
Histories Hilarious Holdup!

Jan 4, 2024 · 14m 10s
Histories Hilarious Holdup!

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 27s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Histories Hilarious Holdup! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd hi'n fore braf a heulog pan aeth Gethin a'i...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Histories Hilarious Holdup!
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd hi'n fore braf a heulog pan aeth Gethin a'i ffrindiau, Rhian a Elin, i Gastell Caernarfon am ddiwrnod o hwyl a sbri.
En: It was a beautiful and sunny morning when Gethin and his friends, Rhian and Elin, went to Caernarfon Castle for a day of fun and excitement.

Cy: Roedd Gethin bob amser wedi bod â diddordeb mawr mewn hanes, yn enwedig y canol oesoedd.
En: Gethin had always been very interested in history, especially the Middle Ages.

Cy: Wrth grwydro'r castell, canfu Gethin arfwisg hen ac enfawr yn sefyll yn un o'r neuaddau mawr.
En: While wandering the castle, Gethin found an old and huge suit of armor standing in one of the large halls.

Cy: Gyda gwên fawr, penderfynodd roi cynnig arni.
En: With a big smile, he decided to try it on.

Cy: "Edrychwch!
En: "Look!"

Cy: " meddai wrth Rhian a Elin, yn llawn cyffro.
En: he said to Rhian and Elin, full of excitement.

Cy: Rhuthrodd ymlaen ac, heb feddwl ddwywaith, dechreuodd gwisgo'r arfwisg.
En: He rushed forward and, without thinking twice, began to put on the armor.

Cy: Ond pan roedd Gethin yn trio symud, sylweddolodd mae'r arfwisg oedd yn rhy dynn arno.
En: But as Gethin tried to move, he realized that the armor was too tight on him.

Cy: Roedd wedi sownd yn llwyr!
En: It was completely stuck!

Cy: Roedd Elin yn dechrau chwerthin, ond Rhian, oedd yn fwy gofalus, a gymerodd sylw ar y sefyllfa.
En: Elin started to laugh, but Rhian, who was more careful, took notice of the situation.

Cy: "Mae angen help arnom," meddai.
En: "We need help," she said.

Cy: Trodd y ddwy ferch o gwmpas, yn chwilio am rywun i'w helpu gyda Gethin.
En: The two girls turned around, looking for someone to help with Gethin.

Cy: Ond nid oedd neb i weld, gan fod y castell yn ddistaw iawn y bore hwnnw.
En: But no one was in sight, as the castle was very quiet that morning.

Cy: Dechreuodd Rhian a Elin tynnu a llusgo, ond roedd yr arfwisg yn rhy drwm, a Gethin yn dal yn sownd.
En: Rhian and Elin began to pull and drag, but the armor was too heavy, and Gethin was still stuck.

Cy: Gan na allent ddod o hyd i unrhyw un i helpu, penderfynodd y merched cyrchu at yr ystafell reoli.
En: Unable to find anyone to help, the girls decided to approach the control room.

Cy: Yno, roedd y gwarchodwr yn gwneud ei waith arferol.
En: There, the guard was doing his usual work.

Cy: Pan glywodd am y digwyddiad, daeth yn gyflym gyda'i offer i'r neuadd lle roedd Gethin yn aros mewn pryder a chywilydd.
En: When he heard about the incident, he quickly came with his tools to the hall where Gethin was waiting in worry and embarrassment.

Cy: Gyda llawer o waith a thrafferth, llwyddodd y gwarchodwr i ddadwisgo'r arfwisg o Gethin, gan ei ryddhau o'r carchar metel.
En: With a lot of work and effort, the guard managed to remove the armor from Gethin, freeing him from the metal prison.

Cy: Roedd pawb yn llawn rhyddhad, yn enwedig Gethin, oedd yn teimlo'n rydd eto.
En: Everyone felt relieved, especially Gethin, who felt free again.

Cy: Ar ôl iddo gael ei ryddhau, gwylodd Gethin o gwmpas hi ac aeth rhuddgoch wrth sylweddoli fod torf o ymwelwyr bellach yn ystod y digwyddiad.
En: After being freed, Gethin wandered around and blushed red as he realized that a crowd of visitors was now present during the incident.

Cy: Roedd Elin a Rhian yn ei gydio, ei gefnogi, ac yn chwerthin am y penbleth.
En: Elin and Rhian stood by him, supporting him and laughing about the predicament.

Cy: O'r diwrnod hwnnw ymlaen, bob tro y byddent yn mynd i rywle â hanes, byddai Gethin, Rhian, a Elin yn gofalu i beidio â thrialu unrhyw beth a allai achosi helynt mor fawr eto.
En: From that day on, every time they went somewhere with a historical significance, Gethin, Rhian, and Elin made sure not to try anything that could cause such a big trouble again.

Cy: Ac mae Gethin bellach yn cofio tuag at Gastell Caernarfon, nid dim ond fel safle hanesyddol ond fel yr arfwisg wnaeth roi iddo antur anghofiadwy.
En: And Gethin now remembers about Caernarfon Castle, not only as a historical site but as the suit of armor that gave him an unforgettable adventure.

Vocabulary Words:
  • beautiful: braf
  • sunny: heulog
  • morning: bore
  • friends: ffrindiau
  • excitement: sbri
  • interested: diddordeb
  • history: hanes
  • middle ages: canol oesoedd
  • wandering: grwydro
  • castle: castell
  • suit of armor: arfwisg
  • halls: neuaddau
  • smile: gwên
  • try: roi cynnig
  • look: edrychwch
  • excitement: cyffro
  • rush: rhuthro
  • think: meddwl
  • realize: sylweddol
  • tight: dynn
  • stuck: sownd
  • laugh: chwerthin
  • careful: gofalus
  • help: help
  • turn around: drodd o gwmpas
  • pull and drag: tynnu a llusgo
  • heavy: drwm
  • approach: cyrchu
  • guard: gwarchodwr
  • tools: offer
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