
Ana's Feathered Surprise: Finding Joy in the Unexpected

Sep 12, 2024 · 14m 44s
Ana's Feathered Surprise: Finding Joy in the Unexpected

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 55s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ana's Feathered Surprise: Finding Joy in the Unexpected Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Ana je često osjećala tišinu...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ana's Feathered Surprise: Finding Joy in the Unexpected
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Ana je često osjećala tišinu u svom stanu.
En: Ana often felt the silence in her apartment.

Hr: Voljela je životinje jer su joj pružale društvo.
En: She loved animals because they provided her with companionship.

Hr: Jednog kasnog ljetnog poslijepodneva odlučila je posjetiti lokalno sirotište za životinje u malom hrvatskom selu.
En: One late summer afternoon, she decided to visit the local animal shelter in a small Croatian village.

Hr: Sirotište je bilo okruženo blagim brdima i cvjetnim vrtom, punim kasnoljetnog cvijeća.
En: The shelter was surrounded by gentle hills and a flower garden full of late summer blooms.

Hr: Ovdje su ladoleži i lavande mirisale zrak, stvarajući mirnu atmosferu.
En: The scent of marigolds and lavender filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Hr: Sljedeće je popodne povela svog prijatelja Marka.
En: The next afternoon, she took her friend Marko with her.

Hr: Marko je bio skeptičan oko njezine ideje, ali radoznalo ju je pratio.
En: Marko was skeptical about her idea but followed her out of curiosity.

Hr: "Ana, jesi li sigurna da želiš mačku?
En: "Ana, are you sure you want a cat?"

Hr: " upitao je.
En: he asked.

Hr: Ana je klimnula i rekla: "Mačka bi mi bila idealno društvo.
En: Ana nodded and said, "A cat would be the perfect companion for me."

Hr: "Dok su hodali kroz vrt, Ana je ugledala veliko bijelo stvorenje s perjem.
En: As they walked through the garden, Ana spotted a large white creature with feathers.

Hr: Na natpisu je pisalo "Egzotična pasmina.
En: The sign read "Exotic breed."

Hr: " Nije pročitala ostatak i pretpostavila je da je to rijetka vrsta mačke.
En: She didn't read the rest and assumed it was a rare breed of cat.

Hr: Bez puno razmišljanja, Ana je odlučila uzeti to što je smatrala "mačkom" kući.
En: Without much thought, Ana decided to take what she believed was a "cat" home.

Hr: Kad su stigli kući, Ana je pustila tu "mačku" iz kutije.
En: When they got home, Ana released the "cat" from the box.

Hr: Marko se nasmijao: "Ana, to nije mačka, to je kokoš!
En: Marko laughed, "Ana, that's not a cat, it's a chicken!"

Hr: " Ana je pogledala u životinju potpuno iznenađena, ali uskoro se i sama nasmijala.
En: Ana looked at the animal completely surprised, but soon she was laughing too.

Hr: Iako nije dobila mačku koju je htjela, odlučila je zadržati kokoš.
En: Even though she didn’t get the cat she wanted, she decided to keep the chicken.

Hr: "Možda mi mala prijateljica neće praviti društvo na isti način, ali i dalje će biti zabavno," rekla je vedro.
En: "Maybe my little friend won't keep me company in the same way, but it will still be fun," she said cheerfully.

Hr: Tjedan dana kasnije, Ana je pozvala nekoliko prijatelja na večeru.
En: A week later, Ana invited a few friends over for dinner.

Hr: Kokoš, koju je nazvala Klara, izazvala je pravi kaos svojim lepršavim krilima i skakanjem po stolu.
En: The chicken, which she named Klara, caused a real commotion with its flapping wings and jumping on the table.

Hr: Život i večera postali su buran spoj smijeha i iznenađenja.
En: Life and dinner became a lively mix of laughter and surprises.

Hr: Ana je gledala kaos s osmijehom.
En: Ana watched the chaos with a smile.

Hr: U toj nepredvidivoj situaciji pronašla je radost.
En: In that unpredictable situation, she found joy.

Hr: Shvatila je da Klara, iako nije očekivano društvo, unosi veselje u njezin život.
En: She realized that Klara, although an unexpected companion, brought happiness into her life.

Hr: Naučila je cijeniti iznenađenja koja donosi život.
En: She learned to appreciate the surprises that life brings.

Hr: Kao što je ljeto polako prelazilo u jesen, Ana je pronašla novog prijatelja u svojoj pernatoj kućnoj ljubimici.
En: As summer slowly turned into autumn, Ana found a new friend in her feathery pet.

Hr: Naučila je da nije sve uvijek onako kako očekujemo, ali ponekad iznenađenja donesu najveću sreću.
En: She learned that not everything is as expected, but sometimes surprises bring the greatest happiness.

Hr: Ana je postala spremnija prihvaćati neočekivano i pronalaziti ljepotu u svakodnevnim trenucima.
En: Ana became more open to embracing the unexpected and finding beauty in everyday moments.

Vocabulary Words:
  • companionship: društvo
  • shelter: sirotište
  • gentle hills: blaga brda
  • blooms: cvijeća
  • scent: mirisale
  • skeptical: skeptičan
  • curiosity: radoznalo
  • creature: stvorenje
  • rare breed: rijetka vrsta
  • unexpected: neočekivano
  • cheerfully: vedro
  • companion: prijatelj
  • commotion: kaos
  • flapping: lepršavim
  • unpredictable: nepredvidivoj
  • joy: radost
  • embracing: prihvaćati
  • bloom: ladoleži
  • peaceful: mirnu
  • companion: društvo
  • assumed: pretpostavila
  • realeased: pustila
  • surprised: iznenađena
  • keep company: praviti društvo
  • invited: pozvala
  • chaos: kaos
  • wing: krila
  • table: stolu
  • happiness: sreću
  • feathery: pernatoj
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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