
Impromptu Guide: Castle of Cheese & Dragons

Mar 2, 2024 · 16m 14s
Impromptu Guide: Castle of Cheese & Dragons

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 22s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Impromptu Guide: Castle of Cheese & Dragons Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar un diwrnod braf a heulog,...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Impromptu Guide: Castle of Cheese & Dragons
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar un diwrnod braf a heulog, roedd Gwen yn cerdded o gwmpas muriau hynafol Castell Conwy.
En: On a beautiful sunny day, Gwen was walking around the ancient walls of Conwy Castle.

Cy: Gwen oedd hi'n berson chwilfrydig ac roedd hi wedi dod i Conwy i ddysgu mwy am hanes rhyfeddol y lle.
En: Gwen was a curious person, and she had come to Conwy to learn more about the extraordinary history of the place.

Cy: Mae'r castell yn dawel ac yn llawn o gyfrinachau'r oesau a fu.
En: The castle was quiet and full of secrets of past ages.

Cy: Wrth grwydro'r neuaddau a'r ystafelloedd, gwelodd Gwen ddyn ifanc; roedd ganddo wallt mewn pwni a llygaid llawn chwilfrydedd, fel petai ef hefyd yn rhan o'r hanes a oedd yn cuddio yn y cerrig.
En: While wandering through the halls and rooms, Gwen saw a young man; he had curly hair and eyes full of curiosity, as if he too were part of the history hidden in the stones.

Cy: Credodd Gwen mai tywysydd oedd y dyn ifanc a dyma Ieuan yn sefyll yno, yn syllu ar un o'r hen bortreadau yn y castell.
En: Gwen thought the young man was a guide and there stood Ieuan, staring at one of the old portraits in the castle.

Cy: "Helô!" meddai Gwen, gan dynnu sylw Ieuan. "Galli di fy helpu i? Dw i'n edrych am tywysydd i esbonio hanes y castell i mi."
En: "Hello!" said Gwen, drawing Ieuan's attention. "Can you help me? I'm looking for a guide to explain the history of the castle to me."

Cy: Roedd Ieuan ar y pryd yn gwenu. "Wrth gwrs," atebodd ef, er nad oedd ganddo unrhyw syniad am hanes go iawn y castell.
En: Ieuan smiled. "Of course," he answered, although he had no idea about the real history of the castle.

Cy: Dechreuodd Ieuan ar ei stori. "Mae Castell Conwy wedi bod yma ers canrifoedd," meddai gyda hyder. "Adeiladwyd y castell gan lygod mawr enfawr o'r enw Gogfran. Roedd Gogfran yn caru caws ac fe adeiladodd y castell fel lle i guddio ei gaws rhag y ddraig oedd yn byw yn y mynyddoedd."
En: Ieuan began his story. "Conwy Castle has been here for centuries," he said confidently. "The castle was built by a giant rat named Gogfran. Gogfran loved cheese and he built the castle as a place to hide his cheese from the dragon living in the mountains."

Cy: Gwen roedd yn gwrando'n astud, ond roedd hi'n teimlo'n ddryslyd braidd. Lygod mawr? Ddraig?
En: Gwen listened intently, but she felt somewhat skeptical. A giant rat? A dragon?

Cy: "Achos oedd y ddraig yn adnabyddus am ei chariad at gaws, roedd yn rhaid i'r lygod adeiladu'r castell i fod yn gaer anorchfygol," parhaodd Ieuan, gan guddio ei wên.
En: "Because the dragon was known for his love of cheese, the rats had to build the castle to be an impregnable fortress," continued Ieuan, hiding his smile.

Cy: Pasiodd yr amser, ac fe arweiniodd Ieuan Gwen o gwmpas y castell, gan esbonio "hanes" y muriau gan ddefnyddio straeon ffuglennol am farchogion a'r bwganod yn y nos.
En: As time passed, Ieuan led Gwen around the castle, explaining the "history" of the walls using fictional stories about knights and goblins in the night.

Cy: O'r diwedd, dyma Gwen yn gofyn cwestiwn syml, "Ond sut brofiad yw hi i fod yn dywysydd yma bob dydd?"
En: Finally, Gwen asked a simple question, "But what experience is it to be a guide here every day?"

Cy: Gyda llygaid mawr, rhoddodd Ieuan y gorau i'w stori. "Dw i ddim yn dywysydd mewn gwirionedd," cyfaddefodd gydag embaras. "Roeddwn yn aros am ffrind ac fe wnaeth dy gwestiwn i fi fynd gyda'r stori."
En: With wide eyes, Ieuan gave up on his story. "I'm not really a guide," he confessed with embarrassment. "I was waiting for a friend and your question led me to come up with the story."

Cy: Mae Gwen yn synnu, ond yn chwerthin yn uchel. "Wel, rhaid i mi ddweud, mae dy straeon di wedi gwneud fy ymweliad yn un cofiadwy!"
En: Gwen was surprised, but laughed out loud. "Well, I must say, your stories have made my visit memorable!"

Cy: Cerddodd Gwen ac Ieuan y castell a rhannu stori wir am y castell, lle roedd serch ac anturiaethau gwir wedi digwydd dros ganrifoedd.
En: Gwen and Ieuan walked around the castle and shared a true story about the castle, where love and real adventures had happened over centuries.

Cy: Roedd y gwirioneddau yr un mor rhyfeddol â'r straeon ffug.
En: The truths were just as extraordinary as the fictional stories.

Cy: Ar ddiwedd y dydd, fe wnaeth Gwen adael y castell gyda gwên ar ei hwyneb, diolch i'r anturiaethau gwir a rhai ffug a ddysgodd yno.
En: At the end of the day, Gwen left the castle with a smile on her face, thanking the real and fictional adventures she had learned there.

Cy: A daeth Ieuan, y dywysydd ffug, i ddeall nad oedd angen celwyddau ar gyfer rhyfeddod a dirgelwch; roedd y gwir hanes yn cyfleu'r hud ei hun.
En: And Ieuan, the fictional guide, came to understand that there was no need for lies when it came to the magic and mystery; the true story conveyed the magic itself.

Vocabulary Words:
  • curious: chwilfrydig
  • extraordinary: rhyfeddol
  • secrets: cyfrinachau
  • halls: neuaddau
  • curly: pwni
  • impregnable: anorchfygol
  • fictional: ffuglennol
  • adventures: anturiaethau
  • skeptical: dryslyd
  • memorable: cofiadwy
  • confessed: cyfaddefodd
  • laughter: chwerthin
  • magic: hud
  • mystery: dirgelwch
  • truth: gwirionedd
  • centuries: canrifoedd
  • goblins: bwganod
  • guide: tywysydd
  • dragon: ddraig
  • cheese: caws
  • rat: lygod
  • portraits: portreadau
  • wide: llygaid mawr
  • embarrassment: embaras
  • friend: ffrind
  • whispered: sibrwd
  • walls: muriau
  • fairy tale: hudol
  • explaining: esbonio
  • history: hanes
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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