
Autumn Whispers and Farewells by Lake Bled

Sep 1, 2024 · 16m 17s
Autumn Whispers and Farewells by Lake Bled

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 30s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Whispers and Farewells by Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Jesen je nežno počasi prihajala v...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Whispers and Farewells by Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Jesen je nežno počasi prihajala v kraj.
En: Autumn was gently arriving in the area.

Sl: Okoli Blejskega jezera so listi dreves začeli dobivati toplo paleto rumenih, rdečih in oranžnih odtenkov.
En: Around Lake Bled, the leaves on the trees began to take on a warm palette of yellow, red, and orange hues.

Sl: Na jezeru se je zrcalil otoček s cerkvico, ki je bil obdan s pozno popoldansko svetlobo.
En: On the lake, the island with the little church was reflected, surrounded by late afternoon light.

Sl: Mateja in Luka sta sedela na terasi majhne kavarne ob obali jezera.
En: Mateja and Luka were sitting on the terrace of a small café by the lake's edge.

Sl: Pred njima je bil lep pogled na mirne vode in otok v daljavi.
En: Before them lay a beautiful view of the serene waters and the island in the distance.

Sl: "To je res lepo," je rekla Mateja, medtem ko je stresla lase z rahlim vetričem.
En: "This is really beautiful," said Mateja as she shook her hair lightly in the breeze.

Sl: Bila je žalostna, a tudi malo vznemirjena zaradi odhoda v tujino.
En: She was sad, but also a little excited about moving abroad.

Sl: "Vem, Luka. Naša srečanja mi bodo zelo manjkala."
En: "I know, Luka. I'll really miss our meetings."

Sl: Luka je prikimal in se nasmehnil, vendar so njegove oči povedale drugačno zgodbo.
En: Luka nodded and smiled, but his eyes told a different story.

Sl: Imel je mešane občutke.
En: He had mixed feelings.

Sl: Vesel je bil za Mateja, ker je sledila svojim sanjam, vendar si je želel, da bi ostala.
En: He was happy for Mateja because she was following her dreams, but he wished she would stay.

Sl: "Vem, Mateja. Ampak vem tudi, da boš blestela. To je priložnost tvojega življenja."
En: "I know, Mateja. But I also know you will shine. This is the opportunity of a lifetime."

Sl: Oba sta nekaj trenutkov tiho gledala v jezero, nato pa sta se odločila za sprehod okoli jezera.
En: For a few moments, they both silently gazed at the lake, then decided to take a walk around it.

Sl: Popoln dan sta hotela doživeti skupaj.
En: They wanted to experience the perfect day together.

Sl: Hodila sta po poti, prekriti z odpadlim listjem, ki je šelestelo pod njunimi koraki.
En: They walked down the path covered with fallen leaves that rustled beneath their steps.

Sl: Ko sta se sprehajala mimo cerkvenega otočka, je Mateja nenadoma obstala.
En: As they walked past the church island, Mateja suddenly stopped.

Sl: Globoko je vdihnila in se soočila z Lukom.
En: She took a deep breath and faced Luka.

Sl: "Mislim, da se bojim," je priznala tiho.
En: "I think I'm scared," she admitted quietly.

Sl: "Nisem prepričana, če delam prav."
En: "I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing."

Sl: Luka jo je presenečeno pogledal.
En: Luka looked at her in surprise.

Sl: "Mateja..." je začel govoriti, vendar mu je Mateja prekrižala besedo s tistim pogledom, ki ga je poznal že od otroštva.
En: "Mateja..." he started to speak, but she interrupted him with a look he knew since childhood.

Sl: "Hočem, da veš, da mi je mar zate. Vedno mi je bilo mar," je rekel Luka, zdaj bolj odločno.
En: "I want you to know that I care about you. I've always cared," Luka said, now more firmly.

Sl: Mateja je prikimala, občutki so se zmehčali v njenem srcu.
En: Mateja nodded, her feelings softening in her heart.

Sl: Vedela je, da je vedno čutila nekaj posebnega zanj, vendar je bila osredotočena na svojo kariero.
En: She knew she always felt something special for him, but had been focused on her career.

Sl: "Tudi meni je mar zate, Luka. In tega se bom vedno spominjala."
En: "I care about you too, Luka. And I will always remember that."

Sl: Na koncu poti sta se ustavila in se zazrla v jezero.
En: At the end of the path, they stopped and gazed at the lake.

Sl: Mateja je čutila, da ima več jasnosti kot prej.
En: Mateja felt more clarity than before.

Sl: "Luka, odločila sem se," je rekla.
En: "Luka, I've made up my mind," she said.

Sl: "Moram iti. To je nekaj, kar moram narediti. Ampak bom ves čas v stiku."
En: "I have to go. It's something I need to do. But I'll keep in touch all the time."

Sl: Luka ji je odvrnil s toplim nasmehom.
En: Luka replied with a warm smile.

Sl: "In vedno bom tukaj, ko se vrneš."
En: "And I'll always be here when you return."

Sl: Objela sta se ob toplem jesenskem vetru, ki je šumel med drevesi.
En: They embraced in the warm autumn wind that rustled through the trees.

Sl: Na njuno prijateljstvo, ki ga je čakala preizkušnja časa in razdalje, pa sta oba gledala z novim upanjem.
En: Both looked at their friendship, which awaited a test of time and distance, with renewed hope.

Sl: Mateja je odšla s težko, a odločnejšo srčno pripravljena na svojo pot v svet in nova doživetja, ki jo čakajo.
En: Mateja left with a heavy but more resolved heart, ready for her journey into the world and the new experiences that awaited her.

Vocabulary Words:
  • autumn: jesen
  • gently: nežno
  • area: kraj
  • lake: jezero
  • reflection: zrcalil
  • terrace: terasa
  • serene: mirne
  • abroad: tujina
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • gazed: gledala
  • path: pot
  • covered: prekriti
  • fallen: odpadlim
  • leaves: listje
  • rustled: šelestelo
  • steps: koraki
  • breathe: vdihnila
  • afraid: bojim
  • admitted: priznala
  • surprise: presenečenje
  • interrupted: prekrižala
  • care: mar
  • softening: zmehčali
  • clarity: jasnosti
  • mind: odločila
  • embraced: objela
  • hope: upanje
  • resolved: odločnejša
  • friendship: prijateljstvo
  • journey: pot
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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