
Balance First: Mateja's Journey to Wellness and Perseverance

Aug 29, 2024 · 17m 11s
Balance First: Mateja's Journey to Wellness and Perseverance

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 10s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Balance First: Mateja's Journey to Wellness and Perseverance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi velika...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Balance First: Mateja's Journey to Wellness and Perseverance
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi velika okna Ljubljanske centralne bolnišnice.
En: The sun shone through the large windows of the Ljubljana Central Hospital.

Sl: Poletni žarki so osvetljevali čakalnico in risali svetle proge na sivih sedežih.
En: The summer rays illuminated the waiting room, drawing bright lines on the gray seats.

Sl: Kljub toplemu vremenu je bila v prostoru napetost.
En: Despite the warm weather, tension filled the room.

Sl: Mateja je sedela na enem od stolov, nervozno prepletajoč prste.
En: Mateja sat on one of the chairs, nervously intertwining her fingers.

Sl: Vse v tišini bolnišnice se ji je zdelo glasno – tiktakanje ure, šepetanje medicinskih sester.
En: Everything in the hospital's silence seemed loud to her—the ticking of the clock, the whispers of the nurses.

Sl: Mateja je bila mlada ženska, stara devetindvajset let.
En: Mateja was a young woman, twenty-nine years old.

Sl: Aktivno je živela, skrbela za zdravje, in vedno bila v gibanju.
En: She led an active life, took care of her health, and was always on the move.

Sl: Upala je, da bo sodelovala na dobrodelnem teku, ki ga je z veseljem pričakovala.
En: She hoped to participate in a charity run that she eagerly awaited.

Sl: Vendar zdaj je bilo vse odvisno od enega telefonskega klica.
En: However, now everything depended on a single phone call.

Sl: Luka, njen partner, je bil poleg nje. Poskušal jo je pomiriti.
En: Luka, her partner, was beside her, trying to calm her down.

Sl: »Vem, da bo vse v redu,« je rekel tiho, z roko na njenem ramenu.
En: "I know everything will be alright," he said quietly, his hand on her shoulder.

Sl: A Mateja je le odkimalo.
En: But Mateja just shook her head.

Sl: Misli, polne strahov, so švigale skozi njeno glavo.
En: Her mind was racing with fears.

Sl: Kaj če je nekaj narobe?
En: What if something was wrong?

Sl: Kaj če bo morala preklicati vse načrte?
En: What if she had to cancel all her plans?

Sl: Bilo je zgodaj popoldne, ko je zazvonil njen telefon.
En: It was early afternoon when her phone rang.

Sl: Mateja je hitro dvignila slušalko, srce ji je nabijalo.
En: Mateja quickly picked up the receiver, her heart pounding.

Sl: Na drugi strani je bila zdravnica.
En: On the other end was the doctor.

Sl: »Mateja, imamo vaše rezultate,« je rekla prijazno.
En: "Mateja, we have your results," she said kindly.

Sl: »Lahko prideš na posvet?«
En: "Can you come in for a consultation?"

Sl: Mateja se je zazrla v Luka, ki ji je pokimal v znak podpore.
En: Mateja looked at Luka, who nodded supportively.

Sl: Nato sta skupaj odšla proti ordinaciji.
En: Together, they walked toward the office.

Sl: Hodniki so bili dolgi, vsak korak se je zdel večnost.
En: The corridors were long, and each step felt like an eternity.

Sl: Končno sta prispela.
En: Finally, they arrived.

Sl: Zdravnica je sedela za pisalno mizo.
En: The doctor sat behind a desk.

Sl: »Rezultati so dobri,« je dejala z nasmehom.
En: "The results are good," she said with a smile.

Sl: »Nič resnega ni. Vse kar rabiš je malo počitka.«
En: "It's nothing serious. All you need is a bit of rest."

Sl: Mateja je globoko vdihnila.
En: Mateja took a deep breath.

Sl: Čutila je, kako se napetost razblinja.
En: She felt the tension melt away.

Sl: »Ali lahko tečem na dobrodelnem teku?« je vprašala.
En: "Can I still run in the charity event?" she asked.

Sl: »Seveda lahko,« je odgovorila zdravnica.
En: "Of course you can," the doctor replied.

Sl: »Ampak ne pozabi na ravnovesje. Zdravje je na prvem mestu.«
En: "But don't forget about balance. Health comes first."

Sl: Mateja je pokimala. Občutila je olajšanje.
En: Mateja nodded, feeling relieved.

Sl: Ko sta zapuščala bolnišnico, se je obrnila k Luki.
En: As they left the hospital, she turned to Luka.

Sl: »Moram biti bolj pazljiva,« je rekla.
En: "I need to be more careful," she said.

Sl: »Vem, da lahko dosežem svoje cilje, a najprej moram biti zdrava in v ravnovesju.«
En: "I know I can achieve my goals, but first I need to be healthy and balanced."

Sl: Na poti iz bolnišnice sta se ustavila ob Ljubljanskem parku.
En: On their way out of the hospital, they stopped by the Ljubljana Park.

Sl: Mateja je stopila na razmočeno travo in globoko zajela poletni zrak.
En: Mateja stepped onto the damp grass and took in the summer air deeply.

Sl: »Zdaj pa naprej,« je rekla z novo odločnostjo.
En: "Now forward," she said with renewed determination.

Sl: »In tokrat premišljeno.«
En: "And this time, thoughtfully."

Sl: Tako se je Mateja vrnila k treningu, a zdaj z novim nazorom.
En: So, Mateja returned to her training, but now with a new mindset.

Sl: Pozornije je poslušala svoje telo in cenila vsak trenutek zdravja.
En: She listened to her body more attentively and cherished every moment of good health.

Sl: Njeno življenje je kljub temu ostalo polno ciljev in sanj, a zdaj s pravim ravnovesjem.
En: Her life remained full of goals and dreams, but now with the right balance.

Sl: In naprej je tekla, pripravljena na vse izzive prihodnosti.
En: And she continued to run, ready for all the challenges the future would bring.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shone: sijalo
  • illuminated: osvetljevali
  • intertwining: prepletajoč
  • whispers: šepetanje
  • participate: sodelovala
  • consultation: posvet
  • corridors: hodniki
  • eternity: večnost
  • serious: resnega
  • balance: ravnovesje
  • careful: pazljiva
  • cherished: cenila
  • determination: odločnost
  • mindset: nazor
  • hospital: bolnišnica
  • nurses: medicinskih sester
  • active: aktivno
  • awaited: pričakovala
  • depended: odvisno
  • receiver: slušalko
  • kindly: prijazno
  • supportively: znak podpore
  • consult: posvet
  • relieved: olajšanje
  • goals: cilje
  • challenges: izzive
  • tension: napetost
  • race: tek
  • precariously: premišljeno
  • resilience: trdnost
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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