Bear Scare Sparks Laughs in Bratislava!
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Bear Scare Sparks Laughs in Bratislava!
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Bear Scare Sparks Laughs in Bratislava! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V Bratislave, na Hlavnom námestí, bolo rušno....
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Story Transcript:
Sk: V Bratislave, na Hlavnom námestí, bolo rušno.
En: In Bratislava, at the Main Square, it was bustling.
Sk: Ľudia kráčali sem a tam, turisti fotografujú pamiatky a vedľa kašne hudobník hral na gitare.
En: People were walking around, tourists were taking photos of landmarks, and next to the fountain, a musician was playing the guitar.
Sk: Slnko hrejivo svietilo a nebo bolo jasné ako krištáľ.
En: The sun was shining warmly and the sky was clear as crystal.
Sk: Lukáš, chlapec s veľkým srdcom a ešte väčšou predstavivosťou, sa s kamarátkou Evou prechádzal po námestí.
En: Lukáš, a boy with a big heart and an even bigger imagination, was strolling around the square with his friend Eva.
Sk: Boli to najlepší kamaráti a spolu prežívali každé dobrodružstvo.
En: They were the best of friends and experienced every adventure together.
Sk: Eva bola vášnivá fotografka, a tak mala stále pri sebe fotoaparát, pripravený zachytiť krásne chvíle.
En: Eva was a passionate photographer, so she always had her camera ready to capture beautiful moments.
Sk: Kým si Eva nastavovala objektív, aby odfotila historickú radnicu, Lukáš sa rozhladel a zrazu spozoroval niečo, čo ho vystrašilo.
En: While Eva adjusted the lens to take a photo of the historic town hall, Lukáš looked around and suddenly noticed something that scared him.
Sk: Veľkú hnedú postavu.
En: A big brown figure.
Sk: "Eva, pozri!
En: "Eva, look!"
Sk: " zakričal.
En: he shouted.
Sk: Eva sa otočila a uvidela iba Lukáša, ktorý ukazuje rukou smerom k obchodom.
En: Eva turned around and only saw Lukáš pointing towards the shops.
Sk: Eva nechápavo rukou zatienila oči a sledovala jeho pohľad.
En: Eva, puzzled, shaded her eyes with her hand and followed his gaze.
Sk: A tam to bolo.
En: And there it was.
Sk: Niekto, alebo niečo, veľké a hnedé sedelo na lavičke pri ulici.
En: Someone, or something, big and brown, sitting on a bench by the street.
Sk: Lukáš zbledol a šepkal: "Medveď!
En: Lukáš paled and whispered, "Bear!"
Sk: "Skôr než Eva stihla Lukáša upokojiť, že to je iba pouličný umelec v kostýme, Lukáš vybehol dopredu a začal kričať: "Medveď!
En: Before Eva could calm Lukáš down, assuring him that it was just a street artist in a costume, Lukáš dashed forward and started shouting, "Bear!
Sk: Utekajte!
En: Run away!"
Sk: "Ľudia okolo sa zľakli a začali bežať vo všetkých smeroch.
En: The people around got frightened and started running in all directions.
Sk: Chaos zaplnil Hlavné námestie.
En: Chaos filled the Main Square.
Sk: Obchodníci zatvárali svoje stánky, matky začali prudko ťahať svoje deti a Lukáš stál v strede námestia, s pocitom, že musí všetkých zachrániť.
En: Shopkeepers closed their stalls, mothers started pulling their children hastily, and Lukáš stood in the middle of the square, feeling like he had to save everyone.
Sk: Eva ho dobehla a zasmiala sa.
En: Eva caught up with him and laughed.
Sk: "Lukáš, to je umelec, pozri!
En: "Lukáš, it's an artist, look!"
Sk: " a ukázala na 'medveďa', ktorý teraz mával a dával ľuďom na znak, aby sa upokojili.
En: and pointed at the 'bear', who was now waving and gesturing to the people to calm down.
Sk: Lukáš sa zahanbene pozrel na Evu a potom na umelec, ktorý sa prechádzal medzi ľuďmi a robil psíky z balónov.
En: Lukáš looked ashamed at Eva and then at the artist, who was walking among the people and making balloon animals.
Sk: Lukáš sa ospravedlnil každému, komu prekážal, a pomaly sa vrátil k Eve.
En: Lukáš apologized to anyone he had bothered and slowly returned to Eva.
Sk: Potom niečo neočakávané sa stalo.
En: Then something unexpected happened.
Sk: Všetci ľudia, ktorí predtým utekali, sa začali smiať a vrátili sa k svojmu predchádzajúcemu počínaniu.
En: All the people who were running before started laughing and returned to their previous activities.
Sk: Na tváriach sa objavili úsmevy a Hlavné námestie opäť ožilo radosťou a smiechom.
En: Smiles appeared on their faces, and the Main Square was once again filled with joy and laughter.
Sk: Lukáš a Eva z toho dňa nosili v pamäti lekciu.
En: Lukáš and Eva carried a lesson from that day.
Sk: Nikdy nesúďte situáciu príliš rýchlo a vždy si najskôr preverte fakty.
En: Never judge a situation too quickly and always check the facts first.
Sk: A čo sa týka Lukáša, naučil sa, že medvede v Bratislave nejazdia na dovolenku.
En: As for Lukáš, he learned that bears don't go on vacation in Bratislava.
Sk: Na pamiatku toho dňa si Eva urobila selfie s umelcom v medvedom kostýme a Lukášom, ktorý sa zaškeril a mierne červenal.
En: In memory of that day, Eva took a selfie with the artist in the bear costume and Lukáš, who grinned and blushed slightly.
Sk: Na Hlavnom námestí v Bratislave prevládala opäť pohoda a dva dobré srdcia mali úsmev na tvári.
En: Peace reigned again at the Main Square in Bratislava, and two good hearts had smiles on their faces.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustling: rušno
- landmarks: pamiatky
- musician: hudobník
- fountain: kašna
- imagination: predstavivosť
- historic: historický
- shouted: zakričal
- Puzzled: nechápavo
- scared: vystrašilo
- bench: lavička
- bothered: prekážal
- unexpected: neočakávaný
- laughter: smiech
- judge: súdiť
- artist: umelec
- costume: kostým
- frightened: zľakli
- stalls: stánky
- hastily: prudko
- lesson: lekcia
- judge: súdiť
- vacation: dovolenka
- selfie: selfie
- reigned: prevládala
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