Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!

Episodes & Posts
14 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Trapped in Time: Escaping the Forgotten WWII Bunker
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Hujan deras mengguyur hutan lebat tempat Adi, Dewi, dan Rizky melewati akhir pekan mereka.
En: Heavy rain poured down on the dense forest where Adi, Dewi, and Rizky were spending their weekend.
Id: Ketiganya adalah sahabat sejak kecil.
En: The three of them had been friends since childhood.
Id: Mereka suka bertualang, mencari tempat-tempat tersembunyi penuh sejarah.
En: They loved to go on adventures, searching for hidden places filled with history.
Id: Namun, hari ini, satu penemuan membawa mereka pada petualangan yang tak terduga.
En: However, today, one discovery led them on an unexpected adventure.
Id: Di tengah hutan, di antara pohon-pohon pinus besar, Dewi menemukan jalan rahasia ke sebuah bunker tua peninggalan Perang Dunia II.
En: In the middle of the forest, among the large pine trees, Dewi found a secret path to an old bunker from World War II.
Id: "Ayo, kita intip ke dalam!
En: "Come on, let's take a peek inside!"
Id: " katanya dengan antusias, meski hatinya berdebar-debar karena mereka harus masuk ke ruang sempit yang gelap.
En: she said enthusiastically, even though her heart was pounding because they had to enter the narrow, dark space.
Id: Mereka mendapati pintu bunker terbuat dari logam tebal berkarat.
En: They found the bunker door made of thick rusted metal.
Id: Di dalam, udara terasa pengap dan bau lembap menyeruak.
En: Inside, the air felt stifling, and the smell of dampness was pervasive.
Id: Dinding betonnya dipenuhi lumut, dan lampu senter ketiganya adalah satu-satunya sumber cahaya.
En: Its concrete walls were covered in moss, and their flashlights were the only source of light.
Id: Saat mereka menjelajah lebih dalam, suara gemuruh air dari luar semakin jelas.
En: As they explored further, the rumbling sound of water from outside became clearer.
Id: Adi mengernyit, merasa khawatir.
En: Adi frowned, feeling worried.
Id: "Kita harus segera keluar sebelum air naik," katanya dengan nada tegas.
En: "We need to get out before the water rises," he said firmly.
Id: Dia sadar, keselamatan teman-temannya ada di tangannya.
En: He understood that his friends' safety was in his hands.
Id: Namun, pintu keluar yang mereka masuki sekarang terendam air.
En: However, the exit they had entered was now submerged in water.
Id: Dewi mulai merasa cemas, ruang sempit semakin menambah gentar rasa takutnya.
En: Dewi began to feel anxious, the narrow space increasing her sense of fear.
Id: "Adi, kita harus cari jalan lain," katanya dengan suara gemetar.
En: "Adi, we need to find another way," she said with a trembling voice.
Id: Rizky, biasanya selalu melontarkan lelucon untuk meringankan suasana, kini terdiam.
En: Rizky, usually always cracking jokes to lighten the mood, was now silent.
Id: Dia tahu, ini bukan waktunya bercanda.
En: He knew this wasn't the time for jokes.
Id: "Mungkin ada pintu rahasia atau terowongan lain," usulnya dengan penuh harap.
En: "Maybe there's a secret door or another tunnel," he suggested hopefully.
Id: Adi mengangguk.
En: Adi nodded.
Id: "Kita harus mencoba menelusuri lebih dalam.
En: "We need to try and explore deeper.
Id: Tapi kita harus cepat.
En: But we have to be quick."
Id: "Mereka melangkah dengan hati-hati, mencoba mengabaikan lantai yang licin.
En: They stepped carefully, trying to ignore the slippery floor.
Id: Saat itulah mereka menemukan terowongan kecil, sebagian terendam air.
En: That's when they found a small tunnel, partially submerged in water.
Id: "Ini satu-satunya jalan," kata Adi, suaranya mencoba meyakinkan.
En: "This is the only way," Adi said, trying to sound convincing.
Id: "Apakah kita harus berenang?
En: "Do we have to swim?"
Id: " tanya Dewi dengan sedikit ketakutan.
En: asked Dewi with a hint of fear.
Id: Tak ada pilihan lain.
En: There was no other choice.
Id: Adi tahu dia harus menguatkan teman-temannya.
En: Adi knew he had to strengthen his friends.
Id: "Kita bisa melakukannya bersama," katanya dengan pasti.
En: "We can do it together," he said confidently.
Id: Dengan keberanian yang terkumpul, mereka menyelam dan berenang melalui air sejernih kristal meski dingin.
En: With courage gathered, they dove and swam through the crystal-clear yet cold water.
Id: Terowongan terasa sempit, dan setiap detik berlalu seakan-akan waktu ikut berlomba dengan derasnya air.
En: The tunnel felt narrow, and every passing second seemed like time was racing against the rushing water.
Id: Setelah beberapa saat yang menegangkan, mereka akhirnya melihat cahaya di ujung terowongan.
En: After a few tense moments, they finally saw light at the end of the tunnel.
Id: Dengan segenap tenaga, mereka berenang dan muncul di hutan yang sama, tetapi di bagian yang lebih tinggi dan aman dari banjir.
En: With all their strength, they swam and emerged in the same forest, but in a higher area safe from the flood.
Id: Napas mereka terengah-engah, tubuh mereka basah kuyup, namun senyuman tak bisa lepas dari wajah mereka.
En: Their breaths were heavy, their bodies drenched, yet smiles couldn't leave their faces.
Id: Di bawah hujan yang masih tak henti, mereka merayakan kemenangan kecil mereka atas rasa takut dan tantangan.
En: Under the still-pouring rain, they celebrated their small victory over fear and challenge.
Id: Adi merasa lebih percaya diri dengan kemampuannya sebagai pemimpin.
En: Adi felt more confident in his abilities as a leader.
Id: Dewi, meskipun masih merasa gentar, sedikit lebih berani menghadapi ruang tertutup.
En: Dewi, although still feeling startled, was a bit braver in facing enclosed spaces.
Id: Sementara Rizky memahami nilai dari keseriusan saat diperlukan.
En: Meanwhile, Rizky understood the value of seriousness when needed.
Id: Petualangan hari itu memberi banyak pelajaran.
En: That day's adventure taught many lessons.
Id: Mereka tidak hanya menemukan jalan keluar dari bunker, tetapi juga menemukan keberanian yang tersembunyi di dalam diri mereka masing-masing.
En: They not only found a way out of the bunker, but also discovered hidden courage within themselves.
Id: Kini, di tengah hutan, mereka bersiap pulang dengan membawa cerita baru yang takkan terlupakan.
En: Now, in the middle of the forest, they were ready to go home with a new story that would not be forgotten.
Vocabulary Words:
- dense: lebat
- adventure: petualangan
- hidden: tersembunyi
- discovery: penemuan
- enthusiastically: dengan antusias
- pounding: berdebar-debar
- narrow: sempit
- dark: gelap
- rusted: berkarat
- stifling: pengap
- pervasive: menyeruak
- moss: lumut
- frowned: mengernyit
- firmly: dengan tegas
- submerged: terendam
- anxious: cemas
- trembling: gemetar
- cracking jokes: melontarkan lelucon
- tunnel: terowongan
- slippery: licin
- hint: sedikit
- strengthen: menguatkan
- courage: keberanian
- emerged: muncul
- drenched: basah kuyup
- victory: kemenangan
- challenge: tantangan
- braver: lebih berani
- seriousness: keseriusan
- lessons: pelajaran
13 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Dancing in the Rain: Siti's Heartfelt Performance Journey
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah gerimis lembut khas musim hujan, bunga-bunga di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah tampak semakin cerah.
En: Amid the gentle drizzle typical of the rainy season, the flowers in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah looked even brighter.
Id: Hari itu adalah Hari Valentine, sebuah hari yang penuh cinta dan kehangatan.
En: That day was Valentine's Day, a day full of love and warmth.
Id: Siti, seorang penari tradisional yang bersemangat, sedang bersiap di belakang panggung.
En: Siti, an enthusiastic traditional dancer, was preparing backstage.
Id: Dia berdiri di antara kostum-kostum warna-warni yang siap dipakainya untuk menari.
En: She stood among the colorful costumes ready to be worn for her dance.
Id: Siti dikenal karena dedikasinya pada tarian tradisional.
En: Siti was known for her dedication to traditional dance.
Id: Ia ingin menampilkan yang terbaik di setiap pertunjukan.
En: She wanted to give her best at every performance.
Id: Hari itu, dia akan membawakan Tari Piring, tarian yang membutuhkan kelincahan dan ketepatan.
En: That day, she would perform the Tari Piring, a dance that requires agility and precision.
Id: Di samping Siti, Ayu, sahabat dan sesama penari, membantu mengatur selendang emas di pinggang Siti.
En: Next to Siti, Ayu, her friend and fellow dancer, helped adjust the golden sash on Siti's waist.
Id: "Tenang saja, Siti.
En: "Don't worry, Siti.
Id: Kamu pasti bisa," Ayu menenangkan.
En: You can do it," Ayu reassured her.
Id: Namun, pikiran Siti sudah melayang ke penonton yang mulai memenuhi kursi taman.
En: However, Siti's thoughts had already drifted to the audience beginning to fill the garden seats.
Id: Di antara kerumunan, ada seorang pria bernama Budi.
En: Among the crowd was a man named Budi.
Id: Dia adalah fotografer yang sedang mencari inspirasi untuk proyek fotonya.
En: He was a photographer looking for inspiration for his photo project.
Id: Budi terpikat oleh pesona budaya Indonesia dan untuknya, Taman Mini adalah tempat yang sempurna.
En: Budi was captivated by the charm of Indonesian culture, and for him, Taman Mini was the perfect place.
Id: Saat ia memandang set panggung dengan kameranya siap di tangan, mata Budi tertuju pada Siti yang sedang bersiap.
En: As he looked at the stage set with his camera ready in hand, Budi's eyes were drawn to Siti who was preparing.
Id: Saat gendang mulai bertalu, Siti masuk ke panggung.
En: As the drums began to roll, Siti entered the stage.
Id: Gerakan tariannya memukau penonton, termasuk Budi.
En: Her dance movements captivated the audience, including Budi.
Id: Ia melihat setiap gerakan Siti seolah menangkap setiap detik dengan hatinya.
En: He watched every move Siti made as if capturing each second with his heart.
Id: Setelah pertunjukan usai, Budi memberanikan diri mendekati Siti.
En: After the performance ended, Budi gathered the courage to approach Siti.
Id: Dia kagum dengan bagaimana Siti mengekspresikan budaya melalui tarian.
En: He was amazed at how Siti expressed culture through dance.
Id: "Penampilanmu luar biasa, Siti.
En: "Your performance was amazing, Siti.
Id: Boleh aku berkenalan?
En: May I introduce myself?"
Id: "Ada sedikit keraguan di hati Siti.
En: There was a bit of hesitation in Siti's heart.
Id: Dia ingat bagaimana kadang perhatian dari luar membuat dia lupa akan latihannya.
En: She remembered how sometimes outside attention could distract her from her practice.
Id: Namun, ada sesuatu yang berbeda dari Budi.
En: But there was something different about Budi.
Id: Mungkin kebaikan hati yang terpancar dari matanya, atau mungkin antusiasmenya terhadap budaya, yang membuat Siti memutuskan untuk memberinya kesempatan.
En: Maybe it was the kindness radiating from his eyes, or perhaps his enthusiasm for culture, that made Siti decide to give him a chance.
Id: "Aku Siti.
En: "I'm Siti.
Id: Terima kasih sudah menonton," jawabnya dengan senyum.
En: Thank you for watching," she replied with a smile.
Id: Hari-hari berlalu, Siti dan Budi mulai menghabiskan waktu bersama selepas pertunjukan.
En: Days passed, and Siti and Budi began to spend time together after performances.
Id: Siti tetap berlatih dengan giat, tapi kini ada tempat bagi Budi di sela-sela kesibukannya.
En: Siti continued to practice diligently, but now there was a place for Budi amidst her busyness.
Id: Mereka berbagi cerita, berbagi sudut pandang tentang seni dan budaya.
En: They shared stories, shared perspectives on art and culture.
Id: Pada suatu malam, saat Siti menari di bawah lampu-lampu panggung yang berkilauan oleh gerimis, dia melihat Budi di baris depan.
En: One night, as Siti danced under the stage lights shimmering in the drizzle, she saw Budi in the front row.
Id: Mata Budi penuh kekaguman, bukan hanya terhadap tariannya, tetapi pada dirinya sebagai seorang seniman.
En: Budi's eyes were full of admiration, not just for her dance, but for her as an artist.
Id: Saat itulah Siti menyadari, apresiasi dari seseorang tidak akan mengurangi dedikasinya.
En: That's when Siti realized that appreciation from someone would not diminish her dedication.
Id: Justru, itu memperkaya hidupnya.
En: Instead, it enriched her life.
Id: Setelah pertunjukan, Budi memperlihatkan selembar foto yang ia ambil.
En: After the performance, Budi showed her a photo he had taken.
Id: "Lihatlah, Siti.
En: "Look, Siti.
Id: Kamu bercerita lewat tarianmu.
En: You tell a story through your dance."
Id: "Siti tersenyum.
En: Siti smiled.
Id: Ia merasa bahagia.
En: She felt happy.
Id: Akhirnya, Siti menemukan cara untuk seimbang.
En: Finally, Siti found a way to balance.
Id: Ia mengizinkan Budi masuk ke hidupnya tanpa meninggalkan mimpinya.
En: She allowed Budi into her life without giving up on her dreams.
Id: Sementara itu, Budi mendapatkan inspirasi baru untuk proyeknya, dan Siti menikmati dukungan yang tulus.
En: Meanwhile, Budi gained new inspiration for his project, and Siti enjoyed genuine support.
Id: Di tengah Taman Mini yang megah dan indah, di bawah naungan langit musim hujan yang romantis, Siti dan Budi menjalani hubungan yang saling mendukung dan menginspirasi.
En: Amid the grandeur and beauty of Taman Mini, under the romantic overcast rainy skies, Siti and Budi lived a relationship that was mutually supportive and inspiring.
Id: Siti belajar bahwa terkadang, menerima cinta tidak berarti melepaskan impian, tetapi justru memperkaya perjalanan menuju impian itu.
En: Siti learned that sometimes, accepting love does not mean letting go of her dreams, but instead, it enriches the journey towards those dreams.
Vocabulary Words:
- drizzle: gerimis
- rainy: musim hujan
- enthusiastic: bersemangat
- backstage: belakang panggung
- costumes: kostum-kostum
- dedication: dedikasi
- agility: kelincahan
- precision: ketepatan
- reassured: menenangkan
- audience: penonton
- inspiration: inspirasi
- captivated: terpikat
- charm: pesona
- radiating: terpancar
- enthusiasm: antusiasme
- appreciation: apresiasi
- admiration: kekaguman
- dedication: dedikasi
- enriched: memperkaya
- genuine: tulus
- grandeur: megah
- overcast: naungan
- harmonious: seimbang
- warmth: kehangatan
- hesitation: keraguan
- photographer: fotografer
- project: proyek
- captured: menangkap
- practice: latihan
- perspectives: sudut pandang
12 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Heritage Through Friendship at Candi Borobudur
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di bawah langit biru cerah musim panas, Candi Borobudur berdiri megah, pusat perhatian siswa yang sedang melakukan kunjungan lapangan.
En: Under the bright blue summer sky, Candi Borobudur stood majestically, the center of attention for the students on a field trip.
Id: Diantara keramaian, Rini dan Dewi berdiri bersebelahan, wajah mereka dipenuhi rasa ingin tahu dan antusiasme.
En: Among the crowd, Rini and Dewi stood side by side, their faces filled with curiosity and enthusiasm.
Id: Rini tidak dapat menyembunyikan kegembiraannya.
En: Rini couldn’t hide her excitement.
Id: Baginya, ini lebih dari sekadar kunjungan sekolah.
En: To her, this was more than just a school trip.
Id: Ini adalah kesempatan untuk menemukan hubungan yang bermakna dengan warisan budayanya.
En: This was an opportunity to find a meaningful connection with her cultural heritage.
Id: "Dewi, lihat relief ini.
En: "Dewi, look at this relief.
Id: Bukankah luar biasa?
En: Isn't it amazing?"
Id: " Rini menunjuk ukiran yang menggambarkan cerita kehidupan Buddha.
En: Rini pointed at the carving depicting the life of Buddha.
Id: Mata Rini bersinar, sedangkan Dewi mencoba untuk tetap tenang meskipun kerumunan di sekeliling semakin ramai.
En: Rini's eyes shone, while Dewi tried to remain calm despite the increasing crowd around them.
Id: "Iya, indah sekali, tapi kita harus hati-hati," jawab Dewi, agak gelisah.
En: "Yes, it's very beautiful, but we have to be careful," replied Dewi, a bit anxious.
Id: Dia merasa tidak nyaman dengan keramaian yang semakin padat.
En: She felt uncomfortable with the growing crowd.
Id: Rini mendesah pelan, memahami kekhawatiran temannya, tapi cintanya pada sejarah membuatnya ingin menjelajahi lebih jauh.
En: Rini sighed softly, understanding her friend's concern, but her love for history made her want to explore further.
Id: "Kau takut, Dewi?
En: "Are you scared, Dewi?"
Id: " Rini bertanya dengan nada lembut.
En: Rini asked gently.
Id: Dewi mengangguk, ekspresinya serius.
En: Dewi nodded, her expression serious.
Id: "Kerumunan membuatku gugup," katanya dengan jujur.
En: "Crowds make me nervous," she said honestly.
Id: Rini dihadapkan pada pilihan berat: Melanjutkan penjelajahannya sendiri atau menghargai perasaan sahabatnya?
En: Rini was faced with a difficult choice: To continue her exploration on her own or to respect her friend's feelings?
Id: Saat mereka berjalan lebih dalam, tiba-tiba, kerumunan menjadi lebih padat dan Rini tak sengaja terpisah dari Dewi.
En: As they walked deeper, suddenly, the crowd became denser and Rini accidentally got separated from Dewi.
Id: Hatinya berdebar panik.
En: Her heart raced in panic.
Id: Dia telah terlalu fokus pada eksplorasi sendiri hingga melupakan kenyamanan temannya.
En: She had been too focused on her own exploration to the point of forgetting her friend's comfort.
Id: Rini buru-buru kembali, mencari sosok Dewi di antara para siswa lainnya.
En: Rini hurried back, searching for Dewi among the other students.
Id: "Dewi!
En: "Dewi!"
Id: " dia memanggil dengan suara cemas.
En: she called out anxiously.
Id: Tak lama, dia melihat Dewi berdiri di sudut yang agak sepi.
En: Soon, she saw Dewi standing in a quieter corner.
Id: Dewi tersenyum memaafkan ketika Rini mendekat, dia menunjuk ke relief lain yang dia temukan.
En: Dewi smiled forgivingly as Rini approached, pointing to another relief she had discovered.
Id: "Lihat ini, Rini.
En: "Look at this, Rini.
Id: Bukankah ini mirip dengan yang kita pelajari tentang sejarah dinasti Syailendra?
En: Isn't it similar to what we learned about the history of the "dinasti Syailendra"?"
Id: " tanya Dewi sambil menunjukkan ukiran.
En: asked Dewi as she pointed to the carving.
Id: Kejutan melintas di wajah Rini.
En: Surprise crossed Rini's face.
Id: Rasa kagum dan rasa bersalah bercampur menjadi satu.
En: A mix of awe and guilt came over her.
Id: Ternyata Dewi telah menemukan sesuatu yang terhubung dengan penelitian Rini selama ini.
En: It turned out Dewi had found something connected to Rini's research all along.
Id: "Terima kasih, Dewi.
En: "Thank you, Dewi.
Id: Ini berarti banyak bagiku," kata Rini dengan tulus.
En: This means a lot to me," said Rini sincerely.
Id: Dari pengalaman ini, Rini belajar pentingnya menyeimbangkan antara mengejar minat dan mempertimbangkan perasaan orang lain.
En: From this experience, Rini learned the importance of balancing between pursuing interests and considering the feelings of others.
Id: Sementara itu, Dewi merasa lebih percaya diri.
En: Meanwhile, Dewi felt more confident.
Id: Mungkin kerumunan tidak terlalu menakutkan jika dia bersama orang yang peduli.
En: Perhaps the crowd wasn't so intimidating if she was with someone who cared.
Id: Keduanya terus menjelajahi candi, dengan langkah yang lebih sesuai untuk keduanya.
En: The two continued to explore the temple, with a pace that suited them both.
Id: Di tengah kompleks candi yang penuh histori, Rini menemukan bahwa persahabatan juga merupakan bagian penting dari warisan yang ingin dia cintai.
En: Amidst the historically rich temple complex, Rini found that friendship was also an important part of the heritage she wished to cherish.
Vocabulary Words:
- majestic: megah
- curiosity: rasa ingin tahu
- enthusiasm: antusiasme
- heritage: warisan
- relief: ukiran
- depicting: menggambarkan
- anxious: gelisah
- crowd: keramaian
- embark: memulai
- exploration: penjelajahan
- dense: padat
- panic: panik
- forgivingly: memaafkan
- awe: kagum
- guilt: rasa bersalah
- pursuing: mengejar
- balancing: menyeimbangkan
- considering: mempertimbangkan
- confident: percaya diri
- intimidating: menakutkan
- amidst: di tengah
- cherish: cintai
- complex: kompleks
- friendship: persahabatan
- connection: hubungan
- comfort: kenyamanan
- gentle: lembut
- sincerely: tulus
- forgive: memaafkan
- research: penelitian
11 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Power Struggles in the Heart of Jakarta's Innovation Hub
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di sebuah inkubator startup di Jakarta, suasana sangat ramai.
En: In a startup incubator in Jakarta, the atmosphere was very lively.
Id: Hujan turun dengan deras di luar, menambah kesejukan udara di dalam ruangan yang dipenuhi para inovator muda.
En: It was raining heavily outside, adding to the coolness of the air inside the room filled with young innovators.
Id: Di salah satu sudut, Rina duduk serius di depan komputer.
En: In one corner, Rina sat seriously in front of the computer.
Id: Dia memimpin proyek AI yang sangat penting bagi kariernya.
En: She was leading an AI project that was critical to her career.
Id: Namun, belakangan ini, ada gangguan yang mengganggu ketenangannya.
En: However, recently, there had been disturbances affecting her peace of mind.
Id: Listrik sering padam di inkubator ini.
En: The electricity often went out in this incubator.
Id: Rina merasa ada yang tidak beres.
En: Rina felt something was amiss.
Id: Dia yakin ini bukan hanya masalah listrik biasa.
En: She was sure this was not just a regular electrical issue.
Id: "Mungkin ini sabotase," gumamnya pelan sambil mengetik.
En: "Maybe it's sabotage," she muttered softly while typing.
Id: Di ruangan yang sama, Adi, seorang insinyur listrik, mencoba mencari akar masalah ini.
En: In the same room, Adi, an electrical engineer, was trying to find the root of the problem.
Id: Dia baru saja bergabung dengan inkubator itu, tetapi tidak semua orang tahu betapa akrabnya dia dengan tempat ini.
En: He had just joined the incubator, but not everyone knew how familiar he was with the place.
Id: Di koridor, Putri berjalan bolak-balik.
En: In the corridor, Putri walked back and forth.
Id: Sebagai manajer inkubator, dia harus memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar.
En: As the incubator manager, she had to ensure everything ran smoothly.
Id: Namun, keseringan terjadi pemadaman membuat pekerjaannya semakin berat.
En: However, the frequent power outages were making her job more difficult.
Id: Dia menghampiri Rina dan berkata, "Tenang, Adi akan menyelesaikan ini. Tidak perlu khawatir berlebihan."
En: She approached Rina and said, "Don't worry, Adi will fix this. No need to worry too much."
Id: Namun, Rina tidak bisa diam saja.
En: However, Rina couldn't just stay silent.
Id: Dia memutuskan untuk menyelidiki sendiri.
En: She decided to investigate for herself.
Id: Ketika semua orang sibuk, Rina melakukan penyelidikan kecil di sekeliling gedung.
En: When everyone was busy, Rina conducted a small investigation around the building.
Id: Dia membawa Adi bersamanya, berharap dia bisa membantu.
En: She brought Adi with her, hoping he could help.
Id: Mereka memeriksa meteran listrik dan melihat ada sesuatu yang aneh. Sebuah panel akses tersembunyi!
En: They checked the electrical meters and saw something strange—a hidden access panel!
Id: Mereka berhasil membukanya dan menemukan kabel yang sudah dirusak.
En: They managed to open it and found tampered cables.
Id: Tak lama, misteri itu mulai terpecahkan.
En: Soon, the mystery began to unravel.
Id: Dengan bukti di depan mata, mereka mengonfrontasi seluruh tim.
En: With evidence right in front of their eyes, they confronted the entire team.
Id: Akhirnya, terungkap bahwa seorang pegawai dari tim pesainglah yang bertanggung jawab.
En: Finally, it was revealed that an employee from a competing team was responsible.
Id: Orang itu mencoba menunda peluncuran proyek Rina.
En: That person was trying to delay the launch of Rina's project.
Id: Putri berhasil mengatasi masalah ini dengan bijak, dan tim kembali fokus ke tugas masing-masing.
En: Putri handled the situation wisely, and the team went back to focusing on their respective tasks.
Id: Proyek Rina pun kembali berjalan sesuai rencana.
En: Rina's project got back on track.
Id: Dari kejadian ini, Rina belajar pentingnya kerjasama dan kepercayaan.
En: From this incident, she learned the importance of collaboration and trust.
Id: Adi membuktikan dirinya sebagai mitra yang dapat diandalkan, dan Putri, dengan kepemimpinannya yang tenang, membuat semua orang kembali merasa nyaman.
En: Adi proved himself to be a reliable partner, and Putri, with her calm leadership, made everyone feel comfortable again.
Id: Inkubator startup Jakarta itu kembali hidup, dengan semangat yang baru.
En: The Jakarta startup incubator came back to life with renewed spirit.
Id: Rina, Adi, dan Putri tersenyum lega, siap menghadapi tantangan berikutnya yang akan datang.
En: Rina, Adi, and Putri smiled in relief, ready to face the next challenges to come.
Vocabulary Words:
- incubator: inkubator
- lively: ramai
- atmosphere: suasana
- innovators: inovator
- critical: penting
- disturbances: gangguan
- peace of mind: ketenangan
- sabotage: sabotase
- engineer: insinyur
- corridor: koridor
- outages: pemadaman
- investigate: menyelidiki
- mystery: misteri
- unravel: terpecahkan
- hidden: tersembunyi
- tampered: dirusak
- confronted: mengonfrontasi
- competing: pesaing
- evidence: bukti
- reliable: dapat diandalkan
- leadership: kepemimpinan
- respective: masing-masing
- manage: mengatasi
- collaboration: kerjasama
- career: karier
- track: sesuai rencana
- familiar: akrab
- panel: panel
- delay: menunda
- launch: peluncuran
10 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: A Picture Perfect Connection at Borobudur's Majestic Festival
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Borobudur berdiri megah di bawah langit mendung musim hujan.
En: Borobudur stood majestically under the overcast sky of the rainy season.
Id: Hujan ringan membuat batu-batu candi kuno berkilau, menambah daya tarik magis dari situs bersejarah ini.
En: The light rain made the stones of the ancient temple glisten, adding to the magical allure of this historical site.
Id: Di kejauhan, gunung-gunung membentang sebagai latar belakang alami yang indah.
En: In the distance, mountains stretched out as a beautiful natural backdrop.
Id: Hari itu, Imlek memberikan suasana yang lebih semarak, dengan lentera merah bergoyang lembut di antara kerumunan pengunjung.
En: That day, the Imlek added a more festive atmosphere, with red lanterns gently swaying among the crowd of visitors.
Id: Rizal, seorang fotografer lepas, berkeliaran mencari inspirasi.
En: Rizal, a freelance photographer, wandered around seeking inspiration.
Id: Dia ingin menangkap foto candi yang sempurna untuk portofolionya.
En: He wanted to capture the perfect photo of the temple for his portfolio.
Id: Namun, pikirannya buntu.
En: However, his mind was stuck.
Id: Di tengah kesibukannya, matanya tertarik pada seorang pemandu tur bernama Dewi.
En: Amidst his busyness, his eyes were drawn to a tour guide named Dewi.
Id: Dewi membimbing kelompok tur dengan penuh semangat.
En: Dewi guided the tour group enthusiastically.
Id: Dia bercerita tentang sejarah Borobudur dengan detail yang menawan, tetapi terkadang merasa usahanya tidak cukup dihargai oleh para turis.
En: She talked about the history of Borobudur with captivating details, but sometimes felt her efforts were not fully appreciated by the tourists.
Id: Di sampingnya, Laras, temannya, memberinya semangat untuk tetap berbagi dengan sepenuh hati.
En: Beside her, Laras, her friend, encouraged her to keep sharing wholeheartedly.
Id: Ketika Rizal mendengarkan suara lembut Dewi, dia merasa terganggu namun tertarik.
En: As Rizal listened to Dewi's gentle voice, he felt both disturbed and intrigued.
Id: Sejenak, dia melupakan kameranya dan terhanyut dalam cerita Dewi.
En: For a moment, he forgot his camera and was swept away by Dewi's story.
Id: Dewi juga menyadari kehadiran Rizal yang berbeda.
En: Dewi also noticed Rizal's distinct presence.
Id: Dia tampak lebih tertarik padanya ketimbang pada tur sendiri.
En: He seemed more interested in her than in the tour itself.
Id: Saat kelompok tur berhenti di puncak candi, di bawah gerimis hujan, Dewi dan Rizal akhirnya berbicara.
En: When the tour group stopped at the top of the temple, under the drizzle, Dewi and Rizal finally talked.
Id: Rizal memutuskan untuk meletakkan kameranya sejenak dan fokus pada pengalaman.
En: Rizal decided to put his camera down for a moment and focus on the experience.
Id: Didorong Laras, Dewi pun memutuskan untuk meninggalkan naskah panduan standar dan berbagi tentang kegemarannya akan arsitektur candi, berbicara dengan jujur dari hati.
En: Encouraged by Laras, Dewi decided to leave the standard guide script and share her passion for the temple's architecture, speaking sincerely from the heart.
Id: Cerita Dewi membuat Rizal kembali bersemangat.
En: Dewi's story reignited Rizal's enthusiasm.
Id: Dia mengambil kameranya dan, terinspirasi oleh cerita Dewi dan suasana Imlek yang mengelilingi mereka, dia mengambil sebuah foto yang sempurna—menggambarkan Borobudur dengan semangat perayaan dan keabadian.
En: He picked up his camera and, inspired by Dewi's story and the Imlek atmosphere surrounding them, he took a perfect photo—capturing Borobudur with a spirit of celebration and eternity.
Id: Tur selesai, Rizal dan Dewi berjalan berdampingan, bertukar kontak.
En: The tour ended, Rizal and Dewi walked side by side, exchanging contacts.
Id: Mereka siap menjelajahi hubungan mereka lebih jauh dari sekadar candi.
En: They were ready to explore their relationship beyond just the temple.
Id: Rizal merasa lebih percaya diri dengan kreativitasnya, dan Dewi menemukan kepuasan dalam membuka diri dan berbagi lebih dari sekadar fakta sejarah.
En: Rizal felt more confident in his creativity, and Dewi found satisfaction in opening up and sharing more than just historical facts.
Id: Di tengah Borobudur yang megah, mereka menemukan bukan hanya pemandangan indah, tetapi juga sebuah awal baru dalam hidup mereka.
En: Amidst the grandeur of Borobudur, they discovered not only breathtaking views but also a new beginning in their lives.
Id: Rain terus membasahi candi itu, menyamarkan jejak langkah mereka ke dalam ceritanya yang tua dan baru.
En: The rain continued to drench the temple, blending their footsteps into its old and new story.
Vocabulary Words:
- majestically: megah
- overcast: mendung
- glisten: berkilau
- allure: daya tarik
- backdrop: latar belakang
- festive: semarak
- lanterns: lentera
- wandering: berkeliaran
- inspiration: inspirasi
- captivating: menawan
- enthused: semangat
- appreciated: dihargai
- sincerely: jujur
- confident: percaya diri
- creativity: kreativitas
- drizzle: gerimis
- focus: fokus
- enthusiasm: semangat
- capturing: menangkap
- spirit: semangat
- eternity: keabadian
- exchanging: bertukar
- satisfaction: kepuasan
- breathtaking: mengagumkan
- footsteps: jejak langkah
- blend: menyamarkan
- historical: bersejarah
- portfolio: portofolio
- presence: kehadiran
- heartfelt: sepenuh hati
9 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Guided by Lantern Light: Bayu's Journey at Gunung Bromo
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Bayu berdiri di tengah gerimis lembut yang membasahi desa Gunung Bromo.
En: Bayu stood in the midst of the gentle drizzle that wet the village of Gunung Bromo.
Id: Di sekitar, suasana Tahun Baru Imlek terasa begitu meriah.
En: Around him, the atmosphere of the Tahun Baru Imlek felt so festive.
Id: Lampion merah menggantung di jalan-jalan sempit desa, menerangi wajah-wajah penuh semangat penduduk yang bersiap merayakan malam istimewa ini.
En: Red lanterns hung on the narrow village streets, illuminating the eager faces of the residents who were preparing to celebrate this special night.
Id: Namun, Bayu hanya bisa memikirkan keamanan kelompok tur yang dipandunya, terutama Sari.
En: However, Bayu could only think about the safety of the tour group he was leading, especially Sari.
Id: Sari dan Rina baru tiba dari kota.
En: Sari and Rina had just arrived from the city.
Id: Mereka penuh energi dan keingintahuan tentang alam Gunung Bromo.
En: They were full of energy and curiosity about the nature of Gunung Bromo.
Id: Sari memegang kamera, tidak sabar untuk menangkap keindahan gunung itu.
En: Sari held a camera, impatient to capture the mountain's beauty.
Id: "Foto-foto ini akan menjadi luar biasa," katanya bersemangat, memandang puncak gunung yang tersembunyi di balik kabut tebal.
En: "These photos will be amazing," she said excitedly, looking at the peak of the mountain hidden behind thick fog.
Id: "Jangan terlalu bersemangat, Sari," ujar Bayu memperingatkan.
En: "Don't get too excited, Sari," Bayu warned.
Id: "Makin tinggi kita mendaki, udara makin tipis.
En: "The higher we climb, the thinner the air gets.
Id: Kau harus hati-hati.
En: You must be careful."
Id: "Rina, meski lebih muda, tampak lebih berani.
En: Rina, though younger, seemed more daring.
Id: "Aku ingin melihat puncak, Bang Bayu.
En: "I want to see the peak, Bang Bayu.
Id: Itu impianku!
En: It's my dream!"
Id: " serunya penuh semangat.
En: she exclaimed enthusiastically.
Id: Bayu hanya bisa menghela napas, memikirkan pentingnya keselamatan mereka.
En: Bayu could only sigh, contemplating the importance of their safety.
Id: Di antara tarian kabut dan hujan yang turun lembut, mereka memulai pendakian.
En: Amidst the dance of fog and gently falling rain, they began the climb.
Id: Awalnya, semuanya berjalan lancar.
En: At first, everything went smoothly.
Id: Bayu memandu mereka menyusuri jalur yang licin dengan hati-hati, bercerita tentang legenda-legenda lokal yang membuat keduanya terpukau.
En: Bayu guided them carefully along the slippery path, narrating local legends that fascinated the two.
Id: Namun, saat mereka mulai mendekati ketinggian lebih, Sari tiba-tiba merasa pusing dan mual.
En: However, as they started approaching higher elevations, Sari suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous.
Id: Bayu mengenali gejala itu.
En: Bayu recognized the symptoms.
Id: "Penyakit ketinggian," gumamnya dalam hati.
En: "Altitude sickness," he muttered to himself.
Id: Wajah Sari kini pucat, dan ia terlihat semakin lemah.
En: Sari's face was now pale, and she looked increasingly weak.
Id: "Rina, kita harus turun sekarang," kata Bayu tegas.
En: "Rina, we have to go down now," said Bayu firmly.
Id: "Sari butuh bantuan.
En: "Sari needs help."
Id: ""Bayu, tolong, aku hanya butuh sedikit waktu lagi untuk mencapai puncak," bantah Rina, suaranya bercampur antara ketakutan dan keinginan.
En: "Bayu, please, I just need a little more time to reach the peak," Rina protested, her voice mixed with fear and desire.
Id: Tapi Sari mulai terhuyung, dan Bayu tahu tidak ada waktu lagi.
En: But Sari began to sway, and Bayu knew there was no time to waste.
Id: Mengambil tindakan cepat, Bayu menurunkan Sari ke tanah dengan lembut.
En: Taking swift action, Bayu gently lowered Sari to the ground.
Id: "Tarik napas pelan, Sari," katanya sambil memeriksa denyut nadinya.
En: "Breathe slowly, Sari," he said while checking her pulse.
Id: Dengan tenang, ia menjelaskan kepada Rina pentingnya kembali ke desa untuk mendapatkan pertolongan.
En: Calmly, he explained to Rina the importance of returning to the village for assistance.
Id: Rina akhirnya menyerah, melihat kakaknya berjuang mengatasi kondisi tak biasa ini.
En: Rina finally gave in, seeing her sister struggle with this unusual condition.
Id: Bersama-sama, mereka membantu Sari kembali turun, melawan hujan yang semakin deras.
En: Together, they helped Sari back down, battling the increasingly heavy rain.
Id: Bayu fokus sepanjang perjalanan turun, memastikan setiap langkah dilakukan dengan hati-hati.
En: Bayu focused throughout the descent, ensuring every step was taken carefully.
Id: Setibanya di desa, Sari segera mendapat perawatan.
En: Once they reached the village, Sari immediately received treatment.
Id: Bayu merasa lega ketika melihat warna di wajah Sari mulai kembali.
En: Bayu felt relieved when he saw the color returning to Sari's face.
Id: "Nah, lebih baik, kan?
En: "There, isn't that better?"
Id: " Bayu tersenyum hangat saat Sari bisa duduk dengan tenang.
En: Bayu smiled warmly as Sari was able to sit calmly.
Id: Rina menggenggam tangan kakaknya, berterima kasih kepada Bayu.
En: Rina held her sister's hand, thanking Bayu.
Id: "Makasih ya, Bayu.
En: "Thank you, Bayu.
Id: Tanpa kamu, mungkin kami tidak akan selamat," ujar Sari dengan lemah lembut, matanya memperlihatkan rasa syukur yang dalam.
En: Without you, we might not have made it," Sari said softly, her eyes revealing deep gratitude.
Id: Perasaan hangat memenuhi hati Bayu.
En: A warm feeling filled Bayu's heart.
Id: Saat malam Imlek berlalu, pesta lampion bersinar di atas mereka, Bayu menemukan jawaban atas keraguannya.
En: As the Imlek night passed, the lantern festival shone above them, Bayu found the answer to his doubts.
Id: Keinginan untuk melindungi dan berbagi kecintaannya terhadap gunung-gunung ini tumbuh kuat di dalam dirinya.
En: The desire to protect and share his love for these mountains grew strong within him.
Id: Gunung Bromo kembali tenang saat mereka menatap lampion merah yang naik ke langit cerah.
En: Gunung Bromo returned to tranquility as they watched the red lanterns rise into the clear sky.
Id: Bayu tahu, ia akan terus memandu lebih banyak orang, menjaga mereka, dan membagikan keindahan tanah kelahirannya.
En: Bayu knew he would continue to guide more people, keeping them safe, and sharing the beauty of his birthplace.
Id: Dengan hati penuh semangat baru, ia memutuskan untuk tidak lagi meragukan jalannya.
En: With a heart full of renewed spirit, he decided to no longer doubt his path.
Vocabulary Words:
- midst: tengah
- drizzle: gerimis
- atmosphere: suasana
- festive: meriah
- illuminating: menerangi
- eager: bersemangat
- capturing: menangkap
- beauty: keindahan
- peak: puncak
- fog: kabut
- ascend: mendaki
- daring: berani
- contemplating: memikirkan
- elevations: ketinggian
- dizzy: pusing
- nauseous: mual
- symptoms: gejala
- altitude sickness: penyakit ketinggian
- swift: cepat
- pulse: denyut nadi
- assistance: pertolongan
- descend: turun
- relieved: lega
- gratitude: rasa syukur
- lanterns: lampion
- tranquility: tenang
- renewed: semangat baru
- doubts: keraguan
- path: jalan
- narrating: bercerita
8 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: From Rainy Classrooms to Team Triumphs: Dewi's Journey
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Hujan tak berhenti sejak pagi, menetes pelan di atap sekolah Jakarta yang sibuk itu.
En: The rain didn't stop since morning, dripping slowly on the roof of that busy Jakarta school.
Id: Suasana lembab tak membuat Dewi menyerah.
En: The damp atmosphere didn't make Dewi give up.
Id: Di kelas, suasana riuh.
En: In class, the mood was noisy.
Id: Anak-anak saling bercanda dan bertukar cerita.
En: The children were joking and swapping stories.
Id: Namun di sudut ruangan, Dewi tampak tegang.
En: However, in the corner of the room, Dewi looked tense.
Id: Dia menggenggam buku catatan dengan erat.
En: She clutched her notebook tightly.
Id: Dewi dikenal sebagai murid rajin.
En: Dewi was known as a diligent student.
Id: Tapi tugas proyek kelompok ini membebaninya.
En: But this group project burdened her.
Id: Dewi sadar, nilai proyek ini penting.
En: Dewi realized this project's grade was important.
Id: Dia hanya berharap semua anggota kelompoknya bisa bekerjasama.
En: She only hoped all her group members would cooperate.
Id: Rahmat, yang lebih suka berkumpul dengan teman-temannya, sudah beberapa kali absen saat pertemuan kelompok.
En: Rahmat, who preferred hanging out with his friends, had already been absent a few times during group meetings.
Id: Walau begitu, Dewi tahu Rahmat cerdas, hanya saja ia kurang motivasi.
En: Despite that, Dewi knew Rahmat was smart, just lacking motivation.
Id: Lalu ada Iman.
En: Then there was Iman.
Id: Iman lebih suka diam.
En: Iman preferred to stay quiet.
Id: Dewi tahu Iman sebenarnya banyak ide.
En: Dewi knew Iman actually had plenty of ideas.
Id: Sayangnya, Iman sering ragu untuk bicara, takut diabaikan.
En: Unfortunately, Iman often hesitated to speak, afraid of being ignored.
Id: Dewi ingin Iman percaya diri dan menyumbangkan pemikirannya.
En: Dewi wanted Iman to be confident and contribute his thoughts.
Id: Saat bel bersuara, Dewi mengajak Rahmat dan Iman berkumpul di perpustakaan.
En: When the bell rang, Dewi invited Rahmat and Iman to gather in the library.
Id: Di sana lebih sepi.
En: It was quieter there.
Id: "Kita harus diskusi soal proyek ini," Dewi memulai dengan suara mantap.
En: "We need to discuss this project," Dewi started with a firm voice.
Id: Rahmat duduk, masih asyik mengetik di ponselnya.
En: Rahmat sat, still busy typing on his phone.
Id: Iman membuka buku catatannya, ragu-ragu.
En: Iman opened his notebook, hesitantly.
Id: "Rahmat, kita butuh kontribusi kamu," kata Dewi pelan namun tegas.
En: "Rahmat, we need your contribution," said Dewi softly but firmly.
Id: "Kalau kita kerjakan bersama, hasilnya bisa lebih baik.
En: "If we work together, the result could be better.
Id: Dan Iman, aku yakin kamu punya ide bagus.
En: And Iman, I believe you have good ideas.
Id: Tolong bagikan dengan kami.
En: Please share them with us."
Id: "Rahmat tersentak.
En: Rahmat was startled.
Id: Dia tahu, Dewi benar.
En: He knew Dewi was right.
Id: "Maaf, Dewi.
En: "Sorry, Dewi.
Id: Aku akan lebih serius," jawab Rahmat.
En: I'll take it more seriously," Rahmat replied.
Id: Sementra itu, Iman tersenyum kecil, merasa dihargai.
En: Meanwhile, Iman smiled a little, feeling appreciated.
Id: "Aku ada ide tentang cara menyajikan data kita," katanya akhirnya, suara pelan tapi jelas.
En: "I have an idea about how to present our data," he finally said, his voice soft but clear.
Id: Diskusi itu berlangsung hingga sore.
En: The discussion went on until evening.
Id: Dewi membagi tugas dengan jelas.
En: Dewi assigned tasks clearly.
Id: Rahmat mulai mencari data di komputer sekolah.
En: Rahmat began looking for data on the school's computer.
Id: Iman membantu dengan ide-ide kreatifnya untuk presentasi.
En: Iman helped with his creative ideas for the presentation.
Id: Dewi merasa lega.
En: Dewi felt relieved.
Id: Pencapaian ini bukan hanya karena kerja kerasnya, tapi karena mereka bekerja sebagai tim.
En: This achievement wasn't just because of her hard work, but because they worked as a team.
Id: Hari presentasi datang.
En: The day of the presentation arrived.
Id: Hujan kembali turun.
En: The rain fell again.
Id: Di depan kelas, mereka bertiga mempresentasikan hasil kerja mereka.
En: In front of the class, the three of them presented their work.
Id: Semua berjalan lancar.
En: Everything went smoothly.
Id: Gagasan Iman tentang visualisasi data mendapat pujian.
En: Iman's idea about data visualization received praise.
Id: Dewi melihat sekeliling, melihat senyum tak hanya di wajah teman-temannya, tapi di wajah Rahmat dan Iman juga.
En: Dewi looked around, seeing smiles not only on her friends’ faces but on Rahmat and Iman's faces too.
Id: Setelah acara selesai, Dewi merasa lega.
En: After the event was over, Dewi felt relieved.
Id: Dia belajar pentingnya komunikasi dan berbagi tugas.
En: She learned the importance of communication and sharing tasks.
Id: Rahmat menyadari bahwa kontribusinya berarti, dan Iman, meski tetap pendiam, mulai lebih percaya diri berbicara di depan umum.
En: Rahmat realized his contribution mattered, and Iman, though still quiet, started to feel more confident speaking in public.
Id: Di bawah payung bersama, mereka bertiga berjalan pulang.
En: Under a shared umbrella, the three of them walked home.
Id: Hujan pun seolah mendendangkan lagu kemenangan kecil di atas kepala mereka.
En: The rain seemed to sing a small victory song over their heads.
Id: Proyek selesai dengan baik, dan kini hubungan persahabatan mereka semakin erat, meski dimulai dari perbedaan.
En: The project was completed well, and now their friendship was even closer, despite starting from differences.
Vocabulary Words:
- dripping: menetes
- damp: lembab
- tense: tegang
- clutched: menggenggam
- diligent: rajin
- burdened: membebaninya
- cooperate: bekerjasama
- absent: absen
- hesitated: ragu
- confident: percaya diri
- assigned: membagi
- creative: kreatif
- relieved: lega
- achievement: pencapaian
- visualization: visualisasi
- praise: pujian
- communication: komunikasi
- hesitantly: ragu-ragu
- firm: mantap
- contribution: kontribusi
- startled: tersentak
- appreciated: dihargai
- tasks: tugas
- smoothly: lancar
- quiet: sepi
- presentation: presentasi
- shared: berbagi
- penultimate: sebelum terakhir
- umbrella: payung
- differences: perbedaan
7 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Dancing Dolphins and Splashy Memories at Seaworld
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah suasana riuh Seaworld Ancol, Rini dan Budi berada di tengah keramaian pengunjung.
En: In the lively atmosphere of Seaworld Ancol, Rini and Budi found themselves amidst a crowd of visitors.
Id: Langit mendung menggantung rendah, sementara aroma laut menusuk hidung.
En: The cloudy sky hung low, while the smell of the sea filled the air.
Id: Rini, dengan semangat membara, siap menyaksikan pertunjukan lumba-lumba.
En: Rini, with burning enthusiasm, was ready to watch the dolphin show.
Id: Sementara itu, Budi, pemandu akuarium yang gugup, berusaha agar acara berjalan lancar.
En: Meanwhile, Budi, a nervous aquarium guide, was trying to make sure the event went smoothly.
Id: “Santai saja, Bu,” kata Budi kepada ibu-ibu yang tak jauh dari tempatnya berdiri.
En: "Relax, Ma'am," said Budi to a group of moms not far from where he stood.
Id: Pandangannya terus melompat dari lumba-lumba ke penonton, khawatir akan kejadian tak terduga.
En: His gaze constantly darted from the dolphins to the audience, worried about any unexpected incidents.
Id: Semangat Rini melebihi batas.
En: Rini’s excitement was beyond bounds.
Id: Ketika semua duduk di tempat yang aman, dia justru memilih kursi di depan, persis area splash zone, meskipun peringatan sudah dipasang jelas.
En: While everyone was settled in safe spots, she opted for a seat up front, right in the splash zone area, even though the warning signs were clearly posted.
Id: Dia ingin sekali menangkap momen sempurna dengan kameranya yang baru.
En: She was eager to capture the perfect moment with her new camera.
Id: “Sudah siap, Lumba?” seru trainer dari atas panggung, menyiapkan seekor lumba-lumba untuk lompatan besar.
En: "Ready, Dolphin?" called out the trainer from the stage, preparing a dolphin for a big jump.
Id: Budi melihat ke arah Rini.
En: Budi looked in Rini's direction.
Id: Dia tahu dia seharusnya memperingatkan Rini.
En: He knew he should warn Rini.
Id: Tapi senyum lebar dan tatapan tak sabar Rini membuatnya berpikir dua kali.
En: But Rini's broad smile and eager eyes made him think twice.
Id: Rini hanya ingin menikmati pertunjukan.
En: Rini just wanted to enjoy the show.
Id: “Ya sudahlah,” gumam Budi, memutuskan untuk membiarkan saja.
En: "Oh well," Budi muttered, deciding to just let it be.
Id: Ketika lumba-lumba melompat tinggi, air memercik.
En: When the dolphin jumped high, water splashed everywhere.
Id: Gumpalan air besar menghantam Rini dan penonton di baris depan.
En: A big splash of water hit Rini and the front row audience.
Id: Rini berteriak pendek, tapi bukan karena marah.
En: Rini let out a short scream, but not out of anger.
Id: Dia tertawa, mendapati dirinya basah kuyup.
En: She laughed, finding herself soaked.
Id: Kamera di tangannya berhasil menangkap momen luar biasa itu tepat waktu.
En: Her camera managed to capture that extraordinary moment just in time.
Id: Sembari memasukkan kameranya ke dalam tas plastik, Rini menatap Budi dan tersenyum lebar.
En: As she tucked her camera into a plastic bag, Rini looked at Budi and smiled broadly.
Id: Budi tertawa kecil, merasa lega dan senang.
En: Budi chuckled, feeling relieved and happy.
Id: “Lumayan kan, mandi gratis?” canda Budi, kali ini lebih santai.
En: "Not bad, right? A free shower?" joked Budi, feeling more relaxed this time.
Id: Rini mengangguk.
En: Rini nodded.
Id: “Foto-fotonya keren! Ini pengalaman tak terlupakan,” jawabnya dengan semangat.
En: "The photos are awesome! This is an unforgettable experience," she replied enthusiastically.
Id: Mereka berdua belajar sesuatu hari itu.
En: The two of them learned something that day.
Id: Rini menyadari pentingnya menikmati momen-momen berharga ketimbang mengendalikan semuanya.
En: Rini realized the importance of savoring precious moments rather than controlling everything.
Id: Sedangkan Budi belajar bahwa membiarkan tamu bersenang-senang kadang lebih penting daripada terlalu ketat dengan peraturan.
En: Meanwhile, Budi learned that letting guests have fun is sometimes more important than being too strict with the rules.
Id: Langit mulai meneteskan beberapa rintik hujan kecil, menambah keindahan hari yang tak terduga di Seaworld Ancol.
En: The sky began to drop a few small raindrops, adding to the unexpected beauty of the day at Seaworld Ancol.
Id: Namun, baik Rini maupun Budi, keduanya tetap tertawa dan menikmati hari itu hingga akhir.
En: However, both Rini and Budi kept laughing and enjoyed the day to the fullest.
Vocabulary Words:
- lively: riuh
- atmosphere: suasana
- amidst: di tengah
- cloudy: mendung
- enthusiasm: semangat
- nervous: gugup
- aquarium: akuarium
- darted: melompat
- incidents: kejadian
- settled: duduk
- opted: memilih
- capture: menangkap
- trainer: trainer
- warn: memperingatkan
- dash: gumpalan
- soaked: basah kuyup
- tucked: memasukkan
- chuckled: tertawa kecil
- relieved: lega
- awesome: keren
- unforgettable: tak terlupakan
- savoring: menikmati
- controlling: mengendalikan
- strict: ketat
- rules: peraturan
- raindrops: rintik hujan
- unexpected: tak terduga
- broadly: lebar
- precious: berharga
- finally: akhir
6 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: When the Aroma Fades: A Heartfelt Brew of Friendship
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di sebuah kedai kopi yang tenang dan harum di Yogyakarta, Adi, seorang barista muda, sibuk mengolah biji kopi dengan ketelatenan.
En: In a quiet and fragrant kedai kopi in Yogyakarta, Adi, a young barista, was busy processing coffee beans with diligence.
Id: Di luar, hujan deras bertabuh, menambah hangat suasana di dalam.
En: Outside, heavy rain drummed down, adding warmth to the inside atmosphere.
Id: Pelanggan berdatangan, mencari perlindungan dari hujan dan secangkir kopi hangat.
En: Customers came in, seeking shelter from the rain and a cup of hot coffee.
Id: Adi mencintai pekerjaannya.
En: Adi loved his job.
Id: Setiap cangkir kopi yang ia sajikan adalah sebuah karya seni yang ia banggakan.
En: Every cup of coffee he served was a work of art he took pride in.
Id: Namun, akhir-akhir ini, tubuhnya terasa berbeda.
En: However, lately, his body felt different.
Id: Senin pagi itu, saat dia meracik kopi dengan gerakan yang biasa, kepalanya tiba-tiba berdenyut hebat.
En: That Monday morning, as he prepared coffee with his usual moves, his head suddenly throbbed violently.
Id: Rasa pusing mendadak mengalir, membuat dunianya berputar sebentar.
En: A sudden dizziness flowed through him, making his world spin for a moment.
Id: Ratna, rekan kerja dan sahabat Adi, segera melihat perubahan pada wajahnya.
En: Ratna, Adi's colleague and friend, immediately noticed the change on his face.
Id: "Adi, kamu baik-baik saja kan?
En: "Adi, are you okay?"
Id: " tanya Ratna khawatir.
En: asked Ratna worriedly.
Id: Tangannya yang cekatan tetap melayani pelanggan, namun matanya terus mengawasi Adi dengan seksama.
En: Her nimble hands continued to serve the customers, but her eyes kept watching Adi closely.
Id: Adi tersenyum lemah.
En: Adi smiled weakly.
Id: "Aku hanya sedikit lelah, Ratna.
En: "I'm just a bit tired, Ratna.
Id: Tidak apa-apa," jawabnya, berusaha tegar.
En: It's okay," he replied, trying to be strong.
Id: Namun, kekhawatiran Ratna tak dapat dibendung.
En: However, Ratna's worry couldn't be contained.
Id: Ia sudah sering membaca tentang bahaya tekanan darah tinggi.
En: She had often read about the dangers of high blood pressure.
Id: Waktu terus berlalu, dan Adi tetap bersikeras bekerja.
En: Time passed, and Adi insisted on working.
Id: Sementara itu, Ratna berulang kali menyarankannya untuk beristirahat atau memeriksakan diri ke dokter.
En: Meanwhile, Ratna repeatedly advised him to rest or see a doctor.
Id: Akhirnya, di tengah hiruk-pikuk dan aroma giling kopi, Adi merasa tubuhnya tidak bisa lagi mengikuti kemauan pikirannya.
En: Finally, amidst the hustle and bustle and the aroma of ground coffee, Adi felt his body could no longer follow the will of his mind.
Id: Pandangannya mengabur, dan sebelum dia menyadarinya, tubuhnya terkulai lemas ke lantai.
En: His vision blurred, and before he knew it, his body slumped weakly to the floor.
Id: Suasana kafe langsung heboh.
En: The café turned chaotic.
Id: Ratna dengan cepat melompati meja, berlutut di samping Adi.
En: Ratna quickly leaped over the table, kneeling beside Adi.
Id: "Tolong, beri ruang," katanya tegas kepada pelanggan yang mulai panik.
En: "Please, give space," she said firmly to the customers starting to panic.
Id: Dengan hati-hati, ia mencoba membangunkan Adi yang hanya sempat kehilangan kesadaran sebentar.
En: Carefully, she tried to wake up Adi, who only briefly lost consciousness.
Id: Pelan-pelan, Adi membuka mata dan mencoba tersenyum.
En: Slowly, Adi opened his eyes and attempted to smile.
Id: "Aku baik-baik saja, Ratna," ucap Adi, meski suaranya terdengar lemah.
En: "I'm okay, Ratna," said Adi, although his voice sounded weak.
Id: Ratna menggeleng, dengan lembut namun teguh.
En: Ratna shook her head, gently but firmly.
Id: "Adi, kita harus ke dokter sekarang.
En: "Adi, we have to go to the doctor now.
Id: Kita tutup lebih awal hari ini.
En: We will close early today.
Id: Tidak ada tawaran.
En: There are no negotiations."
Id: "Dengan hati yang berat namun penuh rasa terima kasih, Adi akhirnya setuju.
En: With a heavy yet grateful heart, Adi finally agreed.
Id: Ratna, meski ingin memiliki kedai kopinya sendiri suatu hari, tahu bahwa sahabatnya berada di atas segalanya saat ini.
En: Ratna, although wanting to have her own café someday, knew that her friend was above everything else at that moment.
Id: Hari itu, mereka belajar sesuatu yang penting: kesehatan adalah prioritas.
En: That day, they learned something important: health is a priority.
Id: Setelah pemeriksaan, dokter menyarankan Adi untuk mengurangi stres dan lebih menjaga pola makan dan istirahat.
En: After the examination, the doctor advised Adi to reduce stress and take better care of his diet and rest.
Id: Adi berjanji kepada dirinya sendiri untuk lebih peduli pada tubuhnya.
En: Adi promised himself to be more mindful of his body.
Id: Dengan bantuan Ratna, ia tidak hanya kembali menyajikan kopi dengan cinta, tapi juga belajar mendengarkan apa yang dibisikkan tubuhnya.
En: With Ratna's help, he not only returned to serving coffee with love but also learned to listen to what his body whispered.
Id: Hujan di luar masih deras, tapi di dalam kedai, persahabatan mereka menghangatkan segalanya.
En: The rain outside was still heavy, but inside the café, their friendship warmed everything.
Vocabulary Words:
- fragrant: harum
- diligence: ketelatenan
- drummed: bertabuh
- shelter: perlindungan
- throbbed: berdenyut
- violently: hebat
- dizziness: pusing
- nimble: cekatan
- notice: melihat
- insisted: bersikeras
- blurred: mengabur
- slumped: terkulai
- carefully: dengan hati-hati
- consciousness: kesadaran
- negotiations: tawaran
- grateful: penuh rasa terima kasih
- learned: belajar
- reduction: mengurangi
- mindful: peduli
- whispered: dibisikkan
- vision: pandangan
- chaotic: heboh
- leaped: melompati
- kneeling: berlutut
- attempted: mencoba
- firmly: tegas
- priority: prioritas
- diet: pola makan
- atmosphere: suasana
- serve: melayani
5 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Strength in Serenity: Putri's Journey to Inner Peace
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah ketenangan Bali Silent Retreat, angin lembut musim panas menari di antara pohon-pohon kelapa.
En: In the serenity of the Bali Silent Retreat, the gentle summer breeze danced among the coconut trees.
Id: Di sana, seorang perempuan muda bernama Putri datang mencari kedamaian batin.
En: There, a young woman named Putri arrived looking for inner peace.
Id: Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir, hidupnya berubah drastis.
En: In recent months, her life had changed drastically.
Id: Tantangan datang bertubi-tubi.
En: Challenges came relentlessly.
Id: Sekarang, ia berharap menemukan kejelasan di tempat penuh kedamaian ini.
En: Now, she hoped to find clarity in this place full of tranquility.
Id: Di pagi hari, Putri bangun untuk meditasi.
En: In the morning, Putri woke up for meditation.
Id: Ruang meditasi terbuka, dikelilingi suara alam yang menenangkan.
En: The open meditation space was surrounded by calming sounds of nature.
Id: Burung berkicau, dan suara gemuruh air panas mengisi udara.
En: Birds chirped, and the rumble of hot water filled the air.
Id: Kelapa melambai di latar belakang.
En: Coconuts waved in the background.
Id: Galungan sedang dirayakan.
En: Galungan was being celebrated.
Id: Waktu yang tepat untuk mencari pencerahan.
En: It was the perfect time to seek enlightenment.
Id: Putri berkenalan dengan Budi, sesama peserta, di meja makan.
En: Putri met Budi, a fellow participant, at the dining table.
Id: Budi ramah, selalu tersenyum.
En: Budi was friendly, always smiling.
Id: Dia percaya kesehatan adalah pilar kebahagiaan.
En: He believed health was a pillar of happiness.
Id: Sambil menyeruput teh jahe, Budi berbagi pengalamannya.
En: While sipping ginger tea, Budi shared his experiences.
Id: Putri merasa sedikit lebih ringan, mendengar kisahnya.
En: Putri felt slightly lighter hearing his story.
Id: Adi, penyelenggara retreat, berjalan mendekat.
En: Adi, the retreat organizer, walked over.
Id: Adi memiliki sifat lembut, penuh empati.
En: Adi was gentle and full of empathy.
Id: Ia sangat paham tradisi lokal.
En: He was very knowledgeable about local traditions.
Id: Ada kehangatan dalam caranya berbicara.
En: There was warmth in the way he spoke.
Id: Namun, hari ketiga, Putri merasa tidak enak badan.
En: However, on the third day, Putri felt unwell.
Id: Kepala terasa berat, tubuh lemas.
En: Her head felt heavy, and her body weak.
Id: Ia ragu.
En: She was uncertain.
Id: Apakah ini pertanda dari tubuh yang lelah?
En: Was this a sign of a tired body?
Id: Atau mungkin sesuatu yang lebih serius?
En: Or perhaps something more serious?
Id: Ketika malam tiba, kondisinya memburuk.
En: When night came, her condition worsened.
Id: Putri harus membuat keputusan sulit.
En: Putri had to make a difficult decision.
Id: Haruskah ia meninggalkan retreat dan mencari dokter?
En: Should she leave the retreat and seek a doctor?
Id: Ataukah menggunakan pengobatan tradisional di sini?
En: Or should she use traditional remedies here?
Id: Ada ketakutan dalam dirinya, ketidakpastian yang mendalam.
En: There was fear within her, a deep uncertainty.
Id: Dengan perlahan, Putri mencari Adi.
En: Slowly, Putri sought out Adi.
Id: Suaranya pelan, hampir bergetar, "Adi, aku butuh bantuanmu.
En: Her voice was soft, almost trembling, "Adi, I need your help."
Id: " Ini pertama kalinya Putri berani mengakui kelemahannya kepada orang lain.
En: This was the first time Putri dared to admit her weakness to others.
Id: Adi mendengarkan dengan sabar.
En: Adi listened patiently.
Id: "Kita bisa mencoba kombinasi," kata Adi.
En: "We can try a combination," said Adi.
Id: "Modern dan tradisional.
En: "Modern and traditional.
Id: Kita dapat membawa perawatan dari dokter ke sini, dan bersamaan mencoba ramuan tradisional.
En: We can bring the doctor's treatment here, and simultaneously try traditional herbs."
Id: "Putri mengangguk.
En: Putri nodded.
Id: Ada kelegaan yang menjalar di tubuhnya.
En: A sense of relief spread through her body.
Id: Adi dan Budi membantu mengurus semuanya.
En: Adi and Budi helped arrange everything.
Id: Ada dokter yang datang ke retreat.
En: There was a doctor who came to the retreat.
Id: Sementara itu, Adi menyiapkan jamu dari daun-daunan lokal.
En: Meanwhile, Adi prepared a potion from local leaves.
Id: Hari berganti.
En: Days passed.
Id: Perlahan, Putri merasa lebih baik.
En: Slowly, Putri felt better.
Id: Tubuhnya mulai pulih, begitu pula hatinya.
En: Her body began to recover, as did her heart.
Id: Dengan dukungan dari Adi, Budi, dan lingkungan sekitar, Putri mendapatkan kekuatan baru.
En: With support from Adi, Budi, and the surrounding environment, Putri found new strength.
Id: Di akhir retreat, saat Galungan berakhir dan nuansa syukur memenuhi jiwa, Putri menyadari sesuatu.
En: At the end of the retreat, as Galungan ended and a sense of gratitude filled the soul, Putri realized something.
Id: Ketidakberdayaannya adalah kekuatan.
En: Her helplessness was a strength.
Id: Ia belajar bahwa kadang-kadang, meminta bantuan bukanlah tanda kelemahan.
En: She learned that sometimes, asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
Id: Itu adalah langkah berani menuju keterhubungan.
En: It's a brave step toward connection.
Id: Dengan hati yang lebih ringan dan senyum yang tulus, Putri tahu ia tidak lagi sendirian.
En: With a lighter heart and a sincere smile, Putri knew she was no longer alone.
Id: Kebersamaan memberikan kekuatan, sebuah pelajaran berharga dari Bali yang akan ia bawa pulang.
En: Togetherness provided strength, a valuable lesson from Bali that she would carry home.
Vocabulary Words:
- serenity: ketenangan
- breeze: angin
- drastically: drastis
- relentlessly: bertubi-tubi
- clarity: kejelasan
- tranquility: kedamaian
- meditation: meditasi
- chirped: berkicau
- rumble: gemuruh
- celebrated: dirayakan
- enlightenment: pencerahan
- participant: peserta
- pillar: pilar
- sipping: menyeruput
- organizer: penyelenggara
- empathy: empati
- knowledgeable: paham
- trembling: bergetar
- helplessness: ketidakberdayaan
- recovery: pulih
- gratitude: syukur
- weakness: kelemahan
- remedies: pengobatan
- combination: kombinasi
- herbs: ramuan
- relief: kelegaan
- potion: jamu
- momentum: nuansa
- togetherness: kebersamaan
- strength: kekuatan
Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categories | Language Learning , Courses |
Website | fluentfiction.org |
hello@fluentfiction.org |