Grocery Trip Turns Tumble into Friendship
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Grocery Trip Turns Tumble into Friendship
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Grocery Trip Turns Tumble into Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Bolo raz jedno malé mestečko a v...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Bolo raz jedno malé mestečko a v ňom jeden miestny obchodík, kde si ľudia každý deň kupovali potraviny.
En: There was once a small town with a local store where people bought groceries every day.
Sk: Obchodík bol malý, ale nikdy nechýbalo dobrého ovocia, zeleniny a konzerv.
En: The store was small, but it always had good fruit, vegetables, and canned goods.
Sk: Jedného pekného dňa, keď slnko hrialo a vtáčiky štebotali, Peter pricestoval do tohto obchodíka nakúpiť.
En: One beautiful day, when the sun was shining and the birds were chirping, Peter traveled to this store to shop.
Sk: Peter bol mladý chlapec so žiarivým úsmevom a dobrým srdcom.
En: Peter was a young boy with a radiant smile and a good heart.
Sk: V obchode ho už čakala pokladníčka Eva, ktorá bola vždy priateľská a milá na všetkých zákazníkov.
En: At the store, he was greeted by the cashier Eva, who was always friendly and kind to all the customers.
Sk: Peter sa usmial a pozdravil Evu, keď si vzal nákupný košík.
En: Peter smiled and greeted Eva as he took a shopping basket.
Sk: Peter prechádzal po obchode a pozorne si vyberal, čo potrebuje.
En: Peter walked around the store, carefully choosing what he needed.
Sk: Videl čerstvé jablká, zeleninu a pekne usporiadanú pyramídu konzerv.
En: He saw fresh apples, vegetables, and neatly organized pyramid of cans.
Sk: Pri tom všetkom sa nemohol ubrániť a rukou si prešiel po nových etiketách konzerv.
En: He couldn't help running his hand over the new labels on the cans.
Sk: Ale vtedy sa stalo!
En: But then it happened!
Sk: Peter sa nešťastnou náhodou pošmykol na banánovej šupke, ktorá ležala na podlahe.
En: Peter accidentally slipped on a banana peel lying on the floor.
Sk: Jeho nohy sa odrazili od zeme a on letel vzduchom.
En: His feet left the ground and he flew through the air.
Sk: Peter narazil do regálu s konzervami a spôsobil reťazovú reakciu.
En: Peter crashed into the shelf of cans, causing a chain reaction.
Sk: Jedna plechovka padla na druhú a tú zas na ďalšiu.
En: One can fell onto another, and then onto another.
Sk: Keď sa Peter postavil na nohy, konzervy sa valili zo všetkých strán a Eva a Jana, ktorá bola vedľa a sotva sa vyhla padajúcim konzervám, zostali v úžase.
En: When Peter got to his feet, cans were rolling from all sides, and Eva and Jana, who was nearby and barely managed to avoid falling cans, were amazed.
Sk: Peter sa okamžite pustil do upratovania svojho neporiadku.
En: Peter immediately started cleaning up his mess.
Sk: Na pomoc mu prišli aj Eva s Janou.
En: Eva and Jana came to help him.
Sk: Spolu všetci rozosmiatí hŕbu plechoviek znova pekne poskladali.
En: Together, they all laughed as they neatly stacked the pile of cans again.
Sk: Peter sa ospravedlnil a ponúkol, že zaplatí za všetky poškodené konzervy.
En: Peter apologized and offered to pay for all the damaged cans.
Sk: Eva však mávla rukou a povedala, že každému sa môže stať nehoda a nie je za čo.
En: But Eva waved it off and said that accidents can happen to anyone and there was no need for that.
Sk: Jana mu podala banánovú šupku s úsmevom, „tak tu to máš, nech sa ti to už viac nestane.
En: Jana handed him the banana peel with a smile, "Here, take this, so it won't happen to you again."
Sk: “Všetci sa zasmiali a obchodík si znova našiel svoj pokojný rytmus.
En: Everyone laughed, and the store found its peaceful rhythm again.
Sk: Peter sa cítil uľavený a zároveň vďačný za pomoc, ktorú dostal od Evy a Jany.
En: Peter felt relieved and grateful for the help he received from Eva and Jana.
Sk: Od toho dňa si Peter vždy dával väčší pozor, kde stúpi, a obchodík sa stal miestom, kde okrem nákupov našiel aj nových priateľov.
En: From that day on, Peter always watched where he stepped, and the store became a place where he found new friends in addition to shopping.
Vocabulary Words:
- small: malý
- local store: miestny obchodík
- groceries: potraviny
- beautiful: pekné
- shining: hrialo
- birds: vtáčiky
- chirping: štebotali
- traveled: pricestoval
- greeted: pozdravil
- cashier: pokladníčka
- friendly: priateľská
- kind: milá
- customers: zákazníkov
- shopping basket: nákupný košík
- carefully: pozorne
- fresh: čerstvé
- vegetables: zeleninu
- neatly organized: pekne usporiadanú
- canned goods: konzervy
- accidentally: nešťastnou náhodou
- slipped: pošmykol
- banana peel: banánovej šupke
- lying: ležala
- floor: podlahe
- feet: nohy
- ground: zeme
- flew: letel
- shelf: regálu
- crashed: narazil
- chain reaction: reťazovú reakciu
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