
Knit Tales: A Scarf Saga in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll

Nov 28, 2023 · 17m 14s
Knit Tales: A Scarf Saga in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 26s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Knit Tales: A Scarf Saga in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar ddiwrnod braf a heulog yn...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Knit Tales: A Scarf Saga in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar ddiwrnod braf a heulog yn Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, roedd awel ysgafn yn chwarae gyda dail derw hynafol yr pentref.
En: On a beautiful sunny day in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, a light breeze played with the leaves of the village's ancient oak trees.

Cy: Yn yr awel honno, roedd sibrwd cyffrous yn crwydro rhwng tai cerrig a muriau clos.
En: In that breeze, excited whispers wandered between stone houses and walled gardens.

Cy: Roedd Eleri, Rhys a Gwyn, ynghyd â thrigolion eraill y pentref, wedi penderfynu dechrau cystadleuaeth gyfeillgar i weld pwy allai greu'r sgarff traddodiadol Gymreig hiraf.
En: Eleri, Rhys, and Gwyn, along with other village residents, had decided to start a friendly competition to see who could create the longest traditional Welsh scarf.

Cy: Yn siop lyfrau leol, y siarad am y gystadleuaeth oedd popeth.
En: In the local bookshop, talk of the competition was everywhere.

Cy: Eleri, menyw fywiog â gwallt aur, oedd y cyntaf i fynegi'r syniad.
En: Eleri, a lively woman with golden hair, was the first to express the idea.

Cy: Hi oedd gorau yn nwylo â nodwyddau yn y pentref, a'i sgarffiau bob amser yn drwchus a chynnes.
En: She was the best with needles in the village, and her scarves were always thick and warm.

Cy: Rhys, dyn ifanc egnïol gyda llygaid glas fel yr awyr, oedd yr ail i wirfoddoli.
En: Rhys, a young energetic man with eyes as blue as the sky, was the second to volunteer.

Cy: Ef oedd y fresychwr gorau, ond wrth gwrs, doedd brethyn ddim yn debyg i wlân.
En: He was the best spinner, but of course, wool was nothing like flax.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn awyddus i herio ei hunan a gwella ei sgiliau gwau.
En: Rhys was eager to challenge himself and improve his knitting skills.

Cy: Gwyn, hen ffermwr doeth gyda llawer o flynyddoedd dan ei wregys, wedi gwau sawl dilledyn i'w wyrion bach.
En: Gwyn, a wise old farmer with many years under his belt, had knitted several shawls for his granddaughters.

Cy: Roedd o'n dawel ond gydag ysbryd cystadleuol.
En: He was quiet but competitive in spirit.

Cy: Dechreuodd pob un ohonynt eu taith wau.
En: Each of them started their knitting journey.

Cy: Gyda phob nodwydd lliwgar, roedd teimladau cyffrous yn magu yn eu calonnau.
En: With every colorful needle, excited feelings were growing in their hearts.

Cy: Hyd y stryd, drwy'r ffenestri agored, gallai unrhyw un glywed sŵn nodwyddau yn taro yn erbyn ei gilydd.
En: Along the street, through open windows, anyone could hear the sound of needles hitting each other.

Cy: Ddyddiau'n troi'n wythnosau, a'r sgarffiau yn tyfu'n hir ac yn hiroedd.
En: Days turned into weeks, and the scarves grew long and longer.

Cy: Roedd Eleri'n wau gyda lliwiau heddychlon y môr.
En: Eleri's scarf had peaceful sea colors.

Cy: Roedd lliwiau Rhys fel brethyn ei berllan, pinc, melyn a gwyrdd.
En: Rhys's colors were like those of his orchard, pink, yellow, and green.

Cy: Ac roedd Gwyn wedi dewis lliwiau'r wawr, coch, oren a llwyd.
En: And Gwyn had chosen the colors of the dawn, red, orange, and gray.

Cy: Wedi'u goleuo gan ddisgleirdeb golau cannwyll, creuon nhw weithiau hyd at ganol nos.
En: Illuminated by the brightness of candlelight, they sometimes created until midnight.

Cy: Ar y diwrnod mawr, ymgynullodd y pentref i fesur y sgarffiau.
En: On the big day, the village gathered to measure the scarves.

Cy: Roedd hi'n ddigwyddiad prysur â phobl yn uwcholeuo ac yn cymharu cynnyrch eu plith.
En: It was a busy event with people crowding and comparing their creations.

Cy: Roedd plant yn neidio dros y sgarffiau fel nant berllan fach.
En: Children were hopping over the scarves like a little stream.

Cy: Eleri’ sgarff, â phatrymau mor cain, roedd yn ymestyn dros saith metr.
En: Eleri's scarf, with such delicate patterns, extended over seven meters.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn syndod pawb, gyda sgarff bron i wyth metr o hyd.
En: Rhys amazed everyone, with a scarf nearly eight meters long.

Cy: Ond Gwyn, ar ddiwedd y rhes, eisteddai wrth ochr sgarff heb ei fesur eto.
En: But Gwyn, at the end of the line, sat next to an unmeasured scarf.

Cy: Pan gymerwyd y mesur, roedd pawb mewn syndod.
En: When the measure was taken, everyone was surprised.

Cy: Roedd sgarff Gwyn yn fwy na deg metr!
En: Gwyn's scarf was more than ten meters long!

Cy: Oedd Gwyn yr hen ffermwr gwneud ei waith gyda diddordeb dawel, ond gydag angerdd tanbaid.
En: Gwyn, the old farmer had done his work quietly, but with burning passion.

Cy: Ar y diwrnod hwnnw, nid yn unig Gwyn enillodd y gystadleuaeth.
En: On that day, not only Gwyn won the competition.

Cy: Enillodd pawb.
En: Everyone won.

Cy: Daeth y pentref ynghyd mewn fran wen o wau a chyfeillgarwch.
En: The village came together in a sea of scarves and camaraderie.

Cy: Ac o hynny ymlaen, pob blwyddyn, byddai Llanfairpwllgwyngyll yn cynnal y 'Sgarff Hiraf' a byddai teuluoedd yn casglu er mwyn rhannu a dysgu'r grefft sy’n uno cenedlaethau.
En: And from then on, every year, Llanfairpwllgwyngyll would hold the "Longest Scarf" and families would gather to share and learn the craft that unites generations.

Cy: Diolch i wythnosau o wau, roedd calonnau trigolion Llanfairpwllgwyngyll wedi eu glymu ynghyd mor gryf â'r wlân ar nodwyddau Eleri, Rhys a Gwyn.
En: Thanks to weeks of knitting, the hearts of the residents of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll had been knit together as strongly as the wool on the needles of Eleri, Rhys, and Gwyn.

Vocabulary Words:
  • beautiful: braf
  • sunny: heulog
  • breeze: awel
  • leaves: dail
  • village: pentref
  • ancient: hynafol
  • oak trees: derw hynafol
  • excited: cyffrous
  • whispers: sibrwd
  • stone houses: tai cerrig
  • walled gardens: muriau clos
  • friendly: gyfeillgar
  • competition: cystadleuaeth
  • create: creu
  • longest: hiraf
  • traditional: traddodiadol
  • Welsh: Gymreig
  • scarf: sgarff
  • bookshop: siop lyfrau
  • lively: fywiog
  • golden hair: gwallt aur
  • needles: nodwyddau
  • thick: drwchus
  • warm: cynnes
  • energetic: egnïol
  • blue: glas
  • spinner: fresychwr
  • wool: brethyn
  • flax: wlân
  • eager: awyddus
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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