Ep. 20 How I walk through disappointment as a Christian life coach

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Ep. 20 How I walk through disappointment as a Christian life coach
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We all have disappointment! It's normal and it's unfortunately apart of life. For those of you who've been part of a high-control religion, you've probably been made to feel like...
show moreFor those of you who've been part of a high-control religion, you've probably been made to feel like you have to respond perfectly when disappointment comes. When we don't respond "perfectly" because we aren't perfect...we beat ourselves up.
In today's video, I share with you how I'm currently processing disappointing news in my life and scriptural references to Jesus' empathy and compassion with our questions and disappointment in him.
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#spiritualabuse #christianlifecoach #deconstruction #churchhurt #innerhealing
Author | The Bowens |
Organization | Branson Bowen |
Website | - |
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