Ep. 19 Here's how toxic churches breed people pleasers

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Ep. 19 Here's how toxic churches breed people pleasers
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People pleasing is a coping mechanism we adopt when we feel in danger. It's a way to protect ourselves from vulnerability. To it's core, people pleasing is deceptive because it's...
show moreTo it's core, people pleasing is deceptive because it's dishonest. Women and men in toxic religious environments often find themselves adopting this coping mechanism thinking they are doing what God has called them to do which is "love well."
Loving well does not mean loving at the expense of your mental, emotional, and physical health. In today's video, we break all of this down and how to heal from people pleasing!
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#spiritualabuse #christianlifecoach #deconstruction #peoplepleasing
Author | The Bowens |
Organization | Branson Bowen |
Website | - |
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