
An Autumn Tale: Friendship Blossoms in Ljubljana's Orphanage

Sep 12, 2024 · 16m 11s
An Autumn Tale: Friendship Blossoms in Ljubljana's Orphanage

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: An Autumn Tale: Friendship Blossoms in Ljubljana's Orphanage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V okrožju polnem zlatih barv...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: An Autumn Tale: Friendship Blossoms in Ljubljana's Orphanage
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V okrožju polnem zlatih barv listja, kjer se jesen igrivo razprostira, stoji sirotišnica v Ljubljani.
En: In a district filled with the golden hues of leaves, where autumn playfully unfolds, there stands an orphanage in Ljubljana.

Sl: Otroci hitijo po hodnikih, v zraku pa je čutiti mešanico vznemirjenja in živčnosti, saj se bliža začetek novega šolskega leta.
En: Children rush through the hallways, and the air is filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness, as the start of the new school year approaches.

Sl: Med njimi je Anže, tih in premišljen fant, ki se pogosto izgublja v svetu knjig.
En: Among them is Anže, a quiet and thoughtful boy who often loses himself in the world of books.

Sl: Njihov svet mu prinaša mir, a tudi osamljenost.
En: Their world brings him peace, but also loneliness.

Sl: Katja, vesela in ustvarjalna deklica, je pred kratkim prispela v sirotišnico.
En: Katja, a cheerful and creative girl, recently arrived at the orphanage.

Sl: Prišla je z velikimi sanjami, postati pisateljica in deliti svoje zgodbe z drugimi.
En: She came with big dreams of becoming a writer and sharing her stories with others.

Sl: A nov kraj je težak.
En: But a new place is challenging.

Sl: Vse je novo, vsi obrazi tuji.
En: Everything is unfamiliar, all faces foreign.

Sl: Anže je pogosto sedel v kotičku knjižnice, skrit za platnicami svojih najljubših knjig.
En: Anže often sat in a corner of the library, hidden behind the covers of his favorite books.

Sl: Nekega dne, pogumno premagavši svojo sramežljivost, je vzel svojo najljubšo knjigo s polico in si zaželel, da bi jo delil z nekom, ki bi ga razumel.
En: One day, conquering his shyness, he took his favorite book from the shelf and wished to share it with someone who would understand him.

Sl: A koga?
En: But who?

Sl: Medtem je Katja na dvorišču opazovala svet okoli sebe.
En: Meanwhile, Katja was observing the world around her in the courtyard.

Sl: Vsak otrok ji je bil kot lik v njeni glavi.
En: Every child was like a character in her mind.

Sl: Njihove zgodbe so bile neštete.
En: Their stories were countless.

Sl: Ko je opazila Anžeta s knjigo v roki, se ji je porodila ideja.
En: When she noticed Anže with a book in hand, an idea sparked.

Sl: Skriti Anže postane junak njene nove zgodbe.
En: The hidden Anže became the hero of her new story.

Sl: Svojo zamisel je zapisala, njena pisava je oživela njen svet.
En: She wrote down her idea, her writing bringing her world to life.

Sl: Zvočne podobe Anžeta, njegove tišine in sanj, so se oblikovale v besedah na papirju.
En: The auditory images of Anže, his silences and dreams, transformed into words on paper.

Sl: Po dnevu ali dveh je bila njena zgodba pripravljena.
En: After a day or two, her story was ready.

Sl: Nekega petkovega večera so vsi otroci sedeli zbrani v dnevnem prostoru.
En: One Friday evening, all the children gathered in the living room.

Sl: Katja je, nekoliko živčna, začela brati svojo zgodbo.
En: Katja, slightly nervous, began to read her story.

Sl: Glas se ji je tresel, a sčasoma se je umiril.
En: Her voice trembled, but gradually it steadied.

Sl: Njene besede so lebdele po prostoru, in Anže, ki je bil med poslušalci, je počasi začel razumeti.
En: Her words floated through the room, and Anže, who was among the listeners, slowly began to understand.

Sl: On je bil lik v njenem pisanju.
En: He was the character in her writing.

Sl: Ko je Katja končala, je vzdušje napolnila tišina.
En: When Katja finished, the atmosphere was filled with silence.

Sl: V tej tišini je bil Anže premagan z mešanico občutkov.
En: In this silence, Anže was overwhelmed with a mix of emotions.

Sl: Nenadoma je zbral pogum in pristopil k njej.
En: Suddenly, he gathered the courage to approach her.

Sl: "Hvala," je rekel, malo nerodno, a z iskricami v očeh.
En: "Thank you," he said, a bit awkwardly but with a sparkle in his eyes.

Sl: "Tvoja zgodba je lepa.
En: "Your story is beautiful."

Sl: "Njun pogovor je stekel in z vsakim trenutkom sta se zdela bližje.
En: Their conversation flowed, and with every moment, they seemed closer.

Sl: Anže je spoznal, da prijateljstvo morda ni tako daljnosežno, kot je mislil.
En: Anže realized that friendship might not be as distant as he thought.

Sl: Katja je v njem našla poslušalca in prijatelja, navdih za nove zgodbe.
En: Katja found in him a listener and a friend, an inspiration for new stories.

Sl: Zunaj je nežno pihal veter, listje pa je plesalo po tleh.
En: Outside, the wind blew gently, and the leaves danced on the ground.

Sl: Tako sta se začela nova poglavja v življenjih Anžeta in Katje, poglavja prijateljstva in upanja.
En: Thus began new chapters in the lives of Anže and Katja, chapters of friendship and hope.

Sl: Oranžna in zlata jesen je bila zanje začetek, ne konec.
En: The orange and golden autumn was a beginning for them, not an end.

Vocabulary Words:
  • district: okrožje
  • hues: barve
  • orphanage: sirotišnica
  • hallways: hodniki
  • excitement: vznemirjenje
  • nervousness: živčnost
  • approaches: bliža
  • thoughtful: premišljen
  • loneliness: osamljenost
  • cheerful: vesel
  • creative: ustvarjalen
  • unfamiliar: tuj
  • conquering: premagavši
  • shyness: sramežljivost
  • observing: opazovati
  • courtyard: dvorišče
  • countless: neštet
  • auditory: zvočne
  • trembled: tresel
  • steadied: umiril
  • overwhelmed: premagan
  • awkwardly: nerodno
  • sparkle: iskrice
  • listener: poslušalec
  • inspiration: navdih
  • blow: pihati
  • gently: nežno
  • chapters: poglavja
  • hope: upanje
  • beginning: začetek
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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