Finding Heartfelt Purpose: A Holiday at the Orphanage
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Finding Heartfelt Purpose: A Holiday at the Orphanage
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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Heartfelt Purpose: A Holiday at the Orphanage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Hujan turun deras di desa...
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Story Transcript:
Id: Hujan turun deras di desa kecil, membawa suasana yang sejuk dan damai di panti asuhan yang terletak di antara pepohonan rindang dan semak belukar yang hijau.
En: The rain poured heavily in the small village, bringing a cool and peaceful atmosphere to the orphanage nestled among lush trees and green shrubs.
Id: Panti asuhan itu memiliki bangunan tradisional Indonesia, dengan atap genteng yang terkadang bocor ketika hujan datang.
En: The orphanage had a traditional Indonesia building, with a tiled roof that sometimes leaked when the rain came.
Id: Suara hujan berpadu dengan tawa anak-anak yang bermain di dalam, menciptakan suasana hangat walau terkadang pilu.
En: The sound of the rain mixed with the laughter of children playing inside, creating a warm atmosphere though sometimes tinged with melancholy.
Id: Adi, seorang pria muda yang baru saja tiba di panti, berdiri di depan pintu masuk.
En: Adi, a young man who had just arrived at the orphanage, stood at the entrance.
Id: Ini adalah liburan pertama yang dia habiskan di luar rutinitas pekerjaannya yang sibuk.
En: This was the first holiday he spent outside his busy work routine.
Id: Ada harapan di matanya, mencari tujuan hidup yang lebih dalam.
En: There was hope in his eyes, searching for a deeper purpose in life.
Id: Dia ingin berbagi kebaikan di musim liburan ini.
En: He wanted to share kindness during this holiday season.
Id: Namun, ketika tatapannya bertemu dengan Rina, kepala pengasuh panti asuhan, dia merasa ada jarak yang sulit dijembatani.
En: However, when his gaze met Rina, the head caretaker of the orphanage, he felt there was a distance that was difficult to bridge.
Id: Rina memiliki masa lalu di tempat ini, tumbuh di antara dinding yang sama, dan sekarang dia kembali untuk merawat anak-anak lain seperti dirinya.
En: Rina had a past in this place, growing up among the same walls, and now she was back to care for other children like herself.
Id: Rina memperhatikan Adi dengan skeptis.
En: Rina observed Adi with skepticism.
Id: Dia khawatir Adi hanya datang untuk merasa baik pada dirinya sendiri.
En: She worried that Adi had only come to feel good about himself.
Id: Siapa yang bisa menyalahkannya?
En: Who could blame her?
Id: Banyak orang datang dan pergi, tanpa benar-benar peduli.
En: Many people came and went, without truly caring.
Id: Tetapi, ketika Adi dengan gigih menawarkan bantuan, Rina ragu-ragu sejenak sebelum akhirnya memutuskan untuk memberinya kesempatan.
En: But when Adi persistently offered to help, Rina hesitated for a moment before finally deciding to give him a chance.
Id: Mereka berdua sepakat merencanakan proyek Natal untuk anak-anak.
En: They both agreed to plan a Christmas project for the children.
Id: Hujan semakin deras hari itu, dan tiba-tiba air mulai menetes dari langit-langit ruang bermain.
En: The rain intensified that day, and suddenly water began to drip from the ceiling of the playroom.
Id: Adi langsung bergegas mengambil ember dan kain, sementara Rina melihat dalam diam.
En: Adi immediately rushed to grab a bucket and cloth, while Rina watched in silence.
Id: Betapa bersemangatnya Adi ketika mencoba membantu, pikir Rina.
En: How enthusiastic Adi was as he tried to help, thought Rina.
Id: Ketika mereka bekerja sama menutup kebocoran, sebuah percakapan pelan tetapi penuh arti terjalin di antara mereka.
En: As they worked together to patch the leak, a quiet but meaningful conversation unfolded between them.
Id: Adi berbicara tentang mengapa dia ada di sana, mencari makna lebih dari sekadar kesuksesan materi.
En: Adi spoke about why he was there, searching for meaning beyond mere material success.
Id: Rina mulai merasakan ketulusan dalam kata-katanya.
En: Rina began to feel the sincerity in his words.
Id: Proyek Natal berjalan dengan sukses besar.
En: The Christmas project was a great success.
Id: Anak-anak menikmati perayaan sederhana namun penuh kasih yang telah dipersiapkan Adi dan Rina.
En: The children enjoyed a simple yet loving celebration that Adi and Rina had prepared.
Id: Mereka tertawa, menari, dan bernyanyi dengan gembira.
En: They laughed, danced, and sang with joy.
Id: Saat malam tiba, Rina menyadari dia telah belajar untuk mempercayai orang lain lagi.
En: As the night fell, Rina realized she had learned to trust others again.
Id: Dia mengundang Adi untuk lebih sering berkunjung, mungkin menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar panti asuhan ini.
En: She invited Adi to visit more often, perhaps becoming part of the large extended family of the orphanage.
Id: Adi merasa menemukan tempat di mana dia benar-benar diterima dan dibutuhkan.
En: Adi felt he had found a place where he was truly accepted and needed.
Id: Kesibukan kota terasa jauh baginya sekarang, digantikan dengan perasaan hangat dan penuh arti.
En: The hustle and bustle of the city felt distant to him now, replaced by a warm and meaningful feeling.
Id: Dia berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk terus hadir di panti ini, memberikan cinta dan perhatian yang tulus.
En: He promised himself to continue being present at the orphanage, giving love and sincere attention.
Id: Dan hujan, meski terus turun, terasa seperti berkah yang mengalir melewati kehidupan mereka, membawa perubahan dan kebahagiaan baru.
En: And the rain, though it continued to fall, felt like a blessing flowing through their lives, bringing change and new happiness.
Id: Panti itu, walau sederhana dan sedikit lusuh, menjadi tempat di mana hati-hati saling bertemu dan saling menyembuhkan.
En: The orphanage, though simple and a bit worn, became a place where hearts met and healed one another.
Vocabulary Words:
- poured: turun
- atmosphere: suasana
- nestled: terletak
- lush: rindang
- shrubs: semak belukar
- tiled: genteng
- drip: menetes
- melancholy: pilu
- orphanage: panti asuhan
- skepticism: skeptis
- persistent: gigih
- ceiling: langit-langit
- enthusiastic: bersemangat
- patch: menutup
- sincerity: ketulusan
- hustle: kesibukan
- healed: menyembuhkan
- leaked: bocor
- tinged: berpadu
- bridge: menjembatani
- care: merawat
- gigih: persistent
- ragu-ragu: hesitated
- sincerity: ketulusan
- berkah: blessing
- sederhana: simple
- panas: warm
- mengalir: flow
- bangunan: building
- berjalan: proceeds
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