
Coffee Spill to Career Thrill

Jan 17, 2024 · 14m 23s
Coffee Spill to Career Thrill

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 54s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Coffee Spill to Career Thrill Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V Bratislave, meste plnom prekvapení, Ján ráno vstal...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Coffee Spill to Career Thrill
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Sk: V Bratislave, meste plnom prekvapení, Ján ráno vstal s pocitom, že tento deň bude výnimočný.
En: In Bratislava, a city full of surprises, Jan woke up in the morning with a feeling that this day would be exceptional.

Sk: Dnes mal dôležité stretnutie, ktoré mohlo zmeniť jeho kariéru.
En: He had an important meeting today that could change his career.

Sk: Obliekol si svoju najlepšiu košeľu, učesal si vlasy a pozrel sa do zrkadla.
En: He put on his best shirt, styled his hair, and looked in the mirror.

Sk: "Dnes to zvládnem," povedal si a s úsmevom opustil svoj byt.
En: "I'll handle it today," he said to himself and left his apartment with a smile.

Sk: Na ceste do práce sa zastavil v obľúbenej kaviarni, kde si dal svoju obvyklú rannú kávu.
En: On his way to work, he stopped at his favorite café where he ordered his usual morning coffee.

Sk: Silvia, sympatická čašníčka, mu ju srdečne podala.
En: Silvia, a friendly waitress, handed it to him warmly.

Sk: Ján nešťastne prijal hrnček, ale v tom momente niekto do neho nenápadne narazil.
En: Jan unhappily took the mug, but at that moment someone accidentally bumped into him.

Sk: Čierna káva sa rozliala priamo na jeho bielu košeľu.
En: The black coffee spilled directly onto his white shirt.

Sk: "Nie teraz!
En: "Not now!"

Sk: " zvolal Ján a zbledol.
En: Jan exclaimed, turning pale.

Sk: Silvia, ktorá videla celú nehodu, rýchlo pribehla s mopom v ruke.
En: Silvia, who saw the whole accident, quickly rushed over with a mop in hand.

Sk: Miesto toho, aby použila obrúsok, začala škvrnu potierať mopom.
En: Instead of using a napkin, she started wiping the stain with the mop.

Sk: Tkanina sa začala rozmáčať a Silvia si uvedomila, že to nebola najlepšia voľba.
En: The fabric began to soak, and Silvia realized it wasn't the best choice.

Sk: Tomáš, ktorý sedel pri susednom stole, sledoval scénu so zvedavosťou.
En: Tomáš, who was sitting at the neighboring table, watched the scene with curiosity.

Sk: Bol to miestny reštaurátor a hneď pochopil, že škvrna nebude len tak ľahko odstrániteľná.
En: He was a local restaurateur and immediately understood that the stain wouldn't be easily removable.

Sk: "Počkajte, mám nápad," povzdychol si a vybehol von.
En: "Wait, I have an idea," he sighed and dashed outside.

Sk: Medzitým sa Ján snažil zostať v pokoji aj napriek rozruchu, ktorý spôsobil.
En: Meanwhile, Jan tried to remain calm despite the commotion he caused.

Sk: Silvia sa ospravedlnila a ponúkla mu novú košeľu zo zapadnutej časti kaviarne.
En: Silvia apologized and offered him a new shirt from the back of the café.

Sk: Košeľa bola červená s malými kockami a rozhodne to nebola jeho prvá voľba, no lepšie ako nič.
En: The shirt was red with small squares, definitely not his first choice, but better than nothing.

Sk: Tomáš sa vrátil s pár novými košeľami.
En: Tomáš returned with a few new shirts.

Sk: "Včera sme mali večierok a tieto zostali," povedal a podal Jánovi modrú košeľu perfektne padnúcu na telo.
En: "We had a party last night, and these were left over," he said, handing Jan a perfectly fitting blue shirt.

Sk: Ján si vydýchol.
En: Jan breathed a sigh of relief.

Sk: Obliekol si košeľu, ktorú mu Tomáš priniesol, a pozrel na Silviu.
En: He put on the shirt Tomáš brought him and looked at Silvia.

Sk: "Ďakujem za snahu," povedal s úsmevom.
En: "Thank you for your effort," he said with a smile.

Sk: Silvia sa zasmiala, evidentne uľavená, že sa situácia vyriešila.
En: Silvia laughed, clearly relieved that the situation had been resolved.

Sk: O chvíľu Ján už sedel v konferenčnej miestnosti, pripravený na stretnutie.
En: A moment later, Jan was already sitting in the conference room, ready for the meeting.

Sk: Bol vďačný za náhodných známych, ktorí mu beznádejnú situáciu premenili na príjemné ráno.
En: He was grateful for the chance acquaintances who turned his desperate situation into a pleasant morning.

Sk: Stretnutie dopadlo lepšie, než očakával, a Ján si uvedomil, že niekedy aj kávová nehoda môže byť začiatkom niečoho dobrého.
En: The meeting went better than expected, and Jan realized that sometimes even a coffee spill could be the beginning of something good.

Vocabulary Words:
  • In: V
  • Bratislava: Bratislave
  • city: meste
  • surprises: prekvapení
  • Jan: Ján
  • woke: vstal
  • morning: ráno
  • feeling: pocitom
  • exceptional: výnimočný
  • important: dôležité
  • meeting: stretnutie
  • change: zmeniť
  • career: kariéru
  • shirt: košeľu
  • hair: vlasy
  • mirror: zrkadla
  • handle: zvládnem
  • apartment: byt
  • smile: úsmevom
  • café: kaviarni
  • ordered: dal
  • usual: obvyklú
  • coffee: kávu
  • waitress: čašníčka
  • handed: podala
  • warmly: srdečne
  • unhappily: nešťastne
  • mug: hrnček
  • moment: momente
  • accidentally: nenápadne
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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