
AI Tours: Explore Dubrovnik's History in Augmented Reality

Jun 8, 2024 · 19m 28s
AI Tours: Explore Dubrovnik's History in Augmented Reality

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 40s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: AI Tours: Explore Dubrovnik's History in Augmented Reality Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Suncem obasjani kameni uličici starog...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: AI Tours: Explore Dubrovnik's History in Augmented Reality
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Suncem obasjani kameni uličici starog Dubrovnika, Ivana, Marko i Luka užurbano hodaju prema Stradunu.
En: On a sunlit cobblestone alley in old Dubrovnik, Ivana, Marko, and Luka hurriedly walked towards Stradun.

Hr: Sjaj novog dana širio se gradskim zidinama i prožimao srca turista.
En: The brilliance of the new day spread over the city walls and permeated the hearts of tourists.

Hr: Nervozno su čekali, jer će danas prvi put doživjeti obilazak vođen naprednim AI sustavom.
En: They waited nervously, as today they would experience their first tour guided by an advanced AI system.

Hr: Ivana je pažljivo držala smartphone.
En: Ivana carefully held her smartphone.

Hr: "Jeste spremni?
En: "Are you ready?"

Hr: " upitala je svoje prijatelje.
En: she asked her friends.

Hr: Aplikacija je omogućavala prikaz povijesti kroz naočale za proširenu stvarnost.
En: The app allowed them to view history through augmented reality glasses.

Hr: "Povežite se sada," dodala je Ivana.
En: "Connect now," Ivana added.

Hr: Marko i Luka su brzo također upalili svoje uređaje.
En: Marko and Luka quickly turned on their devices as well.

Hr: “Ovo je nevjerojatno,” rekao je Marko kad su se naočale uključile.
En: "This is incredible," Marko said as the glasses turned on.

Hr: Grad im je oživio pred očima, pomiješan sa slikama iz prošlosti.
En: The city came alive before their eyes, mixed with images from the past.

Hr: Ljudi u srednjovjekovnoj odjeći hodali su ulicama, dok su konjanici polako prošli kroz gradska vrata.
En: People in medieval clothing walked the streets, while horsemen slowly passed through the city gates.

Hr: Sustav je govorio s blagom, mirnom glasu.
En: The system spoke with a soft, calm voice.

Hr: "Dobrodošli u Stari Dubrovnik.
En: "Welcome to Old Dubrovnik.

Hr: Pogledajte Luku, glavnu ulaznu luku grada.
En: Take a look at the harbor, the main entrance to the city.

Hr: U prošlosti, ovdje su pristajale trgovačke galije.
En: In the past, merchant galleys docked here."

Hr: " Luka je bio zadivljen.
En: Luka was amazed.

Hr: "Predivno!
En: "Beautiful!"

Hr: "Šetali su ulicama, a aplikacija ih je vodila kroz svaku interesantnu točku.
En: They strolled through the streets, and the app guided them through each point of interest.

Hr: "Ovo je Knežev dvor," pokazala je Ivana.
En: "This is the Rector's Palace," Ivana pointed out.

Hr: Transparentne slike povijesnih trenutaka miješale su se sa stvarnim pogledom na dvor.
En: Transparent images of historical moments blended with the actual view of the palace.

Hr: Ali, dogodilo se nešto čudno.
En: But then something strange happened.

Hr: Sustav je počeo pokazivati pogrešne informacije.
En: The system started showing incorrect information.

Hr: Mjesta su bila krivo prepoznata.
En: Places were misidentified.

Hr: "Vratimo se natrag," predložio je Marko.
En: "Let's go back," Marko suggested.

Hr: "Ne možemo ovako uživati.
En: "We can't enjoy it like this."

Hr: "Pronašli su tehničku podršku kod Pomorskog muzeja.
En: They found technical support at the Maritime Museum.

Hr: "Mora da se nešto pokvarilo," rekao je tehničar, brzo pritišćući tipke na svojoj konzoli.
En: "Something must have gone wrong," the technician said, quickly pressing buttons on his console.

Hr: Na ekranu je iskrsnula crvena greška.
En: A red error appeared on the screen.

Hr: Dok su čekali da se problem riješi, Ivana, Marko i Luka sjeli su na stepenice muzeja.
En: While waiting for the issue to be resolved, Ivana, Marko, and Luka sat on the museum steps.

Hr: "Zamislite kako je ovo bilo prije," rekla je Ivana.
En: "Imagine what it was like before," Ivana said.

Hr: "Bez tehnologije, ljudi su se tvrdoglavo držali svog znanja.
En: "Without technology, people stubbornly held on to their knowledge."

Hr: "Napokon, tehničar je popravio sustav.
En: Finally, the technician fixed the system.

Hr: "Sada bi trebalo funkcionirati," rekao je s osmijehom.
En: "It should work now," he said with a smile.

Hr: Vratili su naočale i AR ponovno oživio.
En: They put their glasses back on, and AR came to life again.

Hr: "Hajdemo završiti turneju," predložio je Luka.
En: "Let's finish the tour," Luka suggested.

Hr: Vratili su se na Stradun i nastavili s razgledavanjem.
En: They returned to Stradun and continued their sightseeing.

Hr: Sustav je sada besprijekorno radio, pokazujući fascinantne povijesne činjenice.
En: The system now worked flawlessly, presenting fascinating historical facts.

Hr: "Pogledaj, tamo je stari Orlandov stup," rekao je Marko.
En: "Look, there's the old Orlando's Column," Marko said.

Hr: AI je opisivao svakodnevni život Dubrovčana prošlih stoljeća.
En: The AI described the everyday life of Dubrovnik residents from centuries past.

Hr: Kada su završili, osjećali su se kao da su doživjeli pravi povratak u prošlost.
En: When they finished, they felt as if they had experienced a genuine return to the past.

Hr: "Ovo je bilo nevjerojatno iskustvo," rekla je Ivana.
En: "This was an incredible experience," Ivana said.

Hr: "Sve su te informacije bile točne.
En: "All the information was accurate."

Hr: "Krenuli su kući s novim uspomenama i obnovljenom ljubavlju prema svom gradu.
En: They headed home with new memories and a renewed love for their city.

Hr: "Progres je dobar," zaključio je Luka.
En: "Progress is good," Luka concluded.

Hr: "Ali ništa ne može zamijeniti ljudsku priču i povijest.
En: "But nothing can replace the human story and history."

Hr: "Prekrasan dan završio je, a večer je pokrila Dubrovnik mekim velom noći.
En: The beautiful day ended, and the evening covered Dubrovnik with a soft veil of night.

Hr: Tri prijatelja znali su da će se uvijek sjećati ovog posebnog dana, jer tehnologija ih je spojila s prošlošću na način koji nisu mogli zamisliti.
En: The three friends knew they would always remember this special day, for technology had connected them to the past in a way they never imagined.

Hr: I tako su Ivana, Marko i Luka s osmjehom na licu otišli dalje u noć, svjesni da je povijest nešto što se uvijek čuva i obnavlja u srcu.
En: And so, with smiles on their faces, Ivana, Marko, and Luka walked into the night, aware that history is something always preserved and renewed in the heart.

Hr: Kraj.
En: The End.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunlit: suncem obasjani
  • cobblestone: kameni
  • alley: uličica
  • brilliance: sjaj
  • city walls: gradske zidine
  • permeated: prožimao
  • tourists: turista
  • nervously: nervozno
  • augmented reality glasses: naočale za proširenu stvarnost
  • medieval: srednjovjekovni
  • horsemen: konjanici
  • harbor: luka
  • merchant galleys: trgovačke galije
  • rector: knez
  • blended: miješale
  • incorrect: pogrešne
  • misidentified: krivo prepoznata
  • technical support: tehnička podrška
  • technician: tehničar
  • console: konzola
  • error: greška
  • resolved: riješi
  • historical: povijesne
  • facts: činjenice
  • described: opisivao
  • genuine: pravi
  • renewed: obnovljenom
  • progress: progres
  • memories: uspomene
  • covered: pokrila
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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