
Flour Fiasco: Laughter in the Bakery

Feb 7, 2024 · 14m 36s
Flour Fiasco: Laughter in the Bakery

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 14s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Flour Fiasco: Laughter in the Bakery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je već visoko na nebu razlivalo...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Flour Fiasco: Laughter in the Bakery
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce je već visoko na nebu razlivalo svoje zlatne zrake po malom gradiću gdje se nalazila pekara "Krušna Oaza".
En: The sun was already high in the sky, spreading its golden rays over the small town where the bakery "Bread Oasis" was located.

Hr: Ivan je bio poznat u cijelom gradiću kao pekar s najmekšim i najtoplijim kruhom.
En: Ivan was known throughout the town as the baker with the softest and warmest bread.

Hr: Tog jutra, dok je ptičji zbor slavio novi dan, Ivan je žurio s pečenjem kruha za sve svoje gladne kupce.
En: That morning, while the birds were celebrating the new day, Ivan hurried to bake bread for all his hungry customers.

Hr: Ana, jedna od stalnih Ivanovih kupaca, upravo je ušetala u pekaru kako bi po običaju kupila svježu štrucu kruha za svoj doručak.
En: Ana, one of Ivan's regular customers, had just walked into the bakery to buy a fresh loaf of bread for her breakfast as usual.

Hr: Dok je Ana birala kruh, Ivan se okretao s punom pladnjom vrućih peciva.
En: While Ana was choosing bread, Ivan was turning around with a full tray of hot pastries.

Hr: U taj tren, Ivanov lakat slučajno zakači jednu veliku vreću brašna koja se sunovrati na pod.
En: At that moment, Ivan's elbow accidentally knocked over a large bag of flour, causing it to topple onto the floor.

Hr: Ivan se trudio uhvatiti je, ali izgubi ravnotežu i sa smiješkom na licu ode za njom.
En: Ivan tried to catch it, but he lost his balance and with a smile on his face, followed it.

Hr: "Au!" vikne Ivan dok se sapliće i pravo zaroni u vreću brašna.
En: "Ouch!" Ivan shouted as he stumbled and dove straight into the bag of flour.

Hr: U trenutku, cijela pekara se ispuni oblakom bijelog praha, a Ana se nasmije na taj neočekivani prizor.
En: In an instant, the entire bakery filled with a cloud of white powder, and Ana smiled at this unexpected sight.

Hr: Ivan se, sav u bijelom kao snjegović, oprezno izvlači iz vreće.
En: Covered entirely in white like a snowman, Ivan carefully emerged from the bag.

Hr: Ana mu priskače u pomoć, mašući rukama kako bi raščistila brašno koje je zamaglilo zrak.
En: Ana rushed to help him, waving her arms to clear the flour that had fogged the air.

Hr: "Oh Ivan, izgledaš kao da si se prerušio u kip!" zajecka ona kroz smijeh.
En: "Oh Ivan, you look like you've dressed up as a statue!" she teased through laughter.

Hr: Ubrzo, pomognući jedan drugome, uspjeli su se očistiti od brašna.
En: Soon, helping each other, they managed to clean themselves of the flour.

Hr: Ivanovo lice crvenilo se od smijeha i blage zadrege.
En: Ivan's face blushed from laughter and mild embarrassment.

Hr: Ipak, nije mu bilo žao što se dogodio taj komični nesporazum jer je uspio izmamiti osmijeh na Anino lice.
En: Nevertheless, he didn't regret the comical misunderstanding because he managed to bring a smile to Ana's face.

Hr: Odlučili su zajedno posuti pod pekare brašnom kako bi upili što su više mogli brašna koji se prosuo.
En: They decided to sprinkle the bakery floor with flour to absorb as much of the spilled flour as they could.

Hr: Kroz rad i smijeh, Ivan i Ana su postali još bolji prijatelji.
En: Through work and laughter, Ivan and Ana became even better friends.

Hr: Završetak dana dočekao je Ivana s novim poučkom u srcu; uvijek pronađi razlog za smijeh, čak i kad završiš prekriven brašnom od glave do pete.
En: The end of the day found Ivan with a new lesson in his heart; always find a reason to laugh, even when you end up covered in flour from head to toe.

Hr: A Ana? Ona će svakako imati veselu priču koju će podijeliti sa svojom obitelji za doručkom, uz najsvježiji kruh koji je, bez sumnje, bio još slađi nakon jutarnjih peripetija.
En: And Ana? She will surely have a cheerful story to share with her family at breakfast, alongside the freshest bread, which undoubtedly tasted even sweeter after the morning's adventures.

Hr: I tako, unatoč malom incidentu, "Krušna Oaza" nastavi slati svoje mirisne pozive kroz gradić, a Ivanove avanture postadoše priča koja će se dugo prepričavati.
En: And so, despite the small incident, "Bread Oasis" continued to send its fragrant invitations throughout the town, and Ivan's adventures became a story that would be retold for a long time.

Hr: I svi su živjeli veselo, uživajući u toplini i duhovitosti koje se mogu pronaći u malom kutku svijeta poznatom kao Ivana pekara.
En: And they all lived happily, enjoying the warmth and humor found in the little corner of the world known as Ivan's bakery.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sun: Sunce
  • high: visoko
  • sky: nebo
  • spreading: razlivalo
  • golden: zlatne
  • rays: zrake
  • small: mali
  • town: gradić
  • bakery: pekara
  • known: poznat
  • throughout: u cijelom
  • baker: pekar
  • softest: najmekšim
  • warmest: najtoplijim
  • morning: jutra
  • birds: ptičji
  • celebrating: slavio
  • new: novi
  • day: dan
  • hurried: žurio
  • bake: pečenjem
  • bread: kruh
  • hungry: gladne
  • customers: kupce
  • just: upravo
  • walked: ušetala
  • buy: kupila
  • fresh: svježu
  • loaf: štrucu
  • breakfast: doručak
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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