
Artful Encounters: Mistake & Masterpieces

Apr 11, 2024 · 17m 29s
Artful Encounters: Mistake & Masterpieces

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 53s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Artful Encounters: Mistake & Masterpieces Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednoga sunčanog poslijepodneva u prekrasnom Dubrovniku, Luka i...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Artful Encounters: Mistake & Masterpieces
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednoga sunčanog poslijepodneva u prekrasnom Dubrovniku, Luka i Ivana su šetali uskim kaldrmisanim uličicama.
En: On a sunny afternoon in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, Luka and Ivana were walking along the narrow cobblestone streets.

Hr: Pod starim kamenim zidovima, prošaranim zlatom zalazećeg sunca, osjećali su se kao u nekoj staroj, dobroj priči.
En: Beneath the old stone walls, bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun, they felt as though they were in an old, cherished story.

Hr: Luka, visok i crnokos, uvijek je bio zaljubljenik u umjetnost, a Ivana, njegova najbolja prijateljica, često ga je pratila na izložbama, uvijek spremna čuti njegove strastvene rasprave o umjetničkim djelima.
En: Luka, tall and dark-haired, had always been a lover of art, and Ivana, his best friend, often accompanied him to exhibitions, always ready to listen to his passionate discussions about artistic works.

Hr: Danas su se uputili na otvorenje galerije koja je predstavljala radove navodno slavnog umjetnika, čije ime ni Luka nije uspio zapamtiti, ali je čvrsto vjerovao da će prepoznati njegova genijalna djela.
En: Today, they were headed to the opening of a gallery presenting the works of a supposedly famous artist, whose name Luka couldn't seem to remember, but he firmly believed he would recognize his brilliant pieces.

Hr: Kada su ušli u galeriju, zidovi su bili prekriveni očaravajućim djelima.
En: As they entered the gallery, the walls were covered with enchanting artwork.

Hr: U srcu galerije stajao je stariji muškarac, sijede kose, odjeven u jednostavne ribarske odjeće, stisnuvši šešir u ruke.
En: In the heart of the gallery stood an older man, with grey hair, dressed in simple fishing attire, clutching a hat in his hands.

Hr: Luka je pomislio: "To mora biti on, skromni genije koji stoji pored svojih remek-djela!"
En: Luka thought to himself, "This must be him, the humble genius who stands beside his masterpieces!"

Hr: Prišavši mu spremno, Luka je ushićeno rekao: "Vaš rad je izvanredan, svaka čast! Kako uspijevate uhvatiti srž Dalmacije tako živo na platnu?"
En: Approaching him eagerly, Luka exclaimed, "Your work is extraordinary, truly remarkable! How do you manage to capture the essence of Dalmatia so vividly on canvas?"

Hr: Muškarac je zbunjeno pogledao Luku, a zatim i Ivana koja je stajala pokraj smijući se.
En: The man looked at Luka with confusion, and then at Ivana who stood beside him, giggling.

Hr: "O čemu ti to, momče?", odgovori mu ribar s blagim smiješkom. "Ja sam samo došao pogledati ove slike jer mi je nećak rekao da su lijepe. Ja inače provodim dane na moru, hvatam ribu, a ne slikam."
En: "What are you talking about, young man?" the fisherman replied with a mild smile. "I just came to look at these paintings because my nephew told me they were beautiful. I usually spend my days at sea, catching fish, not painting."

Hr: Luka je osjetio kako mu obrazi gorje od neugode, dok je Ivana jedva suzdržavala smijeh.
En: Luka felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment, while Ivana struggled to contain her laughter.

Hr: "Oh, ispričavam se", ispustio je Luka, "mislio sam..."
En: "Oh, I apologize," Luka muttered, "I thought..."

Hr: "Nema problema, mladiću", reče ribar, njegova srdačnost sprječavajući Luku da se osjeća još neugodnije.
En: "No problem, young man," the fisherman said, his warmth preventing Luka from feeling even more uncomfortable.

Hr: "Znaš, i ribar može cijeniti ljepotu, čak i ako sam ne može stvoriti ovakva remek-djela."
En: "You know, even a fisherman can appreciate beauty, even if he can't create such masterpieces."

Hr: Ivana je dotaknula Luku po ruci, njezin pogled pun razumijevanja.
En: Ivana touched Luka's arm, her gaze full of understanding.

Hr: "Dođi, vidjet ćemo tko je pravi umjetnik", reče ona, vodeći svog prijatelja dalje kroz galeriju.
En: "Come on, let's see who the real artist is," she said, leading her friend further into the gallery.

Hr: Hodajući, razgledali su slike, svaku s novim poštovanjem za tajanstvenog umjetnika čiji su identitet još uvijek tražili.
En: As they walked, they viewed the paintings, each with a newfound respect for the mysterious artist whose identity they were still seeking.

Hr: Nakon nekoliko minuta, stvarni umjetnik se pojavio. Bio je mladić s naočalama, tiho stajao u kutu i promatrao reakcije posjetitelja.
En: After a few minutes, the real artist appeared. He was a young man with glasses, quietly standing in a corner and observing the visitors' reactions.

Hr: Kad mu je Luka prišao, ovaj put s oprezom, znao je da je pronašao pravu osobu.
En: When Luka approached him, this time with caution, he knew he had found the right person.

Hr: "Vaša djela su me duboko dirnula", rekao je Luka, ovaj put ispravno adresiranom umjetniku.
En: "Your works have deeply moved me," Luka said, addressing the artist correctly this time.

Hr: "Svaka slika priča svoju priču, zar ne?", odgovorio je umjetnik s bljeskom u očima.
En: "Each painting tells its own story, doesn't it?" the artist replied, his eyes sparkling.

Hr: Luka i Ivana proveli su taj dan učeći o djelima i razgovarajući s umjetnikom, a smiješna konfuzija postala je priča koju su rado prepričavali.
En: Luka and Ivana spent the day learning about the works and conversing with the artist, and the amusing confusion turned into a story they joyfully retold.

Hr: Sunce je polako zalazilo, bacajući zadnje zrake na kamene fasade Dubrovnika, dok su se dvoje prijatelja smijući se uputili prema domu, sretni zbog novih uspomena i pouka naučenih tog dana.
En: The sun was slowly setting, casting its final rays on the stone facades of Dubrovnik, as the two friends, laughing, made their way home, happy with the new memories and lessons learned that day.

Vocabulary Words:
  • narrow: uski
  • cobblestone: kaldrmisanim
  • beneath: ispod
  • cherished: dojbljena
  • lover: zaljubljenik
  • exhibitions: izložbama
  • supposedly: navodno
  • recognize: prepoznati
  • enchanting: očaravajućim
  • elderly: stariji
  • clutching: stisnuvši
  • genius: genije
  • approaching: prišavši
  • extraordinary: izvanredan
  • essence: srž
  • confusion: zbunjenost
  • giggling: smijući se
  • prevent: sprječavajući
  • containing: suzdržavajući
  • joyfully: rado
  • sparkling: bljeskom
  • conversing: razgovarajući
  • joyfully: rado
  • reactions: reakcije
  • caution: oprezom
  • amusing: smiješna
  • lessons: pouka
  • viewers: posjetitelja
  • facades: fasade
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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