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FluentFiction - Indonesian

  • Love Amidst the Stalls: A Market Adventure in Pasar Baru

    1 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Love Amidst the Stalls: A Market Adventure in Pasar Baru Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/love-amidst-the-stalls-a-market-adventure-in-pasar-baru/ Story Transcript: Id: Pasar Baru pagi itu ramai sekali. En: Pasar Baru was extremely busy that morning. Id: Matahari sudah tinggi, membuat pasar terasa hangat. En: The sun was already high, making the market feel warm. Id: Rara berjalan cepat di antara deretan kios, mata mencari bahan-bahan untuk kue istimewa. En: Rara walked quickly between rows of stalls, her eyes searching for ingredients for her special cake. Id: Ia ingin mengikuti lomba kue Hari Kemerdekaan. En: She wanted to participate in the Independence Day cake competition. Id: Ingatannya berputar tentang resep yang ia pelajari semalam. En: Her mind was whirling with the recipe she had studied last night. Id: Gula, tepung, telur, mentega, dan buah-buahan segar. En: Sugar, flour, eggs, butter, and fresh fruits. Id: Semua harus sempurna. En: Everything had to be perfect. Id: Kios Lila selalu jadi tujuan utama. En: Lila's stall was always the main destination. Id: Lila dikenal dengan buah-buah eksotisnya. En: Lila was known for her exotic fruits. Id: Buah naga, manggis, dan rambutan tersusun rapi. En: Dragon fruits, mangosteens, and rambutans were neatly arranged. Id: "Rara! En: "Rara! Id: Sudah lama tidak kelihatan," sapa Lila dengan senyum lebar. En: It’s been a while," greeted Lila with a broad smile. Id: Rara membalas dengan senyum sambil memilih buah. En: Rara responded with a smile while picking out fruits. Id: Lila bercerita banyak hal, dari harga buah hingga kejadian lucu di rumah. En: Lila chatted about various things, from fruit prices to funny incidents at home. Id: Selesai belanja, Rara memeriksa tas belanjaannya. En: After shopping, Rara checked her shopping bag. Id: Ternyata bukan miliknya! En: It wasn't hers! Id: Dia melihat ke sekeliling, mencari tanda siapa yang mungkin tertukar dengan tasnya. En: She looked around, trying to spot who might have their bag swapped with hers. Id: "Ah, mungkin Lila tahu," pikirnya. En: "Ah, maybe Lila knows," she thought. Id: Saat dia kembali ke kios Lila, Rara berpapasan dengan Tama. En: As she headed back to Lila's stall, Rara bumped into Tama. Id: Tama tampak sibuk, tapi raut wajahnya berubah ketika melihat Rara. En: Tama looked busy, but his expression changed when he saw Rara. Id: "Rara, ada apa? En: "Rara, what's wrong? Id: Kamu kelihatan bingung," tanya Tama dengan lembut. En: You seem confused," asked Tama gently. Id: Rara menjelaskan situasinya. En: Rara explained her situation. Id: Tama, dengan senyum, menawarkan bantuan. En: Tama, with a smile, offered to help. Id: "Mari kita cari sama-sama," katanya. En: "Let's look for it together," he said. Id: Rara ragu-ragu, tapi akhirnya setuju. En: Rara hesitated but eventually agreed. Id: Mereka berkeliling pasar, bertanya pada pedagang lain jika ada yang melihat tas Lila. En: They roamed around the market, asking other vendors if they had seen Lila’s bag. Id: Ternyata, beberapa buah dari tas Lila sudah dibeli oleh pelanggan lain. En: As it turned out, some of Lila’s fruits had already been bought by other customers. Id: Rara harus menawar dan membujuk untuk mendapatkan kembali semua bahan yang ia butuhkan. En: Rara had to negotiate and persuade to get all the ingredients she needed back. Id: Setiap kali mereka menemukan buah yang hilang, pasti ada saja halangan. En: Every time they found a missing fruit, there was always an obstacle. Id: Sebuah lomba makan kerupuk menarik perhatian. En: A cracker-eating contest caught their attention. Id: Pawai anak-anak dengan seragam berwarna-warni memukau mereka. En: A parade of children in colorful uniforms mesmerized them. Id: Rara terus diingatkan oleh Tama, "Jangan lupa tujuan kita. En: Rara kept being reminded by Tama, "Don’t forget our goal." Id: " Satu per satu, bahan-bahan yang diperlukan Rara kembali. En: One by one, Rara’s needed ingredients were recovered. Id: Kadang dengan imbalan berdansa dengan penjual atau bahkan mendengarkan gosip terbaru. En: Sometimes it required dancing with a vendor or even listening to the latest gossip. Id: Semua ini membuat Rara menyadari betapa penuh warna hidup di Pasar Baru. En: All of this made Rara realize how vibrant life at Pasar Baru was. Id: Saat semua bahan berhasil dikumpulkan, sore mulai datang. En: By the time all the ingredients were gathered, evening had begun to set in. Id: Rara dan Tama duduk sejenak di bawah pohon besar. En: Rara and Tama sat for a moment under a big tree. Id: "Terima kasih, Tama. En: "Thank you, Tama. Id: Tanpa kamu, mungkin aku tidak akan berhasil," ucap Rara tulus. En: Without you, I might not have succeeded," Rara said sincerely. Id: Mereka saling tersenyum, kehangatan yang dulu samar makin terasa. En: They exchanged smiles, a warmth that had previously been faint now more apparent. Id: Hari perlombaan tiba, Rara menaruh kue hasil kerjanya di meja penilaian. En: The day of the competition arrived, and Rara placed her cake on the judging table. Id: Harapan dan kecemasan terlihat di matanya. En: Hope and anxiety were evident in her eyes. Id: Tama berada di samping, memberi dukungan. En: Tama stood beside her, offering support. Id: Saat juri mengumumkan pemenang, nama Rara disebut. En: When the judges announced the winner, Rara’s name was called. Id: Dia berhasil! En: She had won! Id: Namun, kemenangan itu lebih dari sekadar piala. En: However, the victory was more than just a trophy. Id: Rara belajar arti kerjasama dan rasa percaya. En: Rara learned the meaning of teamwork and trust. Id: Dia menoleh ke arah Tama, yang tetap berdiri setia di sampingnya. En: She glanced at Tama, who remained steadfastly by her side. Id: Perasaan hangat menjalar, tidak hanya bangga akan kemenangan tapi juga cinta yang diam-diam mulai tumbuh. En: A warm feeling spread, not just pride in the victory, but also a love that had quietly begun to grow. Id: Pasar Baru berlanjut dengan kegiatannya, namun untuk Rara dan Tama, itu adalah hari yang tidak terlupakan. En: Pasar Baru continued its hustle and bustle, but for Rara and Tama, it was an unforgettable day. Id: Sebuah awal baru di antara keramaian pasar yang penuh kenangan. En: A new beginning amidst the busy market filled with memories. Vocabulary Words: - whirling: berputar - ingredients: bahan-bahan - competition: lomba - neatly: rapi - greeted: sapa - incident: kejadian - swapped: tertukar - hesitated: ragu-ragu - vendor: pedagang - negotiated: menawar - persuade: membujuk - obstacle: halangan - parade: pawai - vibrant: penuh warna - gathered: berhasil dikumpulkan - mesmerized: memukau - sincerely: tulus - support: dukungan - announced: mengumumkan - victory: kemenangan - trust: rasa percaya - steadfastly: setia - hustle: keramaian - bustle: kegiatan - exotic: eksotis - latest: terbaru - uniforms: seragam - baking: memasak kue - main: utama - recipe: resep
    Played 20m 28s
  • Renewable Energy & Resilient Friendships: A Bunker Adventure

    28 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Renewable Energy & Resilient Friendships: A Bunker Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/renewable-energy-resilient-friendships-a-bunker-adventure/ Story Transcript: Id: Di musim dingin di belahan bumi selatan, jauh di bawah permukaan tanah, ada sebuah bunker rahasia. En: In the winter of the southern hemisphere, far beneath the ground's surface, there lies a secret bunker. Id: Bunker ini tidak lagi digunakan. En: This bunker is no longer in use. Id: Cahaya lampu sering berkedip-kedip. En: The lights often flicker. Id: Temboknya berkarat. En: The walls are rusty. Id: Koridor penuh debu dan gema. En: The corridors are filled with dust and echoes. Id: Di sinilah Dewi, Rizal, dan Sari memulai eksperimen sains mereka. En: It is here that Dewi, Rizal, and Sari began their science experiment. Id: Dewi, anak perempuan yang penasaran dan tekun, sangat menyukai sains. En: Dewi, a curious and diligent girl, loved science. Id: Itu sebabnya ia ingin memenangkan lomba sains sekolah. En: That’s why she wanted to win the school science competition. Id: Namun, diam-diam ia takut gagal. En: However, she secretly feared failure. Id: Bersamanya ada Rizal, sahabat setianya yang selalu mendukung. En: With her was Rizal, her loyal friend who always supported her. Id: Rizal kadang kurang percaya diri, tapi ia selalu ada untuk Dewi. En: Rizal sometimes lacked self-confidence, but he was always there for Dewi. Id: Dan ada juga Sari, murid baru yang cerdas dan punya banyak akal. En: And then there was Sari, the new student who was smart and resourceful. Id: Tapi Sari menyimpan rahasia tentang keluarganya yang membuatnya gelisah. En: But Sari had a secret about her family that made her anxious. Id: "Ayo kita mulai," kata Dewi dengan semangat, walau dalam hatinya masih ada sedikit cemas. En: "Let's start," Dewi said enthusiastically, although she still felt a bit anxious inside. Id: Mereka bertiga menyiapkan peralatan eksperimen. En: The three of them prepared their experiment equipment. Id: Mereka ingin membuktikan teori tentang energi terbarukan yang mereka pelajari di sekolah. En: They wanted to prove a theory about renewable energy they had learned in school. Id: Saat mereka bekerja, bunker mulai gemetar. En: As they worked, the bunker began to shake. Id: Dinding yang karatan mulai berderak. En: The rusty walls started to creak. Id: "Kita harus pergi dari sini," kata Rizal dengan panik. En: "We have to get out of here," Rizal said in panic. Id: Tapi Dewi bersikeras. En: But Dewi insisted. Id: "Kita hampir selesai. En: "We’re almost done. Id: Kita harus bertahan sedikit lagi. En: We have to hold on a bit longer." Id: "Sari, yang dari awal tampak resah, akhirnya memutuskan untuk berbicara. En: Sari, who had been uneasy from the start, finally decided to speak. Id: "Aku ada masalah di rumah. En: "I have problems at home. Id: Keluargaku sedang dalam krisis finansial. En: My family is in a financial crisis. Id: Itu sebabnya aku sangat tegang," katanya dengan suara bergetar. En: That's why I’ve been so tense," she said with a trembling voice. Id: "Dengar, Sari. En: "Listen, Sari. Id: Kita semua punya masalah. En: We all have problems. Id: Tapi kita di sini bersama-sama. En: But we are here together. Id: Kita bisa melalui ini," kata Dewi dengan hangat. En: We can get through this," Dewi said warmly. Id: Rizal juga mengangguk setuju. En: Rizal nodded in agreement. Id: Sari merasa lebih baik berbagi beban itu. En: Sari felt better after sharing that burden. Id: Ketika bunker mulai retak-retak, eksperimen mereka hampir mencapai hasilnya. En: As the bunker began to crack, their experiment was nearing its result. Id: Semua tampak berantakan, tapi Dewi tetap tenang. En: Everything seemed chaotic, but Dewi remained calm. Id: "Kita bisa melakukan ini," katanya penuh tekad. En: "We can do this," she said determinedly. Id: Tiba-tiba, langit-langit mulai runtuh. En: Suddenly, the ceiling started to collapse. Id: "Cepat, ambil data kita dan keluar dari sini! En: "Quick, grab our data and get out of here!" Id: " seru Rizal. En: shouted Rizal. Id: Mereka bergegas mengambil apa yang bisa mereka selamatkan dan lari menuju pintu keluar. En: They hurriedly grabbed what they could save and ran towards the exit. Id: Saat mereka sampai di luar bunker, napas mereka terengah-engah. En: When they reached outside the bunker, they were panting heavily. Id: "Kita berhasil," kata Dewi lega. En: "We did it," Dewi said with relief. Id: "Dan eksperimen kita berhasil," tambahnya dengan senyum lebar. En: "And our experiment succeeded," she added with a wide smile. Id: Rizal dan Sari tersenyum lega. En: Rizal and Sari smiled with relief. Id: "Kita mungkin tidak memenangkan lomba," kata Rizal. En: "We might not win the competition," said Rizal. Id: "Tapi kita belajar banyak. En: "But we learned a lot." Id: "Dewi mengangguk. En: Dewi nodded. Id: "Ya, aku belajar bahwa keberanian dan kerjasama itu penting. En: "Yes, I learned that courage and teamwork are important. Id: Kalian adalah teman terbaik," kata Dewi sambil memeluk keduanya. En: You guys are the best friends," Dewi said, hugging both of them. Id: Rizal merasa lebih percaya diri. En: Rizal felt more confident. Id: Sari merasa lebih nyaman dengan teman barunya. En: Sari felt more comfortable with her new friends. Id: Dan Dewi, Dewi tahu bahwa ia mampu melakukan banyak hal bila percaya pada diri sendiri dan teman-temannya. En: And Dewi, Dewi knew that she could accomplish many things if she believed in herself and her friends. Id: Bunker mungkin telah runtuh, tapi persahabatan mereka semakin kokoh. En: The bunker might have collapsed, but their friendship grew stronger. Id: Musim dingin di belahan bumi selatan pun terasa lebih hangat berkat kehangatan persahabatan mereka. En: Winter in the southern hemisphere felt warmer thanks to the warmth of their friendship. Vocabulary Words: - surface: permukaan - bunker: bunker - corroded: berkarat - corridors: koridor - flicker: berkedip-kedip - curious: penasaran - diligent: tekun - loyal: setia - resourceful: punya banyak akal - anxious: cemas - enthusiastically: dengan semangat - renewable: terbarukan - creak: berderak - panic: panik - insisted: bersikeras - theory: teori - uneasy: resah - crisis: krisis - trembling: bergetar - warmly: dengan hangat - burden: beban - determinedly: penuh tekad - collapse: runtuh - experiment: eksperimen - panting: terengah-engah - relief: lega - courage: keberanian - teamwork: kerjasama - accomplish: melakukan - confident: percaya diri
    Played 19m 27s
  • Missteps & Laughter: A Day of Discovery at Taman Mini Adventure

    26 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Missteps & Laughter: A Day of Discovery at Taman Mini Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/missteps-laughter-a-day-of-discovery-at-taman-mini-adventure/ Story Transcript: Id: Sudah tengah hari di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. En: It was midday at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Id: Matahari bersinar terang, membuat hari ini sangat cerah. En: The sun was shining brightly, making the day very clear. Id: Di bawah terik matahari, Adi dan Rina berjalan bersama. En: Under the scorching sun, Adi and Rina walked together. Id: Adi tampak canggung, sementara Rina tampak ceria dan penuh semangat. En: Adi looked awkward, while Rina appeared cheerful and full of enthusiasm. Id: "Taman ini indah sekali, ya? En: "This park is so beautiful, isn’t it?" Id: " kata Rina sambil tersenyum. En: said Rina with a smile. Id: "Aku belum pernah kesini sebelumnya. En: "I’ve never been here before." Id: "Adi tersenyum gugup. En: Adi smiled nervously. Id: "Iya, di sini banyak pameran budaya. En: "Yes, there are many cultural exhibits here. Id: Aku suka sejarah Indonesia. En: I love Indonesian history." Id: "Mereka berjalan menuju rumah adat Jawa, dan Adi mulai bercerita tentang sejarah rumah tersebut. En: They walked towards a traditional Javanese house, and Adi began to tell the history of the house. Id: Rina mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian, tapi ia juga mengamati Adi yang terlihat tegang. En: Rina listened attentively, but she also observed that Adi seemed tense. Id: "Kamu tahu banyak sekali tentang sejarah. En: "You know so much about history. Id: Aku kagum," kata Rina. En: I’m impressed," said Rina. Id: Adi tersipu malu. En: Adi blushed. Id: "Terima kasih, aku senang kamu suka. En: "Thank you, I’m glad you like it." Id: "Ketika mereka sampai di paviliun batik, Adi ingin menunjukkan pengetahuannya lebih banyak lagi. En: When they arrived at the batik pavilion, Adi wanted to show more of his knowledge. Id: Tapi saat ingin menjelaskan tentang motif batik, dia secara tidak sengaja tersandung dan menabrak display batik. En: But as he was about to explain the batik patterns, he accidentally tripped and bumped into a batik display. Id: Kain batik jatuh berserakan di lantai. En: The batik cloths scattered on the floor. Id: Beberapa pengunjung menoleh, dan Adi merasa sangat malu. En: Some visitors turned to look, and Adi felt deeply embarrassed. Id: "Oh tidak! En: "Oh no!" Id: " seru Adi. En: exclaimed Adi. Id: Wajahnya merah dan dia tidak tahu harus berkata apa. En: His face turned red and he didn’t know what to say. Id: Rina melihat kejadian itu dan tersenyum lebar. En: Rina saw what happened and grinned widely. Id: Dia mulai tertawa lepas. En: She started laughing out loud. Id: Adi terkejut, tapi perlahan-lahan dia juga mulai tertawa. En: Adi was surprised, but slowly he began to laugh as well. Id: "Maaf, aku tidak bermaksud begitu," kata Adi sambil mengumpulkan batik yang jatuh. En: "Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that," said Adi as he gathered the fallen batik. Id: "Tidak apa-apa, Adi! En: "It’s okay, Adi! Id: Aku pikir itu lucu. En: I thought it was funny. Id: Kamu tidak perlu khawatir," kata Rina sambil membantu Adi merapikan kain batik. En: You don’t need to worry," said Rina while helping Adi tidy up the batik cloths. Id: Setelah kejadian itu, suasana menjadi lebih santai. En: After that incident, the atmosphere became more relaxed. Id: Mereka melanjutkan petualangan mereka di taman, menikmati pemandangan dan berbicara tentang berbagai hal. En: They continued their adventure in the park, enjoying the sights and talking about various things. Id: Adi merasa lebih percaya diri sekarang. En: Adi felt more confident now. Id: Dia menyadari bahwa Rina tidak keberatan dengan kesalahan kecilnya. En: He realized that Rina didn’t mind his small mistakes. Id: Dia bahkan menemukan kekurangan Adi sebagai sesuatu yang menggemaskan. En: She even found Adi’s awkwardness endearing. Id: Ketika malam tiba, mereka duduk di dekat danau mini. En: As night fell, they sat by the mini lake. Id: Air danau berkilauan terkena cahaya lampu taman. En: The lake’s water glittered under the park lights. Id: Rina menatap Adi dengan senyum hangat. En: Rina looked at Adi with a warm smile. Id: "Adi, hari ini sangat menyenangkan. En: "Adi, today was so much fun. Id: Terima kasih sudah mengajakku ke sini," kata Rina. En: Thank you for taking me here," said Rina. Id: "Sama-sama, Rina. En: "You’re welcome, Rina. Id: Aku juga sangat senang. En: I’m really happy too. Id: Jadi, bagaimana kalau kita pergi berkencan lagi minggu depan? En: So, how about we go on another date next week?" Id: " tanya Adi penuh harap. En: Adi asked hopefully. Id: "Tentu, aku akan senang sekali! En: "Sure, I’d love to!" Id: " jawab Rina dengan antusias. En: replied Rina enthusiastically. Id: Adi merasa sangat lega dan senang. En: Adi felt very relieved and happy. Id: Dia belajar bahwa menjadi diri sendiri adalah hal yang paling penting. En: He learned that being himself was the most important thing. Id: Mereka meninggalkan Taman Mini Indonesia Indah dengan penuh tawa dan cerita-cerita baru, berjanji untuk bertemu lagi. En: They left Taman Mini Indonesia Indah with lots of laughter and new stories, promising to meet again. Id: Hari itu menjadi awal dari petualangan baru dan kisah indah mereka bersama. En: That day marked the beginning of a new adventure and a beautiful story together. Vocabulary Words: - midday: tengah hari - shining: bersinar - scorching: terik - awkward: canggung - cheerful: ceria - enthusiasm: semangat - cultural: budaya - exhibit: pameran - attentively: dengan penuh perhatian - tense: tegang - impressed: kagum - blushed: tersipu malu - pavilion: paviliun - patterns: motif - tripped: tersandung - scattered: berserakan - embarrassed: malu - exclaimed: seru - grinned: tersenyum lebar - laughed: tertawa - tidy up: merapikan - relaxed: santai - adventure: petualangan - awkwardness: kecanggungan - endearing: menggemaskan - glittered: berkilauan - relieved: lega - promising: berjanji - beginning: awal
    Played 18m 17s
  • Startup Showdown: Balance of Risks and Innovation Unveiled

    25 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Startup Showdown: Balance of Risks and Innovation Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/startup-showdown-balance-of-risks-and-innovation-unveiled/ Story Transcript: Id: Di sudut gedung Startup Incubator yang selalu sibuk, Rina dan Arif berdiri di depan sebuah papan tulis penuh dengan sketsa dan catatan. En: In the corner of the always-busy Startup Incubator building, Rina and Arif stood in front of a whiteboard filled with sketches and notes. Id: Rina, seorang pemudi ambisius dengan mata yang berbinar penuh harapan, berbicara riuh tentang teknologi terbaru yang ingin mereka beli. En: Rina, an ambitious young woman with eyes sparkling with hope, excitedly talked about the latest technology they wanted to buy. Id: "Arif, kita butuh perangkat ini untuk presentasi kita. En: "Arif, we need this device for our presentation. Id: Ini bisa mengesankan investor! En: It could impress the investors!" Id: " katanya dengan semangat. En: she said enthusiastically. Id: Namun, Arif, rekan bisnisnya yang hati-hati, menghela napas. En: However, Arif, her cautious business partner, sighed. Id: "Rina, anggaran kita terbatas. En: "Rina, our budget is limited. Id: Kita harus mencari solusi yang lebih murah," ujarnya. En: We need to find a cheaper solution," he replied. Id: Musim kemarau di belahan bumi selatan membuat udara di dalam gedung terasa kering. En: The dry season in the southern hemisphere made the air inside the building feel dry. Id: Rina merasa gugup. En: Rina felt nervous. Id: Kompetisi di tempat ini sangat ketat. En: The competition here was very tight. Id: Startup lain juga mengincar perangkat yang sama. En: Other startups were also eyeing the same device. Id: Rina tahu, ini bisa menjadi penentu nasib mereka. En: Rina knew this could determine their fate. Id: "Kita bisa coba negosiasi dengan vendor," usul Rina. En: "We could try negotiating with the vendor," Rina suggested. Id: Arif berpikir sejenak. En: Arif thought for a moment. Id: "Baiklah, tapi kita harus tahu batas kita. En: "Alright, but we need to know our limits. Id: Kita tidak bisa menghamburkan uang," katanya perlahan. En: We can't waste money," he said slowly. Id: Mereka berjalan menuju stan vendor teknologi. En: They walked towards the tech vendor's booth. Id: Ruangan besar itu penuh dengan tawa dan obrolan dari berbagai kelompok startup. En: The large room was filled with laughter and chatter from various startup groups. Id: Di salah satu pojok, ada Tim Rival, yang tampak sama bersemangatnya dalam memilih perangkat. En: In one corner, there was Rival Team, who seemed equally enthusiastic about choosing devices. Id: Rina dan Arif mendekati vendor. En: Rina and Arif approached the vendor. Id: "Kami ingin beli beberapa perangkat, tapi anggaran kami terbatas. En: "We want to buy some devices, but our budget is limited. Id: Apa mungkin ada diskon? En: Is there any chance of a discount?" Id: " tanya Rina dengan nada tegas tapi sopan. En: Rina asked in a firm but polite tone. Id: Vendor tersenyum. En: The vendor smiled. Id: "Kami bisa memberikan potongan harga untuk pembelian dalam jumlah besar," katanya. En: "We can offer a discount for bulk purchases," he said. Id: Arif mengernyit. En: Arif frowned. Id: "Kita tidak punya cukup dana untuk beli banyak. En: "We don't have enough funds to buy in bulk. Id: Kita ambil beberapa item saja, Rina. En: Let's just get a few items, Rina." Id: "Rina merasa frustrasi. En: Rina felt frustrated. Id: "Kalau kita beli sedikit, kita tidak akan terlihat seimpresif itu," bisiknya pada Arif. En: "If we buy only a few, we won't look that impressive," she whispered to Arif. Id: Pembicaraan semakin memanas. En: The discussion heated up. Id: "Kita tidak bisa mengambil risiko besar, Rina. En: "We can't take a big risk, Rina. Id: Startup kita bisa bangkrut kalau kita boros," kata Arif dengan suara serius. En: Our startup could go bankrupt if we splurge," Arif said seriously. Id: Sementara itu, Tim Rival sudah mulai menawar perangkat yang sama. En: Meanwhile, Rival Team had started negotiating for the same device. Id: Mereka tampak yakin dan agresif dalam bernegosiasi. En: They seemed confident and aggressive in their negotiation. Id: Rina dan Arif berpandangan. En: Rina and Arif exchanged glances. Id: “Bagaimana kalau kita kompromi? En: "How about we compromise?" Id: ” kata Arif. En: Arif said. Id: “Kita beli beberapa perangkat penting dan sisanya kita simpan untuk kebutuhan mendesak lainnya. En: "We'll buy a few essential devices and save the rest of the budget for other urgent needs." Id: ”Rina mengangguk pelan, menyadari Arif benar. En: Rina slowly nodded, realizing Arif was right. Id: "Baiklah, kita beli beberapa item saja. En: "Okay, let's just buy a few items." Id: "Dengan keputusan itu, mereka berjabat tangan dengan vendor dan menyelesaikan transaksi. En: With that decision, they shook hands with the vendor and completed the transaction. Id: Tim Rival tampak puas dengan belanjaan mereka, tapi Rina dan Arif tahu keputusan mereka lebih strategis. En: Rival Team seemed satisfied with their purchases, but Rina and Arif knew their decision was more strategic. Id: Di akhir hari, Rina belajar nilai dari kehati-hatian dan pengambilan risiko yang strategis. En: At the end of the day, Rina learned the value of caution and strategic risk-taking. Id: Arif pun mengerti bahwa terkadang risiko perlu diambil untuk menonjolkan diri. En: Arif also understood that sometimes risks need to be taken to stand out. Id: Dengan beberapa perangkat baru di tangan dan anggaran yang masih aman, mereka melangkah keluar Startup Incubator dengan lebih optimis dan siap menghadapi tantangan berikutnya. En: With a few new devices in hand and a still-safe budget, they walked out of the Startup Incubator more optimistic and ready to face the next challenge. Id: Sementara, Tim Rival mungkin mendapatkan lebih banyak perangkat, tetapi hanya waktu yang akan menentukan apakah keputusan mereka bijaksana atau malah menjadi boomerang finansial. En: Meanwhile, Rival Team might have gotten more devices, but only time would tell if their decision was wise or would turn out to be a financial boomerang. Id: Rina dan Arif kini tahu bahwa keseimbangan antara berani mengambil risiko dan bijaksana dalam pengelolaan uang adalah kunci kesuksesan mereka. En: Rina and Arif now knew that the balance between taking risks and being prudent in managing money was the key to their success. Id: Dan begitulah, mereka melanjutkan perjalanan startup mereka, lebih bijaksana dan semakin siap menghadapi masa depan. En: And so, they continued their startup journey, wiser and more prepared for the future. Vocabulary Words: - ambitious: ambisius - sparking: berbinar - nervous: gugup - negotiating: negosiasi - vendor: vendor - booth: stan - chatter: obrolan - impress: mengesankan - discount: diskon - solution: solusi - competition: kompetisi - essential: penting - urgent: mendesak - hectic: sibuk - laughter: tawa - frowned: mengernyit - frustrated: frustrasi - heated: memanas - aggressive: agresif - compromise: kompromi - transaction: transaksi - strategic: strategis - optimistic: optimis - prudent: bijaksana - wise: bijaksana - boomerang: boomerang - decision: keputusan - taken: diambil - journey: perjalanan - prepared: siap
    Played 20m 36s
  • The Mysteries of Mount Bromo: A Brother's Unyielding Hope

    24 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: The Mysteries of Mount Bromo: A Brother's Unyielding Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/the-mysteries-of-mount-bromo-a-brothers-unyielding-hope/ Story Transcript: Id: Kabut tebal melingkupi kaki Gunung Bromo. En: A thick fog enveloped the foot of Mount Bromo. Id: Adi berdiri di sana, mengingat saat ia terakhir kali melihat kakaknya, Bayu. En: Adi stood there, recalling the last time he saw his brother, Bayu. Id: Sudah setahun berlalu sejak Bayu hilang. En: It had been a year since Bayu disappeared. Id: Adi berdoa dengan khusyuk, berharap Allah memberinya petunjuk. En: Adi prayed fervently, hoping Allah would give him a sign. Id: Hari itu adalah hari raya Idul Adha; suasana semakin sakral. En: That day was the celebration of Idul Adha; the atmosphere became even more sacred. Id: "Ya Allah, berikan aku kekuatan," bisik Adi. En: "O Allah, give me strength," Adi whispered. Id: Adi memulai pendakiannya. En: Adi began his ascent. Id: Angin dingin menusuk tulang. En: The cold wind pierced his bones. Id: Dia mengenakan jaket tebal, namun masih merasa kedinginan. En: He was wearing a thick jacket, but still felt cold. Id: Selangkah demi selangkah, Adi mendaki gunung yang curam. En: Step by step, Adi climbed the steep mountain. Id: Dia bertanya pada pendaki lain tentang Bayu, tapi mereka hanya menggeleng atau memberikan jawaban yang tidak jelas. En: He asked other climbers about Bayu, but they only shook their heads or gave vague answers. Id: Saat matahari mulai terbenam, Adi bertemu dengan seorang pria misterius. En: As the sun began to set, Adi met a mysterious man. Id: Pria itu mengenakan pakaian tradisional Jawa dan membawa tongkat berjalan. En: The man wore traditional Javanese clothing and carried a walking stick. Id: "Nama saya Pak Surya. Saya tahu Anda mencari seseorang," kata pria itu. En: "My name is Pak Surya. I know you are looking for someone," said the man. Id: Adi terkejut. En: Adi was surprised. Id: "Apa Anda tahu tentang kakakku, Bayu?" tanyanya dengan penuh harap. En: "Do you know about my brother, Bayu?" he asked hopefully. Id: Pak Surya mengangguk. En: Pak Surya nodded. Id: "Ikuti saya." En: "Follow me." Id: Mereka berjalan melewati hutan pinus yang lebat. En: They walked through a dense pine forest. Id: Kabut semakin tebal. En: The fog grew thicker. Id: Adi merasa ragu, tapi dia tidak punya pilihan lain. En: Adi felt unsure but had no other choice. Id: Mereka terus berjalan hingga menemukan sebuah gua tersembunyi. En: They continued walking until they found a hidden cave. Id: Pak Surya menunjukkan jalan masuk. En: Pak Surya pointed to the entrance. Id: "Apa ini?" tanya Adi. En: "What is this?" asked Adi. Id: "Di dalam sana, Anda akan menemukan jawabannya," jawab Pak Surya sambil tersenyum misterius. En: "Inside, you will find your answer," replied Pak Surya with a mysterious smile. Id: Dengan hati-hati, Adi melangkah masuk ke gua. En: Cautiously, Adi stepped into the cave. Id: Suasana dalam gua sangat mencekam. En: The atmosphere inside was eerie. Id: Adi menyalakan senter dan melihat dinding gua yang penuh dengan tulisan. En: Adi turned on his flashlight and saw the cave walls covered in writings. Id: Di sudut gua, dia menemukan sebuah kotak kayu kecil. En: In the corner of the cave, he found a small wooden box. Id: Adi membukanya dengan gemetar. En: Adi opened it with trembling hands. Id: Di dalamnya ada surat. En: Inside was a letter. Id: Surat itu ditulis oleh Bayu. En: The letter was written by Bayu. Id: "Adi, jika kamu membaca ini, berarti kamu telah menemukan gua Rahasia Gunung Bromo. En: "Adi, if you are reading this, it means you have found the Secret Cave of Mount Bromo. Id: Aku datang ke sini mencari artefak bersejarah. En: I came here searching for a historical artifact. Id: Aku menemukan sesuatu yang besar, tapi aku tidak bisa kembali." En: I found something significant, but I could not return." Id: Hati Adi berdebar kencang. En: Adi's heart pounded. Id: Di surat itu, Bayu juga menulis sejarah tentang sebuah benda berharga yang tersembunyi di gunung itu, dan peringatan untuk berhati-hati. En: In the letter, Bayu also wrote the history of a valuable object hidden on the mountain, and a warning to be cautious. Id: Ketika Adi keluar gua, Pak Surya sudah menghilang. En: When Adi exited the cave, Pak Surya had disappeared. Id: Adi merasa kebingungan dan sedikit ketakutan. En: Adi felt confused and a bit scared. Id: Namun, dia merasakan harapan yang baru. En: However, he felt a new hope. Id: Meskipun belum menemukan Bayu, dia tahu kakaknya tidak hilang begitu saja. En: Although he had not found Bayu, he knew his brother had not just vanished. Id: Ada sesuatu yang penting yang ditinggalkan Bayu di gunung itu. En: Bayu had left something important on that mountain. Id: Adi berjanji pada dirinya sendiri akan melanjutkan pencarian. En: Adi promised himself to continue the search. Id: Dia juga belajar bahwa menerima bantuan dari orang asing bukanlah sesuatu yang buruk. En: He also learned that accepting help from strangers was not a bad thing. Id: Perjalanan ini memberinya kekuatan dan harapan baru. En: This journey gave him new strength and hope. Id: Gunung Bromo masih berdiri gagah dan penuh misteri, tapi di hati Adi kini ada cahaya baru. En: Mount Bromo still stood majestically and full of mystery, but in Adi's heart, there was now a new light. Id: Ia tidak akan menyerah. En: He would not give up. Id: Kakaknya butuh dia, dan dia akan meneruskan perjuangan itu, dengan semangat yang tak pernah padam. En: His brother needed him, and he would continue the fight, with an unwavering spirit. Vocabulary Words: - enveloped: melingkupi - recalled: mengingat - fervently: dengan khusyuk - sacred: sakral - ascent: pendakian - pierced: menusuk - steep: curam - vague: tidak jelas - set: terbenam - mysterious: misterius - traditional: tradisional - dense: lebat - unsure: ragu - entrance: jalan masuk - eerie: mencekam - stones: batu - cautiously: dengan hati-hati - trembling: gemetar - artifact: artefak - significant: besar - warning: peringatan - cave: gua - majestic: gagah - unwavering: tak pernah padam - foot: kaki - disappeared: menghilang - fog: kabut - flashlight: senter - covered: penuh - pine: pinus
    Played 18m 51s
  • Summit of Friendship: A Journey Beyond the Peak

    23 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Summit of Friendship: A Journey Beyond the Peak Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/summit-of-friendship-a-journey-beyond-the-peak/ Story Transcript: Id: Di bawah langit biru dan cerah musim kemarau, Sari dan Budi melangkah di jalur berbatu menuju puncak Gunung Bromo. En: Under the clear and blue sky of the dry season, Sari and Budi walked the rocky path toward the summit of Mount Bromo. Id: Udara dingin menusuk kulit, tapi pemandangan tak terlupakan. En: The cold air pierced their skin, but the unforgettable view made the journey worth it. Id: Lembah-lembah hijau, kawah-kawah vulkanik, dan pusaran kabut yang menari di sekitar mereka, membuat perjalanan ini tak terasa berat. En: Green valleys, volcanic craters, and swirling mists dancing around them made the journey feel less arduous. Id: Sari adalah wanita yang penuh semangat dan pemberani, tapi tak banyak yang tahu bahwa ia menyimpan ketakutan. En: Sari was an enthusiastic and brave woman, but few knew that she harbored fears. Id: Ketakutan tidak cukup kuat untuk mencapai puncak. En: Fears that she might not be strong enough to reach the summit. Id: Budi, sahabat setianya, selalu ada di sampingnya. En: Budi, her loyal friend, was always by her side. Id: Ia tahu betapa pentingnya perjalanan ini bagi Sari. En: He knew how important this journey was for Sari. Id: "Mari, Sari. Kita sudah setengah jalan," kata Budi sambil tersenyum mendukung. En: "Come on, Sari. We're halfway there," Budi said, smiling supportively. Id: Namun, semakin mereka naik, makin terasa sulit bagi Sari. En: However, as they climbed higher, it became increasingly difficult for Sari. Id: Kepalanya mulai pusing, nafasnya tersengal-sengal. En: Her head began to ache, her breath became labored. Id: Sakit di dadanya semakin parah. En: The pain in her chest worsened. Id: Gejala-gejala penyakit ketinggian mulai muncul. En: Symptoms of altitude sickness began to appear. Id: Setiap langkah jadi perjuangan. En: Each step became a struggle. Id: "Budi, aku tidak yakin bisa melanjutkan," ucap Sari pelan, tangannya gemetar memegang batu. En: "Budi, I'm not sure I can continue," Sari whispered, her hand trembling as she held onto a rock. Id: Budi melihat kondisi Sari dengan mata khawatir. En: Budi looked at Sari with worried eyes. Id: "Jangan paksa diri, Sari. Kesehatanmu lebih penting." En: "Don't push yourself, Sari. Your health is more important." Id: "Tapi Budi, aku ingin sampai puncak!" jawab Sari keras kepala. En: "But Budi, I want to reach the summit!" Sari replied stubbornly. Id: Walau tubuhnya lemah, tekadnya kuat. En: Although her body was weak, her determination was strong. Id: Mereka berhenti sejenak di sebuah titik yang agak datar. En: They paused for a moment at a relatively flat spot. Id: Sari menarik napas panjang, mencoba mengatur napasnya. En: Sari took a deep breath, trying to regulate her breathing. Id: Tapi tubuhnya tidak bersahabat. En: But her body was uncooperative. Id: Kakinya goyah dan akhirnya ia terjatuh. En: Her legs wobbled, and she eventually collapsed. Id: "Sari!" Budi segera berlutut di sampingnya. Wajahnya pucat. En: "Sari!" Budi immediately knelt beside her, his face pale. Id: Dalam hati, Budi bimbang. En: In his heart, Budi was torn. Id: Apakah harus terus mencoba naik dengan risiko lebih besar, atau turun dan selamatkan Sari? En: Should they risk going higher or descend and ensure Sari's safety? Id: Akhirnya, ia memutuskan. En: Finally, he decided. Id: "Kita turun sekarang," katanya tegas. En: "We're going down now," he said firmly. Id: "Kamu lebih penting dari puncak." En: "You are more important than the summit." Id: Setelah sedikit pemulihan, dengan susah payah, mereka mulai turun. En: After a little recovery, with great effort, they began to descend. Id: Perlahan, hati-hati, Budi merangkul Sari sepanjang perjalanan. En: Slowly, carefully, Budi supported Sari throughout the journey. Id: Setiap langkah terasa jauh lebih berat, tapi juga lebih meyakinkan. En: Each step felt much heavier but also more purposeful. Id: Akhirnya, mereka sampai di pos bantuan pertama. En: Eventually, they reached the first aid post. Id: Sari berbaring, mencoba memulihkan diri. En: Sari lay down, trying to recover. Id: Di sampingnya, Budi duduk menjaga. En: Beside her, Budi sat vigilantly. Id: "Sari, kamu sudah sangat kuat. Jangan merasa gagal," ucap Budi lembut, meyakinkan. En: "Sari, you've been very strong. Don't feel like a failure," Budi said softly, reassuring her. Id: Sari menatap Budi, dalam hatinya ada rasa baru. Rasa pentingnya mendengarkan tubuh sendiri, dan betapa berharganya dukungan teman. En: Sari looked at Budi, feeling a newfound sense of importance in listening to her body and the value of a friend's support. Id: "Terima kasih, Budi. Kamu benar. Aku harus lebih mendengar tubuhku," katanya dengan senyum lemah tapi tulus. En: "Thank you, Budi. You're right. I need to listen to my body more," she said with a weak but sincere smile. Id: Perjalanan pulang mereka adalah perjalanan mengenal diri. En: Their journey back was a journey of self-discovery. Id: Walau mereka tidak mencapai puncak Gunung Bromo, mereka telah mencapai puncak lain—pengertian dan persahabatan sejati. En: Although they did not reach the summit of Mount Bromo, they reached another peak—understanding and true friendship. Id: Dan di bawah langit cerah itu, di tengah pemandangan yang menakjubkan, Sari tidak merasa kalah. En: And under that clear sky, amidst the stunning scenery, Sari did not feel defeated. Id: Ia merasa kuat, lebih dari sebelumnya. En: She felt stronger than ever. Vocabulary Words: - rocky: berbatu - summit: puncak - pierced: menusuk - unforgettable: tak terlupakan - swirling: pusaran - arduous: berat - enthusiastic: penuh semangat - brave: pemberani - harbored: menyimpan - loyal: setia - supportively: mendukung - increasingly: makin - labored: tersengal-sengal - symptoms: gejala-gejala - trembling: gemetar - firmly: tegas - descent: turun - recovery: pemulihan - supported: merangkul - vigilantly: menjaga - stubbornly: keras kepala - collapsed: terjatuh - uncooperative: tidak bersahabat - wobbled: goyah - relatively: agak - pale: pucat - torn: bimbang - ensure: selamatkan - effort: susah payah - purposeful: meyakinkan
    Played 19m 3s
  • A Day at Pasar Baru: Putri's Vibrant Market Adventure in Jakarta

    22 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: A Day at Pasar Baru: Putri's Vibrant Market Adventure in Jakarta Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/a-day-at-pasar-baru-putris-vibrant-market-adventure-in-jakarta/ Story Transcript: Id: Pagi itu di Pasar Baru, Jakarta, matahari bersinar cerah. En: That morning at Pasar Baru, Jakarta, the sun was shining brightly. Id: Putri berjalan menyusuri lorong sempit pasar dengan keranjang belanja di tangan. En: Putri walked through the narrow market lanes with a shopping basket in hand. Id: Pasar sangat ramai dengan suara pedagang yang menawarkan dagangannya. En: The market was bustling with the sounds of vendors hawking their goods. Id: Putri berhenti di kios buah pertama. En: Putri stopped at the first fruit stall. Id: "Apel ini segar sekali," pikirnya. En: "These apples are so fresh," she thought. Id: Ia menghampiri pedagang. En: She approached the vendor. Id: "Pak, berapa harga apel ini? En: "Sir, how much are these apples?" Id: " tanyanya. En: she asked. Id: "Rp 20,000 per kilogram, Mbak," jawab pedagang dengan senyum ramah. En: "Rp 20,000 per kilogram, Miss," answered the vendor with a friendly smile. Id: Putri mengangguk dan mengambil satu kilogram apel. En: Putri nodded and took one kilogram of apples. Id: Ia juga melihat buah mangga yang matang di sebelah apel. En: She also noticed ripe mangoes next to the apples. Id: "Mangga juga, Pak. En: "Mangos too, Sir. Id: Satu kilogram," katanya. En: One kilogram," she said. Id: Selanjutnya, Putri pindah ke kios sayuran. En: Next, Putri moved to the vegetable stall. Id: Di sana, ada banyak sayur segar. En: There were many fresh vegetables. Id: Ia melihat seikat bayam yang hijau dan segar. En: She saw a bunch of green, fresh spinach. Id: "Bayam ini berapa, Bu? En: "How much is this spinach, Ma'am?" Id: " tanyanya pada penjual sayur. En: she asked the vegetable seller. Id: "Rp 5,000 per ikat," jawab penjual sayur. En: "Rp 5,000 per bunch," replied the vegetable seller. Id: Putri memasukkan seikat bayam ke keranjangnya. En: Putri put a bunch of spinach in her basket. Id: Ia juga membeli wortel, tomat, dan kentang. En: She also bought carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes. Id: Pasar semakin padat, tetapi Putri tidak terganggu. En: The market got busier, but Putri wasn't disturbed. Id: Ia menikmati suasana pasar yang hidup. En: She enjoyed the lively market atmosphere. Id: Saat ia hendak pulang, Putri berhenti di kios ikan. En: When she was about to go home, Putri stopped at the fish stall. Id: Ia ingat ibunya minta dia beli ikan segar. En: She remembered her mother had asked her to buy fresh fish. Id: "Ikan nila berapa, Pak? En: "How much is the tilapia fish, Sir?" Id: " tanya Putri pada penjual ikan. En: Putri asked the fish seller. Id: "Rp 30,000 per kilogram," jawab penjual ikan. En: "Rp 30,000 per kilogram," answered the fish seller. Id: Putri membeli satu kilogram ikan nila. En: Putri bought one kilogram of tilapia fish. Id: Setelah semua belanjaannya lengkap, Putri berjalan keluar pasar. En: After completing all her purchases, Putri walked out of the market. Id: Perjalanannya ke pasar sangat menyenangkan. En: Her trip to the market had been very enjoyable. Id: Ia melihat banyak pemandangan menarik dan bertemu orang-orang ramah. En: She saw many interesting sights and met friendly people. Id: Sesampainya di rumah, Putri disambut ibunya. En: Arriving home, Putri was greeted by her mother. Id: "Apa saja yang kamu beli? En: "What did you buy?" Id: " tanya ibunya. En: her mother asked. Id: Putri menunjukkan apel, mangga, bayam, dan ikan nila. En: Putri showed the apples, mangoes, spinach, and tilapia fish. Id: "Wah, bagus sekali! En: "Wow, very nice!" Id: " kata ibunya dengan senyum lebar. En: her mother said with a wide smile. Id: Putri merasa senang dan puas. En: Putri felt happy and satisfied. Id: Ia berhasil membeli semua yang dibutuhkan dengan harga yang baik. En: She had managed to buy everything she needed at good prices. Id: Hari itu, Putri belajar banyak tentang pasar dan cara berbelanja. En: That day, Putri learned a lot about the market and shopping. Id: Akhirnya, Putri duduk bersama ibunya di meja makan. En: Finally, Putri sat with her mother at the dining table. Id: Mereka menikmati buah-buahan segar dan memasak bersama. En: They enjoyed the fresh fruits and cooked together. Id: Hari mereka berakhir dengan bahagia. En: Their day ended happily. Id: Itulah cerita Putri di Pasar Baru, Jakarta. En: That was Putri's story at Pasar Baru, Jakarta. Id: Ia menikmati suasana pasar, belajar berbelanja, dan menghabiskan waktu berkualitas dengan ibunya. En: She enjoyed the market atmosphere, learned to shop, and spent quality time with her mother. Vocabulary Words: - morning: pagi - sun: matahari - shining: bersinar - narrow: sempit - basket: keranjang - bustling: ramai - vendor: pedagang - hawk: menawarkan - stall: kios - fresh: segar - kilogram: kilogram - friendly: ramah - ripe: matang - mango: mangga - vegetable: sayur - bunch: ikat - spinach: bayam - carrot: wortel - tomato: tomat - potato: kentang - disturbed: terganggu - atmosphere: suasana - fish: ikan - tilapia: nila - sight: pemandangan - happy: senang - satisfied: puas - quality: kualitas - enjoy: menikmati - shopping: berbelanja
    Played 16m 52s
  • Borobudur: Friendship, Beauty & Challenges

    21 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Borobudur: Friendship, Beauty & Challenges Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/borobudur-friendship-beauty-challenges/ Story Transcript: Id: Matahari terbit di Candi Borobudur. En: The sun rises at Borobudur Temple. Id: Suara burung berkicau. En: The sound of birds chirping fills the air. Id: Adi, Siti, dan Budi sudah siap untuk berpetualang. En: Adi, Siti, and Budi are ready for their adventure. Id: Mereka kagum dengan keindahan candi. En: They are in awe of the temple's beauty. Id: Mereka berjalan di antara stupa dan arca. En: They walk among the stupas and statues. Id: Adi mengambil banyak foto. En: Adi takes many photos. Id: Siti berbisik dengan kagum melihat ukiran batu. En: Siti whispers in amazement at the stone carvings. Id: Budi menunjukkan patung Buddha kepada teman-temannya. En: Budi points out a Buddha statue to his friends. Id: Matahari semakin tinggi. En: The sun climbs higher. Id: Panas terasa menyengat. En: The heat becomes scorching. Id: Mereka terus berjalan. En: They continue walking. Id: Adi berlari ke arah patung yang besar. En: Adi runs towards a large statue. Id: Dia ingin melihat lebih dekat. En: He wants to see it up close. Id: Siti dan Budi mengikutinya. En: Siti and Budi follow him. Id: Namun, tiba-tiba Adi berhenti. En: But suddenly Adi stops. Id: Wajahnya pucat. En: His face turns pale. Id: "Aku pusing," kata Adi pelan. En: "I'm dizzy," Adi says quietly. Id: Siti dan Budi panik. En: Siti and Budi panic. Id: "Mari kita duduk di sini," kata Siti. En: "Let's sit here," says Siti. Id: Mereka duduk di bawah pohon rindang. En: They sit under a shady tree. Id: Budi buru-buru mencari air. En: Budi hurriedly looks for water. Id: Dia kembali dengan sebotol air mineral. En: He returns with a bottle of mineral water. Id: Adi minum air dengan cepat. En: Adi drinks the water quickly. Id: Nafasnya berat. En: His breathing is heavy. Id: Siti memanggil petugas candi. En: Siti calls for a temple attendant. Id: Petugas candi datang. En: The temple attendant arrives. Id: Mereka membawa Adi ke tempat yang lebih teduh. En: They take Adi to a shadier place. Id: Adi mulai merasa lebih baik. En: Adi starts to feel better. Id: "Terima kasih," katanya lemah. En: "Thank you," he says weakly. Id: Petugas candi memberi saran, "Jangan lupa minum banyak air dan pakai topi. En: The temple attendant advises, "Don't forget to drink plenty of water and wear a hat. Id: Cuaca sangat panas. En: The weather is very hot." Id: "Mereka beristirahat sejenak. En: They rest for a while. Id: Adi sudah lebih pulih. En: Adi is now feeling better. Id: Mereka melanjutkan perjalanan, lebih hati-hati. En: They continue their journey, more cautiously. Id: Mereka menikmati keindahan candi. En: They enjoy the beauty of the temple. Id: Siti dan Budi selalu memeriksa keadaan Adi. En: Siti and Budi keep checking on Adi. Id: Malam tiba. En: Night falls. Id: Mereka berdiri di depan candi yang megah. En: They stand in front of the magnificent temple. Id: Lampu-lampu menyala indah, menerangi candi. En: The lights beautifully illuminate it. Id: Wajah mereka cerah kembali. En: Their faces brighten again. Id: "Bersama kalian, aku merasa lebih baik," kata Adi. En: "With you all, I feel better," says Adi. Id: Mereka bersuka cita, menikmati malam yang indah di Borobudur. En: They rejoice, enjoying the beautiful night at Borobudur. Id: Pengalaman hari itu mengajarkan mereka untuk selalu waspada dan saling menjaga. En: The experience of that day taught them to always be vigilant and take care of one another. Id: Perjalanan mereka berakhir dengan senyuman dan kehangatan persahabatan. En: Their trip ends with smiles and the warmth of friendship. Vocabulary Words: - rises: terbit - chirping: berkicau - adventure: berpetualang - awe: kagum - stupas: stupa - statues: arca - whispers: berbisik - amazement: kagum - carvings: ukiran - scorching: menyengat - shady: rindang - hurriedly: buru-buru - mineral water: air mineral - breathing: nafas - temple attendant: petugas candi - arrives: datang - shadier: teduh - advises: memberi saran - cautiously: hati-hati - illuminate: menerangi - magnificent: megah - rejoice: bersuka cita - vigilant: waspada - friendship: persahabatan - journey: perjalanan - dizzy: pusing - pale: pucat - quickly: cepat - experience: pengalaman - warmth: kehangatan
    Played 14m 46s
  • Unveiling Borobudur: A Day in the Life of Dedicated Tour Guides

    20 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unveiling Borobudur: A Day in the Life of Dedicated Tour Guides Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/unveiling-borobudur-a-day-in-the-life-of-dedicated-tour-guides/ Story Transcript: Id: Pagi yang cerah menyelimuti Borobudur. En: A bright morning enveloped Borobudur. Id: Candi megah berdiri kokoh, menyambut matahari pagi. En: The magnificent temple stood firm, greeting the morning sun. Id: Di sana, di bawah naungan pohon besar, Rina dan Arif berdiskusi dengan semangat. En: There, under the shade of a large tree, Rina and Arif discussed with enthusiasm. Id: "Arif, kita mulai dari mana hari ini? En: "Arif, where should we start today?" Id: " tanya Rina sambil membuka buku catatan kecil. En: asked Rina while opening a small notebook. Id: "Mulai dari lantai dasar," jawab Arif sambil tersenyum. En: "Let's start from the ground floor," answered Arif with a smile. Id: "Biar wisatawan bisa melihat relief dulu. En: "So the tourists can see the reliefs first. Id: Nanti kita naik bertahap ke atas. En: We'll go up gradually." Id: "Rina mengangguk setuju. En: Rina nodded in agreement. Id: "Benar. En: "Right. Id: Relief di lantai dasar sangat menarik. En: The reliefs on the ground floor are very interesting. Id: Banyak cerita yang bisa kita jelaskan di sana. En: There's a lot we can explain there." Id: "Mereka mulai merencanakan rute tur. En: They began planning the tour route. Id: "Setelah selesai di lantai dasar, kita bawa mereka ke Arupadhatu," lanjut Arif. En: "After finishing on the ground floor, we can take them to Arupadhatu," Arif continued. Id: "Di sana, pemandangannya luar biasa. En: "The view there is incredible." Id: ""Tapi kita harus hati-hati," tambah Rina. En: "But we have to be careful," added Rina. Id: "Tangga ke atas sedikit terjal. En: "The stairs going up are a bit steep. Id: Kita harus pastikan semua wisatawan aman. En: We need to make sure all tourists are safe." Id: "Rina dan Arif adalah pemandu wisata yang berdedikasi. En: Rina and Arif are dedicated tour guides. Id: Mereka selalu berusaha memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi wisatawan. En: They always strive to provide the best experience for tourists. Id: Hari ini, mereka berharap semuanya akan berjalan lancar. En: Today, they hoped everything would go smoothly. Id: Saat matahari mulai memanjat lebih tinggi, wisatawan mulai berdatangan. En: As the sun climbed higher, tourists began arriving. Id: Rina dan Arif menyambut mereka dengan senyuman. En: Rina and Arif welcomed them with smiles. Id: "Selamat pagi, selamat datang di Candi Borobudur," sapa Rina dengan ramah. En: "Good morning, welcome to Borobudur Temple," greeted Rina warmly. Id: "Nama saya Rina dan ini Arif. En: "My name is Rina and this is Arif. Id: Kami akan menjadi pemandu Anda hari ini. En: We will be your guides today." Id: "Mereka memimpin rombongan menuju lantai dasar. En: They led the group to the ground floor. Id: Rina mulai menjelaskan cerita di balik setiap relief. En: Rina began explaining the stories behind each relief. Id: Wisatawan mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian. En: The tourists listened attentively. Id: Tidak ada yang ingin melewatkan satu detail pun. En: Nobody wanted to miss a single detail. Id: Setelah beberapa waktu, mereka mulai naik ke lantai berikutnya. En: After a while, they started to climb to the next level. Id: Arif memimpin kali ini. En: Arif led this time. Id: Dia memberi tahu wisatawan tentang sejarah candi dan berbagai aspek arsitekturnya. En: He informed the tourists about the temple's history and various architectural aspects. Id: Ketika tiba di puncak, pemandangan memang menakjubkan. En: When they reached the top, the view was indeed breathtaking. Id: Matahari memancarkan sinar keemasan di atas bukit dan pegunungan di kejauhan. En: The sun cast its golden rays over the hills and mountains in the distance. Id: "Sungguh indah, ya," bisik seorang wisatawan dengan kagum. En: "So beautiful," whispered a tourist in awe. Id: Arif hanya tersenyum, merasa bangga dengan warisan budaya ini. En: Arif just smiled, feeling proud of this cultural heritage. Id: Tur mereka hampir selesai. En: Their tour was almost over. Id: Wisatawan tampak puas dan senang. En: The tourists seemed satisfied and happy. Id: Rina dan Arif saling pandang dan mengangguk puas. En: Rina and Arif looked at each other and nodded in satisfaction. Id: Itu pertanda bahwa hari mereka sukses. En: It was a sign that their day was successful. Id: "Terima kasih telah mengikuti tur kami," kata Rina di akhir tur. En: "Thank you for joining our tour," said Rina at the end of the tour. Id: "Kami berharap Anda menikmati waktu di Borobudur. En: "We hope you enjoyed your time at Borobudur." Id: "Rombongan bertepuk tangan, menunjukkan rasa puas dan terima kasih mereka. En: The group applauded, showing their satisfaction and gratitude. Id: Rina dan Arif mengantar mereka kembali ke pintu keluar. En: Rina and Arif escorted them back to the exit. Id: Di sana, mereka berbicara sebentar, merencanakan hari esok. En: There, they talked for a bit, planning for the next day. Id: "Besok, mungkin kita bisa coba rute yang berbeda," usul Rina. En: "Tomorrow, maybe we can try a different route," suggested Rina. Id: "Setuju. En: "Agreed. Id: Selalu ada cara untuk membuat pengalaman lebih menarik," jawab Arif. En: There's always a way to make the experience more interesting," replied Arif. Id: Dengan semangat baru untuk hari esok, mereka pun berpisah dan pulang ke rumah masing-masing. En: With renewed enthusiasm for the next day, they parted ways and headed home. Id: Hari itu, Candi Borobudur tidak hanya menjadi tempat bersejarah, tetapi juga menjadi saksi kegigihan dan kerja sama dua pemandu wisata yang hebat. En: That day, Borobudur Temple was not just a historical site but also a witness to the dedication and teamwork of two great tour guides. Vocabulary Words: - bright: cerah - enveloped: menyelimuti - magnificent: megah - shade: naungan - notebook: buku catatan - gradually: bertahap - reliefs: relief - interest: menarik - view: pemandangan - incredible: luar biasa - steep: terjal - dedicated: berdedikasi - strive: berusaha - enthusiasm: semangat - arrival: berdatangan - breathtaking: menakjubkan - golden rays: sinar keemasan - distance: kejauhan - awe: kagum - cultural heritage: warisan budaya - satisfied: puas - gratitude: terima kasih - escorted: mengantar - dedication: kegigihan - teamwork: kerja sama - greeting: menyambut - planning: merencanakan - explained: menjelaskan - history: sejarah - architectural aspects: aspek arsitekturnya
    Played 19m 23s
  • Discovering the Enigma: Borobudur Temple's Secrets Unveiled

    19 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Discovering the Enigma: Borobudur Temple's Secrets Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/discovering-the-enigma-borobudur-temples-secrets-unveiled/ Story Transcript: Id: Pagi itu, matahari bersinar cerah di atas Candi Borobudur. En: That morning, the sun shone brightly over Borobudur Temple. Id: Andi, Sari, dan Budi berkumpul di depan pintu masuk candi. En: Andi, Sari, and Budi gathered in front of the temple entrance. Id: Mereka adalah pemandu wisata yang bersemangat. En: They were enthusiastic tour guides. Id: Turis-turis mulai berkumpul di sekitar mereka. En: Tourists began to gather around them. Id: Andi memakai topi lebar, siap memimpin tur hari itu. En: Andi wore a wide-brimmed hat, ready to lead the tour that day. Id: "Selamat datang di Candi Borobudur," kata Andi dengan senyum lebar. En: "Welcome to Borobudur Temple," Andi said with a broad smile. Id: Para turis tersenyum kembali. En: The tourists smiled back. Id: "Ini adalah salah satu candi terbesar di dunia," lanjut Andi. En: "This is one of the largest temples in the world," Andi continued. Id: "Dibangun pada abad ke-9 oleh Dinasti Syailendra. En: "Built in the 9th century by the Syailendra Dynasty. Id: Candi ini terdiri dari sembilan tingkat yang saling bertumpuk. En: This temple consists of nine stacked levels." Id: "Para turis mulai mengangguk-angguk, terkesima dengan informasi yang mereka dengar. En: The tourists began to nod, fascinated by the information they heard. Id: Sari mengambil alih dan membawa kelompok turis ke bagian pertama candi. En: Sari took over and led the group of tourists to the first section of the temple. Id: "Di sini, kalian bisa melihat relief yang sangat indah. En: "Here, you can see very beautiful reliefs. Id: Mereka menceritakan kehidupan Buddha. En: They depict the life of Buddha." Id: "Sari menunjuk beberapa relief. En: Sari pointed to several reliefs. Id: Para turis semakin tertarik dan mulai mengambil foto. En: The tourists became increasingly interested and started taking pictures. Id: Budi yang biasanya pendiam, mengambil inisiatif dan berbicara, "Jangan lupa melihat stupa besar di puncak candi. En: Budi, who was usually quiet, took the initiative and spoke, "Don't forget to look at the large stupa at the top of the temple. Id: Itu adalah bagian paling penting dan indah. En: It is the most important and beautiful part." Id: "Para turis mengikuti Budi dengan semangat. En: The tourists enthusiastically followed Budi. Id: Mereka berjalan ke atas, menaiki tangga dengan hati-hati. En: They walked upwards, carefully climbing the stairs. Id: Di sepanjang perjalanan, Andi terus menceritakan kisah tentang candi dan filosofinya. En: Along the way, Andi continued to narrate the story about the temple and its philosophy. Id: "Stupa besar ini melambangkan pencerahan," tutur Andi. En: "This large stupa symbolizes enlightenment," Andi said. Id: "Dari sini, kita bisa merasa dekat dengan langit dan semesta. En: "From here, we can feel close to the sky and the universe." Id: "Turis-turis terdiam. En: The tourists were silent. Id: Mereka merasakan ketenangan dan kedamaian di tempat itu. En: They felt the tranquility and peace in that place. Id: Beberapa dari mereka menutup mata sejenak, menyerap energi positif dari candi. En: Some of them closed their eyes for a moment, absorbing the positive energy from the temple. Id: Setelah beberapa saat hening, Sari mengajak mereka ke pemandangan yang indah dari atas candi. En: After a moment of silence, Sari invited them to view the beautiful scenery from the top of the temple. Id: Gunung-gunung tinggi dan hutan-hutan hijau terlihat jelas. En: Tall mountains and green forests were clearly visible. Id: Matahari mulai turun, memberikan cahaya keemasan di atas candi. En: The sun began to set, casting a golden light over the temple. Id: "Terima kasih telah mengunjungi Candi Borobudur," tutup Andi. En: "Thank you for visiting Borobudur Temple," Andi concluded. Id: "Kami berharap kalian menikmatinya dan merasakan keajaiban tempat ini. En: "We hope you enjoyed it and felt the wonder of this place." Id: "Para turis bertepuk tangan dengan gembira. En: The tourists clapped happily. Id: Mereka mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Andi, Sari, dan Budi. En: They thanked Andi, Sari, and Budi. Id: Tur berakhir dengan suasana hangat dan puas. En: The tour ended with a warm and satisfied atmosphere. Id: Andi, Sari, dan Budi merasa bangga bisa memperkenalkan keindahan Borobudur kepada orang-orang dari berbagai belahan dunia. En: Andi, Sari, and Budi felt proud to introduce the beauty of Borobudur to people from various parts of the world. Id: Hari itu, mereka pulang dengan hati yang ringan dan senyum yang tidak lepas dari wajah mereka. En: That day, they went home with light hearts and smiles on their faces. Id: Kedamaian dan keindahan Candi Borobudur telah meninggalkan jejak di hati semua orang. En: The peace and beauty of Borobudur Temple had left a mark on everyone's hearts. Id: Itu adalah hari yang tak terlupakan bagi setiap orang yang hadir. En: It was an unforgettable day for everyone present. Vocabulary Words: - brightly: cerah - enthusiastic: bersemangat - wide-brimmed: topi lebar - entrance: pintu masuk - consists: terdiri - stacked: saling bertumpuk - fascinated: terkesima - depict: menceritakan - reliefs: relief - stupa: stupa - initiative: inisiatif - philosophy: filsafat - symbolizes: melambangkan - enlightenment: pencerahan - tranquility: ketenangan - absorb: menyerap - positive energy: energi positif - scenery: pemandangan - mountains: gunung-gunung - forests: hutan-hutan - casting: memberikan - golden light: cahaya keemasan - commentary: kisah - satisfied: puas - introduce: memperkenalkan - various: berbagai - parts: belahan - unforgettable: tak terlupakan - present: hadir - light hearts: hati yang ringan
    Played 17m 16s

Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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