
From Fabric Scraps to Friendship: A Halloween Transformation

Oct 28, 2024 · 14m 56s
From Fabric Scraps to Friendship: A Halloween Transformation

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 20s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Fabric Scraps to Friendship: A Halloween Transformation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Mateja je sedela na postelji...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Fabric Scraps to Friendship: A Halloween Transformation
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Mateja je sedela na postelji v sobi študentskega doma.
En: Mateja was sitting on her bed in her dorm room.

Sl: Okoli nje so bili raztreseni kosi blaga, stare majice in nekaj barvic.
En: Around her were scattered pieces of fabric, old shirts, and a few colored pencils.

Sl: Pred njo je ležala naloga, ki jo je sama sebi zadala: narediti kostum za noč čarovnic.
En: In front of her lay the task she'd set for herself: to make a costume for Halloween.

Sl: V domu je vladalo živahno vzdušje.
En: There was a lively atmosphere in the dorm.

Sl: Po hodnikih so bili obešeni svetleči netopirčki in barvite buče iz papirja.
En: Glittery bats and colorful paper pumpkins were hung in the hallways.

Sl: Mateja je želela nekaj posebnega.
En: Mateja wanted something special.

Sl: Želela je pokazati Luki in Ani, da zmore biti ustvarjalna in zabavna.
En: She wanted to show Luka and Ana that she could be creative and fun.

Sl: V notranjosti je hrepenela po tem, da bi ji prijatelji priznali njen trud in jo sprejeli medse.
En: Inside, she longed for her friends to recognize her effort and accept her among them.

Sl: A žal ni imela veliko denarja za drag kostum.
En: Unfortunately, she didn't have much money for an expensive costume.

Sl: Pogledala je okoli sebe in odločila, da bo uporabila, kar lahko najde.
En: She looked around and decided to use whatever she could find.

Sl: "Pa začnimo," si je rekla in vzela škarje v roke.
En: "Let's get started," she said to herself and took the scissors in hand.

Sl: Iz kosov starih majic je izrezala ušesa in rep.
En: From pieces of old shirts, she cut out ears and a tail.

Sl: Nato je vzela barvice in začela risati po obrazu.
En: Then she took the colored pencils and began drawing on her face.

Sl: Postajala je črno-bela "mačka".
En: She was becoming a black-and-white "cat."

Sl: Ni bilo popolno, ampak bilo je njeno.
En: It wasn't perfect, but it was hers.

Sl: Ko se je zunaj stemnilo, je bila pripravljena.
En: When it got dark outside, she was ready.

Sl: Hodnik je bil poln študentov, ki so se smejali in klepetali.
En: The hallway was full of students laughing and chatting.

Sl: Vsi so se oblačili v svoje najboljše kostume.
En: Everyone was dressing in their best costumes.

Sl: Mateja je počasi stopila iz sobe in se počutila majhno med vsemi temi svetlečimi barvami in zvoki.
En: Mateja slowly stepped out of her room and felt small among all those bright colors and sounds.

Sl: V kotu hodnika sta stala Luka in Ana, ki sta se pogovarjala.
En: In the corner of the hallway stood Luka and Ana, who were talking.

Sl: Mateja je oklevala, preden je pristopila.
En: Mateja hesitated before approaching.

Sl: A Luka jo je opazil prvi.
En: But Luka noticed her first.

Sl: "Hej, poglej, mačka!
En: "Hey, look, a cat!

Sl: Vidiš, kako je kul!
En: See how cool it is!"

Sl: " je rekel Ani.
En: he said to Ana.

Sl: Ana se je nasmehnila.
En: Ana smiled.

Sl: "Res je super, Mateja!
En: "It really is great, Mateja!

Sl: Kje si dobila tako idejo?
En: Where did you get such an idea?"

Sl: " Mateja je pordela in se nasmehnila.
En: Mateja blushed and smiled.

Sl: "Sama sem naredila," je priznala malo ponosno.
En: "I made it myself," she admitted a bit proudly.

Sl: Ko so se pomaknili proti zabavi, je Mateja začutila, da ji teče adrenalin.
En: As they moved towards the party, Mateja felt adrenaline rushing through her.

Sl: Svoj strah je premagala.
En: She had overcome her fear.

Sl: Zabava je bila polna glasbe in smeha.
En: The party was full of music and laughter.

Sl: Mateja je uživala.
En: Mateja enjoyed herself.

Sl: Zdelo se ji je, da diha lažje.
En: She felt like she could breathe easier.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta jo potegnila na plesišče in občutek sprejetosti jo je preplavil.
En: Ana and Luka pulled her onto the dance floor, and a feeling of acceptance washed over her.

Sl: Zjutraj se je zatopila v misli, medtem ko je sedela spet na svoji postelji.
En: In the morning, she was deep in thought while sitting on her bed again.

Sl: Nič ni bilo več isto.
En: Nothing was the same anymore.

Sl: Vedela je, da je pridobila nekaj novega: samozavest in prijatelje, s katerimi se počuti domače.
En: She knew she had gained something new: confidence and friends with whom she felt at home.

Sl: Mateja je veselo planirala naslednje dogodke, na katere so jo že povabili.
En: Mateja happily planned the upcoming events she'd already been invited to.

Sl: V njej je prebival občutek sreče in pripadnosti.
En: Within her, there resided a sense of happiness and belonging.

Vocabulary Words:
  • scattered: raztreseni
  • fabric: blaga
  • pencil: barvica
  • lively: živahno
  • atmosphere: vzdušje
  • glittery: svetleči
  • recognize: priznali
  • expensive: drag
  • scissors: škarje
  • cut: izrezala
  • drawing: risati
  • hallway: hodnik
  • chatting: klepetali
  • hesitated: oklevala
  • approaching: pristopila
  • noticed: opazil
  • admitted: priznala
  • proudly: ponosno
  • adrenaline: adrenalin
  • fear: strah
  • laughter: smeha
  • deep in thought: zatopila v misli
  • gained: pridobila
  • confidence: samozavest
  • belonging: pripadnosti
  • happiness: sreče
  • costume: kostum
  • acceptance: sprejetosti
  • tail: rep
  • overcome: premagala
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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