
Autumn's Truth: A Journey of Love and Friendship Unfolded

Sep 19, 2024 · 16m 36s
Autumn's Truth: A Journey of Love and Friendship Unfolded

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 49s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Autumn's Truth: A Journey of Love and Friendship Unfolded Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Dolazak jeseni donio je...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Autumn's Truth: A Journey of Love and Friendship Unfolded
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Dolazak jeseni donio je boje koje su okupale Plitvička jezera.
En: The arrival of autumn brought colors that enveloped the Plitvice Lakes.

Hr: Krošnje su bile zlatnožute i crvene, dok su slapovi nježno padali u bistre jezerske vode.
En: The treetops were golden-yellow and red, while the waterfalls gently fell into the clear lake waters.

Hr: Ante je u sebi osjećao uzbuđenje.
En: Ante felt excitement within him.

Hr: Danas je dan.
En: Today was the day.

Hr: Planirao je zaprositi Ivanu na stazi pokraj najljepšeg slapa.
En: He planned to propose to Ivana on the trail near the most beautiful waterfall.

Hr: Ivana je hodala ispred Ante, a pored nje bio je Mislav, Anteov najbolji prijatelj.
En: Ivana walked ahead of Ante, with Mislav, Ante's best friend, beside her.

Hr: Njih troje su zajedno došli na izlet.
En: The three of them had come together for a trip.

Hr: Ivana je uživala u šetnji, ali u njenom srcu bilo je puno pitanja.
En: Ivana enjoyed the walk, but her heart was full of questions.

Hr: Voljela je Antea, ali osjećala je da nešto nedostaje.
En: She loved Ante but felt something was missing.

Hr: Uz to, osjetila je nešto novo prema Mislavu, što ju je dodatno zbunjivalo.
En: Additionally, she felt something new towards Mislav, which further confused her.

Hr: Mislav je pokušavao sakriti svoje osjećaje prema Ivani.
En: Mislav tried to hide his feelings for Ivana.

Hr: No, svaki njezin osmijeh ga je podsjećao zašto mu je stalo do nje.
En: However, each of her smiles reminded him why he cared about her.

Hr: Ipak, Ante mu je bio kao brat, i Mislav nije mogao izdati to prijateljstvo.
En: Still, Ante was like a brother to him, and Mislav couldn't betray that friendship.

Hr: Stigli su do predivne točke kraj velikog slapa.
En: They reached a beautiful spot by the large waterfall.

Hr: Ante je pogledao Mislava, koji je diskretno kimnuo glavom u znak podrške.
En: Ante looked at Mislav, who discreetly nodded in support.

Hr: Ante se okrenuo prema Ivani, srce mu je ubrzano kucalo.
En: Ante turned to Ivana, his heart pounding.

Hr: "Ivana," započeo je Ante, dok je izvadio kutijicu s prstenom, "hoćeš li se udati za mene?"
En: "Ivana," Ante began as he took out a small ring box, "will you marry me?"

Hr: Ivana ga je pogledala.
En: Ivana looked at him.

Hr: Slap je tutnjao u pozadini, ali između njih je zavladao tišinu.
En: The waterfall roared in the background, but silence reigned between them.

Hr: Osjećala je pritisak trenutka.
En: She felt the pressure of the moment.

Hr: Njezin um i srce bili su u sukobu.
En: Her mind and heart were in conflict.

Hr: Tada je sve iznenada prekidao Mislav, nesvjesno promrmljavši: "Ivana, ja..."
En: Then, suddenly, Mislav inadvertently interrupted by murmuring, "Ivana, I..."

Hr: Ante se ukočio.
En: Ante froze.

Hr: Ivana i Mislav su se međusobno pogledali.
En: Ivana and Mislav looked at each other.

Hr: Napetost je rasla, ali nije bilo vrijeme za laži.
En: The tension grew, but there was no time for lies.

Hr: "Ante," rekla je Ivana tiho, "ne mogu reći da."
En: "Ante," Ivana said quietly, "I can't say yes."

Hr: Oči su se napunile suzama, ali ovoga puta bile su to suze olakšanja.
En: Tears filled her eyes, but this time they were tears of relief.

Hr: Ante je zatvorio kutijicu s prstenom.
En: Ante closed the ring box.

Hr: Osjetio je bol, ali i oslobađanje.
En: He felt pain but also liberation.

Hr: Odjednom mu je bilo jasno da je njihov odnos trebao biti drugačiji.
En: Suddenly, he understood their relationship was meant to be different.

Hr: Mislav je odvažio se i ispričao Antu o svojim osjećajima prema Ivani.
En: Mislav mustered the courage to tell Ante about his feelings for Ivana.

Hr: Ante ga je slušao tiho, ali s razumijevanjem.
En: Ante listened silently, but with understanding.

Hr: Na kraju, troje prijatelja vratilo se niz stazu.
En: In the end, the three friends walked back down the trail.

Hr: Iako prijedlog nije završio happy end, svatko je pronašao svoj mir.
En: Although the proposal did not end in a happy ending, each found their peace.

Hr: Sada su bili iskreniji, osjećali su se lakšima i spremnijima za prihvaćanje svog puta.
En: Now they were more honest, feeling lighter and more ready to embrace their paths.

Hr: S novim početkom, omotanim u jesenske boje Plitvica, Ante je shvatio da ljubav nije bila u velikim gestama.
En: With a new beginning wrapped in the autumn colors of Plitvice, Ante realized that love wasn't about grand gestures.

Hr: Ljubav je bila u iskrenosti.
En: Love was in honesty.

Hr: Ivana je prihvatila istinu kao svoj vodič.
En: Ivana accepted the truth as her guide.

Hr: Mislav je naučio vrijednost granica i prijateljstava koja su jača od prolaznih osjećaja.
En: Mislav learned the value of boundaries and friendships stronger than fleeting feelings.

Hr: Tako su zajedno, ali različiti, kročili prema novim pustolovinama.
En: So together, yet different, they moved forward toward new adventures.

Vocabulary Words:
  • arrival: dolazak
  • treetops: krošnje
  • enveloped: okupale
  • golden-yellow: zlatnožute
  • waterfalls: slapovi
  • excitement: uzbuđenje
  • propose: zaprositi
  • trail: staza
  • ahead: ispred
  • beside: pored
  • confused: zbunjivalo
  • hide: sakriti
  • betray: izdati
  • discreetly: diskretno
  • support: podrška
  • pounding: ubrzano kucalo
  • silence: tišina
  • pressure: pritisak
  • conflict: sukob
  • murmuring: promrmljavši
  • tension: napetost
  • betrayal: izdati
  • relief: olakšanja
  • liberation: oslobađanje
  • mustered: odvažio
  • honesty: iskrenost
  • embrace: prihvaćanje
  • fleeting: prolaznih
  • brother: brat
  • boundaries: granica
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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