How Mateja Blossomed: Winning with Autumn's Simplicity
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How Mateja Blossomed: Winning with Autumn's Simplicity
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: How Mateja Blossomed: Winning with Autumn's Simplicity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljanska tržnica je bila polna življenja....
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Ljubljanska tržnica je bila polna življenja.
En: The Ljubljana marketplace was full of life.
Sl: Jesenske barve so preplavile mesta, kjer so se tržnice prelivale z živopisnimi pridelki in obrtmi.
En: Autumn colors flooded the spots where the markets blended with vibrant produce and crafts.
Sl: Med vsemi stojnicami je bila Matejina cvetličarna.
En: Among all the stalls was Mateja's flower shop.
Sl: Pripravljala se je na jesenski cvetlični festival.
En: She was preparing for the autumn floral festival.
Sl: Mateja je bila predana in kreativna cvetličarka, a nekaj jo je skrbelo.
En: Mateja was a dedicated and creative florist, but something worried her.
Sl: Ko je postavljala svojo stojnico, je Mateja pogledala na drugo stran, kjer je stal Tomaž.
En: As she set up her stand, Mateja glanced across to where Tomaž stood.
Sl: Njegovi aranžmaji so bili vedno inovativni in privlačni.
En: His arrangements were always innovative and appealing.
Sl: Tomaž ji je bil velik tekmec, znan po svojih izjemnih postavitvah.
En: Tomaž was a major competitor, known for his exceptional displays.
Sl: Poleg tega je Matejo mučil še en problem.
En: Additionally, Mateja was troubled by another issue.
Sl: Pošiljka njenih najpomembnejših rož je bila zadržana.
En: The shipment of her most important flowers had been delayed.
Sl: Sooskačeval je Bojan, njen prijatelj in sosed na tržnici, ki je prodajal ročno izdelane izdelke.
En: Bojan, her friend and neighbor at the market, who sold handmade goods, chimed in.
Sl: Bojan je imel vedno nasvet ali dve za svojo prijateljico.
En: Bojan always had a piece of advice or two for his friend.
Sl: “Mateja,” ji je dejal nekega jutra, medtem ko sta pila kavo, “zakaj ne uporabiš lokalnih cvetlic in jesenskih dekoracij?
En: "Mateja," he said one morning while they were drinking coffee, "why don't you use local flowers and autumn decorations?
Sl: Lahko ti pomagam z okraski iz bučk.
En: I can help you with pumpkin decorations."
Sl: "Mateja je premislila Bojanov predlog.
En: Mateja pondered Bojan's suggestion.
Sl: Odločila se je, da poskusi nekaj novega.
En: She decided to try something new.
Sl: Namesto manjkajočih rož bo uporabila pisano jesensko listje, buče in druge naravne elemente.
En: Instead of the missing flowers, she would use colorful autumn leaves, pumpkins, and other natural elements.
Sl: Skupaj z Bojanom sta taglavna potegnila iz vseh kotičkov tržnice.
En: Together with Bojan, they sourced from every corner of the market.
Sl: Oblikovala sta čudovito, edinstveno postavitev.
En: They created a beautiful, unique display.
Sl: Prišel je dan festivala.
En: The day of the festival arrived.
Sl: Tržnica je bila polna obiskovalcev.
En: The marketplace was full of visitors.
Sl: Mateja je nervozno opazovala obiskovalce.
En: Mateja watched them nervously.
Sl: Njena stojnica je bila pisana in privlačna, drugačna.
En: Her stall was colorful and attractive, different.
Sl: Ko so sodniki prišli blizu, so zastali.
En: When the judges came close, they paused.
Sl: Njihove oči so si ogledovale vse podrobnosti Matejinega umetniškega dela.
En: Their eyes examined every detail of Mateja's artistic work.
Sl: Čutila je, da so vtisi dobri.
En: She felt the impressions were good.
Sl: Ko so razglasili nagrade, se je Mateja komaj zadrževala.
En: When the awards were announced, Mateja could hardly contain herself.
Sl: Njena stojnica je bila razglašena za “Najbolj inovativno postavitev”.
En: Her stall was declared the "Most Innovative Display."
Sl: Nagrade je bila vesela, čutila je ponos in veselje.
En: She was delighted with the award, feeling pride and joy.
Sl: Ves okus jeseni se je zibal v njeni postavitvi.
En: The essence of autumn swayed in her display.
Sl: Tudi Tomaž je pristopil in ji čestital.
En: Even Tomaž approached and congratulated her.
Sl: "Bravo Mateja," je rekel, "vsem si pokazala, da je včasih preprostost in sodelovanje tista prava pot.
En: "Bravo Mateja," he said, "you showed everyone that sometimes simplicity and collaboration are the right paths."
Sl: "Mateja je tistega dne pridobila nekaj več kot nagrado.
En: That day, Mateja gained something more than just an award.
Sl: Spoznala je, da je njena edinstvena pot prava in da je skupnost močnejša od konkurence.
En: She realized that her unique path was the right one and that the community is stronger than competition.
Sl: Videti je bilo, da je Ljubljana tržnica od tega dne postala prostor ne le prodaje, ampak tudi prijateljstva in sodelovanja.
En: It seemed that from that day, the Ljubljana market became a place not just of sales, but also of friendship and collaboration.
Vocabulary Words:
- marketplace: tržnica
- vibrant: živopisni
- crafts: obrti
- dedicated: predana
- florist: cvetličarka
- shipment: pošiljka
- delayed: zadržana
- handmade: ročno izdelane
- advice: nasvet
- decorate: okraši
- suggestion: predlog
- instead: namesto
- natural elements: naravni elementi
- source: potegniti
- unique: edinstveno
- nervously: nervozno
- attractive: privlačna
- judge: sodnik
- detail: podrobnosti
- announce: razglasiti
- contain: zadrževala
- delighted: vesela
- simplicity: preprostost
- collaboration: sodelovanje
- community: skupnost
- competition: konkurence
- path: pot
- essence: okus
- appealing: privlačni
- impression: vtisi
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