
Discovering a Passion for Dance: Jordi's Journey

Sep 25, 2023 · 18m 40s
Discovering a Passion for Dance: Jordi's Journey

01 · Main Story


02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 41s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Discovering a Passion for Dance: Jordi's Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Jordi era un jove amb ganes...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Discovering a Passion for Dance: Jordi's Journey
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Jordi era un jove amb ganes d'aventura.
En: Jordi was a young man with an appetite for adventure.

Ca: Un dia, va decidir explorar els carrers antics i estrets del Barri Gòtic de Barcelona.
En: One day, he decided to explore the old and narrow streets of Barcelona's Gothic Quarter.

Ca: No coneixia gairebé res d'aquella zona, però els edificis antics i les estretes voreres l'encisaven.
En: He knew almost nothing about that area, but the old buildings and narrow sidewalks fascinated him.

Ca: Camí a la plaça Sant Felip Neri, es va adonar que s'havia perdut.
En: On his way to Plaça Sant Felip Neri, he realized he was lost.

Ca: No sabia cap a on anar, i els carrers empedrats s'assemblaven tots.
En: I didn't know where to go, and the cobbled streets were all the same.

Ca: Va començar a caminar sense rumb, esperant trobar algú que l'ajudés.
En: He started walking aimlessly, hoping to find someone to help him.

Ca: De sobte, va sentir música i riures provinents d'una petita porta de fusta.
En: Suddenly, he heard music and laughter coming from a small wooden door.

Ca: Va decidir entrar i el que es va trobar el va deixar sorprès.
En: He decided to go inside and what he found surprised him.

Ca: Era una classe de salsa improvisada en un ball local.
En: It was an impromptu salsa class at a local dance.

Ca: Jordi no tenia ni idea de ballar salsa, però les melodies alegres i els moviments excitants despertaven la seva curiositat.
En: Jordi had no idea how to salsa dance, but the cheerful melodies and exciting movements piqued his curiosity.

Ca: Es va acostar tímidament i va preguntar si podia unir-se a la classe.
En: He shyly approached and asked if he could join the class.

Ca: Els ballarins van ser molt amables i li van permetre participar.
En: The dancers were very kind and allowed him to participate.

Ca: Durant les següents hores, Jordi va aprendre els passos bàsics de la salsa.
En: During the following hours, Jordi learned the basic steps of salsa.

Ca: Va sentir la música en el seu cos i es va deixar portar pels moviments.
En: He felt the music in his body and let himself be carried away by the movements.

Ca: Es va adonar que ballar li feia sentir viu i feliç.
En: She realized that dancing made her feel alive and happy.

Ca: Quan la classe va acabar, els ballarins van animar Jordi a continuar ballant salsa.
En: When the class ended, the dancers encouraged Jordi to continue salsa dancing.

Ca: Li van donar l'adreça d'un estudi de ball proper on podria seguir aprenent i ballant.
En: They gave her the address of a nearby dance studio where she could continue learning and dancing.

Ca: Amb una nova passió en el seu cor, Jordi va seguir els consells dels amables ballarins i va anar a l'estudi de ball.
En: With a new passion in his heart, Jordi followed the advice of the friendly dancers and went to the dance studio.

Ca: Des de llavors, es va convertir en un ballador apassionat i va guanyar molts amics en el món del ball.
En: Since then, he became a passionate dancer and won many friends in the dance world.

Ca: La seva confiança i felicitat es van reflectir en altres àmbits de la seva vida.
En: His confidence and happiness were reflected in other areas of his life.

Ca: Jordi va descobrir que, a vegades, perdre's et porta a llocs inesperats i increïbles.
En: Jordi discovered that sometimes getting lost takes you to unexpected and incredible places.

Ca: Amb el temps, Jordi va aprendre a ballar molts altres estils de ball i va convertir-se en un ballarí reconegut a Barcelona.
En: Over time, Jordi learned to dance many other dance styles and became a renowned dancer in Barcelona.

Ca: Potser hauria estat millor no perdre's aquell dia, però si ho hagués fet, no hauria descobert la seva passió pel ball.
En: It might have been better not to miss that day, but if I had, I wouldn't have discovered her passion for dancing.

Ca: I així, Jordi va viure feliç ballant per sempre més.
En: And so, Jordi lived happily ever after dancing.

Ca: I tot va començar gràcies a una petita desorientació als carrers estrets del Barri Gòtic de Barcelona.
En: And it all started thanks to a little disorientation in the narrow streets of Barcelona's Gothic Quarter.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Jordi: Jordi
  • young man: jove
  • appetite: ganes
  • adventure: aventura
  • explore: explorar
  • streets: carrers
  • Gothic Quarter: Barri Gòtic
  • old: antics
  • narrow: estrets
  • buildings: edificis
  • sidewalks: voreres
  • fascinated: encisaven
  • lost: perdut
  • cobbled: empedrats
  • walking: caminar
  • aimlessly: sense rumb
  • hoping: esperant
  • find: trobar
  • help: ajudés
  • music: música
  • laughter: riures
  • small: petit
  • wooden: fusta
  • door: porta
  • salsa class: classe de salsa
  • local dance: ball local
  • curiosity: curiositat
  • shyly: tímidament
  • approached: va acostar
  • asked: preguntar
  • join: unir-se
  • allowed: van permetre
  • participate: participar
  • during: durant
  • learned: va aprendre
  • basic steps: passos bàsics
  • music: música
  • body: cos
  • carried away: deixar portar
  • movements: moviments
  • realized: va adonar
  • feel: sentir
  • alive: viu
  • happy: feliç
  • class ended: classe va acabar
  • encouraged: van animar
  • continue: continuar
  • dancing: ballant
  • address: adreça
  • nearby: proper
  • dance studio: estudi de ball
  • passion: passió
  • heart: cor
  • followed: va seguir
  • advice: consells
  • friendly: amables
  • dancers: ballarins
  • renowned: reconegut
  • won: va guanyar
  • friends: amics
  • confidence: confiança
  • happiness: felicitat
  • reflected: van reflectir
  • other areas: altres àmbits
  • life: vida
  • discovered: va descobrir
  • sometimes: a vegades
  • getting lost: perdre's
  • takes: et porta
  • unexpected: inesperats
  • incredible: increïbles
  • over time: amb el temps
  • learned: va aprendre
  • many: molts
  • dance styles: estils de ball
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • better: millor
  • miss: perdre
  • day: dia
  • passion: passió
  • dance: ball
  • happily ever after: feliç per sempre més
  • little: petita
  • disorientation: desorientació
  • narrow: estrets
  • streets: carrers
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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