
Finding Her Voice: A Daughter's First Vote Amid Family Traditions

Oct 12, 2024 · 15m 8s
Finding Her Voice: A Daughter's First Vote Amid Family Traditions

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 22s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Her Voice: A Daughter's First Vote Amid Family Traditions Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Začiatkom októbra svieži...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Her Voice: A Daughter's First Vote Amid Family Traditions
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Začiatkom októbra svieži vzduch naplnil park pred komunitným centrom.
En: At the beginning of October, fresh air filled the park in front of the community center.

Sk: Stromy sa pomaly zbavovali svojich farebných listov, ktoré ticho padali na chodník.
En: The trees were slowly shedding their colorful leaves, which quietly fell onto the path.

Sk: V tento deň sa centrum premenilo na volebnú miestnosť, kde si miestni obyvatelia mohli splniť svoju občiansku povinnosť.
En: On this day, the center transformed into a polling station where local residents could fulfill their civic duty.

Sk: Jozef, Mária a ich dcéra Lenka vstúpili do budovy.
En: Jozef, Mária, and their daughter Lenka entered the building.

Sk: Jozef bol hrdý a istý si svojím rozhodnutím.
En: Jozef was proud and confident in his decision.

Sk: Veril v tradičné hodnoty a považoval hlasovanie za povinnosť každého pravého Slováka.
En: He believed in traditional values and considered voting an obligation of every true Slovak.

Sk: Mária na druhej strane očami prechádzala zoznam kandidátov a premýšľala nad tým, čo by bolo najlepšie pre ich komunitu.
En: Mária, on the other hand, was scanning the list of candidates with her eyes and contemplating what would be best for their community.

Sk: Nebola taká pevná vo svojich názoroch, ale snažila sa pochopiť Jozefove nadšenie.
En: She wasn't as firm in her opinions but tried to understand Jozef's enthusiasm.

Sk: Lenka kráčala ticho medzi nimi.
En: Lenka walked quietly between them.

Sk: Bola šťastná, že teraz môže hlasovať. Ale zároveň sa cítila zmätená.
En: She was happy that she could now vote, but at the same time, she felt confused.

Sk: Videla, ako jej otec s nadšením diskutuje o politike, zatiaľ čo jej matka skôr počúvala a premýšľala.
En: She saw her father enthusiastically discussing politics while her mother mostly listened and thought.

Sk: Nevedela, koho podporiť.
En: She didn’t know whom to support.

Sk: Cítila tlak z otcovej tradičnej lásky k vlasti, ale aj potrebu svojich vlastných rozhodnutí.
En: She felt the pressure of her father's traditional love for the homeland but also the need to make her own decisions.

Sk: Keď sa dostali na koniec rady, Jozef sa naklonil k Lenke a zašepkal, "Plesni to za tých, čo nikdy nezradia."
En: As they reached the end of the line, Jozef leaned towards Lenka and whispered, "Vote for those who never betray."

Sk: Mária sa na Lenku milo usmiala a povedala, "Lenka, rozhodni sa, čo považuješ za správne."
En: Mária smiled kindly at Lenka and said, "Lenka, decide what you think is right."

Sk: V tom momente sa Lenka zastavila pred hlasovacou urnou.
En: At that moment, Lenka stopped in front of the ballot box.

Sk: Pocítila, ako jej srdce bije rýchlejšie.
En: She felt her heart beating faster.

Sk: Pred očami mala otca v jeho nesmrteľnej viere a matku s porozumením v očiach.
En: She had before her eyes her father with his unwavering faith and her mother with understanding in her eyes.

Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchla.
En: She took a deep breath.

Sk: Celá hala bola tichá.
En: The entire hall was silent.

Sk: Každý bol zameraný na svoje vlastné rozhodnutie.
En: Everyone was focused on their own decision.

Sk: Lenka vedela, že je čas.
En: Lenka knew it was time.

Sk: Bola jej chvíľa.
En: It was her moment.

Sk: So stisnutými perami a odhodlaním v srdci hodila svoj hlas do urny.
En: With pursed lips and determination in her heart, she cast her vote into the box.

Sk: To bol jej hlas.
En: That was her vote.

Sk: Nikomu takým spôsobom neprislúchal, len jej.
En: It belonged to no one else in that way, just her.

Sk: Keď vyšli von, Jozef sa pozrel na svoju dcéru trochu iným pohľadom.
En: As they stepped outside, Jozef looked at his daughter with a somewhat different gaze.

Sk: Vo vlastniť si jej rozhodnutie videl odvahu.
En: In owning her decision, he saw courage.

Sk: Mária objala Lenku a pokývala hlavou, ako keby vedela, že jej dcéra sa naučila cennú lekciu.
En: Mária hugged Lenka and nodded, as if she knew her daughter had learned a valuable lesson.

Sk: Lenka bola teraz silnejšia, vedela, že jej názor má hodnotu.
En: Lenka was stronger now; she knew her opinion had worth.

Sk: Všetci traja kráčali po zvädnutých listoch.
En: All three walked on the withered leaves.

Sk: Lenka už vedela, že v budúcnosti nebude váhať.
En: Lenka now knew that in the future, she wouldn't hesitate.

Sk: Predsa len, toto bol jej život, jej hlas.
En: After all, this was her life, her voice.

Sk: A to bolo nad všetky očakávania, ktoré na ňu boli kladené.
En: And that was beyond all the expectations placed upon her.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shedding: zbavovali
  • fulfill: splniť
  • civic duty: občianska povinnosť
  • confident: istý
  • obligation: povinnosť
  • contemplating: premýšľala
  • enthusiasm: nadšenie
  • pressure: tlak
  • confused: zmätená
  • whispered: zašepkal
  • unwavering: nesmrteľnej
  • deep breath: zhlboka sa nadýchla
  • determination: odhodlaním
  • ballot box: hlasovacou urnou
  • belonged: neprislúchal
  • courage: odvaha
  • hugged: objala
  • withered: zvädnutých
  • hesitate: váhať
  • grace: pokývala hlavou
  • transformed: premenilo
  • residents: obyvatelia
  • traditional: tradičné
  • scan: očami prechádzala
  • obligation: povinnosť
  • valuable: cennú
  • moment: chvíľa
  • pursued: stisnutými
  • pursue: hodila
  • expectations: očakávania
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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