toho obavy. En: She was anxious. Sk: Vedela, že Marek je veľmi oddaný farmárskej tradícii. En: She knew Marek was very dedicated to the farming tradition. Sk: "Marek," začala opatrne, keď stáli v poli paradajok, "chcem ti niečo povedať." En: "Marek," she began cautiously as they stood in the tomato field, "I want to tell you something." Sk: Marek sa k nej otočil, utierajúc pot z čela. En: Marek turned to her, wiping sweat from his forehead. Sk: "Čo sa deje, Jana?" En: "What's going on, Jana?" Sk: Jana sa zhlboka nadýchla. En: Jana took a deep breath. Sk: "Chcem ísť do mesta. Chcem skúsiť nové veci, nájsť si prácu, ktorú milujem." En: "I want to go to the city. I want to try new things, find a job I love." Sk: Marek stuhol. En: Marek stiffened. Sk: "Prečo by si chcela opustiť farmu? Toto je náš domov, naša dedičstvo." En: "Why would you want to leave the farm? This is our home, our heritage." Sk: "Bojím sa, že ak zostanem, nikdy nebudem môcť plniť svoje sny," odpovedala Jana úprimne. En: "I'm afraid that if I stay, I'll never be able to fulfill my dreams," Jana replied honestly. Sk: "Potrebujem tvoju podporu." En: "I need your support." Sk: Zuzana, ktorá ticho počúvala, sa teraz pridala. En: Zuzana, who had been listening quietly, now joined in. Sk: "Marek, aj ja som mala obavy zmeny, ale teraz viem, že musím nasledovať svoje srdce. A Jana tiež." En: "Marek, I was also afraid of change, but now I know I have to follow my heart. And Jana does too." Sk: Marek uprel oči na obe ženy. En: Marek gazed at both women. Sk: Hlboko vo vnútri cítil zmes emócií. En: Deep inside, he felt a mix of emotions. Sk: Nakoniec, po dlhom mlčaní, kývol hlavou. En: Eventually, after a long silence, he nodded. Sk: "Ak je toto, čo naozaj chceš, Jana, budem ťa podporovať. En: "If this is really what you want, Jana, I will support you. Sk: Nájdeme spôsob, ako udržať farmu a zároveň prijať trochu modernizácie." En: We will find a way to maintain the farm and also embrace a bit of modernization." Sk: Jana sa usmiala a objala svojho brata. En: Jana smiled and hugged her brother. Sk: Cítila sa oslobodená. En: She felt liberated. Sk: Marek povedal: "Sľubujem, že nájdem cestu, ako udržať farmu fungujúcu, aj keď sa veci zmenia." En: Marek said, "I promise I will find a way to keep the farm running, even as things change." Sk: Letný deň sa chýlil k večeru, farma žiarila v zlatom svetle zapadajúceho slnka. En: As the summer day drew to a close, the farm glowed in the golden light of the setting sun. Sk: Jana a Marek zaznamenali vnútornú premenu. En: Jana and Marek experienced an inner transformation. Sk: Jana našla odvahu sledovať svoje sny, zatiaľ čo Marek pochopil, že zmena môže priniesť aj nové príležitosti. En: Jana found the courage to pursue her dreams, while Marek understood that change could also bring new opportunities. Sk: Na konci toho dňa, všetci traja, Jana, Marek a Zuzana, pocítili jemnú radosť z prichádzajúceho nového začiatku. En: At the end of that day, all three, Jana, Marek, and Zuzana, felt a gentle joy for the new beginnings ahead. Sk: Na farme bol stále život, ale teraz bol obohatený o nové sny a možnosti. En: The farm was still alive, but now it was enriched with new dreams and possibilities. Sk: A tak sa farma premenila na miesto, kde sa sniali snívať aj napĺňať. En: And so, the farm transformed into a place where dreams could be dreamed and fulfilled. Vocabulary Words: - countryside: vidiek - rays: lúče - bathed: zalievali - stretched: siahali - various: rôzne - vegetables: zeleniny - diligently: usilovne - gathering: zbierali - produce: úrodu - skilled: šikovná - caring: starostlivá - rooted: zakorenený - admitted: priznal - harvesting: zbierania úrody - anxious: obavy - cautiously: opatrne - stiffened: stuhol - heritage: dedičstvo - fulfilled: plniť - honestly: úprimne - emotion: emócie - liberated: oslobodená - dedicated: oddaný - transformation: premena - courage: odvaha - opportunities: príležitosti - transformed: prelenila - glowed: žiarila - gazed: uprel - embrace: prijať
    Played 16m 57s
  • Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park

    29 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/viktors-leap-overcoming-fear-in-bratislavas-eco-park/ Story Transcript: Sk: Mesto bolo plné života. En: The city was bustling with life. Sk: Viktor prechádzal Urban Jungle eco-parkom v Bratislave. En: Viktor was walking through the Urban Jungle Eco-Park in Bratislava. Sk: Bolo skoro leto a príroda rozkvitala. En: It was early summer, and nature was in full bloom. Sk: Vzduch bol plný vône kvetov a čerstvého ovocia. En: The air was filled with the scent of flowers and fresh fruit. Sk: Viktor bol mestským plánovačom. En: Viktor was an urban planner. Sk: Mal rád trvalo udržateľný život a prírodu. En: He loved sustainable living and nature. Sk: Ale mal aj veľký strach z neúspechu. En: But he also had a great fear of failure. Sk: Viktor chcel kúpiť darček pre svojho mentora. En: Viktor wanted to buy a gift for his mentor. Sk: Jeho mentor mu veľmi pomohol s projektom. En: His mentor had greatly helped him with a project. Sk: Chcel mu poďakovať a požiadať ho o radu. En: He wanted to thank him and ask for advice. Sk: Ale mal obavy. En: But he was worried. Sk: Bál sa, že nenájde správny darček. En: He feared he wouldn't find the right gift. Sk: Mal strach, že ho jeho mentor odmietne. En: He was afraid that his mentor would reject him. Sk: Prechádzal sa trhom v eco-parku. En: He walked around the market in the eco-park. Sk: Vidí mnoho stánkov plných krásnych vecí. En: He sees many stalls filled with beautiful things. Sk: Farebné ovocie, čerstvá zelenina, ručne vyrobené výrobky. En: Colorful fruits, fresh vegetables, handmade goods. Sk: Zrazu uvidí stánok mladého remeselníka. En: Suddenly, he spots a stall belonging to a young craftsman. Sk: Na stole boli nádherné drevené sochy a dekoračné predmety. En: On the table were beautiful wooden sculptures and decorative items. Sk: Viktor sa zastavil a začal sa pozerať. En: Viktor stopped and began to look. Sk: „Dobrý deň,“ povedal remeselník. En: “Good day,” said the craftsman. Sk: „Môžem vám pomôcť?“ En: “Can I help you?” Sk: „Hľadám darček pre svojho mentora,“ vysvetlil Viktor. En: “I’m looking for a gift for my mentor,” Viktor explained. Sk: „Niečo jedinečné.“ En: “Something unique.” Sk: Remeselník ukázal na krásnu drevenú sochu. En: The craftsman pointed to a beautiful wooden sculpture. Sk: „Táto socha je ručne vyrobená z recyklovaného dreva. En: “This sculpture is handmade from recycled wood. Sk: Je to symbol trvalej udržateľnosti.“ En: It’s a symbol of sustainability.” Sk: Viktor váhal. En: Viktor hesitated. Sk: Mal chuť kúpiť radšej niečo bezpečnejšie, niečo masovo vyrábané. En: He was tempted to buy something safer, something mass-produced. Sk: Ale cítil, že toto je správne. En: But he felt that this was the right choice. Sk: Rozhodol sa riskovať. En: He decided to take the risk. Sk: „Vezmem ju,“ povedal rozhodne. En: "I'll take it," he said decisively. Sk: Nasledujúci deň, Viktor nervózne čakal v centrálnom pavilóne eco-parku. En: The next day, Viktor nervously waited in the central pavilion of the eco-park. Sk: Jeho mentor prišiel a Viktor mu odovzdal darček. En: His mentor arrived and Viktor handed over the gift. Sk: Pozrel sa na sochu a usmial sa. En: He looked at the sculpture and smiled. Sk: „To je krásne, Viktor. En: “This is beautiful, Viktor. Sk: Je to jedinečné a osobné. En: It’s unique and personal. Sk: Veľmi ti ďakujem.“ En: Thank you very much.” Sk: „Potrebujem tvoju radu na projekte,“ priznal Viktor. En: “I need your advice on the project,” Viktor admitted. Sk: „Bojujem s niektorými rozhodnutiami.“ En: “I'm struggling with some decisions.” Sk: „Rád ti pomôžem,“ uistil ho mentor a začal dávať rady. En: “I’d be happy to help,” his mentor assured him and began giving advice. Sk: Viktor cítil, ako mu klesá kameň zo srdca. En: Viktor felt a weight lifted from his shoulders. Sk: Bol rád, že riskoval a vybral jedinečný darček. En: He was glad he took the risk and chose a unique gift. Sk: Jeho mentor bol spokojný a on získal potrebné rady a podporu. En: His mentor was pleased, and he gained the necessary advice and support. Sk: Viktor mal novú dôveru v seba. En: Viktor had newfound confidence in himself. Sk: Uvedomil si, že strach zo zlyhania mu bráni. En: He realized that his fear of failure was holding him back. Sk: Od tej chvíle sa rozhodol veriť svojim rozhodnutiam. En: From that moment on, he decided to trust his decisions. Sk: Vedel, že je to cesta k úspechu. En: He knew this was the path to success. Sk: A tak Viktor pokračoval vo svojej práci s novým zanietením a istotou. En: And so Viktor continued his work with renewed enthusiasm and confidence. Sk: Urban Jungle eco-park bol pre neho teraz nielen miestom oddychu, ale aj miestom, kde našiel svoju silu. En: The Urban Jungle Eco-Park was not only a place of relaxation for him but also a place where he found his strength. Sk: Koniec. En: The end. Vocabulary Words: - bustling: plné života - senct: vôňa - sustainable: trvalo udržateľný - failure: neúspech - mentor: mentor - advice: rada - market: trh - stalls: stánky - handmade: ručne vyrobené - goods: výrobky - craftsman: remeselník - sculptures: sochy - decorative: dekoračné - templed: chuť - mass-produced: masovo vyrábané - decisively: rozhodne - central pavilion: centrálny pavilón - struggling: bojovať - decisions: rozhodnutia - assured: uistil - support: podpora - newfound: nová - confidence: dôvera - enthusiasm: záujem - trust: veriť - path: cesta - strength: sila - eco-park: eco-park - early summer: skoro leto - arrival: príchod
    Played 16m 29s
  • Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains

    28 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets and Friendship in the Tatra Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/secrets-and-friendship-in-the-tatra-mountains/ Story Transcript: Sk: Marek stál pred vchodom do tajného bunkra v Tatrách. En: Marek stood at the entrance to a secret bunker in the Tatra Mountains. Sk: Lesy boli husté a zelený porast ho dokonale ukrýval. En: The forests were dense, and the green foliage concealed him perfectly. Sk: Bolo leto a vtáky spievali. En: It was summer, and the birds were singing. Sk: Ale Marek bol ticho napätý. En: But Marek was silently tense. Sk: Pri ušiach držal vysielačku. En: He held a radio to his ear. Sk: „Jozef, poď sem. En: "Jozef, come here. Sk: Musíme sa skryť. En: We have to hide. Sk: Invázná armáda prichádza! En: The invading army is approaching!" Sk: “Jozef, jeho priateľ, sa zasmial. En: Jozef, his friend, laughed. Sk: „Marek, nemaj strach. En: "Marek, don't worry. Sk: Nikto tu neprichádza. En: No one is coming here." Sk: “Marek sa však nenechal odradiť. En: But Marek remained undeterred. Sk: „Nie, Jozef. En: "No, Jozef. Sk: Musíš mi veriť. En: You have to believe me. Sk: Príď sem, rýchlo. En: Come here, quickly." Sk: “Jozef bol skeptický, ale išiel za Marekom. En: Jozef was skeptical but followed Marek. Sk: Našiel ho, ako odomyká zámok na vchode do bunkra. En: He found him unlocking the door to the bunker. Sk: „Čo tam máte, Marek? En: "What do you have in there, Marek?" Sk: “„Len poď dovnútra,“ trval na svojom Marek. En: "Just come inside," Marek insisted. Sk: „Ukážem ti, aké je to vážne. En: "I'll show you how serious it is." Sk: “Vstúpili do bunkra. En: They entered the bunker. Sk: Bol v ňom chladnejší vzduch a mal úhľadné regály plné konzerv, vody a domácich vynálezov. En: The air inside was cooler, and it had neat shelves filled with canned goods, water, and homemade inventions. Sk: „Pozri sa,“ ukázal Marek pyšne na svoje zásoby. En: "Look," Marek proudly showed his supplies. Sk: „Som pripravený. En: "I’m prepared." Sk: “Jozef si prezeral bunkr a posledne sa usmial. En: Jozef looked around the bunker and finally smiled. Sk: „Marek, to je vážne pekné, ale si si istý, že je to nutné? En: "Marek, this is really nice, but are you sure it's necessary?" Sk: “Marek sa na neho zamračil. En: Marek frowned at him. Sk: „Áno, Jozef. En: "Yes, Jozef. Sk: Musíš byť pripravený. En: You have to be prepared. Sk: Čo ak naozaj prídu? En: What if they actually come?" Sk: “Jozef prešiel bunkrom a našiel malý denníček. En: Jozef walked around the bunker and found a small diary. Sk: „Čo to je? En: "What's this?" Sk: “ opýtal sa Jozef a začal listovať. En: he asked, starting to flip through it. Sk: V denníčku boli Marekové plány a scenáre. En: The diary contained Marek's plans and scenarios. Sk: „Tu píšeš o vymyslenej invázii, Marek. En: "Here, you write about an imagined invasion, Marek. Sk: To nie je reálne. En: It's not real." Sk: “Marek klesol. En: Marek slumped. Sk: „Myslel som, že bude lepšie, ak budeme pripravení…“Jozef sa usmial a zavrel denníček. En: "I thought it would be better if we were prepared..." Jozef smiled and closed the diary. Sk: „Marek, nie je tu žiadna hrozba. En: "Marek, there's no threat here. Sk: Len si sa nechal uniesť. En: You just got carried away." Sk: “Marek sa zasmial. En: Marek laughed. Sk: „Možno máš pravdu. En: "Maybe you're right. Sk: Odpusť mi. En: Forgive me." Sk: “Obaja sa posadili do kresiel a smiali sa. En: They both sat in chairs and laughed. Sk: „Však vieš čo? En: "You know what?" Sk: “ povedal Jozef. En: Jozef said. Sk: „Poďme sa prejsť po lesoch. En: "Let's go for a walk in the woods. Sk: Je nádherné leto. En: It's a beautiful summer. Sk: Nepotrebujeme bunkr. En: We don't need the bunker." Sk: “Marek súhlasil. En: Marek agreed. Sk: „Máš pravdu. En: "You're right. Sk: Pôjdeme na túru a užijeme si deň. En: Let's go for a hike and enjoy the day." Sk: “Vyšli z bunkra na slnečné lúče a vzali s sebou len mapu a vodu. En: They left the bunker to the sunny rays, taking only a map and water. Sk: Marekovi prišlo na smiech, keď si uvedomil, ako vážne to celé bral. En: Marek found it amusing when he realized how seriously he had taken everything. Sk: Jozef sa na neho otočil s úsmevom. En: Jozef turned to him with a smile. Sk: „Tak čo, pripravený na dobrodružstvo? En: "So, are you ready for an adventure?" Sk: “Marek prikývol. En: Marek nodded. Sk: „Áno. En: "Yes. Sk: Ale tentokrát bez invázie! En: But this time without any invasion!" Sk: “ Spoločne šli po úzkych cestičkách Tatranských lesov, a Marek pochopil, že jeho predstavivosť môže byť výhodou, ak bude mať aj dávku reality a dôveru v priateľov. En: Together they walked along the narrow paths of the Tatra forests, and Marek understood that his imagination could be an asset if coupled with a dose of reality and trust in friends. Sk: Prešli krásnym dňom, plným smiechu a priateľstva, a Marekové obavy sa konečne vytratili. En: They spent a beautiful day, filled with laughter and friendship, and Marek's worries finally vanished. Vocabulary Words: - entrance: vchod - bunker: bunker - dense: husté - foliage: porast - concealed: ukrýval - invading: invázná - approaching: prichádza - undeterred: nenechal odradiť - skeptical: skeptický - shelves: regály - canned: konzerv - inventions: vynálezov - frowned: zamračil - prepared: pripravený - diary: denníček - imagined: vymyslenej - scenario: scenáre - threat: hrozba - slumped: klesol - carried away: nechal uniesť - hike: túru - adventure: dobrodružstvo - narrow: úzkych - paths: cestičkách - imagination: predstavivosť - cooler: chladnejší - supplies: zásoby - scenarios: scenáre - smile: usmial - laughed: zasmiali
    Played 17m 16s
  • Marek's Quest: Unveiling Secrets in the Abandoned Orphanage

    27 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Quest: Unveiling Secrets in the Abandoned Orphanage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/mareks-quest-unveiling-secrets-in-the-abandoned-orphanage/ Story Transcript: Sk: Letné slnko prenikalo okenicami cez rozbité sklo, osvetľovalo zaprášené miestnosti opusteného sirotinca. En: The summer sun streamed through the shutters, casting light through the broken glass and illuminating the dusty rooms of the abandoned orphanage. Sk: Márne sa schovávala stará budova na okraji hustého lesa. En: The old building hid in vain at the edge of the dense forest. Sk: Jej steny boli pokryté brečtanom a všetky miestnosti niesli stopy detí, ktoré tu kedysi žili. En: Its walls were covered in ivy, and every room bore traces of the children who once lived there. Sk: Výskanie a smiech detí sa stále ozývali chodbami, aspoň v Marekových predstavách. En: Children's laughter and giggles still echoed through the hallways, at least in Marek's imagination. Sk: Marek bol šestnásťročný chlapec so záľubou v riešení hádaniek. En: Marek was a sixteen-year-old boy with a passion for solving puzzles. Sk: Sirotinec bol jeho domovom, aj keď bol už roky opustený. En: The orphanage was his home, even though it had been abandoned for years. Sk: Petra, jeho najlepšia kamarátka, bola rovnako zvedavá a odvážna. En: Petra, his best friend, was just as curious and courageous. Sk: Obaja milovali dobrodružstvá. En: They both loved adventures. Sk: A dnes sa mali vydať na svoje najväčšie, tajomné pátranie. En: And today, they were about to embark on their biggest, most mysterious quest. Sk: Pri hľadaní starých knižiek a hračiek v jednej z izieb našiel Marek starý, zažltnutý list. En: While searching for old books and toys in one of the rooms, Marek found an old, yellowed letter. Sk: Opatrne ho roztvoril. En: He carefully unfolded it. Sk: List bol napísaný čudným kódom a malý chlapec nad ním dlho premýšľal. En: The letter was written in a strange code, and the young boy pondered over it for a long time. Sk: „Pozri sa tu, Petra! En: "Look at this, Petra!" Sk: ” zavolal na ňu. En: he called to her. Sk: Petra sa nadýchla, keď si všimla list. En: Petra gasped when she noticed the letter. Sk: „Čo to môže znamenať? En: "What could it mean?" Sk: ” spýtala sa, keď sa naklonila nad list a skúmala ho. En: she asked as she leaned over and examined it. Sk: „Musíme to rozlúštiť, nie je času nazvyš,“ odpovedal Marek pevne. En: "We have to decipher it, there's no time to lose," Marek replied firmly. Sk: Ako vtrhli dnu, otvorili dvere a vošli do skupiny starých miestností. En: As they burst into the room, they opened the doors and entered a group of old rooms. Sk: Tam ich stretla Lucie, nová pracovníčka, ktorá sa zaujímala o minulosť sirotinca. En: There they were met by Lucie, a new worker interested in the orphanage's past. Sk: „Marek, Petra, nemusíte sa tým zaoberať. En: "Marek, Petra, you don't need to get involved in this. Sk: Niektoré veci sú lepšie nechať v minulosti,” varovala ich. En: Some things are better left in the past," she warned them. Sk: „Chcem vedieť pravdu o svojej rodine, Lucie! En: "I want to know the truth about my family, Lucie!" Sk: ” povedal Marek rozhodne. En: Marek said resolutely. Sk: Petra ho podporovala, tlačila na to, aby pokračovali. En: Petra supported him, urging them to continue. Sk: Obaja vedeli, že ich nečaká nič ľahké, ale zvedavosť bola silnejšia. En: They both knew that nothing easy awaited them, but curiosity was stronger. Sk: Krok za krokom dešifrovali list. En: Step by step, they deciphered the letter. Sk: Stopy viedli k miestnosti, ktorá bola dlho zapečatená. En: The clues led to a room that had been sealed for a long time. Sk: Stary nábytok a zhnité knihy ich priviedli k skrytým dverám. En: The old furniture and rotten books led them to a hidden door. Sk: S trochou námahy ich otvorili a vstúpili. En: With some effort, they opened it and stepped inside. Sk: Marek sa ocitol vo veľkej miestnosti plnej starých pamiatok. En: Marek found himself in a large room full of old memorabilia. Sk: Na poličke našiel krabicu. En: On a shelf, he found a box. Sk: Otvoril ju a našiel ďalšie listy a fotky. En: He opened it and found more letters and photos. Sk: Boli to fotky jeho rodičov. En: They were photos of his parents. Sk: Vedľa nich boli staré dokumenty, ktoré odhalili pravdu o jeho pôvode a rodine. En: Next to them were old documents that revealed the truth about his origins and family. Sk: „Marek, pozri! En: "Marek, look! Sk: Tvoje rodičia boli významní vedci. En: Your parents were significant scientists. Sk: Táto dohoda ich mala ochrániť pred nebezpečenstvom, ale niečo sa pokazilo,” vysvetľovala Petra. En: This agreement was supposed to protect them from danger, but something went wrong," Petra explained. Sk: Marek sa cítil zmiešaný. En: Marek felt mixed emotions. Sk: Na jednej strane konečne vedel pravdu, na druhej strane bol smutný, že jeho rodina odišla. En: On one hand, he finally knew the truth, but on the other, he was sad that his family was gone. Sk: „Lucie sa nás len snažila ochrániť,” uvedomil si Marek. En: "Lucie was just trying to protect us," Marek realized. Sk: „Teraz viem, kto som. En: "Now I know who I am. Sk: Nebudem sa skrývať pred pravdou,” povedal. En: I won’t hide from the truth," he said. Sk: Mateo sa zmenil z chlapca, ktorý hľadal odpovede, na mladého muža, ktorý našiel svoju odvahu a vnútorný pokoj. En: Marek transformed from a boy searching for answers into a young man who had found his courage and inner peace. Sk: Schádzať dolu chodbami, Marek a Petra opustili sirotinec, držali sa za ruky a vedeli, že spoločne prežili veľké dobrodružstvo a odhalili tajomstvo minulosti. En: Walking down the hallways, Marek and Petra left the orphanage, holding hands, knowing that together they had experienced a great adventure and uncovered the secrets of the past. Vocabulary Words: - streamed: prenikalo - shutters: okenice - dusty: zaprášené - abandoned: opustený - orphange: sirotinec - ivy: brečtan - laughter: výskanie - giggles: smiech - puzzles: hádanky - yellowed: zažltnutý - unfolded: roztvoril - pondered: premýšľal - decipher: rozlúštiť - burst: vtrhli - involved: zaoberať - resolutely: rozhodne - curiosity: zvedavosť - deciphered: dešifrovali - clues: stopy - sealed: zapečatená - effort: námahy - memorabilia: pamiatok - documents: dokumenty - origins: pôvode - significant: významní - agreement: dohoda - mixture: zmiešaný - protect: ochrániť - inner: vnútorný - bravery: odvaha
    Played 18m
  • Finding New Beginnings: A Date at Café Slávia

    26 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding New Beginnings: A Date at Café Slávia Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/finding-new-beginnings-a-date-at-cafe-slavia/ Story Transcript: Sk: Káveňa Slávia bola plná ľudí. En: The Café Slávia was full of people. Sk: Letné slnko svietilo cez veľké okná. En: The summer sun shone through the large windows. Sk: Mala nádherný výhľad na rušné ulice Bratislavy a rieku Dunaj. En: It had a beautiful view of the busy streets of Bratislava and the Danube River. Sk: Ivana sedela pri stole s jemným dreveným povrchom. En: Ivana was sitting at a table with a fine wooden surface. Sk: Pila čaj a čakala na Mareka. En: She was drinking tea and waiting for Marek. Sk: Bola nervózna. En: She was nervous. Sk: Posledný vzťah sa skončil zle a teraz mala strach. En: Her last relationship had ended badly, and now she was afraid. Sk: „Bude to v poriadku,“ povedala si Ivana potichu. En: “It will be okay,” Ivana whispered to herself. Sk: V tom momente vstúpil Marek. En: At that moment, Marek walked in. Sk: Mal na sebe modrú košeľu a jemný úsmev. En: He was wearing a blue shirt and had a gentle smile. Sk: Vyzeral nervózny, ale zároveň nadšený. En: He looked nervous but also excited. Sk: Bola to ich prvá schôdzka. En: It was their first date. Sk: Obaja chceli nájsť spojenie, ktoré im chýbalo. En: Both of them wanted to find the connection they were missing. Sk: „Ahoj,“ povedal Marek, keď sa priblížil k Ivane. En: “Hello,” Marek said as he approached Ivana. Sk: „Ahoj,“ odpovedala Ivana s úsmevom. En: “Hello,” Ivana replied with a smile. Sk: Posadili sa a objednali si kávu. En: They sat down and ordered coffee. Sk: Chvíľu mlčali. En: They were silent for a moment. Sk: Potom začala rozhovor Zuzana, Ivany najlepšia kamarátka, ktorá sedela pri vedľajšom stole ako podpora. En: Then the conversation started by Zuzana, Ivana's best friend, who was sitting at the next table for support. Sk: „Ako sa máš, Marek?“ spýtala sa Ivana. En: “How are you, Marek?” Ivana asked. Sk: „Dobre. Pracujem ako vývojár softvéru. Je to veľa práce, ale baví ma to,“ odpovedal Marek. En: “Good. I work as a software developer. It’s a lot of work, but I enjoy it,” Marek replied. Sk: „To je skvelé. Ja som umelkyňa. Maľovanie je moja vášeň,“ povedala Ivana. En: “That’s great. I’m an artist. Painting is my passion,” Ivana said. Sk: Ich rozhovor bol na začiatku jednoduchý. En: Their conversation was simple at first. Sk: Hovorili o práci, záujmoch a živote v Bratislave. En: They talked about work, interests, and life in Bratislava. Sk: Ivana však cítila, že to nestačí. En: However, Ivana felt that it wasn’t enough. Sk: Chcela vedieť viac. En: She wanted to know more. Sk: Chcela vedieť, či môže opäť veriť. En: She wanted to know if she could trust again. Sk: „Marek, môžem sa ti niečo spýtať?“ opýtala sa opatrne. En: “Marek, can I ask you something?” she asked cautiously. Sk: „Samozrejme, Ivana,“ odpovedal Marek. En: “Of course, Ivana,” Marek answered. Sk: „Pred rokom som mala zlý vzťah. Bývalý ma zradil a bol ku mne nečestný. Bojím sa opäť veriť,“ priznala Ivana. En: “A year ago, I had a bad relationship. My ex betrayed me and was dishonest. I'm afraid to trust again,” Ivana admitted. Sk: Marek sa na chvíľu zamyslel. En: Marek thought for a moment. Sk: Potom sa nadýchol a odpovedal: „Chápem ťa. En: Then he took a deep breath and replied, “I understand you. Sk: Ja tiež nie som najotvorenejší. En: I’m not the most open person either. Sk: Niekedy je ťažké sa otvoriť. En: Sometimes it’s hard to open up. Sk: Ale chcem to skúsiť. En: But I want to try. Sk: Chcem ti ukázať, že som iný. En: I want to show you that I’m different.” Sk: Ivana bola prekvapená jeho úprimnosťou. En: Ivana was surprised by his honesty. Sk: Cítila, že by mu mohla veriť. En: She felt that she could trust him. Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchla a povedala: „Myslím, že môžeme začať pomaly. En: She took a deep breath and said, “I think we can start slowly. Sk: Učíť sa dôverovať jeden druhému. En: Learning to trust each other.” Sk: Marek sa usmial a prikývol: „Súhlasím. En: Marek smiled and nodded: “I agree. Sk: Nie je nutné ponáhľať sa. En: There’s no need to rush. Sk: Hlavné je byť úprimný a otvorený. En: The main thing is to be honest and open.” Sk: Ich prvý rande skončilo lepšie, než Ivana očakávala. En: Their first date ended better than Ivana had expected. Sk: Obaja vedeli, že to nebude ľahké, ale tiež vedeli, že to stojí za to. En: Both of them knew it wouldn’t be easy, but they also knew it was worth it. Sk: Takto začala ich cesta k novému začiatku. En: This is how their journey to a new beginning started. Sk: Ivana sa učila opäť veriť a Marek sa učil byť otvorený. En: Ivana was learning to trust again, and Marek was learning to be open. Sk: Spolu tvorili nový príbeh v starom, krásnom Káveňi Slávia. En: Together, they created a new story in the old, beautiful Café Slávia. Vocabulary Words: - full: plná - view: výhľad - busy: rušné - surface: povrchom - nervous: nervózna - relationship: vzťah - ended: skončil - afraid: strach - gentle: jemný - connection: spojenie - missing: chýbalo - approached: priblížil - ordered: objednali si - conversation: rozhovor - developer: vývojár - passion: vášeň - interests: záujmoch - cautiously: opatrne - betrayed: zradil - dishonest: nečestný - breathe: nadýchol - reply: odpovedať - open: otvoriť - slowly: pomaly - rush: ponáhľať sa - honest: úprimnosť - agree: súhlasím - end: skončilo - better: lepšie - worth: stojí
    Played 16m 42s
  • Cracking the Code: A Startup's Night of Suspense and Triumph

    25 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Cracking the Code: A Startup's Night of Suspense and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/cracking-the-code-a-startups-night-of-suspense-and-triumph/ Story Transcript: Sk: Na slnečný letný deň, Marek a Alena sedeli v Startup Inkubátore. En: On a sunny summer day, Marek and Alena were sitting in the Startup Incubator. Sk: Tento moderný kancelársky priestor bol plný najnovších technológií. En: This modern office space was filled with the latest technologies. Sk: Všade bolo cítiť vzrušenie. En: There was excitement in the air. Sk: Každý pracoval na svojom inovatívnom projekte. En: Everyone was working on their innovative project. Sk: Marek bol ambiciózny podnikateľ. En: Marek was an ambitious entrepreneur. Sk: Chcel opraviť prototyp pred veľkým stretnutím s investorom. En: He wanted to fix the prototype before a big meeting with an investor. Sk: Alena bola jeho skeptická, ale brilantná spoluzakladateľka. En: Alena was his skeptical but brilliant co-founder. Sk: Bola veľmi opatrná a myslieť, že Marek niekedy riskuje príliš veľa. En: She was very cautious and thought that Marek sometimes took too many risks. Sk: Prototyp však začal záhadne zlyhávať. En: However, the prototype began to mysteriously fail. Sk: Marek a Alena nevedeli prečo. En: Marek and Alena didn’t know why. Sk: Vznikli podozrenia o sabotáži. En: Suspicions of sabotage arose. Sk: Marek sa rozhodol zostať v inkubátore cez noc, aby problém vyriešil. En: Marek decided to stay in the incubator overnight to solve the problem. Sk: Alena mala pochybnosti. En: Alena was doubtful. Sk: Nevedela, či to stojí za to. En: She didn’t know if it was worth it. Sk: Bolo neskoro večer. En: It was late in the evening. Sk: Kancelária bola tichá. En: The office was quiet. Sk: Všade okolo seba mal Marek len počítače a súčiastky. En: Marek was surrounded only by computers and components. Sk: Pracoval neúnavne. Prezeral kód riadok po riadku. En: He worked tirelessly, reviewing code line by line. Sk: Bolo to ako hľadanie ihly v kôpke sena. En: It was like searching for a needle in a haystack. Sk: Náhle Marek objavil skrytý časť kódu. En: Suddenly, Marek discovered a hidden part of the code. Sk: Mohlo to byť príčinou problémov. En: This could be the cause of the problems. Sk: Marek upravil kód a zapojil prototyp znova. En: Marek modified the code and reconnected the prototype. Sk: Na druhý deň ráno bol prototyp pripravený. En: The next morning, the prototype was ready. Sk: Marek a Alena sa stretli s investorom. En: Marek and Alena met with the investor. Sk: Prototyp fungoval perfektne. En: The prototype worked perfectly. Sk: Investor bol ohromený. En: The investor was impressed. Sk: Marek sa naučil dôverovať svojim inštinktom a robiť rozhodné kroky. En: Marek learned to trust his instincts and make decisive moves. Sk: Alena nadobudla dôveru v Marekovu vodcovskú schopnosť. En: Alena gained confidence in Marek’s leadership abilities. Sk: Spolu dosiahli úspech. En: Together they achieved success. Sk: V kancelárii Startup Inkubátoru vládlo nadšenie. En: Excitement reigned in the office of the Startup Incubator. Sk: Marek a Alena vedeli, že to bol len začiatok ich cesty. En: Marek and Alena knew this was just the beginning of their journey. Sk: Ale teraz už vedeli, že spolu môžu dosiahnuť veľké veci. En: But now they knew that together they could achieve great things. Vocabulary Words: - sunny: slnečný - modern: moderný - excitement: vzrušenie - innovative: inovatívny - entrepreneur: podnikateľ - prototype: prototyp - meeting: stretnutie - skeptical: skeptická - cautious: opatrná - sabotage: sabotáž - decided: rozhodol - doubtful: pochybnosti - component: súčiastka - tirelessly: neúnavne - searching: hľadanie - needle: ihla - haystack: kôpka sena - hidden: skrytý - modified: upravil - ready: pripravený - impressed: ohromený - instincts: inštinkty - decisive: rozhodné - confidence: dôveru - leadership: vodcovskú schopnosť - achieved: dosiahli - success: úspech - journey: cesta - reigned: vládlo - great: veľké
    Played 12m 55s

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
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