
Finding Voice: Rhys's Journey in the Mist of Eryri

Oct 3, 2024 · 15m 48s
Finding Voice: Rhys's Journey in the Mist of Eryri

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 17s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Finding Voice: Rhys's Journey in the Mist of Eryri Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar y diwrnod cyntaf...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Finding Voice: Rhys's Journey in the Mist of Eryri
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar y diwrnod cyntaf o daith Ysgol Pentir i Barc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd y gogledd yn cael ei lapio gan niwl trwchus.
En: On the first day of Ysgol Pentir's trip to Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, the north was wrapped in a thick fog.

Cy: Roedd dail y coed yn farcio'u cwymp, lliwiau aur a chopr yn llawn yng ngorwelion yr ardal.
En: The leaves of the trees marked their fall, filled with golden and copper colors on the region's horizons.

Cy: Roedd myfyrwyr yn sibrwd yn llawn cyffro wrth iddynt gerdded ar hyd y traciau llwythog.
En: Students whispered excitedly as they walked along the busy trails.

Cy: Rhys, disgybl tawel ac ystyrlon, cerdded yng nghefn y grwp.
En: Rhys, a quiet and thoughtful pupil, walked at the back of the group.

Cy: Teimlai'n anghyfforddus, ei feddyliau'n llawn ofnau am y gweithgareddau grŵp oedd yn aros amdano.
En: He felt uncomfortable, his thoughts full of fears about the group activities that awaited him.

Cy: Yn agos ato, roedd Llewyn, llawn anturiaeth, yn ceisio rhoi cicwr ar amser Rhys trwy himilio am yr heriau o'u blaen.
En: Close to him was Llewyn, full of adventure, trying to jolt Rhys into the present by joking about the challenges ahead.

Cy: "Daw ymlaen, Rhys!
En: "Come on, Rhys!

Cy: Bydd cymaint o hwyl gennym ni," berswadiodd Llewyn, ei lygaid yn drydan o egni.
En: We'll have so much fun," encouraged Llewyn, his eyes electric with energy.

Cy: Carys, sefyll rhwng y ddau, manteisiodd ar y foment.
En: Carys, standing between the two, seized the moment.

Cy: "Hei!
En: "Hey!

Cy: Gad ni fwynhau’r diwrnod eto, un cam ar y tro," dywedodd hi’n llawen, eichlwys y sgyrsiau rhwng Llewyn a Rhys.
En: Let's enjoy the day, one step at a time," she said cheerfully, easing the conversations between Llewyn and Rhys.

Cy: Roedd ei bresenoldeb yn rhoi tawelwch i Rhys, ond roedd ei ben yn dal i fod yn bryderus.
En: Her presence provided Rhys with some calm, but his mind remained anxious.

Cy: Wrth i'r haul fynd lawr, y myfyrwyr ymdeimlwyd o wefr gyda’r noson Calan Gaeaf yn agosáu.
En: As the sun set, the students felt a thrill with Calan Gaeaf night approaching.

Cy: Roedd tanllwyth mawr wedi ei baratoi, ac roedd pob un ohonyn nhw’n eistedd o gwmpas, yn barod am straeon.
En: A great bonfire had been prepared, and they all sat around it, ready for stories.

Cy: Dyma Llewyn yn gwneud pwsh i Rhys.
En: Llewyn nudged Rhys.

Cy: "Dyma'r cyfle i ti, Rhys.
En: "Here's your chance, Rhys.

Cy: Yn syml, dywed stori!
En: Just tell a story!"

Cy: "Yn sicr dduedd Rhys oedd i encilio, ond gyda llygaid Carys yn cynnig cefnogaeth ddistaw, penderfynodd i drio.
En: Rhys's natural tendency was to retreat, but with Carys's eyes offering silent support, he decided to give it a try.

Cy: Chwilio trwy'i feddwl am stori dawel, cofiodd am stori hen ei daid.
En: Searching through his mind for a quiet story, he remembered an old tale from his grandfather.

Cy: "Mae yna stori anesboniadol am ddyn oedd yn cerdded ar lan Llyn Tegid," dechreuodd, ei lais yn esmwyth o teimlo'r cefnogaeth o'i gyfoedion.
En: "There's an unexplained story about a man who was walking by the shore of Llyn Tegid," he began, his voice smoothing as he felt the support from his peers.

Cy: Wrth iddo barhau, roedd y tân yn dansio cysgod a'r stori yn rhyfeddod o anturiaeth a dallineb tywyll.
En: As he continued, the fire danced shadows, and the story became a wonder of adventure and dark mystery.

Cy: Anadlodd pob un o'r myfyrwyr wrth iddo adrodd, tawelwch pur yn tyfu gyda phob gair.
En: Each student breathed lightly as he narrated, pure silence growing with every word.

Cy: Roedd Rhys, am y tro cyntaf, yn teimlo lliw o hyder newydd.
En: For the first time, Rhys felt a shade of new confidence.

Cy: Roedd yn cysylltu trwy stori, nid trwy newid ei hun.
En: He connected through story, not by changing himself.

Cy: Pan ddaeth Rhys â'r stori i ben, cafodd ganmoliaeth a pharch gan y grŵp.
En: When Rhys finished the story, he received praise and respect from the group.

Cy: Roedd Llewyn yn ei ganmol.
En: Llewyn commended him.

Cy: "Fe wnaethon ni ddim gwybod roeddet mor dda!
En: "We didn't know you were that good!"

Cy: "Trwy Carys, Llewyn, a phob un myfyriwr arall, daeth Rhys i sylweddoli nad oedd rhaid iddo newid pwy oedd ef i ddod o hyd i'i le.
En: Through Carys, Llewyn, and every other student, Rhys realized he didn't have to change who he was to find his place.

Cy: Roedd gan ddawn a chariad y pŵer i bontio unrhyw wahaniaethau.
En: Talent and love held the power to bridge any differences.

Cy: Ers hyn ymlaen, teimlai'n fwy parod i wynebu unrhyw antur, ei hunaniaeth ei hun byth mwy ar goll.
En: From then on, he felt more ready to face any adventure, his identity no longer lost.

Vocabulary Words:
  • wrapped: cael ei lapio
  • thick: trwchus
  • horizons: gorwelion
  • whispered: sibrwd
  • excitedly: llawn cyffro
  • trails: traciau
  • thoughtful: ystyrlon
  • uncomfortable: anghyfforddus
  • fears: ofnau
  • adventure: anturiaeth
  • jolt: rhoi cicwr
  • electric: trydan
  • cheerfully: llawen
  • anxious: pryderus
  • thrill: gwefr
  • bonfire: tanllwyth
  • retreat: encilio
  • narrated: adrodd
  • peers: cyfoedion
  • shade: lliw
  • confidence: hyder
  • praised: canmol
  • respect: parch
  • commended: canmol
  • identity: hunaniaeth
  • bridge: pontio
  • shore: llan
  • mystery: dallineb
  • support: cefnogaeth
  • talent: dawn
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