
From Prank to Plan: How a Joke Became School Tradition

Oct 3, 2024 · 19m 5s
From Prank to Plan: How a Joke Became School Tradition

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 7s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: From Prank to Plan: How a Joke Became School Tradition Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di sebuah sekolah...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: From Prank to Plan: How a Joke Became School Tradition
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di sebuah sekolah menengah di Jakarta, suasana pagi itu sangat ramai.
En: At a high school in Jakarta, the morning atmosphere was very lively.

Id: Siswa-siswa bergerombol di lorong-lorong, bercanda dan tertawa.
En: Students gathered in the hallways, joking and laughing.

Id: Di antara keramaian itu, ada Irfan, Siti, dan Bayu.
En: Among the crowd were Irfan, Siti, and Bayu.

Id: Irfan dikenal sebagai siswa yang suka bercanda dan membuat lelucon.
En: Irfan was known as a student who loved to joke and make jokes.

Id: Siti, sahabatnya, sering terjebak dalam rencana-rencana jahil Irfan.
En: Siti, his best friend, often got caught up in Irfan's mischievous plans.

Id: Sedangkan Bayu adalah ketua OSIS yang sangat serius dengan tugasnya.
En: Meanwhile, Bayu was the student council president who was very serious about his duties.

Id: Suatu hari, saat jam istirahat, Irfan membuat lelucon.
En: One day, during break time, Irfan made a joke.

Id: Dengan nada bercanda, dia mengatakan kepada sekelompok siswa bahwa akan ada lomba untuk memberi nama maskot sekolah.
En: In a joking tone, he told a group of students that there would be a competition to name the school mascot.

Id: Tidak terduga, berita itu menyebar dengan cepat.
En: Unexpectedly, the news spread quickly.

Id: Semua siswa mulai membicarakannya.
En: All the students started talking about it.

Id: Dalam beberapa jam, seluruh sekolah geger dengan rumor lomba tersebut.
En: Within a few hours, the whole school was abuzz with the rumor of the competition.

Id: Saat musim semi yang cerah itu, Bayu yang mendengar kabar ini langsung bersemangat.
En: During that bright spring, Bayu, who heard this news, got excited.

Id: Sebagai ketua OSIS, Bayu merasa lomba tersebut adalah ide yang bagus.
En: As the student council president, Bayu felt that the competition was a great idea.

Id: Dia tidak tahu bahwa semua ini hanyalah lelucon Irfan.
En: He didn't know that all of this was just Irfan's joke.

Id: Dengan serius, Bayu mulai merencanakan lomba dan bahkan berbicara tentang hal ini kepada guru dan kepala sekolah.
En: Seriously, Bayu began planning the competition and even talked about it with teachers and the principal.

Id: Irfan, melihat situasi semakin tak terkendali, merasa bingung.
En: Irfan, seeing the situation getting out of control, felt confused.

Id: Dia bertanya pada Siti, "Apa yang harus aku lakukan?
En: He asked Siti, "What should I do?

Id: Semua orang percaya ini nyata.
En: Everyone believes this is real."

Id: " Siti menatapnya sambil berpikir.
En: Siti looked at him while thinking.

Id: "Kau harus memberitahu yang sebenarnya, Irfan.
En: "You need to tell the truth, Irfan.

Id: Sebelum ini semakin kacau.
En: Before this gets more chaotic."

Id: "Namun, sebelum Irfan sempat mengungkapkan kebenaran, Bayu sudah mengumumkan lomba di depan seluruh siswa saat apel pagi.
En: However, before Irfan could reveal the truth, Bayu had already announced the competition in front of all the students during the morning assembly.

Id: Semua siswa bersorak gembira, bersemangat untuk mengusulkan nama-nama kreatif.
En: All the students cheered excitedly, eager to propose creative names.

Id: Irfan merasa bersalah melihat antusiasme tersebut.
En: Irfan felt guilty seeing the enthusiasm.

Id: Dia tahu harus menghentikan ini sebelum menjadi lebih buruk.
En: He knew he had to stop this before it got worse.

Id: Setelah apel, Irfan mengumpulkan keberanian.
En: After the assembly, Irfan gathered his courage.

Id: Dengan jantung berdebar, dia maju ke depan mikrofon.
En: With a pounding heart, he stepped up to the microphone.

Id: "Teman-teman, aku harus mengakui sesuatu.
En: "Friends, I have to confess something.

Id: Lomba ini sebenarnya hanya lelucon.
En: This competition is actually just a joke.

Id: Aku tidak menyangka kalian akan mengambil ini serius.
En: I didn't expect you all to take it seriously."

Id: " Suasana hening sejenak.
En: There was a momentary silence.

Id: Namun, segera setelah itu, sekolah pecah dengan tawa riang.
En: However, soon after, the school erupted with joyful laughter.

Id: Siswa-siswa menyadari bahwa mereka telah menjadi bagian dari kelucuan Irfan.
En: The students realized that they had become part of Irfan's humor.

Id: Kepala sekolah, tersenyum melihat kebahagiaan siswa, memutuskan untuk membuat lomba tersebut benar-benar terjadi.
En: The principal, smiling at the students' happiness, decided to make the competition really happen.

Id: "Karena ide ini membuat semua orang bersemangat, mari kita adakan lomba sungguhan!
En: "Since this idea has excited everyone, let's hold a real competition!"

Id: " Pengumuman itu mendapat tepuk tangan meriah dan gelak tawa.
En: The announcement received a resounding applause and laughter.

Id: Irfan belajar bahwa candaan bisa menjadi sesuatu yang positif jika digunakan dengan tepat.
En: Irfan learned that jokes can become something positive if used appropriately.

Id: Dia berterima kasih kepada Siti dan Bayu atas dukungan mereka.
En: He thanked Siti and Bayu for their support.

Id: Di akhir hari, sekolah kembali tenang, dengan semua orang siap untuk mengikuti lomba yang sebenarnya.
En: At the end of the day, the school returned to calm, with everyone ready to participate in the actual competition.

Id: Irfan melihat ke sekeliling sekolah, merasa lega dan bahagia.
En: Irfan looked around the school, feeling relieved and happy.

Id: Dia akan terus membuat lelucon, tapi kini dengan lebih bijaksana.
En: He would continue to make jokes, but now more wisely.

Vocabulary Words:
  • atmosphere: suasana
  • lively: ramai
  • hallways: lorong-lorong
  • joking: bercanda
  • mischievous: jahil
  • duties: tugasnya
  • break time: jam istirahat
  • unexpectedly: tidak terduga
  • rumor: rumor
  • abuzz: geger
  • excited: bersemangat
  • planning: merencanakan
  • out of control: tak terkendali
  • chaotic: kacau
  • announce: mengumumkan
  • assembly: apel
  • creative: kreatif
  • cheered: bersorak
  • enthusiasm: antusiasme
  • pounding heart: jantung berdebar
  • momentary: sejenak
  • erupted: pecah
  • joyful: riang
  • realized: menyadari
  • announcement: pengumuman
  • resounding: meriah
  • appropriately: dengan tepat
  • relieved: lega
  • wisely: bijaksana
  • spring: musim semi
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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