
An Autumn Brew: A Tale of Collaboration and Courage

Sep 5, 2024 · 17m 34s
An Autumn Brew: A Tale of Collaboration and Courage

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: An Autumn Brew: A Tale of Collaboration and Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Dros y dail melyn...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: An Autumn Brew: A Tale of Collaboration and Courage
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Dros y dail melyn sy’n cwympo y tu allan, roedd arogl coffi ffres yn llenwi'r roastery yng Nghaerdydd.
En: Amidst the yellow leaves falling outside, the aroma of fresh coffee filled the roastery in Cardiff.

Cy: Roedd Rhys, gweithiwr ifanc a brwdfrydig, yn treulio ei ddyddiau hydref yno, yn ceisio creu'r cyfuniad coffi perffaith ar gyfer y tymor.
En: Rhys, a young and enthusiastic worker, spent his autumn days there, trying to create the perfect coffee blend for the season.

Cy: Yn ei galon, roedd Rhys yn awyddus i greu rhywbeth arbennig, rhywbeth a fyddai'n creu argraff ar ei fos.
En: In his heart, Rhys was eager to create something special, something that would impress his boss.

Cy: Ond roedd un rhwystr, sef ei gyflwr iechyd a gadwodd yn gyfrinach.
En: But there was one obstacle: his health condition, which he kept secret.

Cy: Am fore dymunol arall, roedd Eira, cwsmer rheolaidd a meddyg hyfforddedig, yn eistedd wrth fwrdd yn mwynhau ei latte.
En: On another pleasant morning, Eira, a regular customer and a trained doctor, sat at a table enjoying her latte.

Cy: Edrychodd ar Rhys, yn sylwi ar ei ddiwydrwydd wrth y peiriannau coffi.
En: She looked at Rhys, noticing his diligence at the coffee machines.

Cy: Cyfresu, roedd bob amser wedi ei hudo gan ei angerdd.
En: Secretly, she was always captivated by his passion.

Cy: Wrth arllwys y ffa newydd a hufennog i'r drymiau rhostio mawr, teimlai Rhys sydyn ddiffyg yn ei chest.
En: As he poured the new, creamy beans into the large roasting drums, Rhys suddenly felt a tightness in his chest.

Cy: Roedd yn gwybod bod hyn yn arwydd o’i alergeddau’n actifo, a roddod arswyd iddo.
En: He knew this was a sign that his allergies were triggering, and it terrified him.

Cy: Efallai bod rhywbeth wedi activio ei alergedd, ond nid oedd yn gwybod beth.
En: Something had possibly activated his allergy, but he didn’t know what.

Cy: Roedd poeni am fynd ato ei fos yn peri embaras iddo.
En: He was worried about talking to his boss, fearing embarrassment.

Cy: Erbyn hyn, teimlai Eira rywbeth yn anghywir.
En: By now, Eira felt something was wrong.

Cy: Cododd o’i bwrdd a mynd at Rhys.
En: She got up from her table and approached Rhys.

Cy: "Ti'n iawn, Rhys?
En: "Are you okay, Rhys?"

Cy: " gofynnodd hi’n garedig.
En: she asked kindly.

Cy: Yn llawn pryder, credai Rhys y gallai reoli, ond deallodd na allai wneud hyn ar ei ben ei hun.
En: Full of anxiety, Rhys thought he could manage, but realized he couldn’t do this on his own.

Cy: "Rwy'n fine," meddai'n wangalon, ond roedd ei boen yn amlwg.
En: "I'm fine," he said weakly, but his pain was obvious.

Cy: Gweddodd Eira i edrych yn agosach, yna dywedodd, "Gad i fi helpu.
En: Eira leaned in closer, then said, "Let me help.

Cy: Os gwelwch yn dda, bydd hyn yn well nag ymdopi ar dy ben dy hun.
En: Please, this will be better than coping on your own."

Cy: "Dim ond am eiliad y petrusodd Rhys, ond gwyddai na allai addo'r cyfuniad hwn heb rywun i ddibynnu arno yn awr.
En: Rhys hesitated for only a moment, but knew he couldn’t complete this blend without someone to rely on now.

Cy: "Diolch, ond ma’ gen i alergedd, ac mae achosi problemau nawr.
En: "Thank you, but I have an allergy, and it's causing problems now."

Cy: "Fe roddodd Eira gymorth meddygol i Rhys yn syth.
En: Eira immediately provided medical assistance to Rhys.

Cy: Gan ddefnyddio profiad a hyfforddiant, llwyddodd i’w helpu i sefydlogi’r cyflwr.
En: Using her experience and training, she managed to help him stabilize his condition.

Cy: Yna, gyda’i gilydd, dychwelodd Rhys i orffen y rhost coffi ar gyfer blasu.
En: Then, together, Rhys returned to finish roasting the coffee for tasting.

Cy: Ychydig oriau ar ôl y digwyddiad, daeth y bos i flasu'r coffi newydd.
En: A few hours after the incident, the boss came to taste the new coffee.

Cy: Roedd Eira yn sefyll yn y cefn, gwylio a dal i fod wrth eu hochr.
En: Eira stood in the back, watching and still by his side.

Cy: Cyflwynodd Rhys y cyfuniad newydd gyda balchder a gobaith.
En: Rhys presented the new blend with pride and hope.

Cy: Yn y diwedd, gwenodd y bos a dywedodd, "Rhys, mae hwn yn wych!
En: In the end, the boss smiled and said, "Rhys, this is fantastic!"

Cy: " Trechalodd teimlad Rhys o ofid wrth iddo dderbyn canmoliaeth haeddiannol.
En: Rhys's feelings of distress were overcome as he received well-deserved praise.

Cy: Wedyn, trodd at Eira, "Diolch.
En: Then he turned to Eira, "Thank you.

Cy: Hebddot ti, ni fyddwn wedi llwyddo.
En: Without you, I wouldn't have succeeded."

Cy: "Dywedodd Eira gyda gwên, "Coffi dda bob amser yn well gyda chydweithio.
En: Eira replied with a smile, "Good coffee is always better with collaboration."

Cy: " Daeth Rhys i ddeall bod gofyn am help yn gallu bod yn gryfder, nid gwendid.
En: Rhys came to understand that asking for help can be a strength, not a weakness.

Cy: Roedd y dail yn dal i gwympo allan, a gyda’r arogl coffi ffres yn dal mewn lle, roedd Rhys yn teimlo'n fwy sicr o'i ymdrechion.
En: The leaves were still falling outside, and with the aroma of fresh coffee still in the air, Rhys felt more confident in his efforts.

Cy: Roedd yn wybod i siarad am ei iechyd mewn ffordd agored a dysgu bod derbyn cefnogaeth gan gyfeillion yn werthfawr iawn.
En: He realized the importance of speaking openly about his health and learned that receiving support from friends was incredibly valuable.

Cy: Ac roedd Eira yn falch, yn gwybod ei bod wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth mewn bywyd rhywun.
En: And Eira was pleased, knowing she had made a difference in someone’s life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • amidst: dros
  • aroma: arogl
  • roastery: roastery
  • enthusiastic: brwdfrydig
  • blend: cyfuniad
  • eager: awyddus
  • obstacle: rhwystr
  • condition: cyflwr
  • secret: cyfrinach
  • pleasant: dymunol
  • diligence: diwydrwydd
  • captivated: hudo
  • pour: arllwys
  • creamy: hufennog
  • drums: drymiau
  • tightness: diffyg
  • triggering: actifo
  • terrified: arswyd
  • embarrassment: embarâs
  • anxiety: pryder
  • hesitated: petrusodd
  • stabilize: sefydlogi
  • tasting: blasu
  • incident: digwyddiad
  • pride: balchder
  • distress: ofid
  • praise: canmoliaeth
  • collaboration: cydweithio
  • confidence: sicr
  • valuable: werthfawr
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