
Dance Mishap Turns To Joy In Ljubljana!

Nov 27, 2023 · 14m 50s
Dance Mishap Turns To Joy In Ljubljana!

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 53s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Dance Mishap Turns To Joy In Ljubljana! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč v pisani Ljubljani, v srcu...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Dance Mishap Turns To Joy In Ljubljana!
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč v pisani Ljubljani, v srcu Slovenije, kjer se Prešernov trg sreča z zvoki ljudskih pesmi in se stare zgradbe ogledujejo v bleščeči reki Ljubljanici, sta živela dva mlada plesalca.
En: Once upon a time in the colorful Ljubljana, in the heart of Slovenia, where Prešeren Square meets the sounds of folk songs and the old buildings overlook the sparkling Ljubljanica River, there lived two young dancers.

Sl: Ana, dekle z iskrivimi očmi, in Luka, fant z navihanim nasmehom, sta bila člana folklorne skupine, ki je prirejala nastop na velikem sejmu.
En: Ana, a girl with sparkling eyes, and Luka, a boy with a mischievous smile, were members of a folk dance group that was preparing for a performance at a big fair.

Sl: Nekega sončnega dne je trg ujel utrip priprav na dogodek, ki je prebivalce starega mesta privabil iz udobja domov.
En: One sunny day, the square was filled with the anticipation of the event, drawing the residents of the old city out of the comfort of their homes.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta se v pričakovanju nastopa ogrevala za ples.
En: Ana and Luka were warming up for their dance performance.

Sl: Plesala sta že od malih nog in njuno poznavanje folklornih korakov je bilo brezhibno.
En: They had been dancing since they were children, and their knowledge of folk dance steps was flawless.

Sl: Vendar se je tokrat zgodila nenavadna napaka.
En: However, an unusual mistake occurred this time.

Sl: Plesna postavitev je zahtevala, da plesalci zamenjajo mesta ob zvokih citre in harmonike.
En: The dance formation required the dancers to change positions to the sounds of the zither and accordion.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta se morala vrteti in pri tem zamenjati partnerja, a v vsej zmedi in smehu, ki je vladoval med plesalci, sta ti dve spretni nogi pristali na istem mestu - Luka na Aninem mestu in Ana na Lukovem.
En: Ana and Luka had to spin around and switch partners, but in all the confusion and laughter that prevailed among the dancers, these two agile legs landed in the same place - Luka in Ana's place and Ana in Luka's.

Sl: Gledalci so opazovali prizor, začudenje se je odražalo na njihovih obrazih.
En: The spectators observed the scene, astonishment reflected on their faces.

Sl: Folklorna glasba je igrala dalje, plesalci pa so poskušali nadaljevati, vendar so kmalu njihovi obrazi popuščali v smeh.
En: The folk music continued to play, and the dancers tried to continue, but soon their faces gave in to laughter.

Sl: Otroci so se smejali in kazali s prsti, odrasli pa so se prešerno smejali, saj so razumeli, da se je zgodila prisrčna napaka.
En: Children laughed and pointed, while the adults laughed heartily, understanding that a charming mistake had occurred.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta se spogledala, za trenutek negotova, nato pa sta se pridružila vseobčemu smehu.
En: Ana and Luka glanced at each other, momentarily uncertain, then joined the universal laughter.

Sl: Ana je hitro zakričala: "En, dva, tri, začnimo znova!
En: Ana quickly shouted, "One, two, three, let's start again!"

Sl: " In tako so vsi plesalci ponovno zbrali, sledili so v zvoku melodije in tokrat brez zmešnjav izpeljali ples.
En: And so, all the dancers gathered again, following the melody, and this time executed the dance without any confusion.

Sl: Ples se je sklenil v velikem vrhu, ko so plesalci vrteli še zadnje korake in občinstvo je ustvarilo gromozanski aplavz.
En: The dance concluded in a grand finale as the dancers twirled the last steps, and the audience erupted into thunderous applause.

Sl: Ana in Luka, zdaj spet na pravih mestih, sta se prijela za roke in priklonila skupaj z ostalimi plesalci.
En: Ana and Luka, now back in their proper places, took each other's hands and bowed along with the other dancers.

Sl: Smeh in veselica sta napolnila zrak, Ana pa je Luki povila: "Vsak ples s tabo je nova pustolovščina.
En: Laughter and merriment filled the air, and Ana whispered to Luka, "Every dance with you is a new adventure."

Sl: "In tako se je v ljubljanskem tednu rodila zgodba o plesu, smehu in prijateljstvu.
En: And so, in the week of Ljubljana, a story of dance, laughter, and friendship was born.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta si zapomnila ta dan kot dokaz, da prav vsaka napakica lahko prinese veselje in da tradicija ni le ohranjanje starih korakov, ampak tudi skupno ustvarjanje novih spominov.
En: Ana and Luka remembered this day as proof that every little mistake can bring joy, and that tradition is not only about preserving old steps, but also about creating new memories together.

Vocabulary Words:
  • colorful: pisani
  • heart: srcu
  • Slovenia: Slovenije
  • square: trg
  • folk songs: ljudske pesmi
  • buildings: zgradbe
  • overlook: ogledujejo
  • sparkling: bleščeči
  • river: reka
  • dancers: plesalca
  • sparkling: iskrivimi
  • mischievous: navihanim
  • smile: nasmehom
  • folk dance group: folklorne skupine
  • preparing: pripravala
  • performance: nastop
  • big fair: velikem sejmu
  • anticipation: pričakovanju
  • event: dogodek
  • comfort: udobja
  • knowledge: poznavanje
  • steps: korakov
  • flawless: brezhibno
  • unusual: nenavadna
  • mistake: napaka
  • formation: postavitev
  • change positions: zamenjajo mesta
  • spin around: vrteti
  • switch partners: zamenjati partnerja
  • confusion: zmeda
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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