
Jozef's Market Mishap: A Tale of Hats

Dec 21, 2023 · 14m
Jozef's Market Mishap: A Tale of Hats

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 39s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Jozef's Market Mishap: A Tale of Hats Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na trhu v malej dedinke sa...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Jozef's Market Mishap: A Tale of Hats
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na trhu v malej dedinke sa vždy v sobotu zišiel celý svet.
En: Every Saturday in the market of the small village, the whole world gathered.

Sk: Farby, vône a hlasy sa miešali do jednej veľkej pestrej mozaiky.
En: Colors, scents, and voices mixed into one great mosaic.

Sk: Medzi všetkými stánkami a ľuďmi, ktorí s obľubou nakupovali a predávali svoje tovary, sme mohli nájsť i Jozefa s jeho klobúkom na hlave.
En: Among all the stalls and people who eagerly bought and sold their goods, you could also find Jozef with his hat on.

Sk: Jozef mal oči ako sokol a rád si prezerával všetko okolo seba, zatiaľ čo s priateľmi Petrom a Máriou trávil čas na trhu.
En: Jozef had eyes like a hawk and enjoyed looking at everything around him while spending time at the market with his friends Peter and Maria.

Sk: Peter bol obchodník so zeleninou a Mária predávala krásne ručne šité šaty.
En: Peter was a vegetable merchant and Maria sold beautifully hand-sewn dresses.

Sk: Jozef si medzi obchodmi rád oddýchol a poslúchal príbehy starých obchodníkov.
En: Between the shops, Jozef liked to relax and listen to the stories of the old merchants.

Sk: Ale tento deň mal byť iný.
En: But this day was to be different.

Sk: Slnečné lúče námietali tance na Jozefovom obličeji, keď sa sklonil nad voňavé bylinky.
En: The sun rays danced on Jozef’s face as he leaned over fragrant herbs.

Sk: Nechtiac zložil klobúk a ihneď sa vzápätí ponoril hlboko do rozhovoru s bylinkárkou.
En: Accidentally, he took off his hat and immediately engaged in conversation with the herbalist.

Sk: Vtom prišiel vietor, ľahký a nevinný, a zmietol Jozefom klobúk preč, práve do košíka plného dámskych klobúkov, ktorý mala vedľa Mária.
En: Then the wind, light and innocent, swept Jozef's hat away, right into a basket full of women's hats, which Maria had next to her.

Sk: Jozef, nenazdávajúc sa nič, siahnuť do košíka a nasadil si prvý klobúk, ktorý mu prišiel pod ruku.
En: Unaware, Jozef reached into the basket and put on the first hat he laid his hands on.

Sk: Neuvedomil si, že vybral farebný dámsky klobúk, ozdobený kvetmi a mašľami.
En: He didn't realize that he had chosen a colorful women's hat adorned with flowers and ribbons.

Sk: Všimli si to však hneď všetci okolo.
En: Everyone around noticed it immediately.

Sk: Deti sa smiali a ukazovali na neho prstom, ženy si šuškali za rukami a muži sa potláčali.
En: Children laughed and pointed at him, women whispered to each other, and men chuckled.

Sk: Jozef nevedel, prečo je stredom pozornosti, až kým sa k nemu nepriblížila Mária a so smiechom mu povedala: „Jozef, ty si si asi pomýlil klobúk!“
En: Jozef didn't know why he was the center of attention until Maria approached him and said with a laugh, "Jozef, I think you've mistaken your hat!"

Sk: Jozef sa chytil za hlavu, pohládil si klobúk a ihneď pochopil svoju chybu.
En: Jozef grabbed his head, looked at the hat, and immediately understood his mistake.

Sk: Celý červený od hanby si s úsmevom sundal klobúk a vymenil ho za svoj vlastný.
En: Blushing with embarrassment, he took off the hat with a smile and swapped it for his own.

Sk: Na celom trhu bolo počuť veselý smiech a Jozef sa k smiechu pridal.
En: Laughter echoed throughout the market and Jozef joined in.

Sk: Nakoniec, aj keď trochu nechtiac, rozveselil celý trh svojím neúmyselným preoblekom.
En: Eventually, albeit somewhat unintentionally, he brought joy and laughter to the entire market through his accidental costume change.

Sk: Od tej doby si Jozef vždy dával pozor na to, aby nosil správny klobúk, ale táto historka zostala na trhu ešte dlho známou a
En: Since then, Jozef always made sure to wear the right hat, but this story remained well-known in the market for a long time.

Sk: vždy, keď ľudia videli Jozefa, spomenuli si s úsmevom na ten deň, keď sa omylom stal dámou trhu.
En: Whenever people saw Jozef, they remembered with a smile the day he accidentally became the lady of the market.

Sk: A tak Jozef, aj cez svoju malú chybu, priniesol smiech a radosť medzi ľudí svojej dedinky.
En: And so, despite his small mistake, Jozef brought laughter and joy among the people of his village.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Every: Sobota
  • Saturday: Svet
  • market: Trh
  • small: malá
  • village: dedinke
  • whole: celej
  • world: svet
  • gathered: sa zišiel
  • Colors: Farby
  • scents: vône
  • voices: hlasy
  • mixed: miešali
  • great: veľkej
  • mosaic: Pestrej mozaiky
  • Among: Medzi
  • stalls: stánkami
  • people: ľuďmi
  • eagerly: s obľubou
  • bought: nakupovali
  • sold: predávali
  • goods: tovary
  • could: mohli
  • also: i
  • find: nájsť
  • hat: klobúk
  • eyes: oči
  • hawk: sokol
  • enjoyed: rád si
  • looking: prezerával
  • around: okolo
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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