
How Ahmad Overcame Doubt and Achieved Success Against All Odds

Aug 12, 2024 · 18m 49s
How Ahmad Overcame Doubt and Achieved Success Against All Odds

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 51s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: How Ahmad Overcame Doubt and Achieved Success Against All Odds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Angin dingin meniup...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: How Ahmad Overcame Doubt and Achieved Success Against All Odds
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Story Transcript:

Id: Angin dingin meniup pelan melalui jendela yang sedikit terbuka di kamar asrama Ahmad.
En: The cold wind gently blew through the slightly open window in Ahmad's dorm room.

Id: Lampu meja memancarkan cahaya lembut di tengah kumpulan buku teks dan kertas catatan yang berserakan di meja.
En: The desk lamp emitted a soft glow amidst the scattered textbooks and notes on the desk.

Id: Poster motivasi di dinding mengingatkan Ahmad untuk tetap semangat, tetapi kali ini, hatinya dipenuhi keraguan.
En: A motivational poster on the wall reminded Ahmad to keep his spirits up, but this time, his heart was filled with doubt.

Id: Ahmad adalah mahasiswa yang rajin.
En: Ahmad was a diligent student.

Id: Mimpinya adalah mendapatkan beasiswa agar bisa meringankan beban keluarganya.
En: His dream was to get a scholarship to lighten his family's burden.

Id: Tapi akhir-akhir ini, tekanan dari keluarganya dan keraguannya sendiri membuatnya sulit fokus.
En: But lately, the pressure from his family and his own doubts made it difficult for him to focus.

Id: Dia menghela napas panjang dan menutup bukunya.
En: He took a deep breath and closed his book.

Id: Saat itulah Dina masuk ke kamar.
En: That's when Dina entered the room.

Id: "Ahmad, kamu baik-baik saja?" tanya Dina dengan lembut.
En: "Ahmad, are you okay?" Dina asked gently.

Id: Dina adalah teman dan teman sekelas Ahmad yang selalu mendukungnya.
En: Dina was Ahmad's friend and classmate who always supported him.

Id: "Kamu terlihat sangat lelah."
En: "You look very tired."

Id: Ahmad tersenyum lemah.
En: Ahmad gave a weak smile.

Id: "Aku takut gagal, Dina.
En: "I'm afraid of failing, Dina.

Id: Kalau aku nggak lulus dengan nilai tinggi, aku nggak akan bisa dapat beasiswa itu."
En: If I don't pass with high grades, I won't be able to get that scholarship."

Id: Dina duduk di sebelah Ahmad dan menyentuh pundaknya.
En: Dina sat next to Ahmad and touched his shoulder.

Id: "Kamu nggak sendirian, Ahmad.
En: "You're not alone, Ahmad.

Id: Aku di sini untuk membantu."
En: I'm here to help."

Id: Malam itu, Ahmad dan Dina memutuskan untuk mengadakan sesi belajar kelompok.
En: That night, Ahmad and Dina decided to hold a group study session.

Id: Mereka menghabiskan malam tanpa tidur, membahas materi ujian satu per satu.
En: They spent the sleepless night going through exam materials one by one.

Id: Ahmad mulai merasa sedikit lebih percaya diri, berkat dukungan Dina yang tiada henti.
En: Ahmad began to feel a bit more confident, thanks to Dina's constant support.

Id: Hari-hari berlanjut, dan Ahmad terus belajar sampai akhirnya tiba saatnya ujian terakhir.
En: Days went by, and Ahmad kept studying until the time for the final exam arrived.

Id: Pagi itu, udara di luar begitu dingin, mencerminkan bagaimana perasaan Ahmad di dalam hatinya.
En: That morning, the air outside was so cold, mirroring how Ahmad felt inside.

Id: Dia menduduki bangku ujian dengan tangan yang sedikit gemetar.
En: He sat down at the exam desk with slightly trembling hands.

Id: Ujian itu lebih sulit dari yang Ahmad bayangkan.
En: The exam was harder than Ahmad had imagined.

Id: Soal-soalnya rumit dan waktu terasa sangat cepat berlalu.
En: The questions were complex and time seemed to fly by.

Id: Ahmad merasa panik, tetapi dia ingat kata-kata Dina, "Kamu bisa, Ahmad.
En: Ahmad felt panicked, but he remembered Dina's words, "You can do it, Ahmad.

Id: Percaya pada dirimu sendiri."
En: Believe in yourself."

Id: Mengambil napas dalam-dalam, Ahmad fokus dan menjawab soal satu per satu.
En: Taking a deep breath, Ahmad focused and answered the questions one by one.

Id: Ketika waktu hampir habis, dia menutup lembar ujian dan mengumpulkannya dengan rasa lega, meski hatinya masih dipenuhi keraguan.
En: When time was almost up, he closed his exam paper and submitted it with a sense of relief, even though his heart was still filled with doubt.

Id: Usai ujian, Dina menemui Ahmad.
En: After the exam, Dina met Ahmad.

Id: "Gimana tadi?"
En: "How was it?"

Id: "Aku nggak tahu, Dina.
En: "I don't know, Dina.

Id: Tadi susah sekali," jawab Ahmad.
En: It was really difficult," Ahmad replied.

Id: Dina tersenyum dan berkata dengan yakin, "Yang penting kamu sudah melakukan yang terbaik.
En: Dina smiled and said confidently, "The important thing is that you did your best.

Id: Apapun hasilnya, kita akan hadapi bersama."
En: Whatever the result, we'll face it together."

Id: Hari pengumuman nilai tiba.
En: The day of the grade announcement arrived.

Id: Ahmad membuka hasil ujiannya dengan tangan gemetar.
En: Ahmad opened his exam results with trembling hands.

Id: Matanya membesar ketika melihat angka yang tertera.
En: His eyes widened when he saw the score.

Id: Dia lulus dengan nilai tinggi!
En: He passed with high marks!

Id: Air mata bahagia mulai mengalir di wajahnya.
En: Tears of joy began to flow down his face.

Id: Dina melompat kegirangan dan memeluk Ahmad erat-erat.
En: Dina jumped with excitement and hugged Ahmad tightly.

Id: "Aku tahu kamu bisa!"
En: "I knew you could do it!"

Id: Ahmad merasakan beban di pundaknya menghilang.
En: Ahmad felt the burden on his shoulders lift.

Id: Dia mengerti bahwa kepercayaan pada diri sendiri dan dukungan dari teman seperti Dina adalah kunci kesuksesan.
En: He understood that self-belief and support from friends like Dina were the keys to success.

Id: Malam itu, di tengah angin dingin yang meniup di sekitar asrama, Ahmad tidur dengan nyenyak, hatinya tenang dan penuh rasa syukur.
En: That night, amidst the cold wind blowing around the dorm, Ahmad slept soundly, his heart calm and filled with gratitude.

Vocabulary Words:
  • cold: dingin
  • wind: angin
  • gently: pelan
  • window: jendela
  • dorm room: kamar asrama
  • desk lamp: lampu meja
  • emitted: memancarkan
  • soft: lembut
  • glow: cahaya
  • scattered: berserakan
  • textbooks: buku teks
  • notes: kertas catatan
  • motivational poster: poster motivasi
  • spirits: semangat
  • doubt: keraguan
  • diligent: rajin
  • scholarship: beasiswa
  • lighten: meringankan
  • burden: beban
  • pressure: tekanan
  • focus: fokus
  • deep breath: napas panjang
  • gently: dengan lembut
  • friend: teman
  • tired: lelah
  • fail: gagal
  • pass: lulus
  • high grades: nilai tinggi
  • support: dukungan
  • exam materials: materi ujian
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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