
From Lavender Fields to New Friendships: A Lesson in Being True

Aug 24, 2024 · 17m 7s
From Lavender Fields to New Friendships: A Lesson in Being True

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Lavender Fields to New Friendships: A Lesson in Being True Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Lavanda je...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Lavender Fields to New Friendships: A Lesson in Being True
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Lavanda je cvjetala u hladu pod vedrim ljetnim nebom.
En: The lavender blossomed in the shade under the clear summer sky.

Hr: Polja su se širila sve do horizonta, ispunjena mirisom koji je opija sve oko sebe.
En: Fields stretched to the horizon, filled with a scent that intoxicated everything around them.

Hr: Mravi su marljivo radili, a zujanje pčela bilo je gotovo umirujuće.
En: Ants worked diligently, while the buzzing of bees was almost soothing.

Hr: Na farmu cvijeća stigao je autobus pun učenika.
En: A bus full of students arrived at the flower farm.

Hr: Bila je to školska ekskurzija s ciljem učenja o održivim poljoprivrednim praksama.
En: It was a school excursion aimed at learning about sustainable agricultural practices.

Hr: Niko je stajao sa strane, zanimanje mu je bilo na visokom nivou, ali osjećao se izdvojenim od vršnjaka.
En: Niko stood aside, his interest was high, but he felt detached from his peers.

Hr: Petra, njegova prijateljica, prišla mu je i tiho rekla, "Niko, hajde, probaj se malo opustiti.
En: Petra, his friend, approached him and said softly, "Niko, come on, try to relax a bit.

Hr: Možda otkrijemo nešto zanimljivo zajedno.
En: Maybe we'll discover something interesting together."

Hr: " Njene riječi bile su topline koja mu je trebala.
En: Her words were the warmth he needed.

Hr: Niko se nasmiješio i kimnuo.
En: Niko smiled and nodded.

Hr: Dok su se učenici razgledavali oko sebe, vodič je počeo objašnjavati kako se uzgajaju lavanda i druge biljke na farmi na održiv način.
En: As the students looked around, the guide began explaining how lavender and other plants are grown on the farm in a sustainable way.

Hr: Niko je slušao sa zainteresiranim sjajem u očima, ali njegovi prijatelji su se zauzeli fotografiranjem i traženjem savršenih selfie kutaka.
En: Niko listened with a fascinated sparkle in his eyes, but his friends were busy taking photos and searching for the perfect selfie spots.

Hr: Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, Niko je osjećao sve veći pritisak.
En: As time went by, Niko felt increasing pressure.

Hr: Želio je biti dio grupe, ali i istražiti farmu.
En: He wanted to be part of the group but also to explore the farm.

Hr: Petra ga je potapšala po ramenu.
En: Petra patted him on the shoulder.

Hr: "Reci im što znaš.
En: "Tell them what you know.

Hr: Možda će ih to zainteresirati.
En: Maybe that'll get them interested."

Hr: "U tom trenutku, dok su se približavali udaljenom kutku farme, Niko je primijetio neuobičajenu biljku.
En: At that moment, as they approached a distant corner of the farm, Niko noticed an unusual plant.

Hr: Bila je to rijetka vrsta koju je prepoznao iz knjiga koje je čitao.
En: It was a rare species he recognized from the books he had read.

Hr: Srce mu je pulsiralo od uzbuđenja.
En: His heart pounded with excitement.

Hr: "Hej, pogledajte ovo!
En: "Hey, look at this!"

Hr: " uzviknuo je glasno, dovoljno da pridobije pozornost svojih prijatelja.
En: he shouted loud enough to grab his friends' attention.

Hr: "Ovdje raste rijetka biljka.
En: "There's a rare plant growing here.

Hr: Možda ćemo naučiti nešto novo danas.
En: Maybe we'll learn something new today."

Hr: "Niko je pokazao biljku, a znanje koje je podijelio bilo je iskreno.
En: Niko pointed out the plant, and the knowledge he shared was sincere.

Hr: Njegovi vršnjaci su se tiho okupili oko njega, zainteresirani za ono što ih je htio naučiti.
En: His peers quietly gathered around him, interested in what he wanted to teach them.

Hr: Odjednom je cijela klasa bila okupljena, pažljivo slušajući kako Niko i vodič objašnjavaju važnost biljke i održivih praksi na farmi.
En: Suddenly, the whole class was gathered, listening attentively as Niko and the guide explained the importance of the plant and the sustainable practices on the farm.

Hr: Fotografije i selfiji su zaboravljeni, a oči učenika blistale su novim interesom.
En: Photos and selfies were forgotten, and the students' eyes shone with new interest.

Hr: Na kraju dana, dok su se vraćali prema autobusu, Petra je nasmijano pogledala Niku.
En: At the end of the day, as they headed back to the bus, Petra looked at Niko with a smile.

Hr: "Vidjet ćeš, biti svoj uvijek se isplati," rekla je.
En: "You'll see, being yourself always pays off," she said.

Hr: Niko je osjetio kako mu samopouzdanje raste.
En: Niko felt his confidence growing.

Hr: Shvatio je da može biti vjeran sebi i istodobno se povezati s drugima.
En: He realized he could stay true to himself and still connect with others.

Hr: Lavande na farmi i dalje su lagano njihale pod povjetarcem, a učenici su ponijeli sa sobom ne samo slike nego i znanje.
En: The lavender on the farm continued to sway gently in the breeze, and the students took with them not just pictures but also knowledge.

Hr: Niko je saznao da može spajati svoje interese s prijateljstvom i da učenje može biti zajednička avantura.
En: Niko learned that he could combine his interests with friendship and that learning could be a shared adventure.

Hr: To je možda bio njegov najveći uspjeh na toj ekskurziji.
En: That was perhaps his greatest success on that excursion.

Hr: Jesenje školovanje donijelo je novo prijateljstvo i razumijevanje među raznolikim cvjetovima i biljkama hrvatskog krajolika.
En: The fall schooling brought new friendship and understanding among the diverse flowers and plants of the Croatian landscape.

Vocabulary Words:
  • blossomed: cvjetala
  • shade: hlad
  • intoxicated: opija
  • horizon: horizonta
  • diligently: marljivo
  • excursion: ekskurzija
  • sustainable: održiv
  • detached: izdvojen
  • approached: prišla
  • soothing: umirujuće
  • relax: opustiti
  • sparkle: sjaj
  • patted: potapšala
  • shoulder: ramenu
  • distant: udaljen
  • recognized: prepoznao
  • fascinated: zainteresiranim
  • gathered: okupili
  • importance: važnost
  • attentively: pažljivo
  • pounded: pulsiralo
  • sincere: iskreno
  • confidence: samopouzdanje
  • breeze: povjetarac
  • swung: njihale
  • connect: povezati
  • shared: zajednička
  • landscape: krajolika
  • species: vrsta
  • explaining: objašnjavati
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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