
Brollies Swapped: A Rainy Day Mix-Up

Jan 20, 2024 · 13m 49s
Brollies Swapped: A Rainy Day Mix-Up

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 14s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Brollies Swapped: A Rainy Day Mix-Up Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Dežne kaplje so kot drobni bobenčki tolkle...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Brollies Swapped: A Rainy Day Mix-Up
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Dežne kaplje so kot drobni bobenčki tolkle po tlemih Prešernovega trga.
En: Raindrops drummed like tiny drumsticks on the ground of Prešeren Square.

Sl: Luka, visok in sivolasi gospod, je hitel skozi množico, držeč v roki svoj velik, črn dežnik - zanesljivo zavetje pred mokroto.
En: Luka, a tall, gray-haired gentleman, hurried through the crowd, holding his large black umbrella - a reliable shelter against the wet.

Sl: Na drugi strani trga pa se je borila Ana, mlada študentka z rdečimi lasmi, ki je brezskrbno vihtela svoj pisani miniaturen dežnik, presvetel za običajne nevihte ljubljanskega neba.
En: On the other side of the square, Ana, a young student with red hair, battled with her carefree, brightly colored miniature umbrella, too bright for the usual storms of Ljubljana's sky.

Sl: Kot po naključju sta se oba znašla pred isto kavarno, ko je veter nenadno zašumel in naenkrat sta bila Luka in Ana prav tam – sredi vrtinca dežja in vetra.
En: By chance, both found themselves in front of the same café when the wind suddenly howled, and suddenly Luka and Ana were right there - in the midst of the whirlwind of rain and wind.

Sl: V naglici, da bi poiskala zavetje, sta se nenamerno zamenjala dežnika.
En: In their haste to seek shelter, they accidentally swapped umbrellas.

Sl: Luka je zdaj v svoje velike dlani stiskal Anin majhen, barvit dežnik, medtem ko je Ana s prsti ovijala ročaj Lukove masivne črne strehe.
En: Luka now clutched Ana's small, colorful umbrella in his large hands, while Ana wrapped her fingers around the handle of Luka's massive black canopy.

Sl: Ljudje so se začudeni ozirali na nenavadna prizora – možatemu Luki je pisani dežnik segal komaj do pasu, medtem ko se je drobna Ana skoraj izgubila pod ogromnim črnim dežnikom.
En: Bystanders looked on in amazement at the unusual sight - the sturdy Luka barely reached the waist of the colorful umbrella, while the petite Ana was almost engulfed under the enormous black canopy.

Sl: Medtem ko sta poskušala manevrirati med pešci, so bile situacije vedno bolj komične.
En: As they tried to maneuver through the pedestrians, the situations became increasingly comical.

Sl: Ana se je spotikala ob vsako drugo ploščico, Lukov dežnik pa se je veselo zibajoč kot klopotec zajedal v dežne oblake nad njim.
En: Ana stumbled over every other tile, while Luka's umbrella, swaying merrily like a weathercock, burrowed into the rain clouds above him.

Sl: Po seriji zabavnih, a rahlo nerodnih trenutkov sta se Luka in Ana končno videla – in prepoznala svoj lastniški zapis na ročajih dežnikov.
En: After a series of amusing, yet slightly awkward moments, Luka and Ana finally saw - and recognized their ownership marks on the umbrella handles.

Sl: Smeh, s katerim sta si izmenjala pripomočke, je pritegnil poglede mimoidočih, ki so ob pogledu na rešitev zagate prhutali z veseljem.
En: Laughter, exchanged between them, drew the attention of passersby who chuckled with joy at the sight of the solution to the predicament.

Sl: Sončni žarek je prebil oblake in trgu vrnil barve.
En: A sunbeam pierced through the clouds and returned color to the square.

Sl: Luka in Ana, zdaj vsak s svojim pravim dežnikom, sta si izmenovala nasmeške in si obljubila, da se naslednjič, ko jima dež nakane prekrižati poti, ponovno srečata.
En: Luka and Ana, now each with their rightful umbrella, exchanged smiles and promised to meet again the next time rain tried to cross their paths.

Sl: In ko je Luka odhitel na naslednje srečanje, Ana pa je odskakljala proti fakulteti, se je Prešernov trg utapljal v soncu.
En: As Luka rushed off to his next meeting and Ana skipped towards the university, Prešeren Square basked in the sun.

Sl: Dežniki so izginili v torbah in pod pazduhami, mesto pa je spet ujelo svoj vsakdanji ritem.
En: Umbrellas disappeared into bags and under armpits, and the city regained its everyday rhythm.

Sl: Tako je bil sklenjen zaključek povsem običajne ljubljanske nevihte, ki pa je za Luka in Ano postala prav poseben dogodek zaradi drobnega, a barvitega nesporazuma.
En: Thus concluded a wholly ordinary Ljubljana shower, which had become a special event for Luka and Ana due to a small, but colorful misunderstanding.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Raindrops: Dežne kaplje
  • Drummed: tolkle
  • Tiny: drobni
  • Drumsticks: bobenčki
  • Ground: tlemih
  • Square: Trga
  • Tall: visok
  • Gray-haired: sivolasi
  • Gentleman: gospod
  • Hurried: hitel
  • Crowd: množico
  • Holding: držeč
  • Large: velik
  • Black: črn
  • Umbrella: dežnik
  • Reliable: zanesljivo
  • Shelter: zavetje
  • Wet: mokroto
  • Battled: borila
  • Carefree: brezskrbno
  • Brightly: pisani
  • Colored: barvit
  • Miniature: miniaturni
  • Unusual: nenavadna
  • Sight: prizora
  • Sturdy: možat
  • Barely: komaj
  • Reached: segal
  • Waist: pasu
  • Petite: drobna
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