
Blossoming Bravery: Ivana's Artistic Revelation Unveiled

Oct 5, 2024 · 17m 57s
Blossoming Bravery: Ivana's Artistic Revelation Unveiled

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Blossoming Bravery: Ivana's Artistic Revelation Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: U muzeju umjetnosti, hodnici su bili ispunjeni...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Blossoming Bravery: Ivana's Artistic Revelation Unveiled
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Story Transcript:

Hr: U muzeju umjetnosti, hodnici su bili ispunjeni tihim odjekom koraka.
En: In the art museum, the corridors were filled with the quiet echo of footsteps.

Hr: Toplo svjetlo nježno je obasjavalo slike na zidovima, dok je hladni jesenski vjetar šaputao kroz otvorene prozore.
En: Warm light gently illuminated the paintings on the walls, while the cool autumn wind whispered through the open windows.

Hr: Ivana je hodala među svojim razredom, osjećajući se pomalo nesigurno.
En: Ivana walked among her class, feeling a bit insecure.

Hr: Luka je trčkarao ispred grupe, povremeno uzvikujući i izazivajući smijeh.
En: Luka was running ahead of the group, occasionally shouting and provoking laughter.

Hr: On je volio biti u središtu pažnje.
En: He loved being the center of attention.

Hr: Marin, mirniji i zamišljeniji, hodao je pored Ivane, oči su mu pažljivo pratili svaki umjetnički detalj.
En: Marin, quieter and more contemplative, walked beside Ivana, his eyes carefully following every artistic detail.

Hr: Ivana je voljela umjetnost.
En: Ivana loved art.

Hr: Njezina tajna želja bila je impresionirati svog učitelja umjetnosti s vlastitim slikama.
En: Her secret wish was to impress her art teacher with her own paintings.

Hr: No, često se osjećala nesigurno.
En: However, she often felt unsure.

Hr: Tog dana u muzeju, imala je priliku pokazati svoje slike na izložbi učenika, ali sumnje su je mučile.
En: That day in the museum, she had the opportunity to showcase her paintings at the student exhibition, but doubts plagued her.

Hr: Luka je svojim nestašlucima ometao njezinu pažnju.
En: Luka, with his mischievous antics, distracted her attention.

Hr: "Ivana, što misliš o ovoj slici?
En: "Ivana, what do you think of this painting?"

Hr: " upita Marin, prekinuvši joj misli.
En: asked Marin, interrupting her thoughts.

Hr: Ivana pogleda u apstraktni prikaz na zidu.
En: Ivana looked at the abstract display on the wall.

Hr: "Lijepa je," reče tiho, osmjehnuvši se.
En: "It's beautiful," she said quietly, smiling.

Hr: Marin se sagne približivši se.
En: Marin leaned in closer.

Hr: "Ti bi mogla napraviti nešto slično," ohrabrio ju je.
En: "You could create something similar," he encouraged her.

Hr: Ali Ivanina nesigurnost bila je snažna.
En: But Ivana's insecurity was strong.

Hr: Uvijek je mislio da su njegove riječi jače od njezinih.
En: She always thought that his words were more powerful than hers.

Hr: Dok su školski prijatelji razgledavali dalje, Ivana je stala kraj svog učitelja.
En: While the school friends toured further, Ivana stood by her teacher.

Hr: On je pričao o važnosti izražavanja kroz umjetnost.
En: He talked about the importance of expression through art.

Hr: Ivana je znala da se mora odlučiti.
En: Ivana knew she had to decide.

Hr: Hoće li imati hrabrosti suočiti se s Lukinim nestašnim ponašanjem?
En: Would she have the courage to confront Luka's mischievous behavior?

Hr: Hoće li prihvatiti Marinov savjet i pokazati svoje radove?
En: Would she accept Marin's advice and show her work?

Hr: Dok su ulazili u sobu za izložbu, Ivana je sve dublje uzdisala.
En: As they entered the exhibition room, Ivana took deeper breaths.

Hr: Vidjela je kako Luka stoji blizu vrata, šapćući nešto prijatelju.
En: She saw Luka standing near the door, whispering something to a friend.

Hr: Ovo je bila njezina prilika.
En: This was her opportunity.

Hr: Da je Luka ne ometa, i pokaže što može.
En: For Luka not to distract her, and to show what she could do.

Hr: Odlučno je krenula prema stolu gdje su bili izloženi radovi učenika.
En: Determinedly, she walked towards the table where the students' works were displayed.

Hr: Marin ju je pratio, a Luka je znatiželjno pogledao.
En: Marin followed her, and Luka looked on curiously.

Hr: Kada je ušla, svi pogledi su se usmjerili prema njoj.
En: When she entered, all eyes turned towards her.

Hr: Stala je ispred svojih slika, očiju uprtih u učitelja.
En: She stood in front of her paintings, eyes fixed on the teacher.

Hr: Učitelj se približio.
En: The teacher approached.

Hr: Pogledao je slike koje je Ivana pažljivo postavila.
En: He looked at the paintings Ivana had carefully set up.

Hr: Njegovo lice obasjalo se osmijehom.
En: His face lit up with a smile.

Hr: "Ivana, ovo je izvanredno," rekao je glasno, da svi čuju.
En: "Ivana, this is extraordinary," he said loudly, so that everyone could hear.

Hr: "Ovako hrabro izražavanje je rijetko.
En: "Such brave expression is rare."

Hr: "Ivana se blago nasmiješila, osjećajući kako joj se srce puni ponosom.
En: Ivana smiled slightly, feeling her heart fill with pride.

Hr: Počela je vjerovati u sebe.
En: She began to believe in herself.

Hr: Dok su napuštali muzej, Marin joj se nasmiješio.
En: As they left the museum, Marin smiled at her.

Hr: "Znao sam da to možeš," rekao je.
En: "I knew you could do it," he said.

Hr: Luka se također približio, ovoga puta iskreno.
En: Luka also approached, this time sincerely.

Hr: "Stvarno su ti radovi super, Ivana," priznao je, pomalo postiđeno.
En: "Your works are really great, Ivana," he admitted, somewhat sheepishly.

Hr: Ivana je povjerovala u sebe.
En: Ivana started believing in herself.

Hr: Naučila je da njezin rad vrijedi i da može biti hrabra, čak i kad je teško.
En: She learned that her work was valuable and that she could be brave, even when it was difficult.

Hr: Te večeri, dok je hladni jesenski vjetar puhao, Ivana je napokon osjetila toplinu vlastite samopouzdanja.
En: That evening, as the cold autumn wind blew, Ivana finally felt the warmth of her own confidence.

Hr: Cijeli svijet sada je bio njezina inspiracija.
En: The whole world was now her inspiration.

Vocabulary Words:
  • corridors: hodnici
  • illuminated: obasjavalo
  • whispered: šaputao
  • insecure: nesigurno
  • provoking: izazivajući
  • contemplative: zamišljeniji
  • artistic: umjetnički
  • impress: impresionirati
  • showcase: pokazati
  • plagued: mučile
  • mischievous: nestašlucima
  • antics: nestašlucima
  • display: prikaz
  • abstract: apstraktni
  • encouraged: ohrabrio
  • expression: izražavanje
  • confront: suočiti se
  • curiously: znatiželjno
  • extraordinary: izvanredno
  • brave: hrabro
  • pride: ponosom
  • confidence: samopouzdanja
  • valuable: vrijedi
  • decide: odlučiti
  • opportunity: prilika
  • sincerely: iskreno
  • sheepishly: postiđeno
  • inspiration: inspiracija
  • autumn: jesenski
  • rare: rijetko
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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